Chapter 44

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all of your comments, you guys are so sweet! :) Thank you to all my guest reviewers, sorry I can't reply to you because that's how it's set up but thank you all the same. Well here we are my friends, the last chapter. It has been an amazing journey and I hope this story has inspired and uplifted you and that you will always cherish it. Please REVIEW and let me know what you think of this chapter! God Bless.


Freyja's POV:

Over the next 4 months preparations were made for the wedding of Magni and Helga. Bjorn thankfully had left the village for his hometown again, seeing as Hakon was dead and he apparently saw no further opportunities here and thankfully had still not recognized me. Apparently Hakon had acted alone in his plot to kill me.

As the days drew nearer to the wedding Helga became more and more agitated, which I found understandable. She was particularly anxiety-ridden one day while she was awaiting the arrival of her sons and their wives for the wedding that would take place in two days.

Helga paced back and forth in front of Magni, Agnarr, Asmund, Bryn, Kai and I.

"They said they'd be here today! What if something awful has happened?!" Helga exclaimed, her voice filled with anxiety.

"Helga calm down. I'm sure everything will be alright" I said, my arm around Asmund who was currently sitting on my lap. Kai lay dutifully at my feet, next to Bryn who was playing with the wooden wolf that Agnarr had gifted him with.

"Darling sit down before you wear yourself out" Magni advised.

Helga sighed and just as she was about to sit down the sound of hoofbeats and wheels upon the ground echoed outside.

Helga raced to the door and threw it open. I quickly joined her at the door, still holding Asmund.

Two men, one of whom I recognized as Helga's elder son Bjorn who I'd met all those months ago, were getting of a cart pulled by a sturdy-looking bay horse along with two women and two children one of whom was a girl of about one and a boy of maybe a few months old. The other man I assumed was Helga's younger son Arnbjorg.

Helga raced out to them.

"Mother!" Bjorn called, pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheek.

"Where have you been? I was worried about you!"

"Sorry we're late. We had a little trouble on the road. One of the wheels got stuck in the mud and it took us forever to get it out."

"Mother" Arnbjorg came up to her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. I stood a little ways back, not wanting to interrupt the reunion.

After Helga exchanged kisses and greetings with Bjorn and Arnbjorg's wives she noticed me.

"Oh Freyja do come over."

When I had stepped up to the group, feeling suddenly rather shy, Helga spoke.

"Bjorn, Arnbjorg this is Freyja and she is to be your new sister. Treat her well or you will answer to me for it." She waggled her finger at them before going back inside, no doubt to get Magni.

I watched her go and then turned back to them.

They simply gazed back at me, not in an unfriendly way but simply rather curiously, except for Bjorn who already knew me.

"I've never had brothers before" I remarked, giving a friendly smile.

"Nor we a sister" Arnbjorg replied.

"What a beautiful baby" his wife, who I had been told was called Brynhildr, remarked.

"Thank you. His name is Asmund."

After introductions and greetings were passed around, Magni and Agnarr came out to greet the guests before they went with Helga to stay at her house until the day of the wedding.
The next two days went by quickly and Helga and Magni were married in the same type of ceremony that Agnarr and I had experienced all those years ago.

When they kissed and the crowd cheered, a huge smile broke out upon my face and I felt my heart swell with happiness at seeing the two of them now together, after all the years that Magni had waited.

The feast was a festive affair and Magni and Helga couldn't stop smiling and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Arnbjorg came up to our table as Agnarr and I were conversing.

"Excuse me Jarl. With your permission I'd like to dance with my sister if I may."

I looked to Agnarr and he gestured for me to go.

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before taking Arnbjorg's hand, and the both of us danced and laughed until I felt too tired to stand.

I had taken a liking to both Bjorn and Arnsbjorg and their wives, they had all welcomed me with open arms and I had feeling we would get along quite well for a long time to come.

Eventually the night came to an end and we all retired to bed.

I gave Magni and Helga a kiss on the cheek before they were led off to bed and then retired with Agnarr, closing my eyes and falling into sleep seconds after my head hit the pillow.


The next morning I headed down to the beach for some much needed alone time. As I sat upon the sand, watching the waves crash against the rocks and the shore, I thanked God for the new family he had given me, for keeping me safe and for loving me like no one else ever had.

Well my friends here ends my tale. My name is Freyja and this is my story. What will you allow God to do with yours?

The End.