A/N: So I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for awhile now and I've decided to go ahead and post it. Very Magnus centric lol. Will incorporate things from the show as well as the book. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: As always I do not own the characters.

Chapter 1: I've got you

"Move," Alec demanded.

"We have our orders-"

"I do not care about your orders," Alec interrupted. "Move." He used his best commanding voice and the guards looked at each other before stepping out of the way and letting him pass.

He walked down the long corridor and stopped in front of the cell Magnus was in. His chest clenched at the sight of the man.

Magnus was sitting with his knees drawn to his chest, eyes closed, and head tipped back against the stone wall.

"Magnus…" Alec touched the bar and pulled his hand back sharply as the stinging pain that shot up his arm.

"Reinforcements," Magnus said. "You don't get to be the High Warlock of Brooklyn with the danger level of a kitten."

"What do they think you'll do? Melt the bars?" Alec asked. He flexed his fingers and crossed them over his chest.

"Among other things," Magnus answered.

He opened his eyes to look at Alec. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check on you," Alec answered. "Make sure you're alright."

"Oh, I'm just peachy." Magnus smiled.

Alec winced at the tone.

"I've been locked in a cell with magic blocking runes, handcuffed for quote 'my protection' enabling me incapable of any sort of hand movement without my flesh burning, healing and burning again. I am being treated like some common criminal and I don't even know what I did," Magnus told him.

Alec took a deep breath. "Magnus...you're being held for conspiring to commit treason and the murder of a Council member."

Alec had never seen Magnus ever look so visibly ill. For a moment it looked like the man was going to vomit, but he just closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath.

"Murder and treason? Why don't we just slap on theft for an extra juicy treat." Magnus tried to look calm but his voice shook.

"Magnus. Obviously it's not true," Alec replied. "You would never do something like that."

"I never thought I'd ever date a shadowhunter yet," Magnus motioned between them and flinched at the movement.

Alec wanted to touch the bars again but stopped himself. "I'll be back. Don't...go anywhere." He regretted the choice of words the moment they left his mouth. "I'll be back."

Magnus just nodded and Alec gave him a smile that the other tentatively returned and made his way out back down the corridor. He passed by the guards as they walked passed them. They were speaking to each other in soft voices and Alec swallowed down the feeling of dread in his stomach and went to find Jace.

Alec found Jace waiting outside the Accord's Hall with Isabelle and Clary. He jogged over to join them and Isabelle placed a hand on his arm.

"What happened to your hand?" Jace frowned.

"They put runes on the bars," Alec answered. "Like he's going to do anything to them handcuffed and without magic." He shook his head. "It's not right."

"We went over the council member's house," Isabelle told him. "There was magic everywhere. Powerful magic."

"Magnus would never kill a council member," Alec snapped.

"I never said he would," she replied gently. "I'm just saying. Whoever did it, used powerful enough magic that it would be logical to point fingers at Magnus. He's one of the most powerful known warlocks alive."

Alec ran a hand through his hair. "I want to look at the house for myself."

Jace nodded.

"We'll cover for you," Clary told them. "Be careful."

"You need to relax Alec," Jace said when they started walking. "A short fuse isn't going to help Magnus."

"Why would they think that about him? After everything he's done?" Alec asked. "It's not right."

"Just don't start going off all half cocked alright?" Jace replied.

The moment Alec stepped into the house he shuddered. The air was thick with death. Papers were strewn about to give off the appearance of a scuffle and the hairs on the back of Alec's neck stood on end as they looked around.

"This, this isn't Magnus's magic," Alec finally said.

Jace raised an eyebrow. "You know the difference between this magic and Magnus's?"

Alec nodded. "You can breathe with his magic...this...this is suffocating. Thick." He tugged at his collar. "You can't feel it?"

Jace shook his head. "I don't spend much time around warlocks," he reminded Alec.

They did an entire sweep of the home and Alec couldn't shake the feeling in the back of his head. He was relieved when they finally left the house and began making their way to the temporary housing they were given and locked himself in his room.

He didn't want the others involved in what he was about to do.

Magnus swallowed as he sat in his cell. It hurt to breathe or move. The runes on the wall prevented him from even using the tiniest shred of magic to heal his wounds. He was too weak. He wanted to curl into a ball and just give up.

It was quiet except for the guards just outside the cell. They were talking about him. He had given up trying to plead his innocence. His voice was falling on deaf ears and he realized there is no use pleading. They had made up their mind. In their eyes he was guilty.

So he sat in the dark, cold cell still dressed for his date he was supposed to be going on with Alec. A simple picnic in the park. Nothing fancy. Magnus even prepared the food himself. He was quite pleased with the outcome and couldn't wait for Alec to try it, only instead of Alec, he had been greeted by two shadowhunter's who slapped the cuffs on his wrist with not so much as a word of warning.

Then Alec had showed up, believing he was innocent. And that gave Magnus some hope. A small shred, enough to cling to when the guards returned and inflicted as much damage as they were allowed.

Just because he was a downworlder, he was still the High Warlock until his trial and the council knew the backlash they'd face from the downworlder council if they caught wind of the treatment they dealt him.

He took a deep breath and coughed. He could taste blood in the back of his throat and swallowed.

Magnus involuntarily flinched as a guard approached the cell bars. They slid open with a creak and then gentle fingers were cupping his face and he recognized the blue eyes peering back at him.

"Alec...what are you doing?" Magnus asked hoarsely.

"We have fifteen minutes before the guards wake up," Alec answered. He used a key to unlock the handcuffs and tossed them aside and wrapped a jacket around Magnus's shoulders.

"Alec…" Magnus grabbed his arm.

"Not now," Alec gave him a look that promised later. "Can you manage a portal?"

"If you can get me out of this cell, I think I've got enough to at least get us to France..." Magnus answered.

Alec nodded and helped Magnus to his feet. He kept his arm around him as they walked out of the cell and down to the corridor to a space big enough for the portal. Magnus channeled as much magic as he could muster.

It wasn't his best work but it would do for the time being. Alec kept his hold on him as they went through and if it wasn't for that, Magnus is pretty sure he would've face planted the marble floor if Alec wasn't keeping him upright.

"I've got you," Alec assured him and led him over to the love seat as the portal closed.

Magnus sagged against him and closed his eyes. Alec ran his fingers through his hair and kissed his temple.

"I've got you Mags," he murmured.