In this story, Danny got his powers at eight instead of 14. He has already experienced all of the episodes except for Phantom Planet. Enjoy the show!

I ran up to Jazz's room and yelled " JAZZ I GOT MY LETTER! I GOT MY LETTER! I GOT MY LETTER!" While jumping up and down. I knew it was obnoxious, but I was just so excited!

"Okay Danny, that's great! But can you stop yelling?" I stop and look at my feet. I couldn't help being excited but I mumbled " Sorry"

"When can we go shopping?" I say as I remembered. I would always fly Jazz to England to go buy her things. I don't know how my parents don't notice these things. All we told them was that Jazz got accepted into an elite boarding school and I would go once I was old enough.

"We can go next Friday. That way we'll have a week after shopping before we leave"I'm just so excited! Wait... I'm forgetting something... OH MY GOSH THE GHOSTS!

"Jazz! Who's going to take care of the ghosts during the school year?" I ask. I don't think Sam and Tucker can handle all the ghosts.

"It'll be fine Danny. Half the ghosts come just to mess with you anyway."

"That's true, but some actually want to take over the world!" I responded.

"Sam and Tucker can handle the ones that come. Not to mention Valerie. Together, they're more than capable of handling any ghosts that invade Amity." I sigh. I will have to give Sam and Tucker an excuse to why I'm never there during the school year.

"Danny I know you want to tell them but it's against the law. You can still see them in the summer!"

"I know…" I respond. I'm really going to miss them.

"I'm going to my room Jazz" I sigh and get ready to leave.

"Okay little brother" She responds and kisses my head. I smile for a second before frowning and saying "Ew! Gross!" And walking out. I hear Jazz chuckle before flopping down on my bed. It's going to be a long week...

Next Friday, the day had finally come. We were going to get my stuff! Jazz worked hard and earned money over the summer and had saved up to get our things. Nothing interesting happened until they went to Ollivander's for a wand. As soon as they walked in, I shiver. I don't get cold so what could have caused me to shiver?

"What's wrong with this place?" I whispered. Just when Jazz was going to respond, an old man with crazy white hair appears seemingly out of nowhere.

"Why would anything be wrong with my shop?"he asked. I assume this is Ollivander.

"Nothing. It's just I got the chills" Jazz didn't seem very surprised.

"Perhaps you were cold?" Ollivander asked with a raised eyebrow. Jazz snorted and tried to cover it with a cough. Key word, tried. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some tape measures started measuring me. Oliveander started mumbling.

"Oak and dragon heartstring. 12 inches. Stiff. Wave it around " I waved it around but it was immediately snatched out of my hand.

"Ebony and phoenix feather. 9 inches. Nice and supple" He waved it around but once again it was snached away from me. He tried on about five more wands until he pulled out a green box.

"Hm… I wonder… I have always wondered when this wand would be used." He than gave it to me and when I waved it around blue and green sparks came out of it.

"Bravo! This is indeed interesting…" I feel like he's the type of person who really wants people to ask him questions.

"Um, what's interesting Sir?"

" , do you know what this wand is made out of?" Again, wants me to ask him a question.

"No Sir, you never told me. Should I know?"

"I suppose not. Hallow Wood and Ectoplasm. 11 inches. Very flexible."

How is that even possible? The only place to get Hallow Wood is at the Fright Night's lair! How could you even get Hallow Wood? Since I shouldn't know what Hallow Wood is, I guess I'll have to play dumb.

"What's Hallow Wood?"

"A very rare material" I guess he also likes being mysterious.

" , thank you very much for the wand. We need to go get Danny an owl" Jazz said and gave him 7 Galleons. Wait, an owl?

"Jazz what would I need an owl for? I can't exactly send letters to anyone"

"I want to give you a pet" Do I really need a pet? Well,I guess I've always liked the idea of having an owl.

"Thanks Jazz" I say and walk into Eeylops Owl Emporium. I was looking until I saw a brown and white owl. I looked closer and saw the label.

"Snowy owl. He loves the cold and doesn't like body warmth. Don't expect him to be with you a lot"

He'll love me! It'll be the opposite of everyone else since my body temperature is so cold! He's perfect! And since he loved the cold, I can always use my ice powers to cool him down. I'll just have to be careful not to freeze him. I walked over to see that he only cost two Sickles. I guess no one wanted an owl that liked the cold more than warmth. I called for Jazz.

" I found one Jazz!" Jazz looked relieved that he was relatively cheap. After we paid for him, Jazz asked " So Danny, what are you going to name him?" Hm…. well I'm Danny Phantom, and he's my bird so….Casper the Friendly Owl" Jazz frowned.

"Don't you think that'll be a little obvious?"

"I'm only in the muggle news, besides even if they do know about me, they'll assume I'm a fan or something"

Jazz shrugged and smirked "Casper the Friendly Owl? That's the best you could come up with? That's worse than your Fenton/Phantom thing" I punched her on the shoulder.

"Hey! I had to think of something fast before the name Inviso-bill caught on. I was rushed!"

"Right. Sure." Jazz said and smirked. I punched her shoulder once again before transforming in a discreet place and flying Jazz, me and my stuff home.

Finally, after a long week, it was time to go to King's Cross Station. I flew Jazz and our stuff here. I heard a lot of different voices but one stood out to me.

"Well, there you are boy, platform nine-platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have built it yet, do they? Have a nice term". This man is obviously a muggle and a very rude one in fact. I pulled Jazz along with me while I walked to the boy.

"Danny! What are you doing?" Jazz asked. She didn't have my hearing so she couldn't hear him.

"There's a kid who doesn't know where the station is. Let's help him!" I sat. We walked over to him and I said "Do you need any-" I stopped as I saw something on his head. "You're Harry Potter!" He sighed and nodded. He looked tired of this. I flushed and said

"Sorry. I of all people should know what it feels like to be flocked" I mean, I can't even fly to school without either a ghost attacking or getting mobbed by civilians!

"Really? Why?" Oh right. Okay Um...

"I'm friends with a famous person" I lied. Jazz gave a small nod.

"Really? Who?" He said looking interested. Since everyone here is British, he probably won't know about me.

"He's American. You probably won't know him" He looked very determined after I said that. "Try me." Harry said with a smirk. I look at Jazz for help but she just gives a small shrug of her shoulders. Wow, that for that golden advice. I decide to just tell the truth. Well not really the truth but whatever.

"Danny Phantom" I say. I'm barely able to keep from cringing as a look of recognition came upon his face.

"Oh! He's that ghost kid from Illinois who fights ghosts!" They know about me in England? I guess I'm more popular than I thought. "Right?" Harry asked after he saw my frown. I turned it into a smile and said "Yep!". The smirk on Harry's face just got wider, if it's even possible.

"Ok... I'm glad you are getting along but we need to get on the train. You two can talk while we walk" Jazz interrupted. We started walking to the barrier Harry asked "Tell me more about him later. How do we get onto the platform?" I guess that that muggle must be his family. I wonder why he was acting so rudely towards Harry?

"You see that barrier over there? You walk straight into it. Don't get scared and stop, that's very important. Might want to run if you're nervous. Why don't you go first?" I ask him. Jazz seems as if she wants to tell me something. Harry runs through the barrier and I can only imagine what he's seeing right now.

"Okay Danny. At Hogwarts there are ghosts. But not the kind you're used to. There are sprints. They are never tangible and are peaceful. Then there is the poltergeist, Peeves. He's very mischievous and likes to play pranks. Be prepared". I nod not wanting to say anything else and walk to the barrier. I'm not really afraid, I mean I get knocked literally through walls almost every day. I go straight through the barrier to see Harry smiling at me.

"What took so long?" I chuckled and responded " Older sister telling me for the hundredth time to be careful. I don't think she knows that I can take care of myself" His expression saddens and he says " I wish I had a sister like that". Guilt fills my stomach. "Sorry" I respond.

"It's okay. It's not your fault" Harry responds. For a moment memories of Dan and my family dying come forward but I immediately push them back, shaking my head.

Harry gave me a confused look and said "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just bad memories" I say hoping he wouldn't push. He seems to see that because he says "Oh. Okay." And drops it.

"We should probably get on the train" Harry says just as Jazz comes in. She goes to talk to her friends and Harry and I go find a compartment. We go to one near the end of the train. We try to raise our suitcases but it was pretty hard. I'd be pretty weird is I suddenly got really strong, so I don't want to use any of my ghostly strength. Just then Harry dropped his suitcase on his foot and a red headed boy came up and said " Want a hand?"

"Yes, please," Harry panted.

"Oy Fred! C'mere and help!" When another redheaded boy came, I assumed they must be twins. With their help, both Harry and Danny got their suitcases into the compartment.

"Thanks" I said and Harry brushed some sweaty hair out of his eyes.

"What's that?" said one of the twins, pointing at Harrys scar.

"Blimey," said the other twin."Are you-"

" He is," said the first one. " Aren't you?" He asked to Harry. I felt forgotten but I didn't mind.

"What?" asked Harry and I gave him a look telling him I'm with him.

" Harry Potter," said both the twins at the same time. It was kinda creepy.

"Oh, him" answered Harry and I mentally facepalm. " I mean, yes I am." The two boys gawked at him and I watched as Harry went red. Then someone who sounded like their mom said "Fred? George? Are you there?"

"Coming, Mum."

With one last look at Harry, the twins hopped off the train. I choose a spot next to Harry and saw that he was looking at the family. I decided to listen too.

"Ron, you've got something on your nose." It sounds like the mother is trying to grab "Ron".

"Mum-gerroff." I hope he got free. I know how embarrassing that could be.

"Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his noise?" It sounded like one of the twins.

"Shut up" Ron responded. Great comeback.

"Where's Percy?" asked the mother.

"He's coming now" I couldn't see him, but he said "Can't stay long,Mother," he said. "I'm up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves-" This Percy sounded pretty full of himself. He got interrupted by one of the twins.

"Oh, are you a prefect, Percy? You should have said something, we had no idea."

" Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it," said the other twin. "Once-

"Or twice-

"Every minute-"

"All summer-" I could tell they did not like Percy the Prefect.

"Oh, shut up" Percy responded.

"How come Percy gets new robes anyway?" said one of the twins.

"Because he's a prefect," the mother said fondly. Okay, that's definitely favoritism. "All right dear, we'll, have a good term- send me an owl when you get there. Now, you two-" I'm assuming she's talking to the twins, "this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've-blown up a toilet or-"

"Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet."

"Great idea though, thanks, Mum"

"It's not funny. And look after Ron."

"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us."

"Shut up" said the boy named Ron again.

"Hey,Mum, guess what? Guess who we saw on the train?" I hope and pray that they don't come over here to gawk at Harry. He's uncomfortable enough.

"You know that black-haired boy we were helping with his trunk?"


"Harry Potter!"

Then there was a little girl's voice

"Oh, Mum, can I go on the train and see him, Mum, oh please….." Harry isn't someone to be watched like an animal in a zoo!

" You'll see him again Ginny, and the poor boy isn't something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he really Fred? How do you know?" Thank goodness for this woman and her common sense.

"Asked him. Saw his scar. It's really there-like lightning."

"Poor dear-no wonder he was alone, I wondered." What is she talking about, alone? I exist too! Did I accidentally go invisible or something?

"Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?" I could hear the change in the mother's voice as she said "I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don't you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day of school." If I ever see this woman again, I will have to thank her for that.

"All right, keep your hair on." A train whistle tooted.

"Hurry up!" the mother said.

The little girl must've started crying because one of the twins said "Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls."

" We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."


"Only joking Mum." The train started moving.

" So….what do you think of Danny Phantom?" I ask, since Harry said he wanted to hear about him, I mean me, or him, Gah! He was about to answer when a red headed boy who I assumed was Ron opened the door and asked "Anyone sitting there?" he pointed to the seat across from me. " Everywhere else is full" Harry and I both shook our heads. Ron sat down and Harry said "I think he's really cool! I mean everyone says he's evil but if he was why would he save the town so much?". I gave a sigh of relief and saw as Ron gave a failed attempt to hide the fact that he was staring at Harry. Then suddenly he blurted out "Are you really Harry Potter?" Harry nodded.

"Oh- well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes" said Ron " And have you really got- you know…"Ron didn't have to say anything else and Harry parted his bangs to show his scar.

" So that's where You-Know-WHo-"

"Yes" Harry replied " But I can't remember it"

" Oh. Okay" Ron replied. " But who were you two talking about? By the way, what's your name?" Ron asked, looking at me.

" My name's Daniel Fenton. But please call me Danny"

"And we were talking about this muggle hero called Danny Phantom. I wouldn't exactly say he's a muggle…."

"Before I tell you who he is, let me give you an explanation. There are three types of ghosts: The stereotypical ones like at my home, spirits, and poltergeists. The normal ghosts are tangible, but they can turn intangible and invisible as well. Spirits are the ones a Hogwarts, always intangible and I don't know if they can turn invisible. I'm pretty sure you already know what a poltergeist is Ron, but" Danny stopped his explanation to look at Harry "Poltergeists are trouble maker ghosts that can only turn invisible, for example, Peeves. Sorry about that, just needed to clarify a few things" I see them both staring at me a blush a deep red.

"And you know all this because…" Harry trailed off.

"I live in the same town as Danny Phantom so my sister told me about the different kinds of ghosts so I wouldn't be surprised. Harry, why don't you explain Danny Phantom to Ron." Then Harry went into an explanation. This explanation was far from the truth, but it was the same explanation everyone besides, Jazz, Sam, Tuck, and I have. We went into conversation about lots of different things until Ron decided to tell us about his pet Scabbers. He pulls a fat rat out of his pocket which was asleep.

"His name's Scabbers and he's useless, hardly ever wakes up. Percy got an owl from my dad for being a prefect, but they couldn't aff- I mean, I got Scabbers instead." Ron's ears went pink. I know how that feels. Jazz was barely able to buy her and my stuff. We couldn't afford 5 people. Then Harry told us about how he only got Dudley's old clothes and no birthday presents. Wow, not even my family was that bad. I kind of just zoned out until I heard Ron gasp. Seeing as I always am on alert these days, I sat straight up and said " What wrong?". They both gave me a weird look and then Ron said " You said You-Know-Who's name!" I relaxed. I know about Voldemort's reign and it was kinda like Pariah Dark. Anyway, I don't get why people don't say his name. It's just a name!

"I'm not trying to be brave or anything, saying the name," Harry said. " I just never knew you shouldn't. See what I mean? I've got loads to learn…...I bet, I bet I'm the worst in the class." I immediately go to reassure him.

" You won't be. You'd be surprised how fast kids can learn." I tell him, speaking from experience. I mean, I had to learn to control these powers when I was eight. It took a while, sure, but Harry's 11! He'll definitely learn faster than I did. I wonder, if and when I should tell them about my ghost powers. I mean, obviously not anytime soon, I need to know I can trust them. But if the three of us are going to be friends, maybe best friends….. Not that they could EVER replace Sam and Tuck, but I can't just be alone for seven years. I wonder if we'll meet anyone else here.

Around half past twelve there was a great clattering outside in the corridor and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door and said, "Anything off the cart, dears?" I wish. I can't afford more than 5 candies and I don't want to waste Jazz's money. But Harry got up and bought some of everything. Ron and I stared as Harry tipped it all into an empty seat.

"Hungry?" I joke with a smirk.

" Starving" Harry replied. I wonder how much he ate today….. Ron took out a lumpy package and unwrapped it. There were 4 sandwiches inside. He pulled one out and said " She always forgets I don't like corned beef."

"Swap you for one of these," Harry said, holding up a pasty "Go on-"

"You don't want this, it's all dry. She hasn't got much time, you know with five of us."

"Go on, have a pasty" Harry said, then he turned to me " You too Danny" I take the pasty he's holding out to me and nibble on it.

"This is really good!" I exclaim. It was nice to sit there with Ron and Harry, eating through all the different candies. I picked up a chocolate frog thing.

"What are these? They're not real frogs, are they?" I asked. I wouldn't be surprised at this point in my life. I've seen really weird stuff.

"No. But see what the card is. I'm missing Agrippa"

"What?" Harry asked.

"Oh of course, you two wouldn't know." Jazz never told me anything about these candies, I can't believe her. They're so good! " Chocolate frogs have cards inside of them, you know, to collect- famous witches and wizards. I've got about five hundred, but I haven't got Agrippa or Ptolemy." I unwrapped a frog and gave the card to Harry. He turned it over and said "So this is Dumbledore!"

"You've never heard of Dumbledore?" I ask. Even I knew who he was.

"Can I have a frog? Thanks" Ron asked as I handed him a Chocolate Frog. Harry turned it over again after reading it and exclaimed "He's gone!"

"Oh yeah, that came as a shock to me when I first saw the people in photos move" I tell him " In the wizarding world, people move around in photos"

"Really? That's brilliant". I watched Dumbledore came back into the picture and smiled at Harry.

When Harry picked up a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans Ron said " You want to be careful with those. When they say every flavor they mean every flavor- you know you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then you get spinach and liver and tripe. George reckons he had a booger flavored one once." He picked up a green one and bit into the corner.

"Blearrrrrrg- see? Grass." I laughed and picked up a box.

"We played a game much like Bean Boozled back home."

Then someone knocked on the door and then a round-faced boy opened the door and said "Sorry, but have any of you seen a toad?" When we all shook our heads, he wailed "I've lost him! He keeps getting away from me!" Poor boy. He must really like that toad. Though why, I'll never know.

"He'll turn up" I say.

"I know" the boy sighed " Well, if you see him….". Then he left.

"Don't know why he's so bothered. If I'd brought a toad I'd lose it as quick as I could" Ron said. Glad to know someone agreed with me. "Mind you, I brought Scabbers, so I can't talk." I had forgotten about Scabbers seeing as he hasn't moved once this whole time. "He might have died and you wouldn't know the difference" Ron said in disgust and shook his head "I tried to turn him yellow yesterday to make him more interesting, but the spell didn't work. I'll show you, look…." He got out his suitcase and pulled out a old and battered wand with something white glinting at the end.

"Unicorn hair's nearly poking out. Anyway-" The compartment door opened again and a girl with wavy brown hair and brown eyes walked in. She was already in her robes.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," she said. She sounded kinda like Jazz..

"We've already told him we haven't seen it," Ron told her, she was looking at his wand.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it then." When she sat down, the look on Ron's face was priceless.

"Um, okay." He cleared his throat.

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

He waved his wand, but nothing happened.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well it's not very good, is it? I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean it's the best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard,

I've learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough- I'm Hermione Granger by the way, who are all of you?" Oh my goodness, I've found a mini Jazz. I can tell that even though she seems like a bossy know-it-all on the outside, she's probably a really nice girl.

"Ron Weasley" Ron muttered.

"Danny Fenton" I said.

"Fenton? As in the Fentons who built the Ghost Portal in America?" I nod. "I've read all about your family. Everyone says they're crazy, but seeing as now there are ghosts in Amity Park, they should eat their words" She turned to Harry.

"Harry Potter" he said.

"Are you really? I know all about you, of course- I got a few extra books for background reading, and you're in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding events of the Twentieth Century" I stand corrected. Not even Jazz could be this much of a…...reader? I don't know the word to use.

"Am I?" Harry asked. I should probably ask this girl for help considering I want to learn a few spells and that way she can leave Harry alone.

" Hey Hermione? I was wondering if you could teach me a few spells before we get there? If that's ok with you guys?" I turn to Harry and Ron. They both nod and give me concerned looks.

" Sure! Neville do you mind if I help Danny with this? I'm glad to find someone with some enthusiasm. So what kind of spells do you want to learn? You could learn…." I go get my wand and learn with Hermione for about half an hour before she tells me to go back and get dressed. She walks me over to my compartment and through her teaching I found out I was right, she was nice once you got past the surface level. I see three boys and one is rubbing his finger. Hermione walks in and says " What has been going on?" I see sweets on the floor and Ron picking Scabbers up.

" I think he's been knocked out" Ron told Harry. " No- I don't believe it- he's gone back to sleep!" What had happened in here?

" What is going on?" I asked and they explained how some kid named Malfoy with his guards came and tried to steal their sweets. Then Ron turned to Hermione and said

"Can we help you?"

"You'd better get your robes on, we're almost you actually get in a fight? You'll get in trouble before we even get there!" Hermione really needed to take it down a notch.

"This is what I mean when I said bossy before" I whispered to her. She blushed and addressed Harry and Ron " Sorry. I'm just really excited to go to Hogwarts. I'll see you later Danny," then she turned around and left.

"You befriended her?" Ron asked. " How do you get through to that bossy know-it-all?"

I shrugged and said "I have one for a sister. I know that usually they're nice people"

Ron snorted and said "I highly doubt that"

"Okay…. We should get out robes on though" Harry said. They all changed into their robes. Ron's was a little short for him. They all put as many sweets in their pockets as they could and then the train slowed to a stop. Everyone pushed their way onto a dark platform. The cold felt nice but I saw Harry shiver. Then I hear a voice.

"Firs' years! For' years over here! Alright there, Harry?" I guess Harry knows him. I'll ask him later. "C'mon, follow me-any more firs' years? Mind yer step now! Firs' years follow me!" Almost everyone was stumbling in the dark but I was just fine. We kept walking on a narrow path and I assume we're in the middle of a forest. I hear Neville sniff.

"Ye'll get yer firs sight o' Hogwarts in a sec. Jus' round this bend here". When we made a turn I saw the castle. It was huge with 2 huge towers and a lot of little ones. The scenery was beautiful. I would have to fly around here sometime.I heard a loud "Oooooooooooh" from everyone, including myself. There was a huge black lake that we're probably going to ride across. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard the large man say "No more'n four in a boat!". He pointed to some boats. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I got into one boat. Hermione was practically bouncing in her seat.

"What house do you want to be in? I'm hoping for Gryffindor. But Ravenclaw would be good too." Hermione asked me.

"I don't really know. I know I'm not going to be in Ravenclaw, that's for sure. I hope I don't get into Slytherin." Jazz said there wasn't a bad wizard that wasn't in Slytherin.

"Heads down!" yelled the man and everyone ducked. When we got there, we stepped onto some sort of dock.

"Oy, you there!" the man said " Is this your toad?" Neville jumped up.

"Trevor!". They walked up a passageway and crowded around a huge oak door.

"Everyone here? You still got your toad?". The man raised his huge fists and knocked three times on the castle door.

AN: Woah. I was reading this and realized that I really need to proofread.