When I finally arrived at the clearing it looked as desolate as I felt. I wrapped my arms around myself when, as always the gaping hole in my chest, where my heart was ripped from my chest, in a desperate attempt to hold myself together. Tears spring to my eyes as I contemplate them, pain flared at the thought that I was just a pet to them, and that Jasper had lied and I wasn't worth it.

It took a while but I finally started to pull myself together enough to make the hike back to my truck. I stood up , though how and when I stopped standing is lost on me, when I heard a twig snap. I turn my head in that direction and saw one of the last people I thought I would ever see again, Victoria, but here she is looking beautiful as ever and quite possibly more dangerous than the last time I saw her.

"Bella?" Victoria questioned softly as if afraid to scare me "I thought for sure the Cullens would have taken you with them when they left, their scent is a few months old, why are you here?" she asks

"T-They left m-me." I manage to stutter out because of both the pain of that statement and the fear that if I say nothing that she will kill me, which surprisingly make my chest hurt more.

"Well," Victoria says with a smirk as she starts to make her way to me. "Their loss is my gain." I talk astep back and managed to get out a strangled

"What?" before she I right in front of me with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. "This," is all she says before she grabs the back of my head and crashes her lips to mine. All I can focus on is her lips, the feeling of her body against mine, and the electricity that seems to pulse between us. Eventually she pulls away, like it's the single hardest thing she has done in her entire existence, so I can breath.

She moves her head down and nuzzles my neck and I can barely make the whispered growl of "mine," Victoria lets out. But I know she hears the "yours" that slips past my lips on instinct. Victoria pulls away and I see the biggest smile on her lips and I know in that moment that I would do anything to see that smile again, as often as possible.

"Do you mean that?" she asks with so much hope in her eyes. I take a second to think and be sure of what I say next because I have a feeling that it will change everything.

"Yes, I do." I say with a small smile on my lips, the first true one since they left, and I know life will never be the same. It will be so much better as long as I have my Victoria.