Soooo…. I'm back. Suddenly, I'm super interested in Inuyasha again and I had to write. This is set after they defeat Naraku, and it's like Kagome never came back. This first chapter is about where the Feudal Era people ended up (it's not very historically accurate at all, sorry). The next chapter will introduce Kagome and what happened with her. Also, Kagome is born in 1996, instead of 1980s just because I wanted it to be more modern. Hope someone enjoys it.


Chapter 1: Straight from the Wolf

Kouga never truly had Kagome. He proclaimed her as his, but he always lost to Inuyasha. That doesn't mean that he didn't felt like he had truly lost her when he went to see her after they had defeated Naraku and the gang had said she returned home. They all were sad, but he never truly pushed anyone on the subject. He never really knew where she was from, although, he knew it had to be far away because she dressed so strangely and had such weird supplies with her.

Ayame tried to come force him to marry her, but he reminded her that wolves only ever truly loved one person. His person was Kagome, so even with her gone, he wouldn't mate anyone else. Ayame wasn't happy, but she got over it and soon realized her affection towards Kouga was just a crush. He wasn't very happy that her intended mate was actually Ginta, so he'd have to put up with her bratty attitude for centuries to come.

He still often went to Kaede's village to check how Kagome's friends were doing and even to see if she happened to return. Wolves and humans began a friendly relationship starting to trade with each other, it all had to do with the defeat of Naraku. Well, plus the fact that he didn't want anyone to think down on humans as the girl he loved was one.

"Hey flea bag," It was Inuyasha and this name no longer had derogatory meaning, it was all in a friendly name calling.

"Mutt-face," Kouga smirked back. Without Kagome to fight over they came to found out they had a decent amount in common. Inuyasha was the protector of the village keeping out any unwanted demons. If there was ever a big pack of something he would even send Shippo to get Kouga and a few of his guys. Currently it had been a decade that Kagome was gone so Shippo now stood at chest level with Kouga and was training to earn his fox tails.

"I miss her, I bet you do too, things just aren't the same without her," Inuyasha couldn't bear to say her name. He knew neither him nor Kouga liked hearing it.

"I know, I don't know how I operated before," Kouga and Inuyasha both sat in silence for a second until they heard their names being yelled. They looked back to see Miroku's and Sango's oldest two kids running towards them. This is how most days he visited went, him and Inuyasha would mope until Sango sent her kids to cheer them up.

A century had passed. Kouga had barely changed, he was maybe an inch taller and a little thicker, but he was still the ruler of the east and still went to Kaede's village to visit. Of course now Kaede had passed and so had a couple generations of Sango's and Miroku's family, but Kouga, Shippo, and Inuyasha still found themselves drawn to the area. Inuyasha had aged quite a bit more, while Shippo reminded Kouga of himself when he had met Kagome.

"You're starting to get old mutt-face."

"Well flea bag someone has to age around here." If the times were peaceful enough to not need help in a battle then the three of them only met once a year, and as time went on humans weren't so accepting of them sticking around the village, even though from the century before from humans and youkai accepting one another, lots of the humans had little pieces of youkai in them, they just were down in the genes.

This is what sent them to the states in the first place. Many people were being killed and battles were getting tougher, so Kouga, Inuyasha, and Shippo built ships and took off with as many people who wanted to go as they could. It was difficult, but a couple hundred made it over. They weren't sure where they were, but they met nice people, who also were all parts of youkai. They helped one another as people tried to take the land, but they weren't as successful as they'd like and were still forced out of many areas.

By the 20th century however most of them had found places to live and ways to blend in. It was during this time that Kouga and Shippo began building up a weapons for hunting business. Inuyasha had sadly passed away during the last century to natural age.

It was in 1996 that Kouga met Mr. Higurashi.

"Hello, how may I help you sir?" Kouga always loved meeting people who wanted to invest in the company, or were just interested in learning some Youkai history as that was what part of their company was built on. Most people thought it was all make believe as a way to sell more product, but Mr. H was different.

"Hi, I was looking for one of the bosses here, Kouga?" His English was really good, but you could tell it wasn't his first language by the accent that accompanied it. The only reason Kouga or Shippo sounded half American was because of living there for over a century. Kouga usually didn't reveal himself to the customers just said he was an assistant, but this felt different.

"I'm Kouga, who's asking to speak with me?"

"I'm Yori Higurashi, historian and wolf researcher," The man stuck his hand out and when Kouga shook it he felt a weird aura. He knew immediately that somewhere down his line this man had a bit of wolf in him.

"Oh, what interests you in wolves and what era are you studying?"

"Well, I've just always been drawn to them, and what ran them out of Japan. Also, I'm studying the Feudal Era of Japan specifically because that's the last time they were truly predominant. I mean they stayed for another century or so, but then just disappeared." Kouga was surprised by just how knowledgeable this man seemed and invited him to his office.

"So, what brings you here?" Kouga was interested why this man would want to see him. Of course, he was always happy to talk about wolves, but how'd this man know he was associated or knew anything about them.

"The stories of course. Your company is based behind this idea of youkai in Feudal Japan and the idea that many people actually have a bit in their DNA. I study wolves here seasonally and I was about to leave back to my home as my wife is close to having our baby girl, and I just felt pulled to come see you, to finally talk to the face behind the company. It's said you're like Kouga the 5th or some crazy number of line of your family who has ran this company." Kouga always made a way to reinvent himself into a new generation, most people didn't know his face and that he was the actual leader.

"Well, yes, we believe here that youkai once lived in Japan in peace with humans and began to procreate together and when people no longer thought youkai were safe, the youkai ran. They came here on boats and the natives welcomed them because they had been living in piece together humans and youkai and many half and quarter breeds. Then when the Europeans came over many of the original Youkai were forced to hide or killed. So, some original youkai still exist with many people just having the blood of youkai carried in them without even knowing." Mr. Higurashi was intensely listening to him and Kouga was happy. Many people usually started to fight the story with historic "facts".

"So, what kind of youkai existed?"

"There were all kinds and each had a unique form, like some looked more human and could transform, while others were pure animals."

"So, how were they youkai, like instead of just animals?"

"Well they had human abilities, like speech for example." Kouga hadn't really been able to talk to anyone like this before and it made the wolf in him happy that someone cared. "So, what do you do as a wolf researcher?"

"Well I'm actually trying to reintegrate them into Japan, but people don't think it can happen." Kouga's heart skipped, he would love for anything to be back in Japan. It was his home land, but wolves just didn't live there, so it would be odd for them to suddenly be there. "I was here studying the types of habitats they lived in, so when I go back I hope to search the lands of Japan for these areas."

"I hope it all works out, if you ever need help you can always call." Kouga was still curious about something, "Why'd you come here if you already knew a lot of it?"

"I wanted it straight from a wolf himself." Kouga froze he didn't know what to say, how did this man know? Who was he?


"I study wolves, the wolves I study are youkai, or well most of them. I don't think it's fair you guys were pushed out. There should be justice." Kouga felt a little easier and relaxed a bit. "It was all a charade me not knowing who you were, I just didn't want to come out with it from the beginning. I thought you might scratch off my face."

"I hope to hear from you soon on the reintegration project then Mr. H." The man got up nodded and left the room. Kouga was still worried that the whole company would come apart, but he knew he needed to contact Shippo right away and tell him everything.