Makes No Sense At All

Chapter 29 –

"You can take my heart, you can take my breath
When you pry it from my cold, dead chest

This is how we rise up
Heavy as a hurricane, louder than a freight train
This is how we rise up
Heart is beating faster, feels like thunder
Magic, static, call me a fanatic
It's our world, they can never have it"

- "The Resistance"- Skillet

Once they both had recovered, another trip to the shower was in order. Both were soaked in sweat and Jareth's blood, which he had stopped trying to keep from falling while his concentration had been diverted to a more pleasant avenue.

Sarah caught a glimpse of herself in the bathroom before she stepped under the water and laughed, "I look like a murder victim."

Jareth raised an eyebrow. "Our current situation is still waiting for us and can lead to death. So please forgive my lack of humor."

Sarah let it go, as the thought of losing him, sobered her.

Once they were both clean and dressed, Jareth produced a small jar with a blue substance. He had yet to put his gloves on and smeared some of it on the cut on his cheek.

To her questioning look, he replied, "It does not heal it, but soaks the blood up so I can concentrate on the battle to come."

"You couldn't have thought of that before my healing session?" she teased.

"I was otherwise occupied," he wiped his hand off then slid his gloves on. Then he turned to her, "It is time Precious. We shall work together to defeat my brother. I will enforce your magic as you break Kai's spell so we can capture him."

He grabbed her waist and she held tight as he transported them back to the room Kai had blocked himself into.

He deposited both of them outside the room and communicated telepathically with the High King and Cerin. Then he switched to the path to Sarah's mind, "They will aid us if needed, but we will stay out here so Kai doesn't know our attack on his mind has begun. Whenever you're ready, I am here." He took off his gloves and held her hands, skin to skin.

Sarah nodded and took a deep breath. As she exhaled she sent her magic into the room. She could feel Jareth connected to her physically, mentally, and magically. When she met the contamination that was Kai, she felt Jareth flinch.

"I had no idea how much of a blight he really was," his voice whispered through her mind. He then sent this sensation to the High King, who gave no outward indication of his surprise. He and Cerin continued to monitor Kai in front of them, who was showing no signs that anything was amiss. He was leaning against the stone wall, still smirking. His eyes trained on the two Fae.

Once again, Sarah encountered the steel that had not been there before today, on her prior excursions into his mind. This time she continued with the Goblin King as her powerful back up. She envisioned her magic as fire, melting the malleable material, providing her a way into Kai's mind. She could feel Jareth guiding her silently on how to reserve her magic and still get maximum results. He also followed her lead and provided a boost to her magic.

She smiled as she found the path in and sent the flames burning merrily. Unfortunately her smile didn't last long as the fire was extinguished. She felt a yank on her magic, then she found herself physically behind Kai's barrier with him. He was still leaning against the wall, now grinning, fangs fully visible.

Sarah tried sending her magic through the protective bubble, but nothing happened. She tried banging on it with her fists, which met with a solid wall.

While she was frantically trying to get out, Jareth had come into the room and was absolutely livid when he saw where she had disappeared to.

"What's the matter little brother? Lose something?" Kai said lazily. Then he stalked towards Sarah, who was desperately trying to get her magic to spark while staying away from him in the confined space.

"You touch her Kai and you're dead!" The Goblin King yelled, pacing back and forth in front of her prison.

"I believe that was your goal all along, so pardon me for not giving a damn. Your current situation shows you powerless." He trailed a finger down Sarah's neck, who jumped away from him.

"Jareth," she yelled wildly in his mind, "I think he's blocking my magic!"

"Be calm, my Love. We will distract him. You need to concentrate within. It's your magic, you can access it, " he replied.

She slowly backed towards a corner and trusted Jareth to handle Kai while she turned her sight inward. She took deep, steady breaths. In. Out. In. Out. Trying to go into a meditative trance. Too bad she never bothered to incorporate meditating into her life before. Nothing like learning on the fly.

While Sarah was otherwise occupied, Jareth was seething. The High King motioned for Cerin to contain the Goblin King and he distracted Kai himself. "What is the purpose of this?" he appeared to be bored of this situation, showing no emotion.

Kai was quite pleased with the Goblin King's reactions, but turned to the High King to reply. "Did you really think I wouldn't learn from my previous mistakes with this not so defenseless, not quite human girl? I know the taste of her magic now and set up traps in my mind for the next time she decided to attack. It would automatically transport her to me."

"But what of her magic? Did you take it?"

Kai tsked, "Now now, do you really think I would give an answer on how she no longer has it? You may think I am brainless, but I am smarter than all of you combined and more powerful."

The High King smirked, "I beg to differ on both accounts."

Kai glared at him then grabbed Sarah in the next blink, which caused Jareth to throw a crystal at the invisible barrier where it flew apart.

The High King spoke down the pathway to the Goblin King's mind, while not taking his eyes off of Kai, "Get your emotions under control. You are helping no one acting this way, including your mate. It is also not becoming of a Fae King. You are acting human."

Jareth forced himself to be still, "I suppose she has rubbed off on me. But I welcome the passions she has awoken. Being human isn't all that bad."
"You can feel such things, but do not show it. It is weakness that the enemy can exploit. You should know this."

Jareth sighed inwardly, as he knew the High King was correct.

In the few seconds that the two Kings were having their silent exchange, Sarah was once again in the Vampire Fae's clutches.

"Now you can watch while I drain your little female," Kai sneered, grabbing her neck while she struggled. He didn't paralyze her like he had done in the past, which made her wonder if there wasn't something she could do. She allowed him to bite her neck and draw her blood. The connection sparked something and she was instantly able to locate her magic. He had blocked it somehow, but wasn't able to take it from her unless he drained her. The knowledge of this flowed through her. She could use this situation to her advantage. She sent her magic through her blood into him and at the same time tugged on the connection she had with Jareth. He felt her pull and allowed a small portion of his magic to be taken into her. He also reached out to Cerin, who as family, would give another powerful push.

Jareth kept an open path of information to the High King of what was going on, who then in turn, sent some of his magic through Jareth, and he then sent it to Sarah.

Sarah somehow knew exactly what to do with all this influx of power and instinctively weaved a spell of all four of their magics and sent it into Kai. She should be feeling weak with him still drawing on her blood, dragging what he thought was her death out, taunting the Fae Kings. But she felt almost indestructible, the power from the three Fae plus her own, infused her with more resilience than she ever thought possible. If this was even a smidgen of what being an immortal magical being felt like, no wonder they thought themselves invincible.

She finally finished mixing the perfect combination and thrust the remainder of the spell into Kai, who pretentiously thought he had the upper hand and was going to win, so he didn't notice anything was wrong until that final moment.

He staggered back and slammed into the stone wall, leaving the wounds open on her neck, leaking blood. She ignored the injury and turned on him. He struggled to attack her, but she stopped him with one command. "Be still!" she ordered as pushed the combined magic at him to ensure it would be followed.
He instantly froze, not even his eyes moving.

Sarah walked around him, "How does it feel to be the one paralyzed? Not so fun, is it?"

After she made a circle and came to stand in front of him again, she continued, "I can see the way into your mind, I know exactly how to cure Jareth." She glanced at the Goblin King who showed surprise at that statement. Then she resumed speaking to Kai, "You really are deceitful. I suppose it's in your best interest. If the cure wasn't this, then Jareth would keep you alive for probably a very long time torturing you."

She turned to the Kings and Cerin, who had been silent during her speech.

"Precious?" Jareth queried.

"The cure is to drain his blood and the magic infused within," she said simply. Then she drew on her magic plus the three Fae and broke the barrier. The instant she did, she was in Jareth's armored embrace and Kai was surrounded by soldiers of the High King's army. Jareth produced a small orb and placed it on her wound, where it turned liquid and seeped into her skin. Once it was absorbed, the punctures were gone and the blood no longer flowed.

"Before he is dealt with, I will know how he was able to become a vampire. One magical being should not be able to become another, "the High King said to everyone in the room. Then to the Goblin King, "I'm afraid until we have these answers, you cannot be healed."

"But how much time does he have?" Sarah interjected. "The poison is bleeding the immortality from him."

"Unfortunately I do not know the answer, so we shall have to act with urgency."

Jareth could feel Sarah ready to argue, so he silently squeezed her to be silent.

She huffed, pulled away from him, crossed her arms, then glared at both Kings. "I don't care about answers, go ask the vampires. I would think they would know. I will take matters into my own hands if Jareth isn't cured soon."

"Sarah.." Jareth said warningly.

"Don't you 'Sarah' me. Your life is more important and if you turn mortal, that puts your kingdom in danger." Then she addressed the High King, "And who would you choose for a successor if he turns mortal and dies of old age or worse? The Labyrinth chose him, I doubt it would be very happy."

Before he could answer her, the Goblin King cocked his head for a moment and then said, "Apparently the Labyrinth has heard you and can help us obtain the answers we seek. Come." Then he whisked her away, with the High King and his soldiers following with the still immobile Kai.

A/N - Surprise! This was total coincidence I finished this today. Guess David wanted an update for his birthday. lol

I was focusing on my other Labyrinth fic for awhile, but this chapter just popped out in a few days.