Part 2: Chapter 6

Tuesday night, Brooke and Peyton walked through the Tree Hill Mall.

"Remember when you used to drag me here after cheerleading practice?" Peyton asked.

"Yeah," Brooke replied. "Remember when we used to go into the dress shop and try on the most horrible looking dresses we could find just for laughs?"

"Let's go do that for old times sake," Peyton said.

"Okay," Brooke said.

Peyton's phone began to ring and she took it out of her purse.

"It's Lucas," Peyton said. "Why don't you go ahead to the dress shop? I'll probably be awhile."

"Okay," Brooke said walking off.

"Be sure to take pictures," Peyton said.

"I will," Brooke said.

Peyton answered her phone.

"Hi Lucas," Peyton said.

"I'm not Lucas," the man on the other end said. "But I have his phone. How are you Peyton? I know I'd be scared after almost being hit by a car."

"Who are you?!" Peyton shouted.

"Someone who wants revenge," the man on the phone said.

Peyton walked out of the mall.

"Quit calling me!" Peyton shouted.

"You look as feisty as ever," the man said.

"Excuse me?" Peyton asked.

A red car pulled up and the window rolled down to reveal a guy with blonde hair on his phone.

"Get in the car," the guy said. "Get in the car or I will instruct my friend I have spying on Brooke to attack her."

Peyton got into the car and buckled in. The driver sped off.

"Who are you?" Peyton asked.

"I'm Connor," the man replied. "Connor Banks."

"So you're Ian's brother?" Peyton asked.

"No," Connor said. "I'm his cousin. But I loved him like a brother and you killed him!"

"I didn't kill him," Peyton said. "He was hit by a car."

"Yes, but you caused it bitch!" Connor shouted.

Connor drove to a warehouse outside Tree Hill. Once he parked, he got out of the car and grabbed Peyton by the arm. He then took Peyton into the warehouse where several screens with live feeds of hidden cameras around Peyton and Lucas's house were.

"Now you will be forced to watch as my police officer friend kills your family," Connor said. "He should be arriving anytime now."

"No!" Peyton shouted struggling to get free from Connor's grasp.

On one of the screens, Amber was asleep in the crib Lucas and Peyton had set up for her. On the second screen, Sophia was asleep in one of the guest rooms. On the third, Lucas and Jamie were sitting on the couch talking.

"How does it feel knowing that you can't save your precious family?" Connor asked.

Suddenly, Connor's police officer friend walked into the warehouse.

"Connor Banks!" the officer shouted.

"What are you doing here?" Connor asked. "You're supposed to be in Maine."

The officer took out a badge.

"Allow me to introduce the real me," the officer said. "Agent Josh Western, FBI."

"What?!" Connor shouted.

"You are under arrest for attempted murder," Agent Western said. "Are you okay Peyton?"

"I sure am," Peyton said taking out her secret recording device. "Everything went as planned. Brooke?"

Brooke came out from hiding behind the desk in the room.

"You see," Brooke said. "This morning, Agent Western showed up and asked us to help get you into custody. Lucas, Jamie, and Sophia were in on it too.

"We sure were," Lucas said into the camera.

Connor began to run, but Brooke tackled him.

"No one escapes B-Dazzle!" Brooke shouted.

Later, Brooke, Peyton, and Haley sat at a booth at Karen's Café.

"And then I tackled him," Brooke said.

"Wow," Haley said.

Chuck walked over with a tray of milkshakes.

"Okay," Chuck said handing out the milkshakes. "Butterscotch for Peyton, chocolate for Haley, and peanut butter for Brooke."

"Thanks Chuck," Peyton, Brooke, and Haley said.

Meanwhile over at another booth, Lydia and Jonathan sat drinking milkshakes.

"So I gave Andrew his phone back," Lydia said. "And a black eye."

Lydia and Jonathan began to laugh.

"Do you know what time it is?" Jonathan asked. "My phone died."

"It's 6:30," Lydia said. "And wow. I can't believe it's already April 7th. This year has just flown by."

"Today's April 7th?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah," Lydia said.

"I'm sorry," Jonathan said. "I need to go. I have to be home by 7:00."

"Okay," Lydia said. "Bye."

"Bye," Jonathan said about to give Lydia a kiss.

"I had strawberry," Lydia said.

"Thanks for saving me a trip to the emergency room," Jonathan said.

Jonathan walked home where Chase greeted him.

"Hey Jonathan," Chase said. "How was your date?"

"It was great," Jonathan said. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay," Chase said. "And I'll start cooking dinner."

"Thanks Dad," Jonathan said.

"You're welcome," Chase said smiling.

Jonathan walked upstairs to his room, got a change of clothes, went into the bathroom, locked the door, and turned on the shower. After turning on the shower, Jonathan sat on the floor and burst into tears, letting out loud sobs. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

"Jonathan?" Chase asked.

"Yes?" Jonathan asked trying not to sound like he was crying.

"Would you like fish or steak?" Chase asked.

"What kind of fish?" Jonathan asked.

"Tilapia," Chase said.

"I'd love tilapia," Jonathan said.

"Okay," Chase said.

Jonathan continued to cry. Outside the bathroom, Chase sat on the stairs and could here Jonathan crying.

Later, Chase and Jonathan ate dinner, which consisted of tilapia, fries, and broccoli.

"This is good Dad," Jonathan said.

"Thank you," Chase said. "Hey Jonathan."

"Yes?" Jonathan asked.

"I could hear you crying," Chase said.

"Oh," Jonathan said.

"If you ever want to talk about it, you can always talk to me," Chase said.

"Thanks Dad," Jonathan said.

"You're welcome," Chase said.

That's the end of this one.