Akalave Town, a quiet little town on the outer portion of the Glacies Region. The main points of interest here were Professor Pine's Lab, and a small bakery owned by a young woman who came to Glacies from Kalos a few years ago. Just inside the forest surrounding the town, two figures stood. One was a man in his early twenties. He had jet black hair, brown eyes, and wore a dark blue coat and snow pants, with white boots. The other figure was a Greninja, the final evolution of Froakie, Kalos' water type starter. The Greninja summoned two white blades, using them to slice a nearby log into pieces, to where the human was able to pick several of them up. The Greninja picked up some wood as well, and the two silently walked back into town, eventually arriving at a small house, illuminated by the moon high up in the sky. The human opened the door, kicking snow off his boots before carrying the wood in. Human and Pokémon carried the wood into the sitting room, which was illuminated by the active fireplace. On a nearby couch sat a young, blonde woman who wore a red coat, and light pink pants. The woman held a young boy in her arms, about three years old, with blonde hair, wearing a set of white pajamas. A Ralts sat at the foot of the chair. All three were snoozing softly. On a nearby chair sat a young girl, about five years old. Her skin and hair were a milky white, and she wore a pair of light purple footie pajamas. Next to the girl was a shiny Mawile, her maw hanging limply over the side of the chair, indicating that the girl and Mawile were also asleep. The human and his Pokémon set the wood down, before the human walked over to the sleeping woman, shaking her softly.

"Serena?" He spoke softly, so as not to disturb the children. "Wake up."

"Mnngh." The woman, Serena, stirred awake.

"Don't you think you would rather sleep in our bed?" The man joked.

"We were waiting for you." Serena yawned. The man shook his head. "Ash, what time is it?"

"Almost eleven." Ash answered. Serena blinked. "You take Arvo up to bed. I'll get Ruby." Serena nodded, hoisting the young boy and the Ralts into her arms, before taking the two up towards the stairs. Ash walked toward the chair where Ruby and Mawile slept, gently lifting the two into his arms. As he walked toward the stairs, Ruby stirred in his arms.

"Mngh." The little girl murmured.

"Time to sleep in your own bed Ruby." He spoke softly.

"Don't wann' sleep..." The young child murmured, only barely awake.

"You say that then fall asleep almost immediately after." Ash responded. Sure enough, Ruby's answer came in the form of soft snoring. Ash reached a door on the second floor, opening it. The room inside was dark, but one could easily see the purple motif. A small corner had a bookshelf, holding books that were surprisingly advanced for a girl Ruby's age, as well as a small bean bag chair, and a chest full of Pokémon dolls. In another corner stood a draw full of clothes, and another chest, this one full of the remains of toys that Mawile had played too roughly with, mostly involving her maw. Ash gently set the two girls, both human and Pokémon, in the small bed, tucking the two in and setting a stuffed winter form deerling into Ruby's arms. The sleeping girl hugged the toy. Ash smiled, giving the young girl a kiss on the forehead. As he turned to leave, Mawile suddenly sat up, somehow wide awake, holding out her arms to Ash as if expecting something. Ash sighed, rolling his eyes and giving Mawile a kiss on the forehead as well. The Deciever Pokémon clapped softly, before abruptly falling back into a deep sleep. Ash shook his head, turning and walking out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. He walked to his and Serena's room, where he found her already in her pajamas. He made his way to the bathroom to change, when she spoke.

"Ash?" He turned to her. "Have you considered what Sycamore and Pine have told you?" Ash sighed.

"Are you sure you could handle it? If I leave to travel, it'll just be you to look after the kids, and run that bakery of yours." Serena nodded.

"I'll be fine, Arvo mostly keeps to himself-"

"And Ruby will be upset when she finds out she can't come with me." Ash finished for her.

"Ruby will be fine. Besides, I have my Pokémon with me." Ash frowned.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let Delphox help care for Ruby after what happened last time?"

"It wasn't that bad."

"How the hell does a Psychic Type lose a four year old girl up in the mountains?"

"...Fair point, but still, you always loved traveling." Ash was silent. "Ash, don't let anything those idiots said get to you, you're not wanted in the Glacies Region, this is your chance to prove those traitors wrong." Ash sighed. "You don't have to leave right away, but at least go to Professor Pine tomorrow."

"Fine, just promise me one thing."


"I better not come home to find you cheating on me." Serena laughed.

"Trust me, even if for some reason I did, Ruby would probably phone you right away. That girl doesn't have a filter on her mouth." The two shared a laugh, then there was a moment of silence.

"I'm serious though."

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

The very next day, Ash found himself at Professor Pine's Lab. Ruby was playing with Mawile in front of the lab. Greninja sat off to the side, having a conversation with Pine's Vulpix. Ash watched as Pine dug through his drawers, which, like the rest of his lab, was pretty cluttered.

"Like I said Ash, you definitely have what it takes to take on the Platinum League." The Professor said as he pulled something out. "Ah, here it is." He handed the object to Ash. It was a small, mechanical ring with several buttons on it.

"What is it?" Ash asked, taking the object.

"It's a pokedex." Pine smiled. "Give it a try." Ash looked out the window where Ruby and Mawile were, and pointed the pokedex at Mawile. It lit up, and a holographic model of a Mawile appeared in the center of the ring. The pokedex spoken in a cool, female voice.

Mawile, The Deciever Pokémon; Mawile uses it's harmless appearance to lure foes into a false sense of security, before turning around to attack with its' massive jaws.

"It also steals cookies when no one's looking." Ash added irritably, stuffing the pokedex into his pocket. He turned to Pine.

"You know Ash, unlike most pokedexes, the Glacies region pokedex holds information on legendary Pokémon." The Professor stated. He typed something on his computer. You don't have to worry about heading to the Pokémon Center, I've already got you registered for the Platinum League." He straightened up. "There's one more thing Ash. The Glacies pokedex has a special feature on it that let's you access and swap out your pokemon at anytime." Ash pulled the pokedex back out, and Pine pointed to a small, Pokeball shaped button. Ash pressed it, and a holographic screen appeared. It showed pictures of all of his Pokémon he had in storage at Pine's Lab, as well as the Pokémon he had on hand, which was just Greninja at the moment. Ash curiously pressed a finger onto Dewott's picture, dragging said picture into the slot next to Greninja's. Suddenly, a Pokeball materialized from the pokedex. Ash caught it, surprised, before opening it. Out burst non other then Dewott, who looked around, confused, before walking back into the corral, most likely to find Servine. "It even has a holophone function." Pine explained happily.

"You're proud of this thing aren't you?"

"Absolutely!" Pine exclaimed. He looked out the window, and his expression fell. "Uhh..." Ash turned to see what he was looking at. Outside, two people in purple uniforms had approached Ruby and Mawile.

"I'm not asking again kid, hand the Mawile over." The male of the duo demanded. The young girl was confused.

"But... She's my Pokémon." Ruby stated.

"Not anymore she's not." The male released a Salandit while the female released a Ghastly. At that moment, Ash stormed out of the building, Greninja behind him, and Pine following with his Vulpix. Ash stood in front of Ruby.

"...Stay out of this, unless you want that Greninja taken from you." The male stated.

"Who the hell do you think you are, harassing little girls!?" Ash demanded.

"Hmph" The male huffed. "If you must know, we're Team Venom. Now piss off before we get violent." Ash frowned.

"I've had enough of these damn villainous teams in every damn region I go to!" Ash snapped.

"Have it your way then. Use Flamethrower." The male grunt commanded. His Salandit let loose a belt of flames. Grininja responded with a Water Shuriken, intercepting the attack, while the female grunt had her Ghastly launch a Shadow Ball, which Pine's Vulpix inrcepted with a Flamethrower of her own.

"Alright, that's enough girl." The purple haired man told his Houndoom, who snapped eagerly at the pokepuff in his hand. He tossed the treat to the Fire and Dark type, who eagerly gobbled it up. The man smiled, only for an explosion to catch his attention. He stood up, walking to the edge of the hill they were sitting on. This gave him a clear view of what was going on below.

"Dragon Pulse." The Salandit launched a blast of draconic energy at Greninja, who merely sidestepped the attack. Ash had had enough.

"Enough of this! Greninja, let's go!" A massive veil of water surrounded Greninja, surprising the Grunts, as well as the man on the hill. The veil dissipated, taking on the form of a massive back mounted Water Shuriken, while Greninja had taken on an appearance resembling his trainer. "Water Shuriken!" Greninja hurled the shuriken at the two enemy Pokémon. The resulting impact created an explosion, and when the dust cleared, both Pokémon were out. The grunts recalled their Pokémon, shocked. "Leave, now, or else!" Ash snapped. The grunts turned tail and ran, while Greninja reverted to his normal form. Pine shook his head.

"Sorry about that Ash. That Team Venom has been a real problem recently."

"It's fine." Ash bent down to Ruby's height. "You okay?" Ruby and Mawile nodded. "Good." He picked the two up. "Come on then." He carried the two into Pine's lab to finish their discussion. On top of the hill, the purple haired man looked at the scene in shock, wondering what just happened.