Disclaimer; If I owned HTTYD then wouldn't this be in the series? v

This is my first HTTYD fanfic, unless you count the one I scribbled on a price of lined paper in the middle of class like six years ago, considering it only took up that one page I don't really count it as one but you can if you want.

Chapter 1

"Hey dad," Hiccup says, entering the old house, finding his father sitting at the table in the middle of the room.

"Hiccup!" Stoick exclaims, rushing over to give his son a bone-crushing hug.

Hiccup, knew this was coming and braced himself, the hug hurt more than usual, but he ignored it.

When Stoick releases his son, Hiccup's body aches, though he tries his best to not acknowledge it he can't ignore how the aches send painful shivers up his spine.

"What're you doing here son!?" Stoick says cheerfully.

"Just came to pick up some supplies, figure I'd come say hi." Hiccup's eyes flicker to the side which tells Stoick that he's not being entirely truthful.

"What's up son?" Stoick asks placing a firm hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

"It's nothing dad," Hiccup says, rubbing the back of his neck, another sign that tells his father that he's, once again, not being truthful.

"Hiccup, what is it?"

Hiccup lets out a sigh that sends a pain through his chest. "I've just been thinking about something."

"Care to tell me about it?" Stoick asks his son softly, concerned, knowing something's up.

"Well I thought it'd be a good idea to introduce some of the new dragon species we've discovered to Berk." Hiccup held his hands together to keep his hands from shaking, he's been meaning to talk to his dad about this but had been worried about the conversation, knowing how his father can be about things that can upset Berk's balance.

"Hiccup… I don't think that's a good idea." Stoick says, slapping his son on the back causing a sharp pain to rip through Hiccup.

"Just… hear me out?" Hiccup's voice is forced as he tries to bite back his pain. When Stoick doesn't answer he continues, "we've discovered a whole new class of dragons, now the people of Berk have yet to see these amazing animals for themselves, I'd like Berk to experience our findings as well."

"Hiccup, with you not on the island we can't have new dragons, what if they get out of hand."


"Hiccup I told you we can't." The chief cuts his son off.


"Hiccup!" Stoick yells, once again cutting Hiccup off. "I already told you no, I am the chief and this is my island! What I say goes!"

"You didn't even let me finish!"

"That's because there's no need for you to finish!"

Hiccup's head started throbbing, but he payed no attention to it as his annoyance grew. "Well, fine!" Hiccup threw his arms in the air before stomping out of the house. Toothless greets him, "hey bud, let's go." Hiccup mounts his dragon before Stoick can reach his son to apologize.

Hiccup rides the Night Fury; he suddenly lets a yell out in frustration after minutes of silence.

Toothless looks up at his rider concerned.

"It's ok Toothless, that talk just didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped." Hiccup takes a deep breath in before going into a coughing fit. Once his coughs subside the world starts to violently spin, he tries to shake it off but that only makes his head pound. He leans on his dragon's head and closes his eyes, hoping it all subsides.

Meanwhile on Berk, Stoick prepares for a journey to Dragon's Edge, he knows he and Skullcrusher won't be able to catch up to Hiccup before he arrives at the island. The large Viking is filled with guilt, he shouldn't have yelled at his son in such a manner, this was the first time he yelled at Hiccup since before they made peace with the dragons.

"Alright Skullcrusher," Stoick's voice is filled with determination, "let's go find Hiccup."

Toothless worries for his young rider. Hiccup fell asleep, his head resting atop the dragon's. The rider seems to be in pain, his eyes brows knitted together, his grip on Toothless stronger than it should. Also, the dragon thinks his friend feels warm.

Hiccup begins to shiver, this only causes the dragon's worry to grow. Toothless believes he should turn back towards Berk but they're already half way to Dragon's Edge.

The young dragon rider suddenly wakes up, coughing.

When the coughing subsides he notices Toothless glancing up at him, worried. "I'm ok bud," his voice was rough and strained causing him to cough once more. Hiccup opens the tail wider when a group of Terrible Terrors fly through the two, causing Hiccup to fall back, crashing into the cold water.