Title: I hate you, I love you

Author: auntsnix

Rating: M

Characters/Pairings: Eventual Brittana+Faberry, BrittBerry friendship, Puck/Rachel/Brittany friendship etc.

Word Count: 997

Disclaimer: The usual, I own nothing but I do own my OC, Alexander Chase. I also don't know that much about football, so forgive me. Also Finn and Will bashing.

Summary: AU! They are — or were — the best of friends and could never be separated until her feelings come to play. She couldn't care less of what the rest of Lima thought about her, but she, she cared. She cared about reputation, popularity and did things to get her higher on the William McKinley High School's stupid hierarchy system. But, no, Brittany S. Pierce never wanted to be popular anyway, she just wanted to be happy. It's canon for some parts (Beth, the godforsaken Finchel drama etc.) but FaBerry will be on the side.

A/N: This is my first fanfiction/one-shot on so I'm still trying to get used to how to use it. This is just a short chapter about Brittany and Alec, all spelling and grammatical errors are mine. Your reviews and pointers are much appreciated my fellow Gleeks! Hope you enjoy it!

"Hey, Princess. Are you okay?"

Brittany hugged her pillow tightly to her chest, turning on the lamp on her bedside table, "I don't even know anymore, Lex." She heard her dance partner sitting up as they quietly spoke to each other, "No one's giving you a hard time, right? Do you want me to call you on Skype?" Brittany softly mumbled a 'yes' when she laid on her bed, her left hand going through her blonde hair. Alec's face appeared on the screen with a sleepy grin stitched on his face, his jet black hair all over the place as usual.

"I miss you, Alec." She said, frowning at the camera while the older boy smiled at her.

"Don't worry, Little B. I'll be there next week to see you in your Cheerios uniform." He smiled at her, both teenagers bursting into laughter as they fell back to their playful banter with their droopy eyes sparkling with amusement. "Is it Santana? Did she do something again?" Tyler frowned, he has always known that Brittany was special when they first met in dance camp; despite what people say to her at school, she is a very smart and talented girl; ignorant people would be an idiot to not be able to see that! They both called each other at least three times a week and told each other what was happening in their lives, even if it was good or bad, they always listen to each other and in the beginning of each summer, Brittany would either go to L.A with her family to visit the Chase's or Alec and his family would go to Lima to visit the Pierce's. It became a tradition for them since they decided they would keep in touch over the years.

"She keeps telling me that it's better without feelings, but I know her. She's so closed off and never talks about how she feels," Alec listened to his best friend rant about the Latina who Brittany has fallen in love with, "But sometimes, when she doesn't know I'm still awake, she would say the sweetest things to me and it's just, so hard, it's so hard to let her know how I feel about her, Alec. And it hurts me." Alec's heart broke as he looked at Brittany's face. She's hurting because of Santana, a girl who's so afraid of what people thought about her.

"You know what? I'm taking an early flight there tomorrow, and you, Ducky, are going to McKinley with me on Monday and me, Alexander Chase, your most amazing best friend in the whole world," The younger girl laughed at his words and grinned widely, almost like a Cheshire cat, "Will take you on a friend-date after school. It'll be Little A and Little B just like old times!"

She couldn't stop smiling at her best friend.

"Just like old times."

Brittany sprinted downstairs with her jacket tied loosely on her hips. "Brittany, the bike's outside!" She took her helmet off the table and grabbed the keys before shouting a 'goodbye' to her parents, swiftly putting on her shoes and closing the door. She inserted her key to her bike and made her way to the Lima Bean where Alec would be arriving in twenty minutes— if this Alec we're talking about, then he'd probably be there already.

When she arrived, Brittany cut off the engine and took her helmet off, her blonde hair cascading down her face. She ran towards the entrance of the Lima Bean and quickly spotted her tall best friend, who was wearing his jumper that she had given to him last Christmas. Alec chuckled at her from where he sat, standing up when the blonde began to walk at a quick pace and opened his arms when she was close to him, embracing her in a tight hug, kissing her on the forehead.

"You're here," She said to him, her voice being muffled in his chest, vibrating as he laughed at her, "I missed you, Britt." They separated from their hug.

"Now, tell what's happening at McKinley." He passed her a cup of hot chocolate and took a sip of his. Brittany placed down her helmet and keys before speaking up, "Well, Aunt Sue is still being Aunt Sue. The glee club is still running, Quinn joined the Cheerios, again and there's a new football coach— I think she's also the basketball and the soccer coach— her name's Coach Beiste and the football team is still shit." The pair snorted, Alec came to the Titans football last year and was horrified by the lack of teamwork the football team had and their previous Coach's choice of players.

"It's that fucking Jolly Green Giant's fault. That football team's hypocritical, they call people who still have their whole brain intact losers while they're the ones who keep on losing." Alec scowled and Brittany laughed out loud at his comment, customers turned their heads at their direction. He stood up, stretching his hand out for the blonde to take.

"Come on, Duckie. I still have to beat you on DDR."

"You wish!" She grabbed her helmet and keys then grabbed Alec's outstretched hand, he pulled her up not letting go of her hand, "Keys, B." She mumbled an 'okay' and kissed his cheek before giving him her keys for the bike, "You have a spare helmet in your bag?" She asked the older boy, pulling out his helmet from his bag then held Brittany's hand again. They walked in a comfortable silence, walking in time with each other. She felt excited for this year because her best friend was back from living in L.A and is spending the whole day with him.

Just exactly like old times.