Author's Note: This was inspired by the "death of a fan" rumors abounding concerning the 5th book. I am aware that electronics do not work on Hogwarts grounds. Perhaps that explains the story...

Harry Potter and his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, were taking a walk through Hogwarts grounds during their fifth year. The day was beautiful and sunny--maybe a bit too sunny. The heat pounded upon them, threatening to fry their brains.

"It's so hot!" Ron moaned. "Too bad we can't lure You-Know-Who out here!"

"Whatever will we do?" Hermione cried, wiping swear from her brow.

Harry smiled. "Not to worry!" He reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out his mini-fan.

Hermione and Ron cheered.

Still smiling, Harry pushed the button, anticipating a lovely whirl of fresh, cool air.

But nothing happened.

Harry tried again. The fan blades sputtered weakly, and did nothing else.

A tear escaped Hermione's eye. "Harry, I. . . I think your fan is dead."

Ron gasped.

Harry stared at the mini-fan, scarcely able to take in the truth. His fan was indeed dead.

"Why?!" he screamed to the heavens before he sunk to his knees sobbing.

The End