So yeah, this happened. Hope you all enjoy it, and please review!

A few hours later Byakuran sat in the Sawada living room with Tsuna curled up to his side snoring lightly, long wisps of her brown hair drifting about from her steady breathing. She really was adorable, and the fact that she would grow up to be one of the most terrifyingly powerful Sky Flame users the world would ever see just made her more so in his opinion.

Nana, who had been sipping on coffee by the gallon during his explanation about the mafia, shifted slightly from her position on the opposite couch as she let out a tired sigh. Meeting his gaze evenly she gave him a wan smile, none of the sparkles and flowers he'd come to associate with said smile in other realities present.

" can see everything you could ever possibly do and all the repercussions entailed...that must be...tedious."

Byakuran snorted in amusement as he rolled his violet eyes to the ceiling, "You have no idea, it's the primary reason so many versions of myself try to take over the world. It's to do it differently, to find something that honestly surprises you and actually makes waking up in the morning worthwhile. Me? I'm the first one who decided that taking over the world is just...too much of a chore."

Nana let out a chuckle at that while shaking her head slowly, "And in other realities Tsunako is important to you?"

He'd already planned on full disclosure, this woman was not the one he'd been intending on dealing with after all and she was sharp enough to see through the lies now that she wasn't being continuously mind raped.

"Some variants of her, or her male iterations yes, sometimes lover, sometimes nemesis, sometimes best friend and confidant, sometimes I kill her, sometimes she kills me. One memorable time we actually managed to kill each other with butter knives completely by accident during breakfast, kind of impressive if you think about it. Anyway, never went the sibling route before, and I'm sure there are other variants of me viewing it all now to see what directions they could take to experience something new as well."

Nana's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of 'lover' and 'kill her' but relaxed as he continued on, eventually she asked, "What is it like? Getting new memories from other versions of yourself?"

Byakuran grimaced visibly while pinching the bridge of his nose, "Like having a burning hot ice pick covered in acid slamming directly into your forehead. The first time was the worst, ended up passed out in the bathroom and woke up covered in vomit. Now it really doesn't bother me all that much, kinda rote and routine you know?"

Nana took another sip of coffee while nodding slowly, "I...when those..M-Mist Flames were first placed on me I'd fight back, try and...try and do what was right for my Tsu-chan... They would hurt...when I fought back, they wanted me to be calm, to accept everything that was going on around me... I still fought back, the pain involved just became part of my day to day life..."

Byakuran shook his head in disgust at this revelation, other versions of himself had done some truly sick shit to try and experience something new, but he was still innocent of that. Sure, he was probably insane, anyone in his position would be when they were mentally older than the dinosaurs, but he'd like to think he'd never do something like this to someone he loved.

Iemitsu you piece of-

"Do I even love him? Did I ever? I'm questioning everything, and I have no answers. my entire marriage a lie? A sham? What about Tsuna! You said that seal that old man put on her was hurting her badly, will they try to put it back on her when they find out it was broken!?"

She looked like she was about to have a panic attack, and with good reason, gently laying Tsunako on the couch, and smirking as she cuddled up to a stuffed rabbit he placed beside her, he soon sat next to Nana. He put a small arm around her shoulder and that seemed to break her, she sobbed while burying her face in the boys hair, and cried.

Great, he was going to need to take a shower now, damnit.

He had to resist the urge to laugh, even when he was trying to be nice he was a complete and utter bastard about it.

After that a new routine began, Byakuran and Nana would each hold one of little Tsu-chan's hands and escort her to pre-school, then the two would walk about Namimori just simply enjoying life. Nana was acclimating herself to having her own willpower again while Byakuran was simply enjoying not having anyone trying to kill him, this being civilian thing wasn't something to laugh at, truly.

This went on for days, then weeks, then months, and before Byakuran expected it, years. He'd obviously enrolled at the local elementary school to save face, and blown through the course work in record time because really, fuck being a grade schooler. So now he was ten and top of his class, his little sister had just turned seven at the top of her own, and Nana was busily baking chocolate chip cookies which were, if nothing else, the only proof the boy had that god existed and wanted Byakuran to be happy.

"Mama I have to go to Italy tomorrow," he stated while Nana paused a moment, turning she glanced down at the white haired boy while raising a single brow in a questioning manner. Damn had she grown as a person in the past two years.

"Whatever for musuko?" He sighed and shrugged lightly conveying his lack of desire to actually get into this subject in an easily readable manner.

"Something very stupid is about to go down and I have to secure Tsu-chan's birthright and hopefully head off a rather idiotic series of events known as the Cradle Affair. I really don't want to bother with it but this is the most opportune time to pull it off."

Nana stared at him a few moments then sighed while shaking her head slowly, opening the fridge she took out a carton of milk and poured it into a large glass and moments later placed it before Byakuran. After putting the carton back in the fridge she picked up a wired rack ladened down with glorious cookies and placed it before the boy who gleefully began stuffing them down his throat.

"Do be careful son, I know you can handle yourself, but if something were to happen to you...well..." Before anything else could be said a pink clad projectile flitted into the room and Tsunako stood before Byakuran with tears running down her cheeks. The little girl held a small bird in her cupped hands and it was fairly obvious that the poor things wing was broken.

"Ran-nii! Tsu-chan tried to help the baby birdy but it won't stop being broken! What am I supposed to do?!" Byakuran grimaced at this announcement, not the bird mind you, rather that Tsunako was slowly but surely stopping referring to herself in the third person. It was practically a crime, like it was announcing the death of adorableness or something.

"Let me see him little sister," taking the injured bird Byakuran examined it a few moments before stroking a flame saturated finger down the broken wing. The bird was panicking a moment before it calmed down and then stretched the now healed limb out in confusion, hopping on his palm a few times the bird let out a delighted chirp then jumped into the air flying out the front door. Tsunako let out a delighted cheer and Byakuran could only grin in turn.

Yeah...this...was far more fulfilling than world a large margin.

After leaving a tear stained Tsunako and resolute Nana behind Byakuran took a flight back to Italy, once arriving he was unsurprised to find out his parents had never once looked into his disappearance, par for the course there. Whatever, their cheques still went through so what the fuck did he care?

Regardless he had a series of plans to put into motion and he needed one specific element to get things rolling and he knew exactly where to get it.

As he walked into the facility in question he couldn't help but roll his eyes to the sky while side stepping all the adults in his way, really he had only vague control over mist flames and none of these idiots saw him despite that. Seriously the Bovino famiglia really didn't deserve to survive, but if Tsuna ever acquired any of her alternate memories it wouldn't help having her know he had murdered the parents of her potential Lightning Guardian.

Skulking down to the lower levels Byakuran pondered on that one, why the hell was that obnoxious little shit Tsuna's Lightning Guardian to begin with? Her little friend Hana could easily fill the bill and she was far more ruthless and sadistic than Lambo would ever be, she ended up becoming a lawyer for fucks sake. Deciding that it was a good idea to get that girl harmonized with his little sister sooner rather than later Byakuran found himself in the Research and Development section of the Bovino base.

Fun fact, the Ten Year Bazooka was seriously just a modified child's toy, it was the ammunition that actually did the whole time travelling thing. Pulling the empty cardboard egg carton from his backpack Byakuran carefully snatched the unstable temporal balls of metaphysical fuckery from their perches and placed them in the hollowed slots. Really he only needed one, but why limit the chaos one could cause with such mundane actions?

Plus, he wanted to find out how hot Tsunako turned out so he was aware of just how many boys he'd end up having to bury in the backyard. It was a time traveler thing, you needed to know these points to better prepare for them, honestly he compared the impulse to being something like OCD.

What the fuck was he thinking about again?

Right, theft.

Placing the egg carton in bubble wrap before slipping it back into his pack Byakuran snatched up one of the remaining spheres of temporal chaos and walked out of the facility as if he owned it.

Like a mother fucking boss.

Sadly what followed was not nearly as epic, because, really, train and bus rides were not epic in the slightest. They actually took forever, smelled of stale urine, and he unfortunately got caught in the time frame that the highschooler's were going home.

Hormonal bitchy bastards the lot of them...

When he arrived at his destined station Byakuran practically sprinted out of the enclosed space into open air, he stared up into the sky and sneered at the smog laced stars.

"You are making it very hard for me to not want to take least I made sure the trains ran on time..." Sighing he shook his head and proceeded to his destination, standing outside the gates of the Vongola Mansion he stared ahead a moment before rolling the loose Ten Years Later round in his palm before smiling evilly.

"Wonder what I'm gonna do?" Tossing the round into the air he held his breath as it fell on his head, and soon he was encased in a cloud purple smoke.

Xanxus Vongola stared at his 'father' incredulously as he seethed in silent rage, "You aren't even going to fucking deny it you shitty father?! You aren't going to defend it!? I'm adopted!? Why would you fucking hide that! Why?! Was it a joke? Am I just the punchline of the entire famiglia!?"

Nono sighed as he shook his head, the mafia don stroking his beard as he addressed his youngest son, "My dear boy, you were never a joke, it was never meant to be an insult. I love you just as I love your brothers. Your mother was mad, yes, but you were strong, stronger than any child your age should have been, and so I took you in to make you...more."

Xanxus seethed at that, "So I was just a tool to you!? A weapon to be sharpened and aimed at your enemies!? Did you ever even love me?!"

Nono sighed as he swept his hand through his hair, "My son, don-" The Vongola's Ninth boss was cut off as the window exploded inward, Xanxus could only blink in confusion as the figure who landed in the cascade of glittering shards stood to their full height. Black cape and cowl, yellow utility belt, form fitting body armor, and yeah, this fucker was totally-

"I'm Batman!"

-what he said.

Batman then pulled out a live, flopping catfish from nowhere and then proceeded to slam it into Timoteo Vongola's face sending the old man to the floor in a split second of fish gut filled violence. Batman then proceeded to tear the Vongola ring off the man's finger before turning back to Xanxus, grinning widely.

"You'd do better sticking with the Varia then pining after the position of Decimo, killing people is alot more fun than being a bureaucrat after all. Anyway, I'm gonna go give this to my little sister, ta!~"

With that, Batman dove back out the window leaving a concussed fish covered Nono and a very confused Xanxus behind. Staring at his "Father" a few moments Xanxus snorted and left the room. Fine, he may be adopted, he might not have Vongola blood, but he certainly had never had his ass handed to him by a scrawny teenager in a cheap Batman outfit via a fish cudgel.

As far as he was concerned, being Quality now held far more meaning than it did before.

Byakuran hadn't gotten to really enjoy anything ten years in the future, apparently future him had been in his room at the time and other than grabbing a book full of lottery numbers and various sports scores from the table he'd gained nothing from it. Regardless when he came back to his own time there was a ring on the ground waiting for him, smirking he snatched it up and tossed it in the air and caught it while chuckling, he couldn't wait to find out how he'd gotten it, pity he wouldn't know for years.

Taking a jet back to Japan he suffered the excruciating body odor of the couple sitting before him while he chatted with the rather charming Bengali man sitting next to him. He'd actually given Byakuran a coffee infused chocolate when they parted ways which automatically put the man someplace between Nana and God for the young boy, though he made no mention of it to the man in question.

Happily chomping on his heart palpitation inducing candy Byakuran entered the Sawada household grinning widly, "TSU-CHAN! MAMA! I'M HOME!" His grin grew to manic proportions as his adoptive mother and little sister glomped on him, several minutes later they settled in the living room and Byakuran handed Tsunako the Vongola ring.

"This is for you little sister, it's your destiny to bear it, and it will only make you stronger in accepting it," taking the offered ring Tsunako stared at it a few moments before placing the over sized piece of jewelry on her right ring finger. There was a pulse of light and a moment later Tsunako was shaking her head she she stared down at the now resized ring.

"Ran-nii...Primo...he said I'm the chosen Decima but I don't have to be if I don't want to be...what...what?"

Byakuran simply grinned as he took his little sisters hand, "Doesn't matter right now my dear, I promise. Wanna get ice cream?"