Snowed In

A/N: This is a Dean and Cas love story with some Lucifer and Sam on the side. haha. I'd like to thank cathartic for beta'ing for me.

-Chapter One-

"Merry Christmas Eve!"

"Hmph," Dean Winchester sniffed grumpily as he let the gas station door swing shut behind him, the bell attached to it jingling insistently. He stomped through black-tinged snow, holding a thin plastic white bag, the six-foot-one sandy blond grimacing, some of the cold stuff seeping inside his leather loafers with each step. "Shoulda worn boots," he grumbled as he slid behind the wheel of his black '67 Impala, his baby.

He turned the key, and the engine roared to life. He mumbled under his breath and cranked up the heat, rubbing red hands together in front of a vent for a few seconds. He'd had to stop to top off his car and to get snacks after a long day of driving. The town was called Silverton, Colorado, and the welcome sign had listed a population of only 531 people.

"Stupid Sam too busy to visit," he said gruffly, and then his voice took on a mocking, uppity tone, "Oh, sorry, Dean, I don't have time to visit my big brother for Christmas, I'm too busy kissing my new husband... Lucifer. Why don't you come visit us instead, it'll be fun, we have all these people coming over you don't know, what d'you say? They're Lucifer's family, I think you'll really like them, and Luc wants to meet you." He sniffed indignantly at the thought of the man he'd only seen in pictures and videos. Handsy. He was way too handsy, even if they were newly married. "What kinda sick parents name their kid Lucifer?"

Dean threw the bag of snacks in his lap into the empty seat beside him. Sam had failed to mention that all the food being served would be vegan until he was already halfway across the country. He rested his arm over the back of the bench-style seat as he craned his neck to make sure he wouldn't scratch his car on anything. The gas station was surprisingly busy for such a small town, maybe it was the only one. The annoyingly cheerful lady inside had said something about a huge snow storm that was supposed to hit by nightfall.

He began to back up carefully, his scowl deepening as he glared up at dark, ominous grey clouds covering the mountains in the distance, his destination somewhere in them. "You'd better wait until I leave tomorrow night, kapeesh?"

He stopped and waved on a waiting plow truck, hoping it was going his way. He wasn't in any hurry, the later he got there the less he'd have to mingle. The grumpy blond eased out onto snow-covered roads, and reached over distractedly to turn on the radio. "Just one day and then I'm outta here," he reminded himself, his voice drowned out by Queen.

"Why were a nun, a priest, and God in a bar though?"

Laughter rung out at the question, and dark brows lowered and pinched together.

"It's called a joke, Cas," Lucifer said, squeezing his little brother's shoulder as he passed on his way to the kitchen. "Take your coat off, stay a while. Do you want a drink?"

"If by drink you mean something to inebriate me... then no." Castiel sighed through his nostrils, dipping his chin as easy laughter filled the room again. The whole family was supposed to show up, but so far it was just Lucifer and his husband, and himself. The flight bringing Michael and his wife, Gabriel and his girlfriend, and their father, of course had been delayed in New York because of ice.

He forced a smile and looked back up to meet friendly green eyes. "Have you heard from your brother yet, Sam?"

Sam Winchester, his brother-in-law of now six months, lowered the glass that had been almost to his lips, his expression morphing to one of guilt. "Yeah, he called about an hour ago, he'd just made it into town. He's stopped answering his phone though."

Castiel nodded slightly at that. "If you'd like, I could go out and look for him. The Wilson's have a snowmobile in their garage they offered for us to use if the snow gets too bad, they're only a mile's walk." He started to stand, but a hand landed on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Ah ah ah, you won't lose us that easily," Lucifer chided playfully and then more boisterously, "anyway, it looks like the great Dean Winchester has finally decided to grace us with his presence."

Uncomfortably bright lights flooded the spacious two-story level family room before cutting off. A car door creaked open, then slammed shut and soft curses were barely audible. Castiel swallowed around a lump, blocking out his brother and his husband who were arguing quietly in front of the door.

"Why wouldn't I be nice?" was asked, Lucifer sounding thoroughly scandalized.

"Just promise me. No matter what he says, be nice."


"Promise me."

Then there was a knock.

Dean stood, holding a suitcase in one hand, a single spotlight shining down on him. The ground was covered in a thick pristine blanket of snow all around him, sparkling softly, and fat snowflakes were falling from the sky. The air was clean and crisp, and the sound of his favorite Christmas song, Jingle Bell Rock, had just begun to play inside.

The door opened wide, bringing with it a waft of warm air that smelled of cookies and pie. His little brother, who he hadn't seen in almost a year, smiled down at him. "Dean, you made it, it's so good to see you, Merry Christmas!"

"Bah humbug," he said, his rough voice extra low. Then he pulled his brother into a one-armed hug begrudgingly, and as Sam returned the gesture easily with a warm laugh he hadn't heard in too long he added quietly, "good t'see you too, Sammy."

The older Winchester pulled back, stepping inside the oversized cabin when he was waved in, his lips curling slightly in distaste as he took in all the modern furniture. Then his gaze settled on the grinning blond man beside his brother.

"Dean," Sam said, pausing, and a tight smile crossed his features as Lucifer snuck a hand around his waist, slipping his thumb snugly inside the waist of his jeans. "This is my husband, Lucifer."

"It's so good to meet you, Dean," the blond said, his smile growing to show perfectly straight, white teeth. "Sam has told me so much about you."

"Wish I could say the same," Dean said shortly. He squared his shoulders as the guy named Lucifer nestled against Sam's flushed neck instead of responding. He'd almost swear he was trying to make him uncomfortable.

"And Cas," Sam blurted, gently pushing his husband away from his neck as he spoke, "I mean, this is Castiel, Dean, Lucifer's brother. He just got here this morning."

"Hello, Dean Winchester."

Dark blond brows furrowed, and Dean turned to find himself facing a dark-haired guy with bright blue eyes, up close. One brow quirked up slowly, and he glanced down at the small space between them. "Hello... Cas, was it?"

"That is what my friends and family call me," the man replied point blank.

Dean blinked a few times and shifted back on his heels, sniffing indifferently to mask his discomfort at the unsual guy. "Gotcha. Castiel, it is."

The man gave a small nod of approval, his gaze oddly intense, and Dean cleared his throat.

"All right," Sam interrupted, his voice falsely cheerful, "Who's hungry?"

"I'm famished, I'll help you set the table," Lucifer offered with a sweet smile, receiving a begrudging one in return from Sam. Dean watched in silence as the blond took his little brother's hand and intertwined their fingers before pulling him away and into what he hoped was the kitchen.

"Are they always like that?" he grumbled, mostly to himself, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning.

"No, Lucifer is trying to impress you, Sam's orders."

Dean startled somewhat, having forgotten about the dark-haired guy by his side. His gaze flicked down where the man's shoulder was almost brushing the back of his, and he resisted moving away just barely. "Do you always stand so... close?"

"No, I'm going to go help them," the man replied simply, and then he walked off, leaving Dean in the room by himself. He stood there for a moment, and a voice started singing perfectly on-pitch All I Want for Christmas is You from the other room, inserting 'Sammy' in place of 'baby' each time.

"You gotta be kidding me."

please leave feedback if you have any to spare :)