A/N: OMG an update! Sort of ... this is probably gonna be it for a while too...sorry guys...im going through a lot right now. nothing is abandoned but i just dont have a lot of time, as i have a new baby and will be moving again soon. anyways, i hope everone is alright and i cherish all of the reviews and likes and all that i recieve...thank you!



" 'Arry! Where ya at?" bellowed a deep voice, causing a small child of eleven to squeak and pick up his pace. Everything was so terrifying here!

Just this morning he was doing his normal round of chores, feeding his family and cleaning every mess known to man inside the abode. He never imagined that his routine would be upended. That his relatives, who hated his guts, would randomly hand him over to a beast of a man as soon as the brute said something about his name being on some list for a magical school. Magic was real. He didn't know whether to laugh happily or hysterically. All of his short life so far had been nothing but a barrage of having to be normal. Some how knowing that he was anything but.

To make matters worse, his Aunt and Uncle had practically and maliciously shoved the terrified boy at the oaf, told the giant to take 'the little freak and be gone' as they were done. They wanted someone else to deal with him from now on.

Harry had followed at first, waiting for his chance to escape. And as soon as they had passed into Diagon Alley he had ducked behind some witches and started running. Nothing looked familiar and he was having trouble breathing. His chest felt tight, anxiety shooting through him. Too many people and now that giant guy was looking for him again. He had to get away! Seeing white from the corner of his eyes, he turned in its direction.

Angels !

Two angels, one tall and one smaller, maybe his age, glided into what looked to Harry like a bookstore. Feeling relief flood through him, he ran after them, slipping in through the door. He followed them behind a stack of books and fell at their feet.

"Please kind angels…help me hide from him?" he pleaded, tears finally spilling down his cheeks as he gazed at the blonds before him.

The taller male raised a finely sculpted brow. Confusion, curiosity, and something the child couldn't name passed through blue eyes. Just when the prostrate boy felt that they would turn him away, the smaller of the two knelt beside him at the nod of the other.

"Who are you hiding from, child?" inquired the taller male. His smaller counterpart pulled him gently into a hug, an action that was obviously very rare in how hesitant the hug was.

Still, Harry melted into the hug and he sniffled before flinching when the door opened and the man in question came barreling into the bookstore. Loudly he called Harry's name causing the little one to shrink against his smallest saviour. The older 'angel' sneered at the display. Of course this child would be terrified of the half giant. Who wouldn't. Ignoring the blundering fool, he knelt and lifted the child's chin. Blue met green and he was stunned with their mesmerizing beauty.

"My name is Lucius Malfoy, young child. I will not allow this clumsy buffoon to come near you again. My son Draco will stay at your side as I deal with this man." his voice was firm and calm. Those green eyes calmed, shining up at him trustingly and he inwardly smirked.

The now named angel, Lucius, stood at his full height and faced the giant who was making his way over to where they were, having spotted the young Harry. Lucius gave a cold look to the giant and inwardly praised his son when he gently calmed Harry when he whimpered.

"Hagrid. How….brazen you are in frightening this young man. I shouldn't say I'm surprised. What that old fool was thinking , allowing you around children is beyond me." the blond snidely commented, idly running a gloved finger tip over his cane where his wand was nestled.

Hagrid glared, his wild hair and bushy beard seemingly flared in his indignation. He attempted to step around the younger wizard but paused when he had a wand swiftly trained in his face.

"'Arry Potter is my responsibility. Dumbledore trusted me wit 'em. Leave off Malfoy. You lot have no business with tha lad." he boomed.

Lucius sneered, the grip on his wand tightening. That old fraud didn't know when to butt out. He cast a small glance to the young Harry, curled in the protective arms of his son. So this was the famed Harry Potter. Nothing like his friend Severus boasted he would be. Pompous like his father. Spoiled. No this child was scared. Abused. How was this possible? How could this be? The older wizard's eyes narrowed. He would find out why this was, very soon. As it was, he returned his attention to the imbecile, his eyes growing frosty.

"I do not see a problem with this child being in my care, as I am not the one terrifying him. Leave , you buffoon. Tell your great master that the Potter heir is under my fully capable hands." with that stated, he twisted the wand slightly under the chin of the giant; Hagrid's beady eyes widening in genuine fear. He gulped before finally nodding swiftly and lumbering off in the direction of the door.

Lucius tisked in annoyance before turning back to his son and their new charge. Both were talking softly to one another, Draco's slightly lower than Harry's despite their voices not shifting yet. How to proceed with this new development? He thought for a moment and finally a cruel smile lit his features. Masking it asquickly as it had appeared, he signaled to his son to stand and come to his side. The younger Malfoy obeyed immediately, gently dragging his new friend with him.

"Harry, why did you not come with your family?" Lucius ventured softly, eyes kind even as his face remained neutral.

The boy flinched and bowed his head in shame.

"They hate freaks like me, sir. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia have tried to get rid of my magic many times. Im sorry sir. Don't hate me angel, even though I'm a freak!" he whimpered in fear.

White hot rage shot through him, his son's countanence mimicking his own turbulant emotions. This would not stand. If he had to raise that muggle family to the ground he would make sure they paid for harming a wizarding child. He would adopt this boy, Dumbledore be damned. His Master would likely help as well. Straightening his spine he held his hand out to Harry and smiled a small quirk of the lips.

"You are coming home with me."

The bastards would pay for harming someone claimed by a Malfoy. And Lucius can definitely marked this boy as his.

To be continued….