A/N: Lulu's background has been changed a fair bit. Chappu is instead Chappelle, Wakka's little sister.

Lulu awoke to the piercing sunrays of a new day streaming through the slit of the tent's opening. Long thin arms stretched overhead as she arched her back and inhaled deeply. The cool rush of crisp morning air gave her the jolt she needed while she stretched back against the pillows and slowly willed her body to wake.

Hooded lids with heavy lashes slowly flickered open, taking in the surroundings of her new home once the room came into focus. It was the first time in a long time she had awoken alone. Up until the day before, Lulu had been living in a shared shelter with the other orphans of Besaid.

Becoming an apprentice to the village's alchemist at a young age had paid off after only a year of work. Saving every gil she made and trading potions she brewed for favors, Lulu quickly earned enough to purchase a tent of her own. She had craved the solidarity and independence that came with it and was pleased for the silence in its confinements after sharing a tent with so many.

She had been assigned a bed in the large orphanage tent when she first came to the island. Losing your parents to Sin or fiends was a common tale among the people of Spira. A tale that hopefully one day would be no more.

The mage lost her parents to Sin when she was only five. But that wasn't when she had first come to Besaid. After her parent's deaths, a friend of her mother's had taken in little Lulu. A woman who went by Lady Ginnem.

The gallant noble taught Lulu everything she knew; the teachings of Yevon, magic, alchemy, loyalty, compassion. The young mage would forever admire the woman who dedicated her life to becoming a summoner.

A summoner's training took years to prepare one's self. It would be a long time before her caretaker would actually be ready for the pilgrimage. Lulu had offered to be the woman's guardian at a young age, to protect Lady Ginnem with her life and promised they would beat Sin together. The summoner-to-be had laughed and said she would like that.

When Lulu came to an age where she could care for herself; Lady Ginnem had brought the young magic user to the Isle of Besaid, leaving Lulu on her own once again. The summoner promised to return one day after finishing her training. Then they would fight Sin together just as they had talked about, if that was still something Lulu wanted in the future.

Many tears had fallen as Lulu watched her friend's retreating form, she had grown to love Lady Ginnem like a mother. Her heart had broken all over again.

Rising from the bed, Lulu began her routine of dressing in her favorite dark gray dress of a thousand buckles and applied her dark purple makeup. Next, she tied her many braids into a high bun on her head, leaving several of the weaved strands hanging off the back just as Lady Ginnem had taught her. Once ready, she stepped through the flap and headed for the alchemy tent.

Lulu groaned inwardly as she thought about the tasks her mentor Lady Bertha had bestowed to the apprentice that day. Her mentor was a strict older woman but an intelligent one to be sure, the mage had learned much from the potions master. While the other children of the village played and wasted their days away; Lulu preferred to work, better herself, and not make friends. She always lost everyone she loved; her parents, Lady Ginnem, why make friends if they were just going to die or leave her?

It hadn't been long however that Lulu had become captivated by one orphan in particular who shared her new home. The beautiful teen's name was Chappelle, and by what Lulu had gathered, the fiery redhead with sun-kissed skin and azure colored eyes was known to be the best player on the village's blitzball team, the Besaid Aurochs.

They had only seen each other in passing; Chappelle had shot Lulu the most brilliant of smiles here and there, but the young mage always hurried away or averted her gaze foolishly. She desperately wished to say hello and get to know the entrancing beauty, but was afraid.

Little did Lulu know, her anti-social behavior was about to change.

Her breath hitched as she stepped through the tent flap to find someone already waiting inside. Lulu's tasks that morning were to watch the shop; it didn't receive much in the way of business, so it made sense for her to be startled that someone was already inside before they even opened.

However, her heart would've continued to beat wildly even if she hadn't become disconcerted once she realized who it was waiting for her. On the rug in front of the floor counter, sat cross-legged the gorgeous redhead of Lulu's dreams.

Chappelle gazed at the mage thoughtfully while cradling an injured arm and cocking her head to one side. A few rebellious strands fell alluringly across her forehead, the skin there youthful and free of blemishes. Her hair was tied back into its usual messy bun, exhibiting the redhead's carefree nature that matched her confident and charming personality.

"Hi," came the blitzer's friendly tone. It was the first time Lulu heard the girl's voice without the distortion or bustle of a nearby crowd. It was like a purr, warm and inviting, a tune Lulu wouldn't mind getting accustomed to hearing more often.

"Good Morning." Lulu silently complimented herself for keeping her voice from cracking. "We're not open yet but how can I help?" Rushing behind the counter, the mage began to dig through a basket of tonics, most villagers just needed a simple healing potion.

"I hurt my arm. Was hoping you could fix me. I took a Hi-Potion but think I might need… a mage's touch."

Lulu halted her rummaging to face Chappelle; she thought she heard a flirtatious quality at the phrase a mage's touch. Chappelle's hazels snapped back up to Lulu's when she turned around but it was too late, the auroch had been caught ogling.

Lulu blushed, she wasn't equipped to deal with this. She had never had a sweetheart, never been the object of flirtation; she had never even liked anyone before Chappelle.

"Err, why don't you start by telling me what happened?"

Chappelle chuckled as she raised the limb and carefully laid it on the small counter between them. "I was trying out a new move called Sphere Shot. It didn't go as planned and I landed on a weird angle. To be more exact, I landed on my brother Wakka at a weird angle."

Lulu couldn't hold back her amusement; she looked away a moment as she shook her head and giggled. "I'll never understand why you blitzball players keep repeating acts that only end in your injury every time."

Chappelle laughed and tucked a few escaped strands of red behind her ear. "Love the rush mostly. There's also a chance, of course, we'll actually learn something and not hurt ourselves one day."

Lulu laughed. "Dare to dream. But I admire your tenacity."

Small pale hands reached for the blitzer's arm; it was definitely bruised, perhaps even broken. Chappelle smiled warmly as the mage cradled the limb and began to press light circles around it until the redhead flinched.

"Does that hurt?"

Chappelle nodded.

"Alright, this is going to feel a little weird." Lulu closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, feeling the air swirling inside her chest. She willed it to freeze like a wind of a thousand crystalized raindrops before forcing it through her shoulders, down her arms, and into her fingertips.

When she opened her eyes, her hands glowed obediently; the magic tumbled like an electrical current of well-behaved sparks between pale shimmering digits and tanned skin.

There was a loud pop and audible yelp from Chappelle before it was over and Lulu reluctantly pulled her hands away from the soft, warm skin.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?" Lulu asked worriedly. Had she messed up? Healing magic wasn't her strongest suit, but she could heal small things such as this she was sure.

"Yeah, yeah great actually. A little sore but that's to be expected. Thank you uh—"

"Lulu," Lulu answered.

"Thank you, Lulu. I'm Chappelle by the way. How would you feel about being my personal healer? As much as I love Old Lady Bertha, you're more fun and in all honesty more pleasant to talk to."

That same shy smile pulled at the mage's lips once more. "I suppose that would be alright."

"Good. Would you like to come to the beach with us tonight? We're leaving for the tournament tomorrow and are going to celebrate Lord Braska bringing the Calm one more time before we go."

Lulu squeezed her fingers together in her lap as she considered, she wanted to spend time with Chappelle but was afraid. Everyone she knew either eventually left or died. What if that were to happen with Chappelle?

A gentle hand cupped her shoulder, startling her from her thoughts. It was Chappelle.

"Hey, there's no pressure. I noticed you don't like big social gatherings. If you wanted to come by, maybe we could go for a walk along the beach, just you and me? I promise I won't let anything happen to you, Lulu. Think about it, hope to see you there."

Those words touched Lulu, so much, in fact, she couldn't respond as she watched the warm smile and wave of the other girl disappear through the doorway. Her heart thundered away as she considered Chappelle's request. She had worked so hard keeping her distance from others during her time in Besaid.

Did she want to risk all that hard work and open her heart up to the charming blitzball player with kind eyes and alluring smile?

Yes. Yes, she did.