Thunder roared in the skys, rain pelted against the petals of various trees and glowers, leaves were strewn everywhere in a twister of rage. Nothing could escape the rampage of the ancient skys as the power was practiacally drained from the earth itself. The living inhabitants were spared, but the sakura trees, only a few, were not so fortunate. Everything else was left to keep it's life energy. The thunder sounded once more and its lightning counterpart cracked across the sky. Then again. Again.

The ancients muttered amoungst themselves, the long since dead spirits of the ancestors of Miyamoto Shrine. Those bounded by marriage, blood, and distant relatives, conversed amoungst themselves. Taking only the best option.

Then it all stopped. No rain. No wind. No lightning. And no thunder.

My eyes fluttered open oblivious to everything around me as I reached to my right searching for the pink rectangular alarm clock on my wooden night stand. Finally, my fingertips brushed against the plastic and with a click the pink screen illuminated my vision. It was 7:00 in the morning.

I quickly got my morning routine done and pulled my hair into a high ponytail rushing out the door to the park, where my friends and I went the day after every parent-teacher conference when we didn't hang out at each other's houses and were off work. The day after Parent-teacher conferences school was canceled.

The tropical weather was nice as I walked at a leisurely pace in the streets. The birds sang a wonderful tune, sapranno and alto pitches mixed and matched creating an enjoyable environment. Anna, Mia, and Tatsuya beat me here, as usual, and werw already waiting at the park's entrance.

"Sango!" Anna called as she ran over and slammed into me with a hug. Next was Mai, who was more gentle about it and Tatsuya simply grinned cheekily. As there was little people awake so early in the morning, unless they were at work, we didn't need to worry about the park being too crowded.

"Come on guys." Tatsuya ushered as he lead the way through the gate and onto the stone trail winding through the park. The four of us converesed as we walked, the glistening of the morning dew was a sight to behold when mixed with perfect tropical weather and sunny skies cast ahead.

"So, do you have a date yet Sango?" Mia asked excitedly as if she knew something I didn't. The rest of the group looked at me expectantly, save for Tatsuya, who meerly kept his gaze fixed forward but listened with his ears. My face flushed to the color of a pink rose at the sudden question.

"You know I don't..."

Mia gave a small smile as she knew that I wasn't what many would call 'good looking' and therefore was usually overlooked despite my sweet personality. It seemed that looks were more importnant than anything else.

Tatsuya then decided to speak in a soothing voice. "You know, Sango, I could always- Holy wingless dragon!" He suddenly jumped and pushed the group back spooking all of us in the process as we let out girlish screams of terror.

"Snakes!" Mia shrieked. She hated snakes more than anything in the world.

And there were several of them, a total of ten.