This is just a test scene for my Pokespe The World Ends With You AU. (WE'RE GETTING AN ANIME ADAPTATION IN 2021 YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH). Everything stated in this scene, the lore, the rules, the use of Pokemon to fit in this AU, and this entire scene will be subject to change. I'll state everything at the end of the fic.


Summary: It's the sixth Day during the Yveltal Game and things seemed off about Sapphire.

58. Sapphire, Week 1, Day 6



The sixth day started out pretty weirdly for X.

It wasn't that everything he experienced for the past five days was weird. He did fight a lot of those noises called 'Pocket Monsters' with the help of his partner, Sapphire, but this was something related to...well, his partner.

X didn't know Sapphire since this whole 'game' started; heck, he didn't even know she knew his mentor, Green Oak. All he was aware of was the fact that she was just a simple adult who used to live in this city until her death. She was a reliable partner, nonetheless; she saved his butt a bunch of times and she was the most physically strong person he had ever met, despite her 'normal-looking' female body shape. (He wouldn't be surprised if she had abs, though.)

With that information in mind, one could easily conclude that he barely knew her, especially on a personal level. And that was the truth; he really didn't know her until the past five days of doing missions and avoiding erasure.

Their routine was simple: when a new day starts Sapphire would wait for their mission mail and immediately take action. She was quite useful and surprisingly reliable despite her prissy appearance. But ever since they encountered the Game Master yesterday, she had been unusually quiet ever since the sixth day began.

To kick things off, he did most of the talking, which was what she usually did whenever a new mission and a new day set off. He could tell that she wasn't cooperating with this salesman they were trying to help and every time he looked at her, she seemed...kind of distant.

It felt like her head was in a different place.

He would think she would be more determined to finish this mission and get on the seventh day quickly, but she was acting the opposite.

X took a deep breath and dug his hands in his pockets. He looked up to see the giant screen flashing, hoping to see a commercial at the pin that salesman was trying to promote.

But nothing seemed to be appearing.

It was the same ad he had seen over and over again.

"I don't think it worked," Sapphire muttered. Her head was still lowered and she now looked weak and pale. X's eyes widened at her appearance. What just happened to her? "Handing out a buncha samples ain't gonna make it a hit. Ruby said that's not a good way to make things trendy."

X removed his gaze at her and went back to staring at the giant screen. "Well, what do you think we should do?"

Sapphire bit her lip. "Dunno. Maybe give it up..."

X slowly looked at her and stitched his eyebrows together. "Are you really my partner for this game? I—" He stopped, as his jaw slowly hung open. "Wait, is that—"

Sapphire finally made eye contact with her younger partner and followed his gaze. Her eyes widened and saw someone she didn't expect to see since her death. "Ruby?"

"That guy..." X murmured, as he recalled the familiar white hat, black hair, and ruby red eyes. "Isn't that guy the one on your phone? Your boyfriend—"

He was more shocked when he saw Sapphire running away from him. He looked back at that same man he saw earlier then at the running Sapphire. She seemed to have escaped within his field of vision. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Mr. S told them to stick together and trust your partner. Without Sapphire, he would be defenseless against the Pocket Monsters and be erased eventually. He had to find her.

X ran as his eyes scanned every nook and cranny of the city. He saw her next to the Burger Place and released a relieved breath. He approached her and stood in front of her.

"Listen," he started and Sapphire paid no heed to look at him. "I know I'm like...ten years younger than you, but you have to tell me what's going on. You've been acting very weird lately."

Sapphire gulped and raised her head, but her eyes weren't looking at X. Instead, she saw Ruby approaching the same place she was sitting on.

Well, the good thing about being in this game was the fact that he couldn't see her. She was dead, after all. She could see him at this very moment, but he couldn't. There was a rule that the living couldn't see the dead, after all.

"I wasn't like this..." she started and she saw Ruby sat on the table with Wally, Emerald, and Lisia. X saw this and grabbed her wrist.

"Come on," the emo boy said. "I know you want to see him. You can tell me about that later."

Sapphire breathed. She didn't have the energy to argue, so she just let him lead her to Ruby. They stood in front of the table Ruby and his friends were sitting, as they watched them talk. X made sure he and Sapphire have a good view of Ruby's face.

"Come on, Ruby!" Lisia squealed. "My uncle Wallace really wanna see you! He personally invited you to his birthday party!"

Ruby shook his head. X could tell that Ruby looked as pale and weak as Sapphire. There must be something going on between them if Sapphire's death affected Ruby that much. "I can't, sorry."


"Sorry for interrupting, but," Wally intervened and Lisia and Emerald gave him a curious look. "Maybe now's not the time," he continued. "Sapphire did...die last week and I understand it's hard for Ruby to move on."

Lisia lowered her head. "You're right, sorry. I know Sapphire is very special to you, Ruby, but I also know Sapphire wants you to be happy."

Sapphire closed her eyes, stopping the tears from falling. She couldn't. She can't. She wasn't that special to Ruby. After all, he liked her former self and not the one she'd become recently. He liked her girly and weak self, not her recent barbaric and...disgusting one.

"I do agree with Lisia. I know she just wants you to be happy," Wally added, supporting Lisia's words.

"Knowing Sapphire, she'd agree with these two are saying," Emerald continued.

Ruby took a deep breath. X could tell how much the ruby-eyed man wanted to leave them as soon as possible, but he was forcing himself to be polite. "I know, but...something happened between me and Sapphire. Something...amazing."

"Sex?" Emerald asked. Lisia gave him an annoyed look whilst Wally was uncomfortable with the word.

X, on the other hand, tried to shrug it off. What happened between Sapphire and Ruby was none of his concern. He was only doing this so she could focus on the mission.

"Guys, come on," Emerald tried to reason. "I'm pretty sure—"

"No, we kissed," Ruby confirmed and swallowed the lump in his throat. X could see how conflicted Ruby was, but the depression was stronger than the former. "She asked me about it, but I said I didn't remember anything. The next day..." Ruby clenched his fists. "I...found out she died. She saved that kid, but she risked her own life to do so. I was stupid. I should've told her that I..." He stood up and placed his hands on the table. His eyes were still gazing at the ground and his friends could tell that he was going to lose it. "Sorry, I gotta go."

Sapphire's tears fell like an unbroken stream. She clenched her fist and smacked the wall next to her. She let out a hiccup. So, she had to die just so he could realize what he did wrong, huh? Why did he even lie to her in the first place?

"We gotta follow him," X suggested.

"No," Sapphire shook her head. "I heard enough. Let's just finish the mission. I—"

"Look," X grabbed her wrist once again. "He was close to breaking down. He couldn't even entertain the idea of you being gone from this world. We have to follow him and scan him. Maybe if you scan him, you'll finally know why he lied to you."

Sapphire stopped in her tracks, pulling away her wrist from X's hand. X was glad that she seemed to have her strength back despite her feeble appearance, but he could tell that she still wasn't feeling well emotionally. "I can't. I can't scan him. That's too much."

X released a breath. "I'll scan him, then."

Sapphire's eyes widened. "I—"

X grabbed her wrist once again and they followed Ruby. "I'll scan him and tell you what's on his mind. I don't know him, anyway, so I don't think I'll damage my friendship with him."

"X, listen," Sapphire tried to stop him, but for the first time, her younger partner was too stubborn to do so. She bit her lip. "Ya know, I ain't like this. I—"

"That's what you said earlier. I'm guessing it's how you dress in that photo on your phone."

"Well," Sapphire paused. She guessed he had the right to know. "Listen, X. This is what I was like before that accident."

X turned his eyes to glance at her. "What do you mean?"

Sapphire breathed deeply. Here she goes. "I don't dress this fancy. I used to be, but I stopped, ever since Ruby got that scar on his head. We got attacked when we were six, but instead of thanking him, I cried. I should've thanked him for saving me. I—"

X removed his hand on her wrist. He turned to face her and gave her a genuine yet stoic look. "You were just a kid back then. My friend, Y, would've cried as well if we were attacked."

Sapphire rubbed her shoulder as she gnashed her teeth. "But...I broke his pride. I—"

"You were kids," X reprimanded. "It may be traumatizing but it shaped you for who you are. Are you really sure that he loves you because of your old self? I thought you mentioned you two were like a boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Sapphire could feel her cheeks heat up. Did he actually listen to what she said days ago? "I...Ya...ya know that ain't it. I..." She sighed. "It's complicated."

X rose an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

Sapphire hesitated. Was it really wise to tell a sixteen-year-old about this? Well, Mr. S said they should trust each other, and maybe he had the right to know some of the details. "Like Ruby he said earlier, we...kissed weeks before I died. I asked him if there was somethin' more behind that kiss, but he...he said he didn't remember, so I stormed off. I went to this park very late at night," She sighed, closing her eyes. No, she shouldn't cry. She mustn't. "I saw a kid. I don't know what that kid was doin' here at 5 am, but it seemed like he ran away too. There was a motorcycle passing by and...I pushed the kid out of the way."

Sapphire remembered everything that happened before she met her demise. She didn't know whose parent would leave their child at five in the morning, but she knew she had to help. She successfully saved the kid and she knew she could do it to herself as well, but instead of doing that, she let that motorcycle hit her.

X couldn't believe what he just heard. All this time, she could've been alive. But she...but she... "You...let yourself get hit on purpose. You...killed yourself."

Sapphire bobbed her head and gulped. "I can't stand the pain any longer at that moment and I think havin' the second chance to live again won't do me any good. Ruby didn't like me; he liked my former self. Maybe the Game Master was right. Maybe I don't need to win this game. Maybe...I should be left off erased like the Pocket Monsters we fought."

X's lips formed into a frown. He could clearly tell how emotionally and mentally exhausted she was. Her enervated and despaired appearance showed it all. He always thought she was an optimistic person, but deep down, she was anxious and insecure. She was hiding it with that smile all along. He lowered his head. "I'm sorry..."

Sapphire's shoulders droop. It was proof that she had enough. She shifted her gaze to the left and saw Ruby sitting on the bench. They were right behind him and Sapphire tried to sit next to him, even though he couldn't see her. It broke her heart just by looking at him. He, too, looked heartbroken. She could tell he wanted to cry and break down, but he was trying his best to stop himself from making a scene in public. She sighed.

"Ruby deserved better," she spoke, placing her hand on top of his. She couldn't feel him—his warmth, his pulse, his heart, his breathing, everything. She really was dead. She choked and cried. Her tears finally felt free. It was warm, but it made her feel slightly better despite the pain. "He deserves someone better than me..."

X watched his partner sit beside the man she loved. He couldn't explain it, but he felt sad and...heartbroken. He thought romance was just a fraud—a fantasy, but he could tell Sapphire and Ruby truly cared about each other. He picked up a pin from his pocket. It was the pin specifically used to scan non-players to know their thoughts. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and touched the pin.

He could hear so many thoughts, so many words, so many hopes, dreams, failures, and even embarrassment or mistakes from every person surrounding him. He focused and tried to find Ruby's mind. When he did, he listened to Ruby's thoughts.

"Sapphire is gone… I can't believe she's gone. I refuse to believe it. This isn't happening. But maybe...if I told Sapphire that I love her, she wouldn't have died. She wouldn't storm off that night and got hit by that damn motorcycle. It's only been a week, but I miss her. I wish I would've told her how I felt instead of lying about it. I guess this is karma biting me in the back, huh?"

X opened his eyes and placed the pin back in his pocket. He went beside Sapphire and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Was your entry fee...yourself?"

Sapphire sniffled and nodded. "My entry fee is what I've become recently. What I look like right now is what I'm supposed to look like if Ruby and I weren't attacked as a kid."

"But...your entry fee is what you hold the most. If you hated your current self, why would they take it away from you?"

X did have a point, but Sapphire knew she couldn't lie any longer. "Yeah, I hate my old self. I was weak, girly, and prissy. They took my current form because they know it's what Ruby spent his time the most. It's the persona I've grown and improved throughout the years. I'm just glad Ruby was spared but my current self wasn't. I realized that maybe I cherish my recent self because...that's how I managed to get to know Ruby more and improved as a person..."

"If that's the case, then," X removed his hand on her shoulder. "Would you believe me when I say that he loves you? Like...he refused to accept you're gone and regret what he did."

Sapphire looked at Ruby. She could see tears trying to fall from his eyes, but he was oppressing it back. Her own tears fell once again. "Ya scanned him, didn't ya?"

X slowly nodded. "I did what I have to do. He loves you and he regrets what he did. I know I'm not lying because I looked into his mind. Don't you think that's enough reason to have a second chance at life?"

Sapphire placed her hand on Ruby's cheek to cup it. She couldn't feel anything, but she swore she saw him smiling, just a tiny bit. She didn't know if he felt her hand, but she was happy to see that small smile. "I wanna see him again..."

X smiled. He was glad he found her reason to live again. "Then let's win this game and get that second chance to live again. You'll see him again soon."

I predicted this will have 1k words but why 2k words. WHY.

Anyway, in a nutshell, X is taking Neku's role and Sapphire is taking Shiki's role. Silver is a good contender to fill in Neku's role but X is more antisocial than Silver, imho. For Sapphire, she is the most insecure female dexholder I know and it matches so well with Shiki's insecurity and envy. Sapphire also was "jealous" in ORAS but that's the product of her insecurity. Anyway, I ranted enough.

No, X and Sapphire are YEARS apart. Sapphire is an adult in this AU and X is like in his last years of high school. They will have a brother-sister bond/friendship in this fic.

Anyway, this is just a test scene. I barely started anything with this AU besides assigning each character with the help of a friend who introduced me to TWEWY. Again, everything may be subject to change except their age gap.

With that, please play and stream The World Ends With You. uwu