So, firstly, WOW. I did not expect so many people to read my story, let alone follow and favourite! YOU GUYS HAVE MADE MY ENTIRE WEEK! You have no idea how much this means to me, and I may or may not have gone and read a whole pile of you guys profiles and stories... Hopefully that's not creepy, but I am so thankful for everyone who's taken the time to read my story!

Thank you so much, especially to BellaBeau91, sweetbbyfox, redarrowissupercool, MissDragonGirl, Guest and IZZY! They all reviewed and it was so sweet, I really loved to hear from them! Also thank you so much sweetbbyfox for the suggestion, we are thinking on the same line here! Yay! I will definitely use that!

Okay! Now I've rambled on too much... Here is the story and I REALLY hope you enjoy it!

~The Dancing Princess

Also, I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or any of the characters. Sadly.

Marinette raced out of the library. Late, late, always late, she thought to herself. But this time, she was confused. As Marinette dreamed her way through the afternoon classes, she wondered what on earth the perfume was supposed to mean. Perhaps Chat really liked roses, which was the scent. Or maybe he was really into perfumes and smells. She had no idea. Marinette sighed. The only person who really sprang to mind when she looked at it was Adrien. He was distracting her! She couldn't think of anyone else. Resolutely, she pushed Adrien to a separate corner of her mind and looked around. Now, let's start with the boys in my class.. Marinette thought, running her eyes over the boys around her. Then she shook her head. None of them were anything like Chat Noir. Except Adrien... they were both smart and clever and handsome and brave and... Marinette frowned.

Stop thinking about Adrien! She scolded herself. You're getting distracted!

But her mind constantly wandered to him, and so did her eyes. Thus, when the afternoon classes were finally over, she couldn't help but notice how he bolted out of the room like a scared rabbit. Oh well. I guess he has a shoot, Marinette thought. I'll try and say hello tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Adrien dashed into the library, his expression gleeful and expectant. He already had a list of everyone in the school, and had crossed out all the boys. Now, judging by the clue, he hoped to eliminate about half of the girls. Then he shrugged ruefully. He actually already had. Adrien might not know who Ladybug was, but he knew for sure that she wasn't Chloe or Alix or Sabrina or Juleka or Rose or... he forced his mind back to the present. Ladybug was petite, and the suit didn't change her body type, so he knew what hight he was looking for. She had dark hair, and was brave and trustworthy. She stood up for the right thing and never let anything stop her. Ladybug...

Plagg giggled at him as he stood, a dreamy expression on his face, in the corner of the library. Adrien frowned at him, then his face lit up as he walked to the spot where he'd left his gift. As he knelt to look at it, his heart began to pound. This clue would lead his to Ladybug's true identity! He slid his hand around the item and pulled it out of the shelf.

It was a hard, square shaped package, quite thin, almost like a...

Adrien open the package. He was right! It was a CD case... a Jagged Stone CD! Ladybug liked Jagged Stone too?

Then he peered more closely at it. He already had this CD, but there was something different about this one. The cover.. it didn't have a bar-code on it, or any printed writing. It was literally just the image, but it looked exactly like the actual CD cover. How did Ladybug manage to get the writing and stuff off the cover? He opened the CD and pulled out the cover. It wasn't the usual shiny, plastic material, but a piece of ordinary paper. How odd. Adrien looked closely. Were they... Yes! It was an original piece! There were indents from the pen marks on the paper. The cover had been drawn! Inspecting it with great scrutiny, Adrien couldn't work it out. How could Ladybug have gotten hold of the original cover art? Who had done that art?

He pondered all the way home. The Gorilla seemed to sense that something was on his mind, but as usual, he said nothing.

When Adrien at last reached his bedroom, he grabbed his CD and compared the two. It was an exact copy. He turned it over, and mentally face palmed. Of course! Marinette had done that cover art! Her signature was on the cover, in her usual loopy writing. Marinette.

But how had Ladybug gotten the art from Marinette? It didn't make sense. But surely... He pulled out his list and ran his finger down the names until he got to Marinette. Her name wasn't crossed out. So...

Her hair was dark, she wore the two pigtails exactly like Ladybug, she had beautiful blue eyes like Ladybug, she was the right hight, she was brave and stood up for what she believed in... Could Marinette be Ladybug?

Marinette, who was always so sweet, and kind, and could barely say a word to him...

Adrien pulled at his blond locks in despair. He was 60% sure Marinette was Ladybug. It lined up so perfectly.

But why had she given him such an obvious clue? She was so worried about her identity, so why give him something she knew would give her away?

Then it hit him, like a punch in the gut.

She didn't even consider that he could be Chat Noir. Marinette knew that she'd signed Adrien's CD, so she knew that Adrien knew she'd designed the cover. So when she'd given him the CD, Marinette had though it was subtle, because only Adrien, Nino and Alya knew she'd done the art. And that meant that she had absolutely no clue that he was Chat Noir.

Adrien frowned. That went both ways too, he realised. Before today, he had no idea that the bold and brave Ladybug was also Marinette... sweet, kind, cute, thoughtful, diligent, creative, amazing... he smiled dreamily. He'd had no idea how much he'd liked Marinette until now. But really, what was there not to like?

Now there was only one thing that could confirm his suspicions that she was Ladybug. If she wore the perfume. The rose scent he'd given her wasn't actually available to the public yet, although it was about to be released. So Marinette was the only girl outside of the testers and the Agreste family that had it. The very first bottle was Marinette's. He was sure she'd seen the posters of him advertising it; they were all around the city. But he wasn't sure if she knew just how special the bottle was. The very, very first. Adrien had diligently asked his father for it, and to his surprise, Gabriel had agreed to let him have it, so long as he did a few extra shoots next week. It was a small price to pay.

Because Adrien had channelled his inner Chat Noir, to come up with this plan. So even if Ladybug's clue gave him no hints, he would simply wait until he smelt roses around a girl. Then, then he would know.

The only problem would be if Ladybug didn't wear it. But, he though confidently, who wouldn't wear a perfume like that? Besides, he knew who he would be around. It looked like he would be spending the next day around Marinette. And if he smelt roses? His suspicion would be correct. Adrien just hoped she would wear it.

Marinette had a problem. She never wore perfume.

Mwahahahaha! Poor Adrien! And Marinette is so dense! But I love her so much I can't be mean much longer... the reveal is coming soon! Maybe in the fifth chapter... I'm also working on two other stories at the moment, so please keep an eye out for them! I will probably post the one-shot on Valentines Day (along with the rest of the world, because that's what practically everyone is doing). But nevertheless, I too will jump on the bandwagon! It will be full of fluff about our two favourite characters... there will also be some AlyaxNino fluff because I've kinda ignored them in this story. So please read that.

Hope you liked the story! It was just a short chapter this time, but I will try to make up for it in the next chapter (If I am not swamped with homework).

Please review! Thank you so much for reading! :D

~The Dancing Princess