Dreams Redeemed

An Amourshipping Fanfiction

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, or any of it's characters.

Chapter 3: Dreams and Clarity

The night was cool, and the sky was clear, with a crescent moon and a million stars shining brightly. Two people sat on a bench outside the Laverre City Pokemon Centre.

Ash and Serena were sitting together outside the Pokemon Centre. Leaning into her boyfriends' firm shoulder, Serena finally began to talk. "You see, the problem is that I don't think Performing is all that it's hyped up to be," Serena explained. Ash looked rather surprised. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You see, I don't really get the point in Pokemon Performing. Sure, it's a lot of fun, and I love dancing with Braixen , Pancham, and Sylveon, and I'm making my audience happy. But how does it help? I can't get out of a potentially perilous situation by just dancing and having fun! And I know that Performing is really beautiful to watch, and that I'm giving my audience strength and happiness. But why? It doesn't even have a concrete reason to it!" Serena wailed, giving vent to all the frustration that she had been carrying in her chest throughout the day.

Meanwhile, Ash hadn't said a word. Now he let out a low whistle. "Wow," he said softly. "I never knew that it bothered you so much. I wish you'd spoken up earlier though," he finished. Serena smiled softly. Trust Ash to always make her feel better. After a moment, Ash smiled. "Would you like to listen to a story?" he asked her. "It might just solve your problem," he added, smiling. "I'm in," Serena said, shifting her position so that it became more comfortable for her and rested her head on Ash's shoulder. She smiled. "Fire away. I'm listening," she said with an interested and slightly more cheerful grin. Ash began his story.

"I was walking through Laverre City, running some errands, when I passed a library," he began. "I was about to leave when I heard an old lady telling some kids a story. She was telling them about how Performing came to be, and I thought of you at once," he explained. "I had wanted to bring you something, but I hadn't found anything. So I thought that I would tell you a story instead," he said, blushing a little and rubbing his nose with his index finger. Serena felt a glow of warmth within her chest, and she smiled softly. She took his hand and pressed her forehead against it, wondering yet again on what she had done to get someone like Ash. "Go on," she said encouragingly. "As I was saying," he said, "I sat down to hear the story. So this is how it goes",

"Long ago, a really awful disease struck the whole region, killing millions of people and Pokemon alike within a matter of hours. Wails of pain and sadness could be heard wherever one went, and dead bodies littered the streets. Many had lost best friends, parents, and family. One such unfortunate town had lost more than half its' population. In this town there was a young girl named Fira. Fira hated to see how everyone had suffered, and wanted to help them. She wished that she could cure the disease, but she was no doctor. So she would comfort herself by dancing. She loved dancing, and was really good at it. One night, she had just finished dancing, when she saw a little orphan girl standing in a corner, watching her dance. The once small, sad, forlorn face had broken into a big smile, and it was a really awesome thing to see. Fira felt happy that she had managed to help the little girl. She never forgot that night," Ash said.

"Then?" Serena asked.

"The disease got eradicated after a while, but it left many without family, friends and loved ones. Mental asylums were filling up with the sad and the depressed. People were trying to kill themselves so that they could see their loved ones again. Fira was older, and she couldn't stand the sight of so many sad people. She was a professional dancer by then. One day, she saw a family weeping over the body of a little girl. She thought of that little orphan girl, and how she had smiled when she saw Fira's performance. Fira decided to use her talent to help the people come back to normal. She held a performance, and it was a huge success. It became a trend, and a few girls held friendly competitions with one another. It grew into what it is today from there," Ash finished.

"Wow," Serena whispered. The story had cleared all her doubts in one fell swoop, and she felt much better. Smiling brightly, she threw her arms around Ash's neck and hugged him tightly, and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Thank you so much," she whispered. "You're welcome," Ash said, grinning broadly. But that bothered look hadn't left his face yet. "Okay," she said. "Start talking." Ash looked confused. "About what?" "Whatever's been bothering you," Serena replied. "You've been looking preoccupied all day, and I know something's off. What is it?" she asked. Ash sighed. He was probably the most dense guy on the planet, but he had somehow gotten Serena for a girlfriend. Ash had no idea what he had done to have gotten Serena for a girlfriend, but he was happy all the same. She knew him like the back of her hand. "Well," he began, haltingly. "My problem's sort of similar to yours. See, I really like being a Trainer, but sometimes I feel like all that I'm doing is making things better for myself alone. It's unfair to the Pokemon, to be sent out to fight just because I want them to. They can get really badly hurt. Once, Pikachu nearly died. Then it happened again with Greninja in Snowbelle. There's a lot for me, but what's in it for my Pokemon?" he muttered, staring dejectedly at his feet. Serena understood his problem, but she had a feeling she could solve it. "You know, once you left, I went for a walk too," she confessed. Before Ash could say a word, Serena continued to speak. "I had some work to do, and once I had finished it, I visited one of Laverre's parks. I had wanted to get you something to cheer you up, but I wasn't sure what. I heard am old lady telling a bunch of little children about how training came into existence." "I thought of you immediately," she added shyly. Ash smiled and put his arm around her. "Then what?" he asked. "Tell me the story," he said. "Alright then," Serena said, smiling. "So here's how training came into existence."

"About a few hundred years ago, a horrible plague that targeted Pokemon struck the land. Pokemon died by the millions, leaving their trainers bereft. Many developed mental disorders, and a few even killed themselves. Battling had already come into existence, but back then it was a hobby. Due to the grief many trainers were suffering from, having lost precious friends, they rejected new pokemon offered to them. They wouldn't bond, and the village chief was at a loss because without strong bonds, they wouldn't be able to fend off enemy attackers. Then, he remembered how he felt when he first battled with his partner, and how he had grown closer to it. He decided to try it out with the villagers. He asked them to battle one another, and to tell him how they felt afterwards. The villagers did to, and, as he had expected, they started becoming closer to their Pokemon through battling. It grew into such a trend that people started competing with one another for rewards, and then official Training developed from there," she finished.

Ash looked surprised. "But why?" he asked. "Why did they grow closer?" "Because when you battle, you and you Pokemon get to know one another. You observe the Pokemon's strengths, weak points and its' battling style, and in turn the Pokemon gets to know you through the way you talk to it, encourage it, and command it during battle, and how you treat it afterwards. Your bonds get stronger during a battle, and that's between the both of you. The Pokemon gets someone to love, and who loves it back, and it has an opportunity to get strong, but in a better way," Serena finished. Ash grinned and exclaimed "That's it! That was what I was looking for! Thanks a lot Serena!" he finished, and hugged her tightly, feeling her warmth seep through his shirt and into his bones. Serena blushed and said "You're most welcome." Both of them walked arm in arm towards the Pokemon Centre, and slept in their separate rooms with smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts.


Authors' note: Phew! That was a long chapter! I hoped it lived up to your expectations, because it sure was a lot of work! I had fun all the same, though. Please review as it would mean a lot to me to make friends with you guys and get ideas for my next fics, and know where I have to improve. I really hope you liked it, and see you guys soon!

Please review and keep smiling,
