March 4th 1978 The Muppet Show was coming to a close of their latest show, which had a final act of their guest star, Jaye P Morgan, singing "That Old Black Magic" with Dr. Teeth, leader of the Electric Mayhem.

Rather than playing the keyboard like usual, Dr. Teeth was on the main stage, dancing with Jaye P, with the band playing in the background.

"I should stay away but what can I do," Jaye P Morgan sang. "I hear your name, and I'm aflame."

"Aflame with such a burning desire," Dr. Teeth crooned.

"That only your kiss," Jaye P started.

"Can put out the fire!" Dr. Teeth finished, where the two locked lips.

It was a wonderful performance; the audience loved it, the Muppets sitting backstage loved it, everyone loved it...except for one blue Muppet. It was hard to tell since he always wore shades, but Zoot was glaring at the singing duo as he played saxophone.

"Lucky," he thought to himself. "Just don't think of this duet as anything more than a duet and we'll be fine."

After the show, the Electric Mayhem went to their dressing room and talked about the show.

"Man, Doc! You and Jaye P were really livening it up onstage!" Floyd Pepper exclaimed. "Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say she liked you!"

"Too true, Floyd. We have really groovy chemistry singing together," Dr. Teeth agreed. "But unfortunately for me regarding love, she's married."

(When I checked Wikipedia, it said Jaye P Morgan married someone. I don't know if that was still accurate by the time she was on the Muppet Show, so please correct me if I'm wrong.)

"Thank goodness for that," Zoot muttered, leaving the room in a hurry.

His friends watched him go and once they assumed he had gone far away from the dressing room, Janice asked, "Like, is it just me or did Zoot seem rully irritated about something?"

"I wonder what's on his mind," Floyd said.

The next morning during rehearsal for next week's show, Zoot was acting pretty cold towards Dr. Teeth. He'd shoot him icy stares, wouldn't speak to him most of the day, and when they did talk, Zoot didn't look directly at him and spoke in a bit of a sharp tone.

Finally, after enduring this all day, Dr. Teeth got Zoot alone and asked, "Okay, what is your problem with me today? Did I do something wrong?"

Zoot was quiet for a few seconds before saying, "You never told me you were going to do that kind of number with Jaye P Morgan."

"What do you-Oh, you mean us dancing and singing together? Yeah, I thought it was very groovy. Jaye P seemed to think so too. Was something wrong with it?" Dr. Teeth asked.

"Well, you were kind of...all over her with the kissing and that," Zoot stated.

"Yeah, maybe we were getting a little crazy. Why did that bother you?"

Zoot opened his mouth, ready to tell him why, but he shut it and shook his head, "It doesn't matter. We should get back to work." And with that, Zoot walked off, leaving Dr. Teeth very confused.

So he and Jaye P kissed each other, no big deal to him, but it seemed like a pretty big deal to Zoot. It was almost like he was...jealous.

Dr. Teeth's jaw dropped and he gasped, "So that's it!"

Later that day, Zoot was in the band's dressing room, writing in his dark blue journal. He only wrote in it if he had a lot on his mind, and boy, he had a great deal on his mind right now!

Dr. Teeth walked in and greeted the saxophonist, "Hey Zoot."

Zoot, not even bothering to look up, mumbled, "Hey."

Dr. Teeth walked up to him until he was right next to him and said, "Listen, I thought about what you said earlier regarding my song with Jaye P Morgan. Man, I should've known that was why you were so mad at me. You were jealous! You should've told me sooner that you felt that way."

Zoot looked up from his writing to look at Dr. Teeth, his eyes wide open behind his sunglasses. " figured it out?" The saxophonist had kept his feelings bottled up inside of him for so long, scared to finally make them known, and now since Dr. Teeth has figured it out…

"Yep, and I got to say, I was very surprised! But I'm cool with it," Dr. Teeth replied.

"Oh, that's good," Zoot smiled a little, a wave of relief coming over him. Now since Dr. Teeth knew, maybe they could finally-.

"You should've told us you had a crush on Jape P Morgan!" Dr. Teeth stated.

Zoot froze, his eye opening even wider and his jaw dropped open, "Huh?"

"If I had know, I would've backed off and let you perform with her."

Zoot wanted to slam his face into the table. That was the conclusion Dr. Teeth came to, which was not the one he had been hoping for!

"So, now since I know this, I guess everything's cool between us?" Dr. Teeth asked.

Zoot was silent for a few seconds before flatly saying, "Yeah sure, we're cool now."

"Good to hear!" Dr. Teeth grinned before leaving the room, glad that the issue between him and Zoot had been sorted out and settled.

Zoot looked back at his journal, staring at his latest entry for a few seconds, before quickly writing down something to finish it.

The saxophonist sighed and shut the book.

"Guess it's back to keeping those feelings to myself again," he thought.

After a few days, Zoot got over his irritation with Dr. Teeth and Jaye P Morgan, and life went on as usual, but Zoot still wished that Dr. Teeth had found out the TRUE reason as to why Zoot got so upset over the performance.

Why was Zoot really upset about Dr. Teeth dancing with Jaye P Morgan?

What did he write in his journal?

We may find out in the next chapter of Scandal!