A huge thank you to my beta reader loweze. Without her the story wouldn't be the same! This is my secong multi-chapter story. I hope you like it!

Emma Swan closed the car door and sighed. It had been a difficult day at the firm and she couldn't wait to return home for some homemade food that her wife surely must have cooked for her. She smiled immediately as the thought of a quiet evening with her wife and kids made her feel better. Exiting the garage she untied her tie and let it fall loosely in front of her shirt. She couldn't wait to change into something more casual and lie on the couch with a bottle of wine listening to her kids talking about their days. While she was walking towards the front door, anticipating what her wife might have cooked, she noticed that all the lights at the house where off. Nobody seemed to be at home. She scratched her head in confusion. Her wife hadn't called today to inform her about any plans she might have. Or had she? She groaned internally. If she indeed had called and Emma didn't remember it her wife would be very mad at her. She prayed that this wasn't the case and quietly unlocked her door.

In an instant all the lights were on and a loud ''Surprise'' reverberated through the house. Emma was startled. Her eyes opened widely and then it hit her. It was her birthday today. Not having discussed it with her wife or having heard a ''Happy Birthday'' from her kids this morning it made it completely slip her mind. Her wife watched her expression going from confusion to realisation and made small steps to approach her. She was wearing a black dress that was hugging her curves in all the right places and killer black pumps. It was Emma's favorite dress and when she was wearing it she was never disappointed to see Emma's lustful eyes. After all these years of marriage Emma still had the libido of a teenage boy. Emma saw the movement from the corner of her eye and when her wife was close enough she whispered,

''I forgot my own birthday, didn't I?''

Regina only chuckled and hugged her. She pecked her lips soundlessly and lifted her hands to kiss the band on her finger-something that she was always doing since day one of their marriage-while saying,

''Happy Birthday my love. I hope your day was good enough.''

''It wasn't,'' Emma admitted ''but everything is better now.'' She kissed her wife again as she felt someone squeezing her shoulder from behind. She turned her head and watched her fifteen year old son smiling cheekily at her.

''Someone's getting old'' he teased and hugged his mother, almost crushing her. For a fifteen year old Henry was taller than both of his mothers and nearly as tall as his grandfather. He probably got that from him as his father was slightly shorter than Emma.

''And still I look younger than you'' she teased back and smacked him playfully when he raised his eyebrow; a habit that had definitely taken from his other mother.

''Mama, mama,'' Emma heard coming from the living room and bent over to welcome the two bodies that were coming towards her.

''Happy Birthday Mama.'' Colin, her eight-year old son said while beaming at his mother.

''Why thank you little man'' Emma responded at the wish and kissed both of his cheeks.

She averted her eyes from the beaming boy to the quieter one, her four-year old Ezra. She scooped the toddler up and tickled his belly.

''Hello Bubbah. Won't you wish your mother Happy Birthday?'' She smile at him and waited for a response or a miracle as they were calling the possibility of Ezra talking.

It was known to everyone that Ezra despite his age hadn't talked yet; something that bothered both of his mothers. The doctors had said that it was nothing to worry about and he would do it at his own pace. Every chance they got they would read to him or play songs at the piano to help him say even a small word like ''hi'' or ''mom'', but so far it had been futile.

Emma averted her eyes from her son and watched the other people who were watching her back with smile on their faces. She firstly noticed her parents as well as Regina's, her best friend Ruby with her fiancé Belle, Regina's colleague and best friend Kathryn with her husband, her brother Nate and her wife's siblings Zelena and Graham. She hadn't seen any of them for a long time and felt a bit of guilty. Well except from her father and brother who were working at the firm also. She smiled at all of them. They were in for a big night.

After everyone had wished Emma a happy birthday Regina guided them towards the dining room where she had prepared a birthday dinner. The whole table was full of Emma's favourite dishes and in the middle a huge birthday cake in Emma's favorite colour yellow. Emma sat at the head of the table and with her wife's nod everyone started singing the birthday song. With one quick look and a wink to her wife Emma blew out the candles. Clapping and whistling erupted from everyone and Emma thanked them all for being there tonight.

As the dinner was in full swing a small talk between the occupants of the table had started.

''So Emma how are things at the firm going? I heard that your father and Mr. Gold are planning on making you a partner soon?'' Henry, her father in law asked while smiling widely at Emma.

''Well as far as I know they're announcing the successful candidate tomorrow but to be honest dad keeps me in the dark just like everyone else,'' she teased and at this everyone laughed and she continued,

''But I believe that my chances are pretty high. I mean I have worked there since I got my degree and Gold and Dad know I work my ass off. Although I don't want dad to get involved too much as the others my think he's showing favouritism.''

''However I warned her not to get her hopes up too much'' Regina interrupted. ''I know how hard you've worked this past few years and you have won many cases both tough and easy ones but you never know, Gold is quite unpredictable.''

Emma was ready to snap but she let it slide and lowered her head to her plate playing with her food. It's true that she and Regina had had this conversation many times since she announced that her father wanted to make her a partner at the law firm. Regina was supportive of course but a bit nervous about the promotion. She was afraid that after that Emma would spend even more time at the firm which meant that she'd lose more anniversaries, birthdays and Christmas celebrations. She was proud that her wife had come so far to get the change to become a partner. From the girl that gave up almost everything after Henry's birth to that hard-ass lawyer and mother the promotion meant a lot not only to Emma but also to the whole Swan family. They were a family with lawyers from her grandfather to her father and now to Emma and her brother. That didn't however stop her worrying about how this will affect Emma's relationship with her and the kids.

Emma had tried to reassure her that after that promotion she would get some days off in order to spend some quality time with her family and visit Disneyland as she had been promising Henry for years. The boy, even at his age, was a huge Disney fan even though he always played it cool when he was with his friends. Each time Emma and Regina had attempted to have that conversation one of them would end up angry or sad. But today Emma was not in the mood for a fight; she wanted to spend her birthday with her family and friends, without Regina's bickering.

Ruby had sensed the change in Emma's mood and tried to change the subject.

''Belle and I are thinking of having the wedding in the summer. We wanted to have the reception at Granny's farm and, well, we couldn't do that if it was raining and snowing!'' She grinned and looked at Belle, reaching out to hold her hand.

''That's a very nice thought'' Regina said ''Emma and I wanted so desperately to get married that we didn't care about the weather or anything else for that matter." she smiled at Emma, memories flooding through her head. "I remember it had been raining since the night before and everything was muddy. Needless to say that our dresses were totally ruined. ''She chuckled at the memory.

''Oh dear don't remind me,'' Cora also chuckled. ''Two hours before the wedding and you were in full panic mode. She was cursing the whole time. Thank god Zelena has some sedatives with her and we managed to calm her down. Otherwise Emma would be still waiting for the bride!'' The whole table laughed in response, well, everyone except Emma.

''You would have been very happy about that wouldn't you?'' Emma snapped and Regina's eyes went wide with shock.

''Emma'' Regina hissed and looked pointedly at Emma.

It was a known fact that Emma didn't like Cora and the feeling was mutual. In the begining of their relationship Cora thought that Emma was a loser and Emma thought that Cora was an uptight bitch. They had managed however throughout the years to act more or less civilized towards each other, but today was not the day from Emma's part.

Εmma lowered her head and sighed.

''I'm sorry Cora, I didn't mean to snap at you'' she apologised, trying to take back the comment for the sake of the rest of the guests.

''It's alright dear'' Cora kindly waved it off and Emma smiled and continued eating-playing- with her food. Mary Margaret cleared her throat and spoke to Regina,

''How are the things at the clinic are going?''

''The last few days were pretty hectic to be honest. It's like all the dogs from Boston happened to hurt themselves or to get sick this week. Yesterday alone we had three incidents. Kathryn couldn't help all the three of them alone so I spent a good part of the day at the clinic. Thankfully mother wasn't busy and offered to watch Ezra, but all in all I try to spend as much time as I can at home with the boys." Because someone else doesn't she thought. Since the birth of Regina's first and Emma's second son Colin she had cut out a lot of work hours in order to be with her family. Emma was still at college studying law and most of the time was at her lessons or studying and Regina had divided her time between a fussy baby, a seven year old Henry who was seeking attention and the vet clinic. Things were easier though when Regina gave birth to Ezra. Emma had already finished school and she wasn't such a workaholic. Henry had grown up a little too and was very helpful and became very protective of his brothers.

''Haven't you thought about hiring a nanny or putting him in childcare?'' Emma's mother asked.

Regina cleared her throat and replied ''We decided that it is better for Ezra to be with people he knows and we trust. He can be very shy around new people and that might not help with well…'' she trailed off as everyone knew what she was talking about.

''I can't argue with that but if you ever need help I'm happy to watch him'' Mary Margaret offered. Regina smiled at her mother in law and everyone carried on eating.

When they finished eating Regina and Emma excused themselves to the kitchen in order to cut the cake and offer it to their guests.

''What was all that about?'' Regina asked once they were alone inside the kitchen.

''What are you talking about?'' Emma replied nonchalantly with her own question. She moved to grab some plates from the cabinet while Regina was cutting the cake into pieces.

''I'm talking about you snapping at my mother.'' Regina explained as she grabbed a plate and put a piece of cake on it.

Emma shrugged, ''I said I was sorry and your mother didn't seem to mind'' .

''Look I know that you're stressed with work and that promotion but…'' Regina began but she was cut off by Emma.

''Can we just not have this conversation now?! I want to enjoy this night and you want to too.'' Emma pleaded.

''Fine.'' Regina huffed and nodded to her wife to follow her in the living room where everyone was seated now.

''Is everything okay?'' Kathryn mouthed to Regina and she nodded her head. She sat beside her giving her a plate while Emma opted to sit on the other couch next to Ruby. Cora noticed the distance that the two wives kept but chose not to mention anything.

The night had taken a pleasant turn. Regina and Emma remained seated at their respective sides of the living room stealing glances at each other while nodding now and then at the things their friends were saying. Ruby, however was not stupid and after catching Emma completely ignoring her while she was talking she sighed and clicked her fingers in front of Emma's face bringing her attention back to her.

''Sorry what did you just say?'' Emma asked guiltily

''I said, 'is everything okay with Regina'?''

''Yeah everything is fine'' Emma lied to reassure her friend, refusing to look her in the eye.

''You're lying and I know it. Since that comment Regina made about the promotion you have had that scowl on your face, so tell me, what's going on?''

''Seriously everything is fine." She replied wishing she could there, but something inside her needed to get it off her chest. She sighed defeated by herself and turned to Ruby. "Regina is just afraid that after the promotion I'll spend less time with the boys. And her.''

''Is she right to be afraid of that?'' Ruby asked.

''Of course not! Once it's done I'm planning on taking more days off to be with the boys, especially with Bubbah.''

''How is that going?'' Ruby asked, her face full of concern for the youngest Swan.

''Nothing new. We tried putting him on a tutoring program but once the teacher appeared at the door he hid under his bed and refused to come out. After that my mom tried since she is more familiar to him but still nothing. We're trying everything though, books, playing at the piano, which he is very fond of by the way ,movies, even just speaking to him for two hours non-stop.''

''Well speak of the devil'' Ruby smiled and Emma felt a tugging at her slacks. She turned her head and watched as Ezra was trying to climb at her lap. Emma helped him by scooping him up and he immediately curled into a ball while yawning.

''Is my little Bubbah ready for bed?'' Emma asked and the toddler simply nodded. Emma hugged him tight and stood up from the couch. Regina was watching them and stood up too and made a move to take Ezra from Emma. Emma put a hand in her forearm and said,

''It's okay I got him. Stay here and keep chatting, once I finish I'll join you.'' She kissed her wife's temple and climbed the stairs to Ezra's bedroom. Once they were inside Emma helped him change into his pajamas and brush his teeth and tucked him under the blankets. She grabbed a book from the bookshelf, kicked her heels off and climbed on the bed next to her son.

''Okay Bubbah, which one do you want?'' Emma asked softly. The young boy took the book in his lap and flipped the pages to find his favorite story. Once he got to the right page he gave the book back to Emma.

''Oh I like that one too'' She kissed his head and started reading.

''Once Upon A Time...''.

When Emma was sure that Ezra was out for the count she slipped out of the blankets without waking her son up, grabbed her shoes and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. She opted to change into something more comfortable before joining the others. She got rid of her slacks and shirt and wore a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants and her converse. She cleared the make-up off her face and wore her trimmed glasses, her eyes were beginning to get hazy with the tiredness. Once she was sure that she looked casual yet still presentable she made her way to the living room.

Some of the guests like her parents, Nate and Kathryn with her husband had already left while she was with Ezra. Regina was nowhere to be found and Ruby and Belle stood up and approached her.

''Hey blondie, I think it's time we headed home. Belle has to get up early and Granny will want some help with the Dinner.''

''Oh it's okay, I'm exhausted and the kids have also school tomorrow too. Thank you for coming though!'' Emma offered a small smile and hugged her brunette best friend.

''We wouldn't miss it for the world." Ruby said as she hugged her back tightly. "Anyway, take care and I hope you get that promotion! Good night Blondie'' Ruby kissed Emma's cheek and opened the door.

''Goodbye guys'' Emma waved at them and closed the door behind her. After that she walked into the living room to find her parents and siblings in-law as well as Henry who was playing with his phone.

''Where's your mom?'' She asked as she plopped down next to him.

''She went to put Colin to sleep'' He replied, never averting his attention from his phone.

''I think you should follow you brothers' example and go to sleep too. As I remember you still have school tomorrow.''

''Ugh fine I'm going.'' He stood up and began walking out of the room before stopping and coming back and hugging her tightly.

''Happy Birthday Mom, I love you.'' He whispered into her ear.

''I love you too, kiddo'' she said back. She let him go and wiped her eyes from the tears. After hitting puberty Henry was most of the times moody and never expressed his emotions. That was hurting Emma more than she'd like to admit. After all he had spent two years of his life with only her in his life. Moments like that when he said I love you to either her or Regina; they were moments that made her cry. Cora looked at her and simply nodded in understanding.

A few minutes had passed since Henry went up to bed and Regina joined her family in the living room. This time she sat next to her wife who lifted her arm to hug her close. Regina immediately fell into her wife's embrace and closed her eyes, leaning her head on Emma's shoulder. Emma kissed her temple and whispered,

''Why don't you go upstairs and get some sleep? I'll stay there until they decide to leave and then I'll join you.''

''No it's okay. Graham is leaving tomorrow for Seattle and who knows when he'll come back. Also Zelena is pretty busy and I won't get to see her for a while either.''

''Okay then. Just don't fall asleep on the couch,'' Emma hugged her wife and engaged herself in conversation with her father in law.

It was 1.30 am when the last guest left. Regina had long ago fallen asleep on the couch as Emma had predicted and Emma barely managed to keep her eyes open for the sake of her guests. She reached the living room after waving the last guest off and sat beside Regina's sleepy body.

''Regina'' she said, trying to wake up the brunette.

''Regina, baby wake up.'' Nothing. Regina was out for good. Emma bent a little to slide her arms around Regin and lift her into her arms carrying Regina bridal-style to their bedroom. She realized that they hadn't done that in years as Regina would always wake up or she would make it to bed on time. Also Emma had a problem with her back and the doctor strongly suggested she not lift heavy things. Emma cringed inwardly, imagining what Regina would say if she heard Emma call her 'heavy'.

As they made it to their bedroom Emma opened the door and gently put Regina on her side of the bed. She pulled the blankets at Regina's side and undressed her from her favorite, fitted, little black dress and high heels. She helped her wear her nightgown and tucked her in with the blanket. After that she made a tour around her kid's bedrooms to make sure they were indeed asleep and returned to her bedroom. She climbed under the blankets too and spooned Regina. At that Regina stirred and turned around to face her wife.

''Did I fall asleep on the couch?'' She asked groggily, barely able to open her eyes.

Emma chuckled at her wife's sleepy face and responded ''Yes just as I guessed.''

''And you carried me here, didn't you?'' It was more of a statement than a question.

''Well I couldn't let you sleep on the couch'' Emma shrugged, "You would have been in so much pain when you woke up."

''Emma.'' Regina whined childishly ''The doctor said not to lift heavy things or people for that matter.''

''Come on Regina this was one time thing it's not like I carry you to bed every night, and my back is fine.''

''Are you sure?'' Regina asked worried.

''Yeah baby everything is fine. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere.''

''I'm well aware of that'' Regina teased and Emma laughed.

''I also wanted to thank you for what you've done today for me.''

''It was nothing dear. I hope you had fun.''

''I did. It was nice of you. Thank you and, sorry, for what happened.'' Emma apologised for her behavior earlier that night.

''It's okay my love. I'm glad you had a great time. Now I suggest we get some sleep. You have your promotion announcement tomorrow and I have work at the clinic.''

''What about Ezra?'' Emma asked

''My mother agreed to watch him, besides, I won't be there long. Three hours tops. It's not a huge task."

''Have you thought about what my mom said. About putting him into childcare?''

''I did but we agreed that it's better that way. You know how he can be with people he doesn't know. I don't want to stress him out even more.''

''I agree. I still remember his face with that teacher.'' Emma flinched at the memory of her son sobbing uncontrollably, hiding as far under his bed as he could fit.

''Well for now we have my mother and we don't have to worry about him. Anyway back to that sleeping idea. Goodnight my love and Happy Birthday,'' Regina kissed her wife and put her head on the crook of Emma's neck

''Goodnight babe.''.