Ophelia Willows Chapter 1

Authors Note: I do not own anything from Marvel.

Steve Rogers sat in Fury's office, he never considered it a good thing to be invited. "Fury, if you would just tell me why-" he started before he was quickly interrupted by the Director.

"Were waiting," he said as sat back in his chair.

"Waiting for what?" Steve asked slowly growing impatient.

"Just waiting," The director said as he ignored Rogers.

Suddenly the door to Fury's office creaked open, "Miss me," Tony said as he walked in.

He glanced at Rogers, "Oh your here too. Fury are you cheating on me?" Tony said Jokingly.

"Waitings over," Fury stated to a very confused Steve.

"I need both of your a mission," Fury said as he opened up a folder full of papers.

"Well nice to see you too," Tony said as he sat down In chair, whipping off his sun glasses.

Steve gave Tony a disgusted look, "Sir, maybe I should handle this myself."

"You two have cleaned up some of the messiest situations out there. But do you know what the messiest situations really are?" The Director asked them.

"The ones when Gods come to Earth and act like the have better looks the You," Tony said in a humorous tone.

"Or the situations where people create their own problems," Steve fired back at Tony for making a mockery of a mission.

"No," Director Fury said harshly, "hostage situations. I have men, good men who have been held captive In a Hydra base for some time."

"You just left them there?" Steve said accusingly.

"Fury, I think I can handle this myself. Rescuing a few people, piece of cake and I'll even take them out to dinner afterwards," Tony told them as he flipped a pencil in his hand.

"They're people, not game pieces," Steve told Stark, their eyes connection in a glare.

"Were stretched thin, that's why I'm calling you boys in, if you can learn to pay together," Fury told them, looking at them.

"Here," someone said as the door opened. It was a girl, "Sorry I'm late-" she told director Fury before her voice trailed off. She took one look at Tony before turning back to Director Fury, "Oh Hell, no."

Tony got up almost automatically, "Yeah, I'm With O on this one, I'm out."

"Don't call me O," the woman shot back.

"Ok I'll try, O. Opps failed, already spoiled the day. I'll try again tomorrow."

"You ignorant Ass."

"Maybe ignorance is what makes it so cute," Stark said with a smile.

"Enough," Fury interrupted, "Stark your here for fire power, Agent Willows I need someone from the home team, and Rogers I've never seen a situation that you've made worse, wheels up in five."

All three of them did what they were ordered on got on the plane. Steve studied the woman, or agent Willows, as she set the plane on auto pilot once they were in the air.

She had dirty blonde hair, that bordered more closely to the light brown side. Tiny freckles dotted her face along a line under her eyes. She had curves, the type all those dancers had back in the day of his 'tours'. The type of curves a man like him was never even close to being able to touch.

"Tony, can find a map of the surrounding area of the Hydra base in the back?" Agent Willows asked him, looking at him with her bright green eyes, but she really wasn't asking and Tony knew that.

"Anything for you O," he shot back, but She just ignored his comment.

"I'll help you," Steve announced.

As they both looked for a map through a lot of clutter Steve thought it would be a good time to ask Tony some Questions. "History?" He simply asked Tony while raising a eyebrow.

"Yeah, but it's all old news now, very old news," Tony confessed to him.

"What's with the whole O thing?"

Tony chuckled, "Nickname, short for her real name, Ophelia."

"Ophelia," Steve mumbled the name to him self, he felt like it was sweet upon his lips.

"Found it," Tony stated as he took back up to the front of the plane, Steve followed.

Agent Willows got off the pilots seat and pulled out a red marker.

"The Hydra base is here," she told them while circling it in red.

She then put a x in the back of the building, "I'll sneak in here, and pull all the hostages out. You two won't get involved unless you have too."

"Why don't I be the distraction? Cause a scene in the front of the building," Tony suggested.

Agent Willow shook her head, "No it's too dangerous, it's better only to use you in a emergency, you'll be completely on your own out there, the plan is final."

"I'm sorry did I just hear you say bloody plank?" Tony asked her while smirking.

Steve looked about to Agent Willows confused on what the words meant, but her whole dynamic changed. Her body stiffened and she bit her lip, "Don't play games with me Stark."

"I'm not playing games at all. Did. You. Say. Bloody plank," Tony repeated to her slowly.

"Ok, whatever you can distract in the front, but I'm controlling your movements. If I tell you to move out, you move out!" Agent Willow told him.

The small aircraft landed on the sandy beach, in stealth mode. "I'm going in," Agent Willows announced, "Stark your a go, but away from the plane." Tony smiled, knowing he was gonna have fun with this, before the face to his suit closed

"Rogers, be ready to open the plane doors open, on my cue," she told him and he nodded in response.

Agent Willows then walked out of the plane to find the hostages. "Everyone of coms?" She asked.

"Yes," Steve replied.

"I'm always on coms for you babe," Tony replied back. Steve could hear that he started the distraction because of all the bombs.

After about fifteen minutes of silence Agent Willows went back on coms, "Rogers, open the plane doors, I have the agents." Steve did what he was told quickly and efficiently. He then ran outside to help the hurt agents onto the plane.

"Tony, we gotta go before they find us," Steve told him.

"Five more minutes and these guys will be toast," Tony told Steve as he refused to head to the plane.

"Tony! This isn't a game, now! There gonna find us any minute," Agent Willows told him as she noticed a sniper aiming for one the injured agents, "Get down!" She screamed as she pushed the agent of the way, earning herself a bullet.

"Willows!" Steve screamed as he helped her up off the ground, "Tony, now!" Steve never liked to see one of his team mates on the ground, and especially someone who looked as frail as Agent Willows did.

Tony finally got the idea and came back to ship. He quickly started the plane up quickly and continued to fly it all the way back to the Shield base. He didn't have the nerve to go to the back of the plane to see Willow's blood everywhere.

On the flight back Steve tried to help Ophelia take of the wound, but she refused.

Once the plane landed on Shield Steve offered her a shoulder to lean on to help her walk to the med center.

She refused, "Focus on the eight Shield agents we just got back," and so he did.

After all of the them were safely in the med bay he came back to see Tony and Ophelia arguing.

"Just let me help you, O," Tony pleaded with her as he tried to grab her arm.

She pulled away, "Don't Touch, so I don't have to scream at you not to touch me!" She yelled at him still holding a piece of cloth to her wound, "I've gotta go."

Tony was about to follow her when Steve grabbed his wrist, "I think she wants to be left alone."

"Not that you would know," Tony threw back at him.

"I know that you know how to get under her skin, what's with the whole bloody plank thing?" Steve asked him curiously.

Tony laughed to himself, "It's short for the phrase, walk the bloody plank, aka get out of there. It was our safe sex word, well hers when I got a little to rough with her that she couldn't take everything I was throwing at her."

Steve felt disgusted that Tony was laughing, "And your proud of that, that you were rough with her? No wonder she wants nothing to do with you."

"Hey boys play nice," Natasha said as she walked in, completely oblivious to what they were talking about, "Congrats on a successful mission, eight hostages pretty impressive."

"Well it was nothing we couldn't handle," Steve told her.

Natasha then turned to Tony, "I saw Agent Willows in the Medical room. She asked me to ask you if you would go help her patch up some wound, something about really knowing how to wrap the bandage tightly?"

Tony smiled and patted Steve on the back, "Nothing to do with me huh? They always wanna come back."

Authors Note: I know, I know it's off to a pretty boring start but I promise it will be better.