Author's note

And here we are at last. We're sorry it took us a month longer than we were expecting to get here but well, hopefully it was worth waiting for. So for any new readers we make heavy use of OC's to help expand our world. But, well we're lazy and the OC's are all modified characters from the fire emblem series. In this case we're not going to be using flashbacks. We are going to be jumping around a lot of locations though, so every point of view change will have a notation of where that person is. Just in the first chapter we move across more than one clan. And as we go forward the amount of clans we bounce around is going to increase. As always we are more than happy to answer any questions you have in the comment section. If you want to just chat feel free to hit up Rhino on tumblr under the name bibliophile-rhino-nerd.

We swear to not kill Lexa or Clarke. Pretty much everyone else is fair game though, so apologies ahead of time. It's us, of course people will die. There are some scenes that we know are going to be...gruesome we promise to include warnings for them in the notes before the start of a chapter. Same as how we warned you guys ahead of time for the whole horse dying and the flaying of Flora in ADL. But well, this thing got it's rating for a reason and it wasn't sex. Unfortunately we're both awful at writing smut so we're just going to leave that up to your imagination. Course the characters will still have it, they're human, but we won't be describing it in great depth.



Trikru(Woods Clan) Polis

The gods had blessed and cursed her. Lexa watched the sunlight playing across the lines of her lover's back. If someone had told her before her conclave, when she was a young and foolish girl kissing Costia in corners around the tower, that she would unite the clans, bring down the mountain, take the Azkwin as her lover, she would have laughed at them. Yet here she was, Klark asleep beside her, ambassadors from the twelve clans living in her tower, the mountain nothing but ash and rubble.

She ran her fingers down Klark's spine. The raised scars from torture, war, and punishment were familiar to her touch. She traced the lines of the twisted tattoo of a vine with leaves coming off it that ran down her spine. The newest leaf made her smile softly, every one represented a successful pauna hunt, but that one meant more to her. After all, that was the one Klark had earned taking down the giant gorilla. It had been the turning point in how she'd see her. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to Klark's bare shoulder where deep scarring from claws raking her lay.

"Hmmm… you're up early." Klark murmured, the side of her lips twitching up as she spoke.

Lexa smiled, her eyes crinkling. "The sun is already up, it's late for both of us and you know it."

"Well, we did remain active late into the night." There was a decided smirk to her face as she mentioned their night together.

Sitting up fully, Lexa stretched out her arms. "Still, we need to leave this bed."

"A great crime wouldn't you say." Klark rolled over before sitting up and wrapping herself around Lexa from behind her. Leaning in, she nipped at Lexa's ear. "Don't you think Heda?"

Lexa reached and pushed Klark's head away gently. "No distractions, I have to meet with the ambassadors today."

"Fine." Klark flopped back onto the bed and sighed out in fake dismay.

Her traitorous eyes followed her lover's form. Flushing at the knowing smirk on Klark's face, she faced forward again before walking into the side room and lowering herself into the bath. She closed her eyes as Klark joined her in the warm water her servants had brought in earlier causing her to wake. Sadly, it was too late in the morning for her to enjoy it properly. She wordlessly accepted the soap Klark handed to her and efficiently cleaned herself before rinsing and drying.

As she was pulling on her pants she heard Klark getting out of the bath. She decided to ask something she'd been meaning to ask Klark for a while. "I was wondering if you would be willing to work with the nightbloods today while I'm in council?"

Klark hummed. "I'd be honored. Though, you know Titus will not be pleased."

"Titus knows that his place is to advise, not order." Lexa pulled one of her long-sleeved shirts on smoothly. Titus had yet to come around on the topic of Klark or the closer ties to Azgeda. She knew he would see sense eventually, still she wished that eventually would come sooner. With the ambassadors uneasy, she needed her flamekeeper by her side.

Warm hands rested on her shoulders gently squeezing. "I'll talk with the Podkru ambassador about your idea for a central mobile defensive force for you."

Lexa turned her head while reaching up and entangled her hand into Klark's hair. Pulling her head down, she kissed her gently. "Thank you, though in this case that might not help."

Klark laughed while stepping back and pulling her own shirt on over her scars. "Azgeda relations with Podkru have been getting better. Though, that's a fair point. You know you have my support."

Raising her brows, she turned to face Klark properly. "You wouldn't sleep in my bed for a week over this."

Wincing slightly as she was tucking in her shirt, Klark's brow creased. "You cannot blame me for wanting to protect my people Lexa." She ran a hand through her hair. "This measure, if passed, will give you power inside the coalition that is unprecedented. An entire force of warriors from throughout the clans under your command gives you the ability to challenge our autonomy in a way none of us are used to. However, you are right. It will allow you to act without being forced to call the clans for their armies every time an army is needed. You also make a good point that a multi clan force is better than you using the Trikru as your own personal army."

Lexa pulled on her jacket as she spoke. "My own lover took time to be convinced. Convincing the council will take longer." Shaking her head, she buckled it into place. "If I cannot get this passed, the council will not allow me to end the conclave."

"Lexa." Klark stepped forward, pulling her into her arms. "We'll protect our people, all of our people."

She melted into her arms, accepting the warmth and support. Klark understood her desperate desire to change this practice of her people's. "The ambassadors will not accept it Klark. Not even Floukru will approve it, and Luna is a nightblood. This is our people's way. Perhaps it is heresy to attempt to change it, but while I am Heda I cannot allow it to continue if I can stop it."

Klark pulled back so that they could see each other. "You have done far more radical changes than this. You'll change this too. It will just take time."

"Will you speak with Titus?" She tightened her hold as she saw Klark's face closing off as she thought of him. "I need his support and he will not give it while he does not trust you."

"Alright." Klark pulled back and pulled on her own coat. "Still, I do not think that he will ever accept my presence in your life."

"He'll have to." Lexa reached out, threading their fingers together. "You are mine as I am yours."


Ouskejon(Blue Cliff) Someset Castle

Chrom kom Ouskejon, prince of his clan and general of the Exalt walked into his sister's private rooms. "Emmeryn, I have news."

She turned from where she had been staring into the mirror. Emmeryn was the eldest of their family. She was slightly built, thin, almost bird like, with her pale-yellow hair falling down past her shoulders. "Chrom, I'm glad you've come."

He smiled, dropping to his knees before her feet. Reaching out, he clasped her hands that were resting in her lap with his far larger ones. "Sumia is with child sister."

Emmeryn smiled, reaching out, she stroked the side of his face with her hand. "This is blessed news. I'm so happy for your family."

Chrom could feel the joy he'd felt since Sumia had told him bubbling up inside of him. He'd always wanted children of his own. The approval of his sister, who was more mother to him than sister, meant the world to him. He couldn't wait to write to Robin with the news. "I request that you recall Robin, let the junior ambassador take the post for the next year."

"I wish that I could." She leaned back in chair, the quiet air of sorrow about her folding inwards. "Things are changing right now, and I cannot risk our people for your happiness. Still, perhaps I can still aid you in this." Looking him straight in the eyes, she spoke carefully. "You are a great warrior brother, but a poor statesman. I have never feared for you on the throne though. Robin would never let you falter, he's always been your loyal shadow and has advised you well. To bar you and Sumia from your lover during this time would be cruel. I will send you both to Polis."

Balking, Chrom stood up and stared at her in disbelief. "It is not safe in Polis!"

She stared at him steadily, queuing him to fall silent. "That is true, but we have allies at court, enough that in this you would be safe. The new trade agreement with Azgeda will be signed soon. Go, ascertain all you can of this new Azkwin. We all know she intends to spend time in Polis yearly. It would seem the rest of us can no longer leave it entirely to our ambassadors to represent us. This is her second trip to Polis in just over a year. I wish for your opinion on whether she can be trusted as a possible ally. Robin will keep Sumia and your child safe."

Staring at the ground, he bit the inside of his cheek till it bled to prevent himself from saying something he'd regret. This… was not what he wanted. Polis was a mess of danger and politics with death interwoven with it all. He did not want to bring a child into that world, but he understood what Emmeryn meant. "How long will you send me away for?"

"Till I recall you." She said softly, though it could not be interpreted as anything other than an order. "You can take advantage of this opportunity. I know you wish to spar against the woman who defeated Nia in single combat. I also need you to deliver a letter to Luna kom Flokru for me. It is for her eyes only, do you understand?"

"Of course," He straightened his spine. "How am I to deliver this letter? You are sending me to Polis not Floukru land?"

She turned to look into the fire. "When you arrive, send a warrior you trust completely to Luna."

He frowned, he did not appreciate having himself as well as his family being treated as pieces to be moved. Unfortunately, he understood the need. "Very well. When are we to depart."

She looked up at him sadly. "Two days."

Nodding sharply, he headed to the door. He was half out the door when he heard her behind him. "I am happy for you brother." Swallowing thickly, he closed the door and marched to his quarters. Sumia deserved to know immediately.


Trikru(Woods Clan) Polis

Aden slapped the face of the boy in front of him. Glancing over at Char, he found himself asking, "Shouldn't he be awake already?"

She rolled her eyes. Grabbing a glass of water, she threw it into their captive's face. A truly frightening grin spread across her face as Artigus snorted, waking up at last. "Ah, there he is."

"That's impressive. How'd you know how to do that?" Aden looked at her impressed.

"You can't torture someone if they pass out. You get very good at waking people when you work in a torture chamber." She explained calmly. "If this hadn't of woken him, we could have stuck smelling salts under his nose. Pain probably would have worked as well, considering we just poisoned him a little bit."

Ignoring the pale boy tied to a chair in Char's quarters, who was making choking noises round the gag, Aden gave Char a thumbs up gesture. "That's brilliant." Turning his attention to Artigus, he spoke without mercy. "Now, Artigus we need to have a talk." Reaching out, he rested his hands on either side of the gag. "If you scream, you won't like the consequences."

The boy nodded furiously. Carefully pulling the gag out of his mouth, Aden dropped back down across from their captive. Narrowing his eyes, he considered where to start. "So, you've begun to court Tris."

Artigus paled further, if that was even possible. Licking his lips, he looked back and forth between him and Char. "Yes."

"Why?" Char asked while touching the hilt of one of her more visible daggers.

"I love her." Aritgus got out, his nostrils flared and he squared his shoulders as best he could while tied. "You can't scare me away. You'll have to kill me if you want me to stop."

Aden wanted to punch the young man really badly, but he resisted. Char and he had agreed no permanent harm so long as he didn't give them reason to do so. As much as he had argued the point with Char, a crush on Tris was not reason. "You want us to believe you?"

"It doesn't matter if you believe me, it's the truth." He was clearly terrified, but the color was returning to his face. "I've always loved her. She's kind, and smart, and beautiful, and an incredible warrior, and I've known her longer than either of you!"

Pulling up the side of his shirt, Aden pointed to the tattoo on his side. "Do you know what this is?"

"The mark of brotherhood." Artigus winced.

"And you know that Char, Tris and I share this mark then?" He asked carefully.


Char reached out and patted Artigus on the knee. It was not reassuring looking at all and Aden felt pleased that she was so good at intimidation. "Then you understand, if anything were to happen to Tris, that Char and I would be displeased?"

Artigus nodded sharply.

"Good. Now if you so much as make her frown, there is no force on the ground that could save you. We clearly can poison you and abduct you in the very heart of Trikru land without raising any alarms." He didn't think it needed to be mentioned that they'd bribed Gustus to help with their enterprise. "So, if you make her cry, we will eviscerate you and feed you your own intestines. Got it?"

Artigus' voice cracked. "Yes."

Standing up, Aden caught a dagger Char tossed to him. "Good, as long as you understand." He cut the rope holding Artigus in place. "Now, you wouldn't want to go mentioning this little chat to anyone, would you?"

"No!" Artigus sounded rather strangled as he jumped out of the chair nearly knocking it over while rubbing at where the rope had been biting into him. "Won't say a word." He tripped, opening the door and dashed out as quick as he could.

Char closed the door and turned to look at him. "Tris is going to kill us."

"Yup." Aden said unrepentantly. Sometimes the crime was worth the punishment.

She nodded. "So, we thinking bribery will work to at least make her kill us quick?"

"Nope." He said peacefully. "Nice job on the poison by the way, what was that?"

"Azgeda secret." She said simply. "Think we should make ourselves scarce?"

"I've got training in the glade with the others in an hour. She'll catch me before I can vanish after that." He tossed Char back her dagger. "Want to go to the kitchens and enjoy a last meal in peace before the end?"

Char sheathed her dagger. "Sounds like a plan."

He opened the door and held it for her. As they started to walk down the hallways, he couldn't keep it in anymore. "Did you see his face though?"


Trikru(Woods Clan) Polis

Titus dipped his pen in ink before continuing to write. He had let it go too long without an apprentice. He'd summoned a promising student from south of Polis, he couldn't risk the fall of Heda due to his foolishness. The Flame could not be allowed to fall due to his weakness, he would not allow it. So, he was writing down everything that he knew about being flamekeeper. It would be kept safe along with the journal of Becca PrimeHeda. Leaving the fate of the continuation of the Flame on a single man's life was precarious. How it had survived until now he didn't know.

He heard the door to the library open quietly. Setting his pen down, he carefully closed his book. Not that he needed to worry, it was in a language spoken by none but him. The secrets inside could not be known by any. Not even Heda should know all the secrets of his position. He had a sacred duty to the Flame and he would not fail. Turning, he looked to see who had interrupted him. It was most likely a nightblood coming to study the maps held in Polis' library. His eye twitched as he spotted the golden head of the thrice cursed Azkwin. "Klark."

She raised a brow while approaching him. Running a finger along the backs of the books, she seemed to be skimming their titles. "Titus."

Folding his hands together in front of him, he watched her coldly. "May I be of assistance?"

"Lexa has requested I work with the nightbloods today." She said slowly, her tone mild.

Titus felt his spine stiffen. "It is not your right to train the nightbloods!"

"It is Lexa's, and she has requested it of me and I have accepted." Klark said easily. She came to a stop in front of him and looked up at him. "I was hoping we could speak before we're needed with the nightbloods."

He fought to keep his face impassive. "What do we have to speak about other than your lack of respect for our culture."

Klark stared at him for a long minute. "I am not your enemy Titus kom Trikru. What have I done to make you so suspicious of me?" She made a hand gesture to indicate she wasn't done. "Of course, I understand some amount of distrust. I am the Kwin of a clan that within our lifetimes was at war with your own. The queen I disposed of was a monster that had people you knew and loved killed. I have no illusions that you will ever trust me. That does not explain the open hostility you have shown to me, an ally of your clan."

Turning sharply, he grabbed his book before spinning and pinning this arrogant Kwin with a glare. "You are a monster amongst monsters. Azgeda is the only cursed place that could produce a creature as blood soaked as you." He sneered. "Nia won her throne through conquest and murder. You won yours through murder and lies. How fortunate that General Frederick became indebted to you. How convenient that Prince Roan, a renowned warrior was under your care before you killed him. You are soaked in betrayal. Now here you are, a Kwin who has only been on the throne for a year, yet has come to Polis yet again. A Kwin who has lied and manipulated your way into Heda's bed. The great dream of Azgeda for the Flame to belong to your people lies so close for you, closer than it has ever been. So no, I will never accept you as anything but the traitor you are."

The Kwin stood there staring at him. Finally, she gave him a short nod of acknowledgment. "You are right that I'm a monster and that I have peddled in death, betrayal and murder. However, you are wrong to think that I want the Flame, or the coalition. I want what is best for my people. I have done unspeakable things but it was always to protect those I consider mine." She shook her head, looking unbearably sad. "I have no intention of harming Lexa, of doing anything to cause the coalition to crumble. Your precious flames mean nothing to me. They are just another tool that Lexa uses."

He scoffed at her pretty words.

She sighed. "Let's say you are correct. Let's say that I want to rule over everything. What would be the best way for me to achieve that goal? Don't give me crap about Nia's plot, it was foolish and would have broken the coalition in months if she'd succeed, leading us all to a bloody war without end."

Titus frowned, staring at her. Then, he considered how she would go about conquering the coalition. Azgeda was not popular amongst the coalition, the clan had two allies. For good reason, none trusted the bloodthirsty clan. Neither of their allied clans were well placed to allow the coalition to be broken into conquerable pieces. It was why Lexa had been able to isolate them when she'd formed the coalition. "You'd need the coalition to regard you as an evil worth tolerating for stability."

"Indeed." She nodded. "Whether my goals are for world domination," her tone took on a mocking tone as she rolled her eyes at the concept. "Or as I have stated for the betterment of my clan, both require the coalition to stand. You're not a fool Titus. If Lexa dies, this coalition would likely fall. Perhaps her successor could hold it together, perhaps not, but at the very least it would make the coalition far more contentious for years. Neither of those options serve me. So tell me Titus, what are my goals regardless of the outcome I wish for?"

He swallowed thickly. "For the coalition to succeed, and Lexa survive." Narrowing his eyes, he considered that. He had no doubt Klark would stab Lexa in the back the moment it suited her. Still, she was right, at this moment it would be pointless. Though it made the access she had to the nightbloods all the more insidious. After all, the access to potential successors increased the chances of Lexa becoming obsolete to her goals.

"I don't like you," she stated calmly, "and you clearly loath me. However, for now at least, we both want the same thing," pausing, she held his gaze, "for Lexa to remain on the throne."

"What are you proposing then? That I forget what you are?" He pursed his lips.

She laughed lowly. "Hardly, I only ask that you stop acting against me when it goes against your own interests. We don't have to like each other nor trust each other to work together. There's a phrase my people use, 'Better the enemy you know'."

Titus could hear the guard changing outside the doors. It was time to head to the glade and the nightbloods. He wished he could kill this foul woman and be done with it, but he could not. "The day will come when you show your true colors. Until then I cannot stop you."

Klark sighed in resignation. "Well, I believe the nightbloods are waiting for us."

He watched her back as she turned and headed for the door. Lexa would have to see sense. This Kwin would be returning to her clan in another month or two, yet again. It would give him the rest of the year to convince Lexa of the foolishness of such a traitorous Kwin. This Kwin overestimated herself. He would not allow her to destroy everything because of her own ego. No matter what she said to the contrary.


Trikru(Woods Clan) Polis

Lucina stood stiffly as the Azkwin entered the glade with Titus. She could admit after having some time to get used to the idea, that she could see why Lexa… cared for the woman. Pursing her lips, she forced herself to concede that the combination of her figure and clear battle prowess was appealing. Still, sweet spirits, the woman irked her. Not as much as that cursed assassin that was always hanging about, but still.

Drawing her sword, she grabbed Inigo's shoulder. "You're sparring with me today."

"Of course," he smiled charmingly as he turned to face her and then cringed at her face. "You're going to attempt to murder me, aren't you?"

She raised a brow at him. "Hardly."

"Punching bag?" He inquired while unsheathing his own sword.

Biting her lip, she considered. It was a bit unfair to take out her frustration on her companion. Still, it was Inigo, he'd probably done something to deserve it. Narrowing her eyes, she ran through what she knew had been his duties recently. "You weren't in your quarters last night."

Inigo paled. "Well, see the thing is…" He swallowed clearly, getting the message that bullshit would not be accepted. "Fine, the blacksmith on third street is out of the city, and well his bonded." He shrugged unashamedly.

Lucina had to restrain herself from facepalming. Though, now she wouldn't feel as guilty about the schooling she was about to give him. Mission accomplished. Raising her sword, she fell into a standard fighting stance. "You ought to be careful about whom you bed, you're going to get yourself murdered one of these days."

"And deny the ladies my beauty?" He laughed, a familiar twinkle in his eye. "They're more than willing."

She sighed, sometimes she mourned for the common sense everyone seemed to lose when it came to these matters. Honestly, how seemingly half the women of Polis were welcoming of Inigo's advances was just baffling. That wasn't even beginning on the ridiculousness that Lexa, the greatest Heda to ever live, thought the Azkwin was a suitable lover. Did no one have any sense at all? "They may be willing but I doubt some of their husbands are."

"What's life without a little risk?" He laughed before settling into a ready position.

"Longer." She said while spinning in with a harsh strike forcing Inigo back.

He grunted, attempting to interrupt her momentum and step into her space so he could elbow her. Lucina grinned as she brought the hilt of her sword in, slamming the hilt into his side. Hooking her foot behind his, she yanked him from his feet before headbutting him in the face, knocking him sprawling onto his back.

Dropping her sword, she offered her hand to pull him back to his feet. Inigo wheezed as he accepted her hand. Bending over, he held his knees while pulling in drags of air. Looking up, he held his side where she'd hit him with the hilt of her sword. "That's going to leave a mark." Shaking his head, he grinned. "Ladies love the battle wounds."

"You're going to get yourself killed." Lucina chided him while checking out of the corner of her eye that Klark was still just watching them all sparring.

Inigo laughed, falling back into a ready position for another round. "We're nightbloods Lucina, we're doomed to die young anyways. We should at least have some fun while we can."

"You should try to treat our position with more respect. Our fate is already decided." She waited for him to strike out first. Batting his sword away with hers, she turned, slamming her elbow across his face. Before he could retaliate, she caught his arm and threw him over her shoulder. He grunted as he hit the ground again.

"Halt!" A booming voice echoed across the clearing.

Straightening automatically, she turned to watch as Klark stepped down into the clearing, heading towards her and Inigo. She stepped slightly in front of Inigo.

The Kwin came to a stop in front of her. "If you wish to take anger out on someone, I think I'm a better candidate than Inigo here."

Lucina glanced down at Inigo, who was struggling up to his feet. He had a split lip that was bleeding a sluggish black. If his skin was fair she had no doubt, the beginning of a bruise forming would be apparent. She looked down in shame. She hadn't meant to actually hurt him. After all, she'd know that he was tired and not in the best shape for a spar already.

"Come, let's spar." Klark turned towards where Aden stood. He tossed her one of the practice swords with dulled edges that they used in the glade. Returning her attention to Lucina, she spun the sword clearly getting a feel for its balance. "I prefer knives, but for this, I'll match your weapon."

Lucina nodded and fell into a stance, ready to defend if the Kwin struck out at her. Out of the corner of her eyes, she was aware of her fellows forming a circle to watch. She waited to see if the Kwin would attack first but she made no move to do so. Breathing out, she lunged sharply. Klark caught the lunge forcing her sword wide. Lucina grit her teeth in frustration when Klark didn't make use of the opening in her guard. Her nostrils flared as she attacked viciously. Again and again, their swords struck, the clearing filling with the harsh sound of metal on metal.

Sweat rolled down her back, her body ached but she continued to attack. Digging the tip of her sword into the ground, she swung upwards, sending dirt into the face of the Kwin. Changing the direction of her spin, she swung her sword back around to bring it down with all of her might towards the woman's head. There was a moment where she realized for a panicked second that if she hit the woman, she would die. However, she'd already committed and couldn't change her sword's path. Her eyes barely had time to go from narrowed slits of anger and frustration to wide in horror. She need not have worried, Klark caught her blade with her own. Twisting her sword, she ripped Lucina's sword from her grip sending it flying to the side. Then reaching out she caught Lucina by the front of her jacket.

Lucina blinked up at the sky from where she was laying on her back. Everything seemed to have fallen silent, only the ringing in her ears and frantic beat of her heart audible to her. Staring at the sky, she wondered when the last time she'd actually really noticed just how lovely the bright blue of it was? Then, suddenly, the sounds returned. Blinking, she looked at the Kwin who was smiling down at her. Lucina frowned confused, then it all came rushing back to her. She'd nearly murdered a Kwin in a sparring match. Struggling to her feet, she spoke in a panic. "I… my apologies I don't know what happened! I…" She started to bow in shame and in the hopes that she wouldn't demand reparations.

A hand fell on her shoulder pulling her up out of her bow. "You have nothing to apologize for." The Kwin smiled at her with kindness. It was thoroughly disconcerting.

"I struck with the intention of killing you even if it was not…" She swallowed her face heating with shame.

Klark laughed. "I spent the entire match purposely frustrating you. I'm impressed you kept your temper contained as long as you did."

"But… why?" She stared at her completely confused.

The Kwin leaned down picking up the practice sword she'd dropped. "You are a great deal like Lexa." There was a fondness in the woman's words. "However, you cannot keep everything inside, you'll lose yourself if you do that." Looking around at the assembled nightbloods the Kwin continued. "You all were born and have been raised to be leaders, but every leader no matter how great is human." She returned her attention to Lucina. "To be human means that you have feelings."

Lucina grimaced at the burning shame of having lost control. "I should not have let my emotions control me." Nodding her head. "Thank you for the lesson."

Klark let out a chuckle. "That wasn't the lesson. The lesson is that you cannot repress what you feel. You were angry and because of that you struck your brother harder than you would have wanted to. You were frustrated so you tried to kill me. If you ignore your emotions, they will control you. Acknowledge your emotions and they can even become a weapon for you to use."

Noire spoke up softly. "What do you mean a weapon?"

"I'm sure all of you know some of the things I've done." There was no shame as she referred to her actions. "I have used my anger to destroy armies and my fear to push me past my breaking point. I have used my pain and sadness to find purpose in serving my people. Hope has sustained me in my darkest moments. Everything I have done has been to protect the people I consider mine. It is because I love them that I am willing and capable of doing things that no one should ever be willing to do. Nia never understood that there were emotions stronger than fear and greed. So, she could not see the motivations of my actions and therefore could not predict them. As a leader, you must always understand that you as well as your enemies and subjects have feelings and as humans, we will all act on them. A leader's emotions can never come before the good of their people, but a leader who does not learn how to express their emotions properly will be controlled by them."

"To be Heda is to be more than human." Lucina protested weakly.

Klark nodded. "It is." She looked sad as she continued. "Heda must appear to be more than human. However, we can never escape our humanity. To do so is to become the worst sort of monster. Instead of seeking to lose your humanity, you should seek to control it. Emotions may be weakness but they are also strength. If you are angry, control and direct it. Wield your anger like a sword. Become a fierce fighter whose enemies fear your rage. Do not, however, pretend that your anger has no power or its power will consume you without you knowing. You will never be more than human. So, use your humanity, refine and control it and in the eyes of those around you, you will appear more than human." Turning towards Inigo, she spoke. "Tell me how does knowing your own emotions make you a better leader?"

He frowned and seemed to mull it over in his head. "I would know which people's advice I was more likely to follow because I liked them and which I was less likely to follow because I did not. If I know about such a bias, I can correct for it."

"Good." Klark's mouth twitched. "I know most of you here do not like, if not hate me." She held up her had to prevent any protest. "It's fair. My clan has waged war against all of your clans. Within your memory, you have known war against my people. It is to be expected. Recognize that fact and use it. You know you have a bias against me, how can you use that? You fear me and my influence. Use that fear to come up with strategies to counteract my own. Feel free to think me the greatest tyrant in the world and use that to come up with ideas on how to deal with that if it proves to be true. However, you should be careful that you don't allow yourselves to be blinded by that."

"Blinded how?" Owain asked from where he was leaning against the wall looking fairly confused.

"By failing to see other enemies because you spent too long focusing on me. Just because you fear me does not mean that there are not others who will take advantage of such focus. Use your bias to come up with strategies to deal with me in the worst-case scenario but remember also to correct for your bias as Inigo said. Just because you do not like me does not mean that those you do like are not a threat. I won't tell you to trust me, nor my clan, but as Heda you must understand that every clan has their own goals, their own identity. Just because mine has been most recently been a threat, does not mean we will be the threat you will face as Heda." She looked around seriously. "Now, change partners for sparring. Lucina, take a minute to sit and consider what you are truly angry about and why. I doubt I am truly what you wished to destroy."

Lucina walked over to a tree root and sat down. Her eyes were unseeing as she heard the others falling back into sparring matches. Biting her lip, she considered, why had she been so angry? It wasn't Inigo and his lack of respect for their position, or even Lexa's strange decisions concerning Azgeda. Was it even anger? She looked up when she felt someone sit beside her. She returned her attention to the grass after seeing that it was Klark.

"You know it's alright to be scared." The woman said calmly.

Lucina shifted uncomfortably and picked at the grass by her feet. "Heda cannot be afraid."

"Who told you that?" Klark shook her head. "Anyone without fear is a liar."

She swallowed thickly, feeling her eyes welling up against her permission. "I can't, I have to be brave."

"Bravery is facing one's fears not the absence of them." Klark said softly.

Lucina cocked her head to the side and considered that. Finally, she choked out the thing that terrified her. "I don't think I can kill them."

"Ah," Klark was silent for a long while. "You know there is nothing that says you cannot try to change your fate."

She startled and turned to stare wide eyed at the kwin sitting beside her. "Wha… but it's the only way."

"Luna survives and Lexa is the greatest Heda. I'd say that death isn't the only way for the spirit to choose." She shrugged a shoulder. "Though I am not well informed on the spirit. Still, great leaders, great people are those who fight for something better."

Lucina turned her gaze to where the others were sparing. "How?" Her voice cracked.

"Well," Klark paused, seeming to think about her answer. "I would say speaking to your family here would be a good place to start. There is a strength and wisdom in numbers."

Lucina nodded thoughtfully. She side eyed the Kwin. "I still don't like you."

Klark laughed. "I know."


Trishana(Glowing Forest)Skai Hou

Corrin found the people of Trishana strange. It was far warmer here than he was used to, already he walked about without his boots all of which were lined with fur and were sweltering. The very air was thicker here than in the north of his home in Azgeda. Even the buildings were different. Here in Skai Hou, the capital of the clan, most of the building's and pathways laid in the trees.

The odd sensation of walking across suspended walkways had yet to dissipate. He found everything fascinating. The people here were more open, easier to laugh than his own. Already, their better roads inspired him to speak to Klark about it the next time he hailed her on the radio. Smiling, he caught sight of Azura, the ambassador from Irogana here. Waving, he picked up his pace.

"Corrin!" She spoke urgently as she caught his arm and pulled him to the side.

He felt concern at her tone. "What has happened?"

"You haven't heard?" She grimaced. "A village to the south was captured. There was a rider in the night."

Corrin paused and frowned. "The south? But there is no one to the south? The only place further south that has livable lands is in Trishana. That makes no sense."

"Some banished and lost eke out a living in the burning woods." She said. "That is not why it's important. They have guns Corrin."

He froze in horror. All the guns had been destroyed at the mountain. "That's not possible."

"It is, they will send to the coalition for this." She said lowly. "You need to get word to your Kwin before the riders reach Polis."

He nodded sharply. "I can get word there immediately."

She paused. "How?"

He shifted, glancing around to make sure they were alone on the walkway. "Come, I'll show you."