Author's Note: So... I really wanted to write something that was light hearted and themed for Valentine's Day. Yeah, I wanted to write one of those stories that gave the warm fuzzies and brought up the "AWWWW" factor. Definitey a change from the story "Seasons", which I have started writing the next chapter. It's gotten rather challenging to write with it's dark turn in the plot. Anyways... I hope you all really like this story! Depending on how the chapters are written there can be up to 14 or 15 chapters. I'm not focused on reviews at this point for the story... mainly because I just wanted to write something happy and light hearted. Not dark and depressing. But reviews always do give me encouragement to continue. Love yall!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon and company. Any characters associated with Sailor Moon are not my own creation, however... I do enjoy borrowing the characters for a sweet story, which makes for awkwardness and hilarious situations.

14 Days of Valentines

A Rei and Jadeite Story

30th Century, Crystal Tokyo

Day 1: February 1

"I hate Valentine's Day."

Minako glared at her friend before sighing with exaggeration, "Rei-chan!" She hugged the Senshi of Fire's shoulders before giving a 1000-watt smile. "Why are you so glum whenever Valentine's Day comes around? This has to be one of the greatest times of the year! There's candy, lots of chocolate, stuffed animals-"

"Single awareness," deadpanned the raven-tress woman. She leaned back in her chair and looked to the ceiling before closing her eyes. "Please don't go on and on telling me about how many single men would want to go out with me."

"But there are! So many single men are interested in you Rei-chan!" countered the Love Senshi with a smirk. "Why don't you just give them a chance?"

Rei scoffed, "After Kaidou, I promised myself I would never date nor see another man again."



"That's... not fun."

Beginning to pull up her paperwork to complete, the Senshi of Mars began to brush off her blonde friend, "You've got that right. Valentine's Day is no fun. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some reports I need to complete and turn into Neo Queen Serenity."

Minako began to pout before standing up and smoothing out her gold-flowing dress. "Fine. Whatever. I have a date tonight, and you won't believe who it's with."

"Good for you," deadpanned Rei trying to ignore the conversation all together.

"And he has a friend who he's trying to set up for Valentine's Day," uttered the cheerful woman in a sing-songy voice. "I said I might know someone who would be interested."

"I'm sure Makoto or Ami would be thrilled to go on this blind date."

"Not them!" laughed the Senshi of Love. Her eyes glinted with mirth as she flicked her hair over her shoulder, "I'm talking about you silly!"

Rei groaned. "I told you, I am not interested in going out with anyone. I'm sticking to my chastity vow, and I plan on keeping it!"

Minako's lips curled into a smirk, "We will see how long that lasts after you meet this guy who is interested in you. He's been trying to find a way to go out with you ever since he and his friends returned to town!"


The leader of the senshi gave an exaggerated sigh. "Ah, love. It'll sneak up on you if you're not careful." She turned around her body and began to leave the office of glass doors and windows located in the palace. She nearly avoided a young delivery man who came in with a huge square box, about two-feet in width and length. As the man entered in (doors closing behind him) and handed a form to the Fire Senshi, he gave a bright smile. "Delivery for the Princess of Mars!"

She raised an eyebrow as she set aside some of her work to make room on her glass desk for the package. She signed her elegant signature on the paper before handing it to the Delivery Man. He left the package on her desk before leaving the office.

Rei pulled out a knife from her desk and proceeded to open the package. She was careful to cut open each side the tape covered before putting the knife back in its place. She paused flipped open the flaps and stared at what was in the box. Her eyes widened when she pulled out a beautiful clear vase filled with White Cassablanca Lillies. It was tied with a white ribbon. She almost dropped the vase from shock and nervousness before placing them on her desk. She stared at them for a good five minutes not knowing what to do or say.

Who on earth would give her such beautiful flowers?!

Did they know these were her favorite lillies? It almost reminded her of the Silver Millenium when he-

"No," she uttered shaking her head, "He's dead. He's been dead for a thousand years."

She wiped that out of her mind before looking up to the box to dispose of it. Yet, inside the box rested a simple note written in the neatest calligraphy she had ever seen. Her eyes glanced over the message.

My Dearest Mars,

The day I laid eyes on you was the day I felt my mundane world come to life.

The day I met you in person, I found my reason to live.

The day I first spoke to you, I found myself addicted to your attention and conversations.

The day I saw you smile, I thought I saw an angel.

The day I heard you laugh, my heart began to skip several beats.

The day I saw your heart to protect the people of Earth, it inspired me to also stand up for what is right.

Little by little, day by day, I will give you clues to who I am. My deepest hope is that you will receive the love I have to give.

Your Secret Admirer

Rei felt her face turn crimson as she read the note again and again. She closed her eyes and pinched her nose. She really, really, REALLY hoped this was some sick joke that Minako was pulling on her.