Chapter 1

Denmark 788 A.D

Freyja's Pov

My name is Freyja and I'm going to tell you a story about God. I am not what others think I am. A year ago I was taken captive by the pagan Northmen, when they had come to the limestone Isle south of the mainland of the Kingdom of Wessex. I had been orphaned when I was young and the Royal Reeve of Dorchester, the man responsible for keeping track of ships leaving in and out of the harbor, was kind enough to take me in. They killed him and took me prisoner, though fortunately I was protected by an aged fighter named Magni, who later adopted me as his own and took me to his home, which lay south in the Northmen's land from where we'd arrived. My name was Eadhild, but to disguise my identity, Magni thought it best to call me Freyja, "a proper Northmen name for a proper Northmen girl" as he put it. I continued in my Christian faith, which Magni respected and I was grateful for. However, he'd admonished to make this known to no one, even giving me a pendant of Thor's hammer to wear to avert suspicion. I had protested at first, as I did not believe in their gods, and was afraid to insult mine, but Magni had insisted and that was the end of it. He wasn't unkind about it, simply concerned. After all with my dark black hair and short stature I already stuck out enough among the Northmen. I considered myself lucky to have such a kind person looking out for me, and as I slowly began to know him, I trusted him more and more. Though I trusted God more. We lived in a longhouse typical of the Northmen people, a long hall with the ground lying in the middle and raised wooden benches on either side to rest upon at night, the roof supported by poles on either side of the earthy middle. Magni had two workmen to tend to the land when the need arose and was a close friend and occasionally advisor to the Jarl, the chieftain in charge of governing. The Northmen held an assembly called a Thing in the nearest town, where the chieftain would hear matters of family disputes, crimes against their law and occasionally to have young boys to pledge their loyalty to him once they had attained the age of twelve, and bestow them with armbands, symbols of their pledged loyalty and ability to serve as judges. And that's where Magni was headed today and to my delight had invited me to come along.

"How far is the town?" I asked.

"A good two days walk or so" Magni replied, as he issued his final instructions to the workmen about guarding the farm while we were gone. Magni's dog Kai sniffled at my skirt and I bent down to scratch his head.

"Keep us safe on the jounrey" I whispered to him. He licked my face in reply and I giggled. Such a sweet animal.

"Come then, let's not wait for the harvest" Magni said irritably, though I could tell he was trying to conceal a smile.


"Come" I whispered to Kai and he followed in hot pursuit as we hurried after Magni.

Agnarr's POV

"What!" I fumed, nearly choking on my mead. Luckily no one else in the room had yet noticed my outburst. I sat at the head table, the energy of the feast I had proclaimed still in full swing even after three days, anything less would've been an abomination to our people.

"She said she won't come Jarl" one of my slaves stood before me, having been the unlucky candidate to relay the news of my wife Valdis's disobedience. I had requested, no that was too light a word, ordered her to come before my guests and I to sing.

I could barely contain my anger as I said practically though clenched teeth "And did she give a reason for this disobedience?"

"She does not wish to sing before drunken men as it would be beneath her."

How dare she insult my comrades in that way! Before thinking I got up and stormed out of the mead hall, the eyes of every onlooker at the feast no doubt following me. I approached the long house, throwing open the doors.

"Valdis!" She sat in her chair with her needle and thread, not even bothering to look up as I entered the room.

"Husband?" she said. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Don't play with me! You know exactly why I'm here!"

"Oh because you want me to sing before drunk men who can't even stand!"

"Those are my friends and you will show them respect!"

She jumped up, throwing her needle point to the side and getting toe to toe with me in my face.

"And what if I still refuse? What then will you do great Agnarr?"

A slow smile spread across my face.

"I'll divorce you." Before she could even say another word, I stormed back into the Mede Hall.