
So I'm not exactly proud of my current actions. I'm being spoon-fed by my giant of a little brother in a highchair…and I actually asked for it. But you gotta look at the facts; I was feeling like shit, my stomach actually felt like a washing machine. My ONLY friend treating me like an actual adult has just been brainwashed into playing Babies R' Us and I really couldn't take it. I'd gotten sorta used to Sam treating me this way, but from Cas, it just hurt. So you see, I just picked the lesser of two evils with the feeding stunt. Speaking of which, I opened my mouth for another spoonful of broth that Sammy prepared. The warmth helped to settle my stomach a bit so I let him continue, even if the thought of spitting it out at him did cross my mind.

Before I knew it, the bowl was empty and I was beginning to drift. This sickness really took a toll on my body. Sam reached down and lifted me under my armpits to rest me on his hip. I was struggling to keep my head up as we approached the kitchen counter. I didn't know what he was doing and I didn't care. I let my eyes close and my head fell in the crook of his neck. I could faintly hear him shuffle around, collecting specific things from the area. I felt him take steps into another room and still refused to open my eyes as I felt him sit down. I was waiting to be laid down on something, but it never happened. Sam kept me on his chest, though he rearranged me so I was in the crook of his arm rather than upright. I figured that was my cue to get some Z's and made myself comfy…until a rubber nipple made its way in between my lips and I shot my eyes open. Dammit, Sammy was preparing a bottle while I rested my eyes. I looked up at him and furrowed my brow. "Aw, don't worry Dean, I gotcha, I'm still here. Go back to sleep, this will make you feel all better!" I rolled my eyes. Trust me, I'm not worried about you leaving, I just don't wanna suck the nipple of a friggin' baby bottle. But it looked like Sammy wasn't giving up as he rocked back and forth, wiggling the bottle slightly to get the tiniest bit of formula onto my tongue. He stared down at me with love in his eyes. It just made me uncomfortable, so I closed mine again and just started to suck, remembering the last time I tried to fight a bottle. I felt my breath slow and my brain start to shut off. Hey, I'd been living off of four hours a night, why not take advantage of sleep while I could. Not like I could do anything else. I just felt myself drift off when my stomach turned once more…only in the wrong direction.