Welcome to my first fan fiction, Prophecy of the Eons! This occurs before Alola but after the Kalos league and the Giant rock Zygarde incident but instead the Giant rock was completely destroyed allowing Greninja to continue traveling with Ash. I do hope you enjoy it! RR (Also Giant rock is its official bulbapedia name.)

Pokespeach: "Hello"

Telepathy: "Hello"

Thoughts: 'Hello'

Normal speech: "Hello"

-Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon!

Chapter 1: A new adventure begins!

A plane lands in Kanto. A door on the plane slides open releasing the passengers from the plane. From the all the passengers one stands out from the rest with a Pikachu on his shoulder, his name is Ash Ketchum.

"I,'m back Kanto!" Ash yelled as he got off the plane making sure not to make the same mistake from his entrance to Kalos.

"We should go call mom to tell her we have landed, Pikachu." Ash suggested. Pikachu nodded in agreement at his trainers plan.

After finding a PC Ash proceeded in calling his mother. "Hello this is the Ketchum residence. Who is this?" Delia answered.

"Hi mom, its me."

"Hi honey! How have you been?"

"I'm fine mom. I was calling to let you know I. have landed safely in Kanto and will be home shortly."

"Thats great! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures in Kalos. Also congratulations on runner-up in the Kalos league!"

"Thanks mom, I will see you soon."

"Be safe okay."

"I will be fine mom. Bye."

"Bye sweetheart."

A few hours later:

"Look Pikachu, there's Pallet town!" Ash said excitedly.

"I'll race you to the lab Pikachu!" ash challenged. Pikachu turned to Ash and gave him a face that Ash took as a "Bring it on!". "All right! 3... 2... 1... GO!" Ash shouted. The two friends proceeded to dash down the road towards Professor Oak's lab.

"Darn, I lost" Ash sighed while Pikachu proceeded to make a victory pose. "All right showoff. lets see if Oak is here."

Ash then knocked on the front door of the lab to hear crashing from within. "The door is open come on in!" Oak yelled from somewhere in the lab.

"Oak where are you? Its Ash." Ash asked while he walked through the lab while avoiding the fallen books and shattered glass.

"Professor? Where are you and what happened here?" Ash asked worriedly searching for the missing Proffesor.

Ash heard a door slam and lock from the other side of the lab which the sound of foot steps and banging could be heard from. "Ah... Ash how was Kalos? Congrats on runner-runner-up! sorry about the mess." said Oak as he shuffled into the room with scotches of purple all over him.

"What happened here?" Ash questioned.

"Muk happened" Oak answered unhappily as he turned in the direction of the continued banging of the back door.

Ash laughed "Other than that how have you been Oak?"

"I'm fine, Ash." Oak replied.

"So what have you been working on Professor?" Ash questioned.

"Have you heard of Alola, Ash?" Ash shook his head. "Alola is a new region that has Pokemon who have region exclusive variants. "I have been studying these variants."

"That sounds amazing!" Ash said excitedly. "What's so special about these variants?" He questioned.

"The variants are special because they have adapted to their region by change their form as well as changing their typing." Oak explained.

"WHAT! They change their types! That's so cool what variants are there?" Ash exclaimed.

"So far its only been seen with Pokemon which originated from Kanto. Among this Pokemon are the Sandshrew and Geodude evolution lines. Sandshrew and Sandslash originally ground types but, in Alola they are a ice and steel type. The Geodude line gained the electric typing making the a rock and electric typing." Oak explained

"That sounds amazing!" Ash said. Ash was shocked that this was even possible and he began to think what else might be out there seeing as this is possible. "Thank you, Professor for telling me about these variants but I should be heading home now." Ash said.

"Anytime Ash. I'm here when you need me." Oak said as Ash left the lab.

Ash walked down the path think about the variants and the new region. "I would love to go to Alola. Am I right buddy?" "Pika Pi Pikachu!" Pikachu replied happily from Ash's shoulder.

A few minutes later.

Ash open the door to his house and yelled inside "Mom I'm home!"

Delia come in the room and hugged her son "Welcome home honey. I missed having you around."

"Thanks, mom."

Delia lead ash to the living room and motioned ash to sit down "Sit down and I'll get some snacks for us while you tell me about your adventures in Kalos!".

"Sounds great mom." Ash said happily.

After a few hours of ash talking about his Kalos journey. "And that was my journey through Kalos." Ash finished.

"That's amazing sweet. I'm glad you had fun but please try a little harder to stay out of danger Ash." Delia said.

"Okay mom but when the worlds in danger the world will thus turn to Ash" Ash joked. "Anyways... When is dinner? Im starving!" Ash said.

Now lets go back into the past to the beginning of the Kalos league...

Somewhere in a city sorounded by water in a secret garden a red and white dragon was asleep at the bass of a tree. And at the entrance to said garden was a girl. "Hey Latias, lunch is ready!" she shouted. When the word lunch reqistered in the sleeping dragons mind she immediately was awake "Where is lunch, Bianca?" Latias asked through telepathy.

"Its down at the house lets go." Bianca replied. "Ok! I'll see you there!" Latias telepathically shouted to her friend as she flew off towards the house.

Once Bianca was at the house she saw Latias sitting by the door. "Oh? Couldn't get in and eat everything could you?" asked Bianca smirking. "Why is the door locked?" She wined

"I locked it because if I didn't you would have eaten everything! Also I have some news that you will be happy to hear about." Bianca said with a hint of mystery in her tone.

Bianca opened the door and Latias shifted into her human guise. She turned into the kitchen but there was no food. "Bianca where is the food?" Latias questioned.

"Its in the Living room." Bianca said walking into the living room where Lorenzo was already sitting down.

"Why is it in the living room?" Latias said surprised.

"I said I had a surprise didn't I?" she then motioned Latias to sit down. After she sat down Bianca turned on the TV. "Here is the surprise, Latias." Bianca said beaming.

Latias turned to look at the TV to hear it say "For the first round of the Kalos league we have Ash Ketchum from Pallet town versus _ " Latias jumped when she heard this.

"Its Ash! Thank you Bianca this was a great surprise!" Latias said hugging her best friend.

Bianca, Lorenzo, and Latias sat down and watch the Kalos League.

"And the winner Ash Ketchum from Pallet town!" The judge declared. "Ash won his first match I'm so proud of him." Latias said happily.

"Yes, Ash has come a long way since his other league battles." replied Bianca as she went to get more refreshments.

After a few more battles Bianca said "Well that was defiantly a surprise! How did Ash and Greninja do that?"

"I don't know, Bianca. I am pretty sure Greninja can't mega evolve so there must be something else causing this" Lorenzo hypothesized.

"Was it just me or when that Greninja changed forms it kind of looked like Ash." Latias asked.

"Yes I did notice that Latias. I also noticed that Greninja and Ash seemed to be in sync because Ash did all the same move Greninja did in the battle at the same time. The only difference was that Ash stayed in one spot." Bianca stated.

"Well either way Ash is up again you two." said Lorenzo

As if on que the announcer said "And for the finals of the Kalos league is Ash versus Alain! Let the battle commence!" 'Good luck Ash' Thought Latias.

Several minutes later Ash was left with only Greninja and Alain only had Charizard. "This has become a really hard battle for Ash." said Lorenzo.

"Yes, I would agree but I think Ash has this in the bag because Charizard is a Fire and Flying type meaning Greninja already strong water type attacks do double the damage to him." Bianca stated.

"But Alan's Charizard has a mega stone letting it mega evolve into a mega Charizard X which is a dragon and fire type which will make Greninja water moves do regular damage instead of double because dragon types take half damage from water type moves." Lorenzo said sounding a little worried.

"All that matters is that Ash has made it this far so we should support him all the way!" said Latias filled with pride. "Also think if you think about it this way Ash also has a mega of sorts, Greninja. Seeing as when Greninja changed to battle that mega Sceptile which was grass and dragon which takes one fourth damage from water but still won against it says allot." Latias said with pride.

"Well lets get back to the battle both Charizard has mega evolved and Greninja has changed forms." interupted Lorenzo.

A few fateful minutes later... "Greninja is unable to battle! Charizard is the winner! Ash has run out of Pokemon making Alain the winner!" yelled the judge then commercials popped up on the screen for the break.

"Aw Ash lost..." said Bianca. "All that matters is that he did his best and I for one am very proud of him for making it this far!" Latias said with determination.

"Well its getting late so we should make some dinner. Bianca, could you come with me to help make dinner?" asked Lorenzo.

"Sure thing." She replied.

After Lorenzo and Bianca left the living room Latias started to think about Ash's promise to return to Altomare. 'I wonder if Ash still remembers me or his promise to return. I love you Ash...' Latias thought. 'All I can do is wait and time will tell if he does or doesnt'.

"LATIAS! DINNER IS READY!" Bianca yelled from the kitchen breaking Latias's train of thought.

"Im coming!" Latias said as she sat up and walked torwards the kitchen.

End of Chapter 1

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Prophecy of the Eons! I will be reading the comments so please reviev and tell me what you liked and what you didn't like. Tell me what you think I should put more detail into and anything else you think I should do. I do have a base for the story line that can be altered if needed. Also one last thing before I shut up, Im looking for a beta reader to help me make these chapters run smoothly. To request to be my beta PM me your reasons on why you should be my beta.

This is Legodood93 Signing out!