Once the world was a barren place. There was no life, no water and no fire. It was cold and desolate. Hundreds of thousands of years passed. Then something marvelous happened. The center of the world began to warm, filing with liquid flame. Gasses filled the air, bringing color to the once never ending black sky. As the center's warmth spilled outward and the sun shone down on the giant ball of space rock, weather began to form. Rain then large storms that encompassed the entire planet. Oceans formed and with them, so did life. Plants covered the sea floor. Animals swam from one end to the other.

As more years passed, land formed. More life bloomed. Deep in a forest, a pit of the liquid flames opened up from the center. Creatures of the land gathered to watch as new life forms formed. They were tall with only two legs and two arms. No hair covered their bodies but for the top of their heads. One by one, they crawled from the liquid flames. These new creatures were beautiful with a multitude of skin and hair colors in hues found no where else.

It was quickly realized that these creatures were the strongest to ever be born from the earth. But none of the other creatures feared for their own lives. These hairless beings were gentle and only took want they needed to survive. As years passed, the beings learned that they were very different from their other Earthly companions. They lived for far longer than any other being, in fact it seemed that they would not die at all. And while they mated like their companions, they never had young. But for the fifty who had been birthed from the liquid flame, not another single one of their kind walked the earth.

Sadness settled upon the beautiful, multicolored beings. They withdrew from their fellow Earthly beings. The world changed around them. Creatures lived and died, some becoming extinct. Their sadness deepened and their tears soaked the land. It came as a shock when the cries of babes came from the land. The beautiful, colorful beings dug down into the ground. There, nurtured by the Earth it's self were babies that looked so much like the colorful beings. These new beings were their children, conceived from their tears and the land. They called these children Betas and the beautiful, colorful creatures were named Gods and Goddesses. Or mama and papa.

As time passed, the Betas mated with each other and had children of their own. Hundreds of years later, the land they called home, Pangea was filled with Betas. The Gods and Goddesses couldn't have been more pleased with their beloved children. Billions of years passed. The Gods and Goddesses became stronger and developed their unique abilities; magic, as they grew to call it. Their children, Betas, also possessed magic. Only Betas' magic was never as strong and powerful as their parental race's. Nor did Betas have the everlasting life of the Gods and Goddesses.

As the Beta race grew and expanded, they built cities and empires. Some fell, some became strong. And never did they forget from whence they came. The Gods and Goddesses began to fall in love with the descendants of the descendants of the descendants (and so on) of their children. Unions between Gods/Goddesses and Betas were formed. From these unions, a new race was born.


Gods and Goddesses were tall creatures, standing well above nine feet in height. Some stood at an amazing twelve feet. Their children, Betas, stood well below that. At a simple five feet eleven inches to six feet. Alphas however, never stood below six feet five inches. They often reached the heights of seven feet. Like their elder parental race, Alphas were big and strong and their magic rivaled that of the Gods and Goddesses.

As time went on, the Betas and Alphas began to mate together. While Beta/Beta and God or Goddess/Beta unions were fertile with children, Alpha/Beta and Alpha/Alpha unions were not. A male Beta and female Alpha could have all the children they wanted. However a female Beta's womb was not strong enough to withstand the magic of a male Alpha's seed and a female Alpha's magic canceled out the male's magic. Leaving such unions unprosperous. The Gods and Goddesses were crushed by this new development. It was like watching their own loneliness mirrored back at them. They had to do something.

The Gods and Goddesses gathered. It took many years for them to come up with a solution. They were no longer young and inexperienced. They had lived for hundreds of thousands of billions of years. It was simple. Female Betas and female Alphas soon found themselves pregnant with pure magic of the Gods and Goddesses. Thus a new race was born.


Omegas were the most delicate and tiny of the four races. However, they were no pushovers. Their magic was in par with that of the Alphas. This made them the perfect mates for male Alphas. There was one thing that was odd about the Omegas, however. Whenever the Goddess of Fertility and Queen of all the Goddesses, Omiya created an Omega; they were always born male. The Goddess, Omiya was the only one to great these male Omegas and they turned out to be the most powerful of The Three Children Races (Aloha, Beta, Omega). Male Omegas' magic was stronger than any Alphas and was equal to The Parental Race's (Gods and Goddesses). Because of this, Omiya limited the conception of her Omegas to those who had earned her favor and only ever allowed them to mate with their True Mates. This made sure that they would not have to suffer in love.


While the Gods and Goddesses were being born in the liquid flames, another race of creatures were being birthed. Deep in the center if the Earth there was a metal so hot, it was liquid. This place of liquid metal was a dark place. The creatures born here were big and bulky. As ugly as the Gods and Goddesses were beautiful. Their skin was hard and a sickly mixture of blue and green. They had large horns on and scraggly scraps of hair their heads. These metal born creatures also had powerful magic, but were the Gods and Goddesses magic was creation, their magic was destruction.

For billions of years, they lived beneath the earth. All other creatures, unaware of their existence. These metal creatures were not unaware, however. They watched and waited. Hating all other life.

As The Three Children Races and The Parental Race rejoiced in life and love, the metal creatures struck.

Oozing up from beneath the earth, they killed and ravaged the land. The Children and The Parents fought with all their might. The war went on for a thousand years. Eventually the metal creatures were driven back beneath the earth and back into the liquid metal depths of the planet.

The Children and The Parents rebuilt the world. Saving what creatures remained from extinction. Planting trees and flowers. Cleaning water sources. It was tiring work, but after two hundred years, all was well with the world again. Having used their magic for war instead of creation, the Gods and Goddesses had gone against their nature and weakened themselves.

After the planet began to heal, they laid a spell to allow for mor Omegas to be born in their absence. They then returned to their birth place and slept amongst the liquid flames. Unaware of the evil lurking among their children.

The metal creatures may have been defeated, but they had not given up. They found those who were willing to listen to them. Teaching the ways of their dark magic. As the Gods and Goddesses slept, the world underwent a change.


Year: 1567. 2,000 years after The Parental Race went to sleep.

The world was a beautiful place, but not everyone in it were beautiful. Some were cruel, others evil. People struggled over power and money. In the last two thousand years, they had began to lose their ways.

Alphas stood on top, while Betas stood a far second. However, it was the Omegas who were in control. Omega women were special and they new it. They were equal in power to their Alpha men and were the only ones who could provide the male Alphas with children. The Omega female never allowed anyone to forget this fact.

The Omegas became spoiled and cruel. They only accepted an Alpha after he had proven himself by killing other Alphas. They would take the winning Alpha for a temporary mate then discard them after they had becoming pregnant. Of course, not all Alphas lived this way. Some chose to mate with Beta and Alpha females. Some even mated to males. The Omegas with all the here power, could not oppose this as Alphas were as strong as them.

Whenever a new Omega was born, her family was given riches and praised as the favorites if the Gods and Goddesses. Omegas were royalty. That was if course they were born female. 1,200 years ago, it had been forbidden for any male Omega to be born. Any woman who gave birth to a male Omega was burned at the stake for her practice of dark magic and aligning themselves with the evil metal creatures. After all, it was only dark magic that allowed make Omegas to exist. At least that's what the world's leaders said. There was no one old enough to remember the true origin of male Omegas.

This was the corrupt world little Omega Takaba Akihito was born into.