A/N- This isn't really a chapter its more of a would it survive as a story idea I had when I was thinking of things for my other FSOG story.

So let me know what you think and if I should continue or let this stay just an idea.

Twin girls are giving up at birth, one to a man and his wife, the other to a widow.

On September 3rd a set of twins are born. Both of the baby's girls. Identical girls to be exact. Their mother still a child herself at the age of fifteen. She did what some mothers could and would never think of doing. But she was doing what she thought was right for her daughter's.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Once you sign these papers you will never be able to see your girls again." The nurse tells her.

"I'm sure. There is someone out there who will be able to give them the things I will never be able to. Give them the love and family they deserve." The young mother says while signing the paperwork that give away all her paternal rights over the little girls.

Two hours later a man and his wife along with a widow receive a call that would change their lives in more than one way.

"Mr. and Mrs. Grey?"

"This is my wife is busy at the moment. What's this about?"

"Let me be the first to congratulate you. As of 2 hours ago you have a beautiful baby girl." The woman on the phone says and Christian is stunned silent by the news.

After he and his wife lost their first child when his wife was attacked by her boss they learned that she was no longer able to bare children so they pursued adoption.

"Are you there ?"

"Yes. Yes I'm here… Um…. When can we come get her?" Christian asks when he recovers.

"Whenever you can make it to the agency."

"We will be there in an hour." Christian says.

"I'll see you in an hour." She said that hangs up.

"Elizabeth can you come down here?"

"Coming!" Elizabeth shouts as she comes down the stairs. "What is it honey?" She asks coming to stand in front of her husband.

"I just got a call from the agency. Two hours ago a little girl was born and as of now we are the proud parent's of a newborn baby girl." Christian says, and can see the excitement in his wife's face.

"Are you serious!? Oh my god! We have a baby!" Elizabeth things to her husband. "We have a daughter Christian." Elizabeth through her tears.

"Lets go get her." Christian says getting the car seat they had been saving for this very moment.

"Oh Chris she's so beautiful! Look at our little girl!" Elizabeth says looking at the small baby girl in the cot.

"She even has your eyes, Liz." Christian says when the baby opens her amazing blue eyes and looks at her new parents.

"And your hair." Elizabeth says pointing out the babies copper colored hair.

"She may be adopted but she looks like both of you." A woman says handing the new parents the baby girls half way field out birth certificate and other papers.

"She doesn't have a name?" Christian asks looking over the form.

"No. Her birth mother thought it would be easier if she didn't know thei- her name." The nurse says catching her self at the last moment, remembering the babies had been split up already.

"Well then. How about Maureen?" Elizabeth suggests, receiving and look from Christian that screams no.

"How about McKenzie?" Christian asks looking between his wife and his new daughter.

"I love it. Her middle name should be Grace." Elizabeth says looking at the baby girl moving around in the little bed.

"McKenzie Grace Grey. Its perfect." Christian says kissing his wife before writing the baby's name on her birth certificate.

"Now that you are officially a family, would you like to take your first family picture?" The nurse asks after handing Elizabeth her new daughter.

"Yes! Thank you!" Christian says handing the woman his phone.

"Say family 3..2..1."

"Miss. Steele?"

"This is she." Anastasia says into her phone as she gets into her car.

"I'm calling from the adoption agency you and your husband signed up with. Now I know you lost your husband recently, but there is a beautiful baby girl that needs a loving home."

For a few moments she doesn't know what to say but then she looks in the back seat of her car and sees the carseat Kevin put there for good luck.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"I'll see you when you get here Miss. Steele." With that Anastasia hangs up forgetting about what she was about to do, heading straight to the agency to get her new daughter.

"Right this way Miss. Steele." The agent says opening the door to the nursery. "Meet your daughter Miss. Steele."

"Ana, please. My God she is beautiful." Ana says goes to the baby's crib picking her up after setting down the baby's car seat. " What's her name?" Ana asks after looking at the label on the crib and not finding one.

"I don't know. Her mom hasn't told me it." The nurse says coming back with a birth certificate.

"Oh! Right! Um... Myra. Myra Kayvin Steele." Ana says just as the baby starts waking up from her nap, opening her eyes showing off a beautiful grey color."Are her eyes okay?"

"Yea they are fine. Just her own different color. May I ask why the name Kayvin?"

"Her fathers name was Kevin." Ana says smiling sadly at the thought of her decised husband."

"Well, Myra Kayvin is a name strong as Steele. Would you like me to take a picture of you and your daughter?" The nurse asks.

"Yes, thank you." Ana says, first taking a picture looking at the camera the next looking at her little girl.

"There you go." The was woman says handing Ana back her phone once she has the baby settled in the car seat.

I know it doesn't seem like it now but this is a FSoG story, just give it some time.

Love and hugs- Kenziestar