Chapter 1: Remnant

A/N: I do not own anything, content in this story belongs to Co- errr I mean RoosterTeeth and Team Ninja respectfully.

EDIT: So, a few hours after I released this chapter a reader pointed out something very important in a review. If you're reading this chapter even a day after it was released, then don't worry about it. Read on.

If for some reason you came back to this chapter after reading it on the first day, I changed a part to better represent Ryu as a ninja. I won't say what part so I don't spoil anything in this chapter for new readers, you'll just have to reread the whole thing for yourself. You DON'T HAVE to reread it though, the same things happened, just in a different way.

Ryu's POV

The setting sun blazed across the horizon painting the sky various shades of purple and orange. I almost feel the warmth from the radiant sphere in the sky as I stand over the source of the destruction around me. The Dark Dragon Blade was the reason my village was destroyed, the reason so many innocents lie dead in the streets near their homes. Now it was about to be all over, its wielder sat at the bottom of a fiery pit, slain.

I wedge the tip of my boot under the dark immaculate weapon that laid on the ground before me, kicking it up into the air I smashed it into multiple fragments with my own blade. The True Dragon Sword was the only weapon capable of defeating the Dark Dragon Blade's immense power. This blade had seen me through multiple encounters with the manifestations of evil itself, and now it was finally time to return it to its resting place. My village would be rebuilt, and so would the blade's altar. It was my job as the last of the dragon lineage to make sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands. I had failed to protect the Dark Dragon Blade, but I would not fail again.

My inner musings and realization that my long journey had finally come to an end made me blind to my new surroundings. When I finally brought my attention back to what was directly in front of my eyes, I realized I was no longer in the previous desolate landscape. I was now in a place full of life, with Mother Nature at the forefront of its design. Tall trees surrounded the circular clearing I stood in which was full of lush green grass. Part of me wanted to sit down and just take it all in, while the other tried to assess what just happened.

Unfortunately, neither side got its way as my senses went on full alert at the sound of a branch snapping somewhere behind me. My grip immediately tensed around the hilt of the blade that I still held in my right hand. It seemed my journey wasn't over, not just yet.

The world stood still for a brief moment before a large creature barreled through the trees behind me and into the once peaceful clearing. Its form reminded me of a scorpion with its large golden stinger looming menacingly above its head. Multiple red eyes attempted to bore right through me, but my whole life up until this point had been preparation to survive. It would take a lot more than an oversized scorpion to remind me what it was like to feel fear.

We examined each other for what felt like hours, my eyes quickly scanned the nooks and crannies of its bone-like exoskeleton. I followed the path of each red marking I saw, and carefully pinpointed each crack in its shell. The dull gray its carapace took on made it look ancient, but each stroke of red made it look so alive.

Its mandibles clicked in anticipation as it began to dash toward me, tired of waiting for its prey to make the first move. Thinking I was its next meal was its first mistake and I instantly sheathed my sword before turning and running across the open grassy area. Not knowing what this beast was capable of meant I had to engage it on my own terms. I'd make my own windows of opportunity and the first one was coming right up as I neared the edge of the clearing and began running up a tree.

The monster that was in pursuit didn't seem to appreciate my tactic and slammed one of its large claws into the bark of the tree, easily cleaving right through it. By the time the tree began to fall over, I had already jumped off of the top and was soaring through the air. All the thing below could do is wait for me to land. If only it were so lucky.

In a flash I had yanked the three kunai that rested on my left leg and had thrown them with deadly precision at the creature. The three large eyes on the left side of its head exploded violently as my sharp projectiles found purchase within the soft organs. Screeches of pain erupted from its mandibles, the loud noise would probably be heard for miles, a tactic to freeze a normal fighter in fear.

Unfortunately for the scorpion, I was far from normal and before I had landed behind it, the three remaining kunai on my right leg had embedded themselves in the eyes on its right side. With any semblance of its peripheral vision gone, the creature would now have to turn completely around to see me. As if right on cue, I heard its legs begin moving as it tried to spin around to face me. I almost felt bad for what I was about to do, and I pulled my blade from its sheath on my back.

Another screech ricocheted throughout the forest as I severed all four of its left legs from its body. Black mist oozed out of the monsters wounds as it laid stationary. I was curious as to what it was, but I'd have plenty of time to study the biology of these things later on. Without support from the left side of its body, the creature could do nothing but humiliatingly fall over on its side. Realizing it was at the mercy of its prey, the monster desperately swiped at the air.

Headstrong opponents were always easy to defeat, use your brain even a little bit and you were already miles ahead.

Sheathing my blade and focusing my ki, I quickly create small circles with my arms in the air in front of me before bringing them to my chest and with one palm over the other, every finger but my index and thumb were curled.. My efforts were rewarded when three large fireballs spawn around me and begin orbiting my body. I can't help but smile when I see my ninpo still works and I slowly advance toward the helpless monster.

My senses were still on alert and I postured my swordhand accordingly just in case the large scorpion had one final trick up its sleeve. Luckily it didn't, and the fireballs around me came in contact with its body from below to avoid its protective shell. The smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils as the creature caught on fire. Its screams of agony were cut short when it's whole body exploded into a black mist before promptly disappearing.

While retrieving the kunais that the mist left behind, I noticed my breathing was still at the normal rate I had disciplined myself to follow. Taking in this information, I sat down to meditate on my new situation. A creature of that size couldn't force me to quicken my breaths, my previous fights with fiends served me well as training exercises.

Closing my eyes, I felt the soft wind flow past me. It barely even registering me as an obstacle, and it allowed me to listen to its whispers as it traveled in the direction of its destination.

"I don't know why you're here," stated a voice that sounded like it belonged to a woman. "But I hope it isn't to cause more tragedy. I can feel the immense power radiating off of you, and it isn't dark. Unlike hers. Only time will tell what you are."

My eyes shot open and I took in my surroundings once more. It was dark now, the shattered moon above made its presence known by bathing the landscape in its glorious light. It washed over my black leather suit and gleamed off of the surface of my kunais.

The world around me seemed at peace once more, and I took the opportunity to check inventory. I still felt the weight of my favored weaponry on my body which made me breathe a sigh of relief. My skill with hand-to-hand combat and the True Dragon Sword would probably be enough, but having other options was very useful.

My nunchaku sat on the right side of my hip, and a bow and quiver rested on my back over the sheath for my Dragon Sword and a wooden sword. Part of me wished I had my Vigorian Flail as well, but too much weaponry would also slow me down. I'd make do with this, my kunai, and the various ninpo techniques I had memorized.

Exploring by night definitely wasn't ideal, but the various sets of eyes that I felt focused on me told me staying wasn't a good idea either. Focusing my ki once more I spread my arms apart at shoulder height as if they were wings. I open and close my hands into fists before swiftly moving one arm to my chest, still in a fist, and the other in front of my eyes with my index and middle fingers pointing skyward. I feel the thin aura of my soul begin to envelop me before I do a quick spin to complete my transformation.

Switching forms always felt jarring no matter how many times I've done it. You can never get used to the feeling of your spirit leaving your body and taking flight. Now in the form of a falcon, my wings cut through the placid night air as I searched for any sign of civilization. The thick canopy of trees seemed to go on forever, but my trained eyes soon found a dirt path to follow. I also found many creatures below the foliage, but none seemed to be the wiser while I passed over.

I began to question if civilization was possible with so many of these monsters around, but I was reminded that the world kept on turning even when fiends made their presence known back home. I also had heard a woman's voice when I sat down to meditate, it had to have come from somewhere.

My doubts were cast aside when I found a simple sign of man's existence. A wooden fence began to border the narrow path that I was following and a few minutes later I was greeted with the sight of buildings. Warm light emitted from a few of the homes while others were pitch black, it didn't take long for me to find a sign that simply said, "Inn".

Picking an area to land in that was more or less hidden from the few still awake, I felt my spirit begin to unravel itself. I swayed slightly as my black boots made contact with the ground below me before focusing my vision on one area of the ground. In a second or two, my body had adjusted to the sudden transformation and I headed toward the inn.

Stone pathways kept each building connected to each other, but they were all empty at this time of night. I couldn't tell exactly what time it was, but I had to guess that it was about midnight. I wondered if people not being out this late was simply because of the standard traditional of sleep at night, or because those dark creatures appeared more often. The scorpion seemed perfectly okay with attacking me in broad daylight, but when I had sat down to meditate nothing else had bothered me.

Even though no one was outside, I took great caution as I navigated the small village. The buildings themselves were very minimalistic, all of them having cream colored walls, wooden crossbeams, and shingle rooftops. They were well put together which was quite fortunate for me because it made sneaking across rooftops even easier as I headed for my destination. The moonlight was the only thing that had a ghost of a chance of revealing me, but I was used to its presence, shattered or not, it was the same.

I kneeled down on the roof of the inn for a moment while I looked for any easy access points. The inn itself was two stories high and was much wider than most of the houses. I'd estimate about four houses pushed together would fill the area of the large establishment. Back to the task at hand, my effort in looking for an entrance was instantly rewarded by the sight of a window on the second story that was left ajar. I silently moved above it before peering downward over the side of the roof and into the dark room. My trained eyes found nothing except for a quaint room with a bed, a nightstand, and a desk with a mirror.

Content with what I saw, I grabbed onto the top of the window from the inside before letting myself gently swing off of the roof and into the room. As soon as my boots touched the floor, I let go of the window and headed for the door before cautiously opening it and looking around. The hall had multiple doors that lead to different rooms, and was dimly lit by the occasional lantern. I directed my attention to the ceiling where I saw some exposed crossbeams that confirmed some of my inner suspicions about the construction of these buildings.

Structures built in this way weren't necessary for me to be able to sneak around comfortably, but they definitely made the job easier. Taking mental notes of the layout, I closed the door behind me before heading toward a set of stairs that lead downward. I pressed my back against the wall and slowly sidestepped until I was at the end of the hall and could hear the soft murmurs of voices. Stealing a glance around the protective barrier made me immediately yank my head away as I realized that the wall was not only thinner than I thought, but it was also the only barrier besides height that blocked me from the vision of the patrons below. The front portion of the inn was somewhat like a tavern with a counter for the innkeeper and four tables in front of it. My ability to memories things with the quickest of glances told me that I had seen two kegs behind the counter along with a shelf that I could only see the top of.

The ceiling of the front portion of the building was elevated to the second story, so that meant that I could just get on top of the crossbeams from the second story and sneak around directly above them. I did just that. Once again, design like this was something that wasn't necessary for a ninja, but very appreciated. The people that designed this building definitely weren't concerned with people sneaking around above them.

Comfortably above the patrons inhabiting the establishment, I listened for any kind of conversation that could give me some sort of clue as to where I was. Each table below had a lamp lit in the middle to make sure there was adequate enough light, and I saw no real form of electricity. I found this somewhat comforting since my own village rarely used that energy source. Things seemed so much nicer without it. However, that didn't seem to be the case considering all the monsters that probably sat outside of this village's borders. Not to mention almost every patron here was armed, with some a bit more well equipped than others.

I noticed a few people below toss a glance my way every now and again, but with the lack of lighting up here they wouldn't have been able to see me. Even so, I wouldn't let overconfidence be my downfall, and I would move any time they seemed to feel my presence. The information I had gotten so far from the conversations below was minimal at best. Most of the talking was simply them going about their day and how their families were doing. I had heard something about something called the Grimm and how it was getting worse, but without context I couldn't link it to anything.

I hadn't been up there for five minutes before a man at the front counter yelled in an inebriated state for all to hear, "Come on Mia! Just one night!"

A blonde haired woman stood on the other side of the counter, and her sheer lack of comfort was visible in her blue eyes. Despite that, she wore a soft smile, but anyone could see through that facade. She shook her head and said sorry, but the drunk man wasn't taking no for an answer. The man in question seemed to feel a bit confident and reached over the counter and grabbed the woman's arm, she winced slightly but made no complaint. A second later my grip was firmly around the man's wrist, and the woman named Mia screamed at my sudden appearance as I dropped down from the roof.

I could hear every available weapon in the room be drawn as chairs were knocked over by how quickly people stood up. All eyes were on me, a feeling I was not fond of, but it couldn't be helped. I wasn't about to let this woman come to harm while others unknowingly or willingly let it happen. I could feel everyone in the room look me over from head to toe, sizing me up. I didn't mind though, I was doing the exact same thing to them except I was being discreet about it. There were six of them including the drunk man. I could take them, but if I wanted to avoid things getting messy, there was always the window upstairs that I could escape through.

I brought my attention back to the man whose wrist I was holding. Compared to the others in the room, there was nothing particularly malevolent about him. In fact, he seemed almost… desperate. Desperation could be dangerous, but there was always something so sad about it.

The air was still as he tried to engage in a staring contest with me. Seeing that this was going nowhere I yanked his arm off of the woman before letting go, causing him to fall back slightly on his stool. His eyes never wavered from me as he stood up and seemed to growl at me. I was about four inches taller than he was and a bit more built, but it seemed he didn't mind or just didn't see these differences. His brown eyes continued to try to burn holes right through me before he finally was lifted off of the floor by someone else.

The person who picked up the drunk patron was quite burly. He wore a dirty white shirt under a dark red vest and what looked like a large brown apron that covered his torso. His skin was a light chocolate color, and his well kept black hair connected to his mustache and beard. The one thing, or two things rather, that stuck out to me were the horns on his head. No one else in the room had horns and it made me wonder if he was a person of importance. A leader perhaps.

"Come on Adon, I think you've had enough to drink tonight." His gruff voice said as he carried the man out.

The woman behind the counter just stared blankly at me as I took the now empty seat. She probably had questions, questions I wouldn't answer. Questions that asked me how I got inside, or what I intended to do. Right now, I wanted something to eat, I could sidestep anything she asked later.

"My apologies for scaring you," I heard myself say before I pushed down the lower part of the balaclava that I wore over my nose and mouth. The metal headpiece that I wore that bordered my eyes and had the design of a dragon on it was still pretty menacing, but I found that if people could see more of your face, they'd feel more comfortable around you. At this point, people had already seen I was here and things hadn't gone south. As soon as the drunk man was carried out, everyone had sat back down. They still tossed glances at me, but I paid them no mind.

"Does stuff like that happen often around here?" I ask trying to stir up conversation. If I wanted to learn about where I had woken up then I'd have to start from a small subject and progressively go bigger and bigger.

She shook her head, almost dumbfounded, before she replied, "No, not really. He lost his wife about a month ago to Grimm when they went out for a walk. People know it's dangerous out there, but everyone is pretty quick to put danger aside when nothing has happened to them yet." I nodded somberly in agreement with this before she continued, "Normally he is harmless, and he really only started hitting on me about a week ago when he started getting a bit too drunk. I still felt sorry for his loss so I just ignored his advances. Tonight is the first time he actually laid a hand on me. I'm sure I could've handled it myself, but I was just so shocked."

Most people that worked at a counter where they interacted with customers daily would pretend to forge some sort of connection with their patrons since it would usually provide more income, but there was nothing fake about the compassion this woman seemed to show. She truly cared about the well being of the person who had just gotten escorted out, and I'd wager if I stayed around long enough she'd care about me just as much.

"Anyway, what can I get you?" She asked in a cheerful tone, bringing me out of my thoughts. I was expecting some sort of question about how I appeared to be the first thing she said, but instead she asked me the only question I wanted to hear.

"Ramen?" I ask and she simply nodded before getting to work on making the bowl of noodles. At least there was something in common with this place and my own. Well, something else, I corrected myself. They spoke English here, a language used in a few other large parts of the globe. Maybe I was somewhere else on Earth. Then again, a part of the moon was shattered in the sky, something that wasn't the case on the planet so many called home.

A few minutes later a large bowl of ramen sat in front of me, but when I moved my hand down to my wallet to pay she simply waved the gesture away. "After helping me out, consider your Lien no good here. I'm sure my father would say the same if he was down here and saw what you did. Plus, we try to help out as many traveling huntsmen as we can."

I smile my thanks as I begin to slurp up the noodles in front of me. Behind my smile was the inner workings of my mind as I processed more new information. The first item of new information was her mention of something called, 'Grimm'. In her story about how Adon had lost his wife, she said that he had lost her to Grimm. Grimm seemed like a fitting name for the monsters I had seen as I flew here. Secondly, Lien seemed to be the currency here, so that meant my Yen was probably useless. That would be a setback if I didn't find money soon. The third thing I had learned was the term, 'huntsmen', and I was apparently one of them or I at least looked like one.

As I finish my meal I begin to attempt to ask some more questions, but I'm stopped abruptly by the sound of a loud chorus of screams. It was worse than the sound I had heard emit from the scorpion thing I slayed earlier and it definitely sounded human. Moments later the door to the inn slammed open with a wide eyed Adon walking through the frame two steps before falling over. Two arrows were deeply embedded into his back sending a clear sign to everyone in the room.

The four armed men that sat at their tables immediately stood up and headed outside brandishing their weapons. No less than ten seconds went by before one of those same men flew in through a window before instantly losing consciousness as he slammed into the far wall. The innkeeper screamed as the man's attacker vaulted in through the same window. He wore red and black armor with some sort of bloody white feather as an emblem. His hair was gray, he had a wicked grin, and multiple scars on his face. Brandishing a dual-sided battle ax he walked menacingly toward his kill.

I decided it was time to take action and I dashed toward the attacker so quickly that I left a ghostly afterimage behind. My hand found his throat and I slammed his body against the wall behind him causing him to stumble slightly. The grip on his weapon loosened slightly and I capitalized on it immediately by delivering a fierce wheel kick to his jaw. The blow had so much force behind it, it lifted him up off of the ground slightly. Not giving him a single second to recover I quickly spin and use the momentum of the turn to deliver a chop to his neck followed by one more spin before thrusting my palm upward into his chin. The second the bottom of my palm made contact, I saw a strange sheen of color appear around his body before disappearing, but I wouldn't allow myself to get distracted.

Thoroughly stunned, my enemy stood still for a little too long and by the time his senses returned to him, I robbed him of whatever life he had left. I crouched down low and covered my right fist with my palm before bringing it back behind me. As soon as his eyes had opened I let my right hand go and my left hand joined it. Opening both of my palms, my hand struck the bandit's solar plexus shattering any bone and killing him instantly. His limp body flew through the window he had come in through, and I instantly ran outside of the inn, slamming the door behind me.

Returning my balaclava to cover most of my face, my eyes were greeted with a sight I never wanted to see again. Hungry flames licked at any source of fuel as they consumed home after home around me. The feeling of helplessness I felt when my own village went up in flames was recreated, I was too late again despite being here from the beginning of the attack. I wanted to scream, emotional impulse was the first thing I learned to fight against when I began my ninja training, but this was too much. Scanning around, I saw four bandits looting the bodies of the three other men that had been sitting in the inn a few minutes earlier.

They would all pay.

The calm before the storm was over and I moved as swift as lightning toward them, unsheathing my sword as I went. The afterimages I left behind did little to distract my enemies but that didn't matter. I expertly disarmed two out of my four enemies. A spinning roundhouse kick sent a bladed lance harmlessly out of my first opponent's reach while a kick to the chest sent another bandit flying.

All of my blows made an audible sound when they made contact, instilling fear when defending from my relentless assault. I slashed at the disarmed lance wielder, but instead of cutting through his torso like butter, my blade simply knocked him into the second story of a building. When his body made contact with an outer wall, the same sheen I had seen on the earlier bandit appeared before quickly disappearing once more. Ignoring my three other opponents, I quickly moved to the injured bandit's side before skewering his heart. They must have some sort of shield around their body that I had to get rid of first before I could kill them.

My theory was correct, this time my blade sank into his flesh with ease and I yanked it up to block an oncoming strike from one of his comrades. Two bandits stood in front of me with their broadswords poised for their next strike with the one on my left being male and the other, female. It was clear that no amount of training could ever prepare them for the fight they had just began. I sent a front kick to the chest of the man directly challenging my blade causing him to take two steps back. The other swordsman took this opportunity to try and take a wild swing at me which I simply parried before sweeping her legs out from under her.

Separating them was my best bet if I wanted to fight with my blade, but this is where I was thankful for having other options. I tossed my sword aside before reaching for my nunchaku and flicking one of the metal handles upward just in time before being decapitated. The swordsman that I had sent back two steps had recovered and made the mistake of thinking I was vulnerable without my blade. The earsplitting crack he must've heard as the metal of my new weapon connected with his jaw told him otherwise. What goes up must come down, and the handle that I had sent upward came back down with enough force to knock my enemy unconscious when it connected with his skull.

His companion that I had sent to the ground earlier made an attempt to get up, but a kick to the side of her head sent her into an involuntary slumber. Three down, one more to go. The one I had sent flying with a kick earlier was the last one. He was now charging me and picked up the True Dragon Sword I had tossed away when I grabbed my nunchaku.

I made no move to defend myself from the killing blow that I knew would never reach me. The final bandit raised the blade over his head to strike me down before he simply crumpled over. I watched with curiosity as a white ghostly essence left his body and was absorbed by my weapon before I picked it up and put it back in its place on my back.

The True Dragon Sword was known to feed off of the souls of those who were not worthy to hold it. Being the last of the renowned dragon lineage safeguarded me from that side effect. I was not only worthy by blood, but the extensive training my father, Jo Hayabusa, had put me through also made me worthy.

Two dead and two unconscious, and however many people were left to ravage the village. The inn I protected received no damage apart from the shattered windows. I'd make sure it stayed that way.

I took it upon myself to be a swift bringer of justice, and for those that murdered the innocent, their sentence was death. That went double for those that had the gall to strike down others who could not defend themselves. I took no pride in killing the unconscious, but these people could not be allowed to live a moment longer. However, I felt it fitting to prepare them for what awaited them down in the depths of hell.

Striding over with purpose, I picked up the two unconscious bandits before finding one of the buildings still engulfed in flames. Without as much of a second though, I flung them over what remained of one of the walls that once made up a home.

Raven's POV

I watched as a tall man that resembled a traditional ninja in his dark leather suit tossed two of my people into flames as if they were nothing more than sacks of potatoes. His careless gesture showed that their lives meant nothing to him, and I would not stand for that. The strong live and the weak die, but even the weak deserved an honorable death. The ninja was no fool though, he knew I was standing here, watching. I could tell by how he subtly turned his head, just enough to keep me in his peripherals.

"You could've ended their lives with honor, but instead you decided to cremate them alive while they were unconscious. Never before have I seen such a display of cowardice." I spat, not moving an inch from my position.

The mysterious man turned to face me completely, finally showing me that he had indeed seen me. There was a fire in his light green eyes, it almost made them appear to be an amber color. That fire was something I have not witnessed in a long time, most of those that I faced had a bit of a spark when they realized that our fight would be their last. That spark would become a bit of a small litwick before my blade would snuff it out for eternity. The blaze of glory in this man's eyes was one that would scorch you if you didn't have the ability to face it.

"Referring to my method of execution as the biggest display of cowardice you have ever seen tells me that you are blind, swordsman." He replied calmly despite the raging emotions in his eyes. "You set a thriving village ablaze and kill the defenseless inhabitants without thought, that is true cowardice."

"If the village was truly thriving, it wouldn't have been invaded or destroyed in the first place." I reply, unaffected by his insults.

You couldn't measure the short amount of time it took the leather clad man to reach me with his blade in an attempt to slit my throat. It was an unexpected tactic that would catch even the experienced off guard. However, many of my battles had me cross swords with the swiftest of opponents. I was more than prepared.

"Enough talk!" He roared as my odachi met his katana in a deadlock. Sparks flew, and the sound of two metal blades scraping against each other filled my ears. We were so close I could see my own reflection in his irises.

My eyes had the same fire.

A/N: BAM! I always love ending on a strong note. Hopefully you guys liked that as much as I did. I've always wanted to write a RWBY fanfic, but I'm not interested in just a normal one. I couldn't find a crossover idea until one day I bought DOA5 and as a Ryu main, I was reminded of Ninja Gaiden for the XBOX. (Ninja Gaiden Sigma for all you Playstation players!) The crossover just seemed so perfect, so I had to! Who doesn't want a badass ninja in the RWBYverse? (Blake doesn't really count in my book.)

So this chapter was pretty combat heavy which I feel is unsurprising considering Ryu's line of work. The next chapter will also be pretty combat heavy because hey, gotta show those skills. I actually haven't written this much combat in a while, so I hope it was easy to follow and made sense from a reading standpoint.

Now really quick, it's important for me to say that I'm unsure as to how often I will be updating this story. I have another story that takes priority on my list, but I really wanted to get a chapter out for this one. (I will try to update this when I can, promise!) If any of you guys came from another story I've written, hello! If you're just someone who stumbled on this, hello to you too!

Anyway, before I start rambling, please follow, fav, and review if you enjoyed this! Reviews are the best motivation to get me to continue this story faster. It lets me know people are interested enough to actually say something about the story. PMs are welcome as well! Any criticism is welcome, negative or positive, I'm just a fanfic writer that's looking to improve.

Until next chapter, peace!