Well hello there, this is my first try to make a fanfic so please review it if you can and if you like it i will try to continue

English is not my native language so if there are mistakes please forgive me im trying to improve my english that was the reason that i give this history a

shot. so yeah if you like it please tell me and about the mistakes too


*Somewhere in the north of ArKon*

Standing in the middle of a clear in the forest a young warrior with blonde hair and blue cobalt eyes with two swords one katana on his waist and one broadsword in his back yelled.


Whit a chuckle the other young man, with hair dark as the night and the same blue cobalt eyes and a katana in his waist simply said

"We knew this will end like this from the time we're born we knew it, so stop big brother and lets end this fight at once."


"YOU FORGIVE ME!? HA! Don't make me laugh Jaune I wasn't asking for your forgiveness I did all of this to finally kill you, and at the end of the day I will reclaim what it's mine, the power to change the world at my will."

"That's your stupid reason for all of this? Power!? You kill our father for that? You … you killed Xchel for power?"

"Father never loved me Jaune he only had eyes for you, the prodigy, the pride of the clan, the son that only with a fraction of his power was stronger than anybody, and for Xchel… well only other casualty of this who will knew she was pregnant" the man with the black haired said all of this with a smirk of pure satisfaction and hate

The blonde just shut his eyes as strong as he could the dead of his wife and his unborn child 2 years ago still was something hard to swallow but he accepted that a year ago, but the way his brother talk about them like they were nothing sting his hearth more than anything.

"So that's what she meant for you… just another casualty in your stupid seek for power… she was our friend Julian she grew up with us she loved you like the brother she never had"

"That's until you take her away from me… like everything else"


"YOU HEAR ME JAUNE! You take everything from me. The love of our father, the love of Xchel, the love of our town, the power that you have it was all supposed to be mine! And you took it from me!"

"THAT'S THE STUPIDIEST THING YOU EVER SAID!" the blonde snapped "FATHER LOVED YOU MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE, XCHEL LOVED YOU JUST NO THE WAY YOU WANTED BUT YOU WERE SO IMMATURE TO ACEPT THAT, YOU WERE RESPECTED IN THE CITY AND YOU KNOW THAT" the eyes of the blonde softened "and for the power you said I take from you.. You know I couldn't change that, that's the way we were born." The blonde with teary and pained eyes looked at the eyes of his brother "we don't need to fight Julian we know how this will end"

"That's where you're wrong brother this time will be different, this time I came here with a new power, a new power that will kill you" a strong and completely dark aura surrounded Julian "and the best part when our powers melt in one after your dead I'll be completely unstoppable, invincible, I'll change the world at my will!" A white mask suddenly appeared in the face of Julian covering all of his face, the mask have two completely dark holes for his eyes and instead of the blue cobalt eyes of Julian, two red crimson eyes appeared, a single horn in the middle of his forehead and a twisted smile whit sharp fangs.

"What the… JULIAN what did you do!" the blonde asked seeing the weird mask and the huge dark power that surrounded his brother.

"I accepted that in order to defeat you I needed this, this is what happens when you accept the darkness in your heart Jaune" the voice of his brother was gone a low and guttural voice came from the mask.

"Julian…" Jaune knew it; he had seen it before, the mask, the power. When a warrior with a big power like his brother and himself lose his path and embrace the hate and revenge, this happens; their power turns dark and dangerous. Anywhere this power go it'll be chaos, pain and destruction that's what feed this power. Jaune knew his brother was gone and will never come back. Jaune knew this will be the last time he'll see his brother. It has to end today.

"Let's end this then Julian, if you accepted that power nothing that I could said will change your mind" with a resigned sigh the blonde drew the sword on his waist a black katana with strange red runes in the blade and the edge was blood crimson.

"I had no intention to change my mind Jaune I just decided that I will amuse you and talk a little with you, after all… today is the day you'll die" with that the dark haired man drew his sword the exact twin of his brother blade just with the colors inversed the blade was crimson red and the runes black the same with the edge.

"Let's end this then brother" with no other words Jaune disappeared and appeared in front of Julian the clash of their swords draw sparks that illuminate the forest. They separated and Julian started the attack this time with a flurry of slashes that Jaune blocked and dodged.

Jaune threw a kick in the stomach of Julian separating them. A huge quantity of dark energy started to reunite in the hand of Julian a moment later he throw a huge beam of dark energy Jaune dodged this and looked at the explosion when the beam connected with a mountain. Without a moment to loose Julian closed the distant and started to slash against Jaune. This time the slashes were more vicious and strong.

"He is stronger much more stronger than the last time we fight I need to end this before this get out of my hand" That was the only tough in the mind of Jaune tanking a step back he concentrated his power on his sword the runes came to live and he started the counter with a rapid flurry of slashes he threw energy blades to his brother who only blocked them whit little effort and close the distance again. Slashes, punches and kicks were thrown one against the other the sun was starting to fall to give place to the night when the two brothers separated again to catch a breath.

"What's happening Jaune you never took this long to defeat me" Julian said with a mocking guttural voice, his mask was broken in various places the horn was missing, a large cut in the middle of his chest and a deep cut in his left shoulder making his left arm useless could be seen, his deep breaths were obvious. In his right a tattoo was visible the mark of the power that he possess "Where is all this power of yours brother don't tell me this is all you got"

Jaune didn't answer he knew Julian will be stronger but this was ridiculous "This is the first time I see a fallen warrior with this increment of power, how much chaos and dead you caused brother" to Jaune this looked bad a huge X-shaped cut in his chest and another cut in his face that almost took right eye and a lot of bruises in his body. In his right arm the same tattoo of his brother "His hate and seek of vengeance are only feeding that dark power he is stronger than when we started, without shadow of doubt I can tell he is stronger than me now" That thought make his hearth skip a beat he knew if he doesn't do something fast this will be the end and what makes it worst Julian Knew too. With a resigned sigh he stands up completely losing his fighting stand and looked at the sky.

"Oh, what's happening Jaune are you giving up? Finally you realized that I'm stronger now, that doesn't matter what you do this is my win?" the voice of Julian full of mockingness

"Yeah" Jaune said with a little smile "I realized that at least an hour ago"

A big laugh came from the man in the mask

"Well Jaune this is the goodbye" Julian readied his sword to end this

"But you're wrong in two things" Jaune turn to look at the red eyes on the mask "The first one I'm not giving up that's just not going to happen" The eyes under the mask narrowed "The second one is thinking that you already won this battle... I still have something that I can use" with a fast movement Jaune sheathed his sword and clap his hands together.

"GEKIRYUSO!" a blast of energy exploded from Jaune making Julian falls on his back. In the back of the both hands of Jaune a blue brilliant crystal appeared the same in his forehead and one large crystal in the middle of his chest.

"Wha….." For the first time Julian didn't know what to say the power emanating from Jaune was something completely overwhelming. Julian understood in that moment, no matter how strong he will become with the dark power… he will not win this fight. And for the first time from the beginning of the fight he was scared.

"This is the ultimate technique of our clan Julian 'gekiryuso'. This technique multiply ten times my power-"Jaune started only for to Julian cut him

"THAT'S A LIE IT'S IMPOSIBLE FOR A TECHNIQUE DO THAT YOU'RE JUST BLUFFING" then Julian attacked Jaune with one powerful slash. When Jaune stop it with his bare hand the eyes of Julian widened with horror.

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not Julian this is the end" Jaune punched Julian in the middle of his chest. The punch was so powerful that he ended crashing in a mountain far away. His mask completely broken fall to the ground Julian just could groan in pain. This was too much he needed to run. He got up and started to run when suddenly Jaune appeared in front of him kicking him and crashing him against the mountain again.

"You're going nowhere Julian get up and lets end this" the blonde said with a cold voice

"You could win this from the very start… you were just playing with me" said with just anger in his voice "if I'm going to die here I'm taking EVERYTHING I CAN WITH ME!" Julian got up and jump at the middle of the mountain then started to create a massive sphere of dark energy with his hands "This will blast you and me and the town at the end of the day all of you bunch of bastards will be nothing but ashes!"

"Today only two persons will die brother, you and me" Jaune said with a calm voice and started to accumulate a massive amount energy in his hand.

With a crazy smile and eyes Julian throw the giant ball of dark energy to Jaune "DIE!"

Jaune released the energy of his hand in a beam. The beam was twice the size of the sphere. With tears in his eyes Jaune simply whispered "Goodbye little brother" and then a giant explosion in the middle of the sky appeared where the two energies crashed.

After a moment the explosion faded and Jaune just watched the sky waiting for the end, remembering the words of his father that teach him how to use that technique.

"Jaune this is the most powerful technique that I know and now that you know how to use it I must warn you, with this you'll have the power of a god, But when the technique fade away you will remember that you're nothing but a mere human that played to be a god. This technique will assure you the victory of the battle but at the cost of your light. So be wise my son this is the last alternative you have, your triumph card, your last sigh."

Jaune then look down and saw the last memory of his brother his sword, when Jaune took the sword of the ground he could see that the crystal in the back of his hand started to crumble. "My time is ending" putting the sword in his waist with his own he started walking just remembering, the good with his father and his brother… with Xchel… "Maybe just maybe we'll be together again I hope you'll forgive me for all my love I miss you so much" then he put his hand in the sword in his back "well I guess I couldn't fulfill the promise I give you my friend sorry for not using your sword to end my battle, I hope you don't punch me too hard when I see you again" Jaune just could chuckle thinking of Arthur the old man that save him from himself a year ago.

He walked until he reach a small lake "maybe I should take a good bath" another chuckle came out of his mouth thinking about bathing at the end of his life maybe Arthur was right he really is an idiot. Jaune took his boots and started walking in the lake when the water was about his waist he decided to just float in the water that always helped him to relax.

He took a look at his hands the crystals where gone he touch his forehead the crystal gone to "just a little bit more" he touch the crystal in his chest "mmm still there well maybe just need a little more time" Then a burning pain appeared in his right another tattoo started to appear next to his own the two tattoos were faded that means he and his brother used all their power "so this is the power of my brother… I don't feel anything different well we both used all our power so I guess is normal" the crystal in his chest started glowing intensely "well it's time" with a smile he closed his eyes waiting for the end.

* Forever Fall Forest*

Glynda Goodwitch was going into forever fall because Ozpin said that one of the cameras of the forest caught a weird light that appeared close to the lake at the north east of the massive forest. With a sigh Glynda was walking through the undergrowth thinking of what could or who could be so stupid to enter in a forest full of Grimm it couldn't one of her students the two moth vacations started just a few days ago so it could be a huntsman or huntress passing by, it could be one of the experiments of professor Peach, or worst it could be Qrow or Ozpin just messing with her She swear if that was the case she will hide the coffee from Ozpin and the booze of Qrow. With a long sigh and a smile satisfied with her plans she entered at the clear where the lake was.

Whatever she expected to be and her plans of revenge were crushed by the sight in front of her. A blonde boy with what appears to be three swords one in his back and two on his waist was lying at the border of a lake unconscious. Taking her scroll she make the call.

"Ozpin! I need a bullhead NOW!"