Not sure where I came up with the idea for this... it kind of just happened at 3 am last night. Lol. Just thought I'd put it out here.

Lux awoke to the sunlight falling across her face. "Ugh…" Lux groaned, squeezing her eyes shut and snuggling closer to… wait, what?

Lux's eyes snapped open in surprise, and she found herself staring at a lock of crimson hair. What…?

Craning her neck back to look up, she found herself face-to-face with a certain redhaired assassin. Katarina's arm was draped over Lux's body protectively, the mage curled up comfortably in the curve of her body.

Lux's eyes widened, her breathing speeding up as she panicked. What? What? What? Why is Katarina in my bed?

As she struggled to free herself from Katarina's grip, the assassin awoke, smiling down at her. "Good morning, Akali…" She murmured, pulling her closer.

Lux froze. Wait, what? Akali?

"You okay?" Katarina's voice came from above her, laced with concern.

"What… did you just say?" Lux asked hesitantly.

Katarina blinked in surprise. "I said good morning, Akali."

"What? I'm not Akali." Lux frowned in confusion.

Katarina released Lux and allowed her to sit up, proceeding to regard her strangely. "What? Are you feeling alright?"

Lux was getting more and more confused by the second. Jumping out of bed, Lux rushed into the bathroom, staring into the mirror.

Long, black hair fell to her waist, and a pair of confused brown eyes stared back at her. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"So… let me get this straight." Katarina rubbed the bridge of her nose. "The two of you have switched bodies?"

Both Lux and Akali nodded simultaneously.

"What- How- WHAT?!" Katarina threw her hands up in frustration. "This had better not be some stupid prank."

"It's not." Lux (Akali?) reassured.

"How can I be sure?" Katarina asked, still skeptical.

"Ask me something only I'd know." Akali said.

"Ok, uh…" Katarina tilted her head, thinking. "When did we start dating?"

"December 11th, two years ago."

Lux blinked, not sure she heard right. "Wait, you two are dating?"

Katarina gave her a look that told Lux she just said something very stupid. "Was waking up in my bed not enough of an indication?"

"No, I-I thought, uh…" Lux trailed off. "I couldn't even tell."

"Well, mission accomplished." Katarina grinned, high-fiving Akali. "We're so good at this."

Lux looked between the two of them. It was still kind of weird looking at herself from outside. "Good at what?"

Akali sighed. "Do you really think the rest of the world would be okay with us dating? We're obviously hiding it."

"Oh." Lux said intelligently, embarrassed that she hadn't thought of it.

"Wait." Katarina suddenly held up a hand. "So last night, which one of you did I fuc-"

"KAT!" Akali pounced on her with a face as red as the assassin's hair, cutting her off. "I was still myself then. Don't worry."

Katarina laughed. "Okay, okay."

Sitting up, Akali coughed loudly, still blushing. "Okay. Now that Katarina believes us, we need to figure out what to do."

"I believe the first order of business is to figure out what caused this." Katarina said, serious mode engaged. "But how?"

"Ask around and see if anyone knows of a spell that could cause it?" Lux suggested.

"You think it was a spell?" Akali mused, still deep in thought.

"What else could it be?" Lux asked.

"I don't know." Katarina said. "But assuming it is a spell, who would cast it on us? The Institute doesn't allow outsiders in, so it's probably one of the champions or a summoner."

"Let's assume it's a champion for now." Akali suggested. "Make a list of the strongest mages and ask around. If nothing turns up, we can move on to summoners."

"Agreed." Lux nodded. Pulling out a pen and paper from her desk, she sat down once again. "Ok, let's make our list. Just yell out suggestions."







"Are you retarded?" Katarina looked at Akali, who covered her mouth at her mistake.

"Oops. Wasn't thinking."

Lux ignored the feeling of pride that came with Akali thinking she was one of the strongest mages, not choosing to tell Katarina that she had written down Lux on accident in case it would make the assassin think she was mentally ill.

In the end, it was quite a lengthy list, and they decided to split it up in thirds, assigning each person a third.

"Ok, meet back here at night and we'll see what we've discovered." Akali said as they left the room.

Sound interesting to anyone? Should I continue? Also, I'm not really sure where I'm going with this story, but Katarina isn't going to leave Akali, I promise (unless you guys enjoy that NTR shit). I hate NTR, it makes me want to kill someone. Anyway, read/review, tell me if I should continue.