Dead Marriage {One Shot}

Canon compliant until Fitz and Mellie's argument

Olivia and Cyrus observe the tense, awkward couple sitting so far apart on the couch they are practically on opposite sides of the room. "Unless you are prepared to become a real, loving, touching couple you need to stop wasting everyone's time," Olivia instructs.

Fitz watches rubbing his index finger across his bottom lip. My god she is a vision-a unique force to be reckoned with. "What if we admit the truth?" he speaks for the first time. "The marriage is dead and we are freeing each other to pursue true happiness and our life's purpose. What would the campaign chances be then?" he asks.

"I do not care what your chances would be. I did not give up 15 years of my life, my legal career; have your children to be left by the side of the road while you sprint across the finish line. I will not be made a fool of," Mellie spews. "How dare you suggest such a thing," she crosses her arms defiantly.

Fitz turns to Mellie, "Consider the optics. Amicable divorce and you can launch your political career from a presidential campaign," he encourages.

Olivia pops up from her seat, pacing and fluttering her fingers against her full lips. "It could work. You both look magnanimous, supportive. The Governor would get a boost with career women. Mellie would corner the market with all women, Democratic and Republican, as well as progressive men," she turns to them smiling.

Pride fills Fitz chest. I made her smile and matched her brilliant intellect.

Mellie scowls, venom churning up her throat as she leaps from the couch. She stands with her fist clenched at her sides. "This does not work for me. I would have to start with Congress or the Senate. No, I earned the Oval. I will accept nothing less than the Oval Office and I need to be First Lady to get what I deserve."

Olivia looks to Cyrus in shock. He shakes his head in disbelief. She looks to Fitz. He has lived this hell for how long? "Mellie, just consider the optics the Governor described plus the added bonus of a sitting president campaigning on your behalf," she pushes.

"Look, your idealism is sweet but I have neither the time nor patience to continue a pointless discussion. Find some events to showcase the marriage and I will do my part," she smoothes her skirt and returns to the couch.

"Here is the problem. Events aren't going to fix this," Olivia gestures between them.

Fitz stands abruptly, "Fine, let's play hardball." He turns to Cyrus and Olivia, "Schedule a press conference. I am suspending the campaign."

He turns to Mellie, "We can return to Santa Barbara and fight out a messy divorce. I am a two term governor with options. After the dust settles I can run for the Senate and launch a successful presidential bid from there. You have no political capital so you lose either way. Do you want the chance I am offering or not?" he is determined.

"You wouldn't dare," she screeches.

"Try me," he snaps.

Mellie glances around the room. Cyrus' eyes widen glancing between the two combatants. Olivia's mouth parts slightly as she gazes at the Governor in wonder and adoration.

Mellie is out of options. Fitz finally called her bluff. "You win. Make time to hammer out the details. I want everything in writing including the appearance of joint custody," she storms out of the room.

"I need to stalk her…make sure she doesn't implode," Cyrus explains as he beats a hasty retreat from the room.

"I am so sorry. I can try…" Olivia tries to offer solace.

"Don't…this is my first day with a chance," he explains with a smile.

"You are remarkably courageous. It looks good on you," she flirts without looking at him directly.

He moves to her in one giant stride. He places a finger under her chin and raises her face to his, "How about we be bold and brave together. Win the White House…maybe have some babies." Might as well go for the win.

"That could work too," she smiles brightly.

The End