WOW! Its been a while, I know. Once again, I would like to thank all my amazing followers/reviewers! It lights up my day when I see all your lovely reviews and follows in my inbox. I love you all.

J screeched to a halt in front of his club, The Black Diamond. His purple Lamborghini stood proud on the tarmac, glinting in the rare Gotham sunlight. He got out of the car and chucked his keys at the young boy stood outside the club on the door. Shock and fear were written across his face as he caught the keys.

Must be the new valet. J smirked.

"Park her, and don't let me find one scratch when I come back, or else you'll find out why there was a job opening in the first place."

He stalked past the boy and into the club. The inside of The Black Diamond was modern, and the ceiling was filled with golden chandeliers. Gold beads hung low around booths on the outside of the bar, to give them privacy, whilst glass cages were positioned around the dance floor, so you could see the performers from the booths. Of course, you had to be rich to afford a booth in The Joker's club. Regular people came into the club as well, but they were just after a bit of skirt and a good time, and as long as they overlooked the odd murder, everyone was welcome.

The Joker looked around the club, searching for his right-hand man, Jonny Frost. Being unable to see him, The Joker growled and stormed towards the bar. A girl, that he had no idea even worked for him, was stood behind it. She threw him a seductive smile and leaned over.

"What can I get you boss?" she asked suggestively.

The Joker cringed at her classless attempt of seduction. She had nothing on Harley.

"Scotch." he answered without giving her a glance. Disheartened, the girl poured his drink and slid it along the top of the bar towards him. In a last attempt to gain his attention, she reached over the bar, intending to place her hand on his arm and ask if he needed anything else. Before she even touched him, he grabbed her arm and twisted it.

"Don't touch what you can't afford." he said darkly and grinned when he felt something snap in her wrist. The girl cried out and quickly left the bar.

Jonny appeared through the back door of the club and made his way over to The Joker. He had caught the tail end of what happened with the barmaid and quickly grabbed himself a glass and the opened bottle of scotch.

The Joker smiled when he saw Jonny approach carrying the alcohol.

"Oh Jonny, you sure know how to treat a man right." The Joker quipped, as Jonny poured himself and the boss a drink. Jonny said nothing but sat down next to him, waiting for the boss to speak again.

"Any news on the bat?" The Joker asked, swirling his scotch around in his glass.

"He was sighted at Belle Reve after Harley's escape, but other than that he's been busy chasing Jonathan Crane. He released his fear toxin in a shopping centre full of people, last I heard the bat has him banged up in Arkham." Jonny answered, nursing his own drink.

The joker chuckled darkly. "I do hate the lower class of criminals." He said and knocked back his second class of scotch.

"Listen Frost, I need you to round up the usual guys, you know the ones I use for important jobs. Get them ready, I need them suited, booted and ready in 3 days."

"Sure thing boss." Jonny replied taking a sip of his own drink. He knew better than to ask questions.

"We're gonna pay Dr Van Criss another little visit." The Joker grinned.

Everyone but the pilot survived the helicopter crash, which The Joker used in his failed attempt to rescue Harley. Frost got out with minor burns along with The Joker, but Van Criss managed to disappear in the chaos, and the Joker was well aware that Harley still had a nasty little problem embedded in her neck. He hoped that once they removed the bomb, she would be able to put that place behind her.

He growled at the thought of guards touching her and injecting the bomb into her neck. He slammed his glass down and ran his tongue along his teeth, savouring the evil thoughts that were filtering into his mind on how he would make everyone pay who had touched his harlequin.

Whilst the Jokers mind was preoccupied, he failed to notice his smartphone buzzing in his blazer pocket. Only Harley and Jonny had the number to this phone, anyone else that wanted to speak to the Joker, had to go through Jonny first. As Jonny was sat next to him, there was only one other person it could be.

The phone buzzed again breaking The Joker out of his trance. He grabbed it out of his pocket and brought it up to his ear.

"WHAT?" he barked into the phone. Jonny could here the muffled sound of Harley's voice through the line. The Joker gave him a pointed look whilst he listened to the phone and Jonny took that as his cue to leave. He knocked back his drink and headed off out the door.

Slamming his phone down, The Joker stood from the bar, turned on his heel, and stalked off out of the club, towards his car.

Back at the hideout Harley was frantically pacing back and forth inside the bedroom. Her anxiety was sky high, she had no idea where J was or what she was supposed to wear tonight for her big reappearance. After her tears when J left, she ran a hot bath and tried to relax, the scent of vanilla lingered on her skin and she had to admit she felt better. She walked over to the large vanity table that held all of her and The Joker's jewellery. She glanced in the mirror and ran her fingers over the rigid mark on her neck where she had gotten her 'injection'. She hated that the deadly grain was still in her skin, but she had no idea how to get it out.

She remembered the stash of knives that hid in the bedside draw. The Joker had weapons stashed all over the hideout, and even slept with a revolver under his pillow. She pulled the knives out of the draw and examined the sharp, steel points. She sat back at the table and looked at herself in the mirror, holding one of the thin knives up to her neck.

Maybe I could dig it out...

Harley was so intrigued with the knives and the possibility of finally getting rid of bomb that she failed to hear the roar of the Lamborghini pull into the garage. She definitely didn't hear the slamming of the garage door or the sound of J stomping up the stairs. He was still upset she had the audacity to ring him at work when he had been with her all night.

Harley had just plucked up the courage to remove the implanted bomb from her own neck when the Joker stormed through the bedroom door. He looked over to see Harley in a trancelike state with one of his diamond encrusted knives at her throat.

"What the fuck do you think you're playing at?" he roared and snatched the knife out of her hand.

He spun her around on the chair and put his hand around her throat. She gasped as she realised J had caught her and snapped back into focus.

"Do you have a fucking death wish? Huh? You don't get to decide when you live or die sweetheart, I do!" J said, his hand growing tighter around her throat with each passing second.

"You're hurting me!" Harley choked out.

"Well answer me dammit! What the fuck were you doing? Trying to end it all? Your life isn't yours to take, its mine! You belong to me!" J shouted.

Harley shook her head and attempted to speak but The Joker let go of her throat and backhanded her.

"Don't let me ever catch you doing something like that again!" he seethed.

Harley held her throbbing cheek and blinked back tears.

"No, J, you don't understand, I wasn't trying to kill myself!" her voice broke and she looked down at the floor, she hated making him angry, but he needed to listen.

"I was tryna get the bomb out, it's still in there J, I can't stand it. I can't." She looked up at him as he towered over her. Her baby blue eyes shone with tears and she looked so innocent. The Joker felt a twinge of guilt that he hit her, but he would never say sorry or let her know he felt bad.

He bit his tongue to quell his rising temper and pulled her forward into his chest.

"Silly girl. Do you think daddy hasn't noticed that nasty little thing is still there? Before you made him mad he had some good news but now he might call the whole thing off." The Joker said, still holding Harley in his arms.

"Sorry Daddy." Harley hiccupped and snuggled further into him.

The Joker pushed her back into the chair and knelt so he was level with her face, then lifted her chin with his fingers.

"Daddy is taking care of it, me and you are gonna pay an old friend a little visit, and he is gonna tell us how to get rid of your little problem."

Harley's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really Pud?"

"Yes, so turn that frown upside down, I hate to see my best girl frowning." The Joker cooed at her and stretched the corners of her mouth up into a smile.

Harley smiled, and The Joker beamed.

"There! Beautiful." The Joker said, and Harley's heart swelled at his words.

"Now go put on that gorgeous black and gold dress Daddy bought you and get ready, we've got a big night ahead of us!"

Harley skipped into the bathroom to apply makeup over the bruise forming on her face then started to get dressed. She giggled when she caught sight of The Joker changing his shirt and applying his vast collection of gold jewellery to his wrists and neck. She still couldn't believe she was back home with him! And she couldn't honestly wait to be back in the club, by The Jokers side, with her favourite cocktail in her hand. It was easy to forget the events of Belle Reve when she had so much to look forward to.

Once she was ready, Harley stepped out of the bathroom to see The Joker waiting for her on the bed. He let out a wolf whistle and she did a little twirl. She was wearing her gold and black diamond dress paired with gold heels. Her hair hung in loose waves around her face and she had on her signature red lipstick.

"What a sight." The Joker said and stood up.

"You're not so bad yourself Mistah J." Harley giggled.

He had changed into his favourite maroon coloured suit and left it unbuttoned. He paired this with black slacks and his gold chains hung around his neck.

The Joker grabbed Harleys hand and led her out of the bedroom and down to the garage.

"Come on doll, lets show the world who's back." He said opening the passenger door to his lambo and helping Harley in. He shut the door and walked around to his side of the car. Once he was settled in the car Harley leaned over and planted a wet kiss on his cheek.

"Can't wait pud!" she giggled and placed her hand on his thigh.

The car roared to life and they sped towards the club, ready to make their grand return.

REVIEW! Next chapter is already in the works.