"Lucy, you've got it, right?" Levy's ears perked up as she heard her friends talking outside of the changing area she was currently standing in. The beautiful folding screen was all that separated her from the other women, and she stood still to listen. Not that she'd been doing anything other than shivering anxiously, anyway.

"Yeah! I do! He gave it to me yesterday!" Levy heard some rustling around, and then there were squeals and happy exclamations. She started to move, planning to peek around the corner of the screen when Lucy popped up in front of her. Her blonde friend wore a huge grin on her face, obviously tickled that she had managed to catch the bluenette's attention. "Are you ready then, Levy-chan?" Lucy stepped forward boldly in her floor-length deep blue gown, reaching past Levy. She gently lifted a dress off the mannequin next to the tiny Script Mage before holding it out, Levy carefully stepping into it. The taller woman smiled as she slid the soft fabric up Levy's legs, helping guide her arms through the straps. The lace halter fit Levy snugly, the patterns enhancing the tiny woman's chest, but mostly putting the focus onto her shapely shoulders, Levy's bright guild mark plainly evident. Carefully stepping around her friend, Lucy tugged the zipper up, causing the dress to hug what many people considered one of the bluenette's best features. She then leaned down to arrange the skirt, flaring out from Levy's knees and flowing to the ground around her. The fabric shimmered a little in the soft light of the girls' room, and Levy stared down at herself, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Levy-chan!" Lucy snatched up a handkerchief from a table in the corner, dabbing gently at the corners of her friend's eyes. "None of that now! You're going to mess what little makeup you've got on!" Mirajane had spent barely five minutes applying a minimal amount of color to the bride's face, simply dusting a blue to match the bridesmaids dresses on her eyelids. Smiling at the Levy, Lucy brushed the Script mage's hair back from her eyes, a gentle ringlet falling on each side of her face. Cancer had almost cried as he styled her hair, surprising Lucy. She'd not realized her spirits were so attached to her best friend too. Erza supposed it might have had something to do with how much Lucy herself cared for the tiny woman, but Mira had just smiled. "Of course they love Levy!" She'd stated matter-of-factly. "Levy always has a kind word for them, and she's spent so much time talking with Crux, they probably all feel like they know her!" Levy had simply blushed and ducked behind her changing screen, carefully disrobing and pulling on her undergarments and garter. Then she had stood to wait for Lucy, listening to her friends chatting as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

Levy smiled back at her friend, turning slowly to step out from behind the screen. She was looking at her feet to make sure she didn't trip over her hem, and stopped as a chorus of gasps erupted around her, slowly raising her eyes to see her friends all staring at her. "Oh! I shouldn't have had such beautiful women stand with me!" She exclaimed with a laugh as she looked around at them. They'd slipped into gowns that almost matched her own, each of them as stunning as the next. The dresses she'd chosen for her attendants were halter styles like hers, but since each of the women she had with her were more... endowed... she chose a style with a keyhole cutout to show off their ample cleavage. The fabric was a rich, deep blue, so dark it was almost black. When the light hit it just right, the color shone through, like the depths of the ocean, or a moon-dark night sky. The sheathe style dresses clung to their bodies, a long slit up the left side of the dress allowing easy movement and showcasing shapely legs. Levy glanced down at her own bodice, a sense of insecurity creeping into her head when the silence was broken by squeals, her bridesmaids clamoring around her.

"Truly a more beautiful bride has never graced this cathedral, Levy!" Erza crooned, wrapping an arm around the tiny Script mage. Lucy was still hovering behind her, making sure no one stepped on the short train of Levy's dress in all of the excitement. "Juvia knows that Gajeel-kun will be unable to see anything but the beauty of Levy-chan. Juvia wishes Gray-sama would look at her the way Gajeel-kun looks at his mate." She dabbed at the tears filling her eyes, a brilliant smile on her face. Mira was gently lifting Levy's face with a finger under her chin as she inspected Levy's makeup. "Levy, you're so beautiful, I don't even know why you made me put anything on you. I've always envied how perfect your skin is, you know!" The bluenette gaped at the Takeover mage in front of her, trying to wrap her mind around what had just been said to her. "Surely you've never envied me?! Mirajane, your skin has always been flawless!" Mira just giggled, Lisanna stepping up next to her. "Levy, we've always just used our magic to cover up issues we had." Lisanna joined her sister and the rest of the gaggle of girls in laughing as Levy flushed, smiling back at them.

Levy looked down at her hand as she felt something cool and metallic pressed into her palm. "Fancy a pick-me-up, Little Blue?" Cana's cheeks were barely even tinted pink, which was shocking for how late in the day it was. With a grin, Levy took the barest sip out of the flask she'd been offered and passed it to the next closest of her friends. "So... are you going to let me see his ring?" Levy asked, raising an eyebrow at her friends. Juvia squealed and dove for a small table at the end of the couch she'd been sitting on when Levy came out. She scooped up a box and hurried back over, holding it out to Levy. The box, in and of itself, was stunningly made. It was wooden, carved and covered with a silver filigree that she just knew Gajeel had formed himself. She opened it carefully, nervous hands shaking, and froze in awe of the masterful piece inside.

It wasn't made of his own iron, at least not as far as Levy could tell, but she recognized it as his work anyway. Levy had planned almost every single detail of the wedding, but Gajeel had adamantly demanded that he have control over both of their rings. She trusted him, the man had simple and subtle sensibility. She had been expecting a plain band with maybe a small amount of etching. Instead, she pulled out a circle of silver with a dragon engraved in it. No, engraved was too simple of a word. It was part of the actual ring itself; a long body, complete with minuscule scales, stretched out in flight. Obviously the space on a ring was such that the magnificent wings couldn't be spread out, rather they were pinned back to its body as if the dragon was diving to max out its speed. His mouth was agape, open in preparation to eat his own tail, it looked, except for a perfect circle cut out through the entire ring, exactly in the middle of the dragon's head and tail. Levy turned the ring to investigate the inside, seeing that the hole was cut straight through and framed by a strange indent, and felt tears welling in her eyes again. "Forever tamed by her love" was engraved inside a slight trench that ran fully around the inside of the ring, followed by a date. Today's date. Before she could puzzle out the hollow space on the inside of the ring, there was a knock at the door and she reseated it in its box before handing it to Lucy.

"Everyone decent in there?" Jet called through the door. Levy smiled at Mirajane, and the white-haired woman stepped to the door, opening it just a crack to peek outside. Seeing only Jet and Droy, she opened it wider, admitting their entrance. Levy giggled when she saw that the rest of her attendants had stepped between her and the door, effectively blocking her from sight since they were all so much taller than her. Just as Mira closed the door, they all heard a squeaked "Wait!" and then a flash of blue slipped through the door as Wendy slid to a stop. "I'm sorry I'm late! Carla was too busy giving the boys orders and I was having so much fun watching that I lost track of time." The young Dragon Slayer smiled, bowing slightly as she looked around at everyone. She stepped over to Lisanna, who was holding out a basket, and took it carefully running her fingers through the silky flower petals inside. Levy looked away from her to see her teammates simply standing where they'd stopped once they had gotten inside, their mouths agape and tears rolling down their cheeks. "LEVY!" They wailed in unison, both of them stepping forward as if they wanted to snatch her up in a hug. "Absolutely not!" Erza yelled, stepping in front of Levy again. "She is completely perfect and you will NOT sully her dress with your tears! Now knock this nonsense off, or I'll find someone else to give her away instead!" The male members of Team Shadow Gear choked off their sobs, smiling through the tears at Levy as fear of the Titania took hold enough to give them control. "L-ladies..." Droy managed to mumble out, "Your partners are waiting for you down the hall, if you're all ready."

Squealing once more, the girls swooped around the room, snatching up bouquets and slipping on their shoes. Lucy knelt in front of Levy with a pair of slippers, sliding her hand under the front of the beautiful white dress and holding the shoes still until Levy had them on properly. "I'll see you out there, Levy-chan!" The blonde smiled, a tear threatening to fall as she kissed her friend's cheek and ran out the door after the other girls. Levy beamed up at her teammates, pulling them each down in turn to kiss their foreheads. "I am so completely thankful for you both." She said as she linked her arms through theirs. "I cannot imagine anyone else being here for me today." Team Shadow Gear made its way down the hall, pausing just out of sight of the sanctuary of the cathedral, waiting for their musical cue. The wedding march began to play and, taking a deep breath all at the same time, the three best friends stepped out into the aisle and began their trek to the altar.

Levy looked up through her eyelashes and almost stopped dead, the stunning man at the end waiting for her completely stealing her breath. His crimson eyes burned with emotions she couldn't read from this distance, only that she knew they were there, but the expression on his face was one of utter rapture. For the briefest of moments, he looked as if someone he struck him in the chest, driving all oxygen or thought out of him. Then his face split into the widest smile she'd ever seen on his face. Bigger and more pure than the little grins reserved only for her, and sweeter than any she could have imagined seeing. She smiled as she felt a blush creeping across her cheeks, and walked slowly closer to him, everything in her wanting to simply run and fling herself into his arms. After what felt like hours, although she knew from rehearsal was really less than two minutes, she reached the altar and was handed off to the man she'd chosen to be her partner in everything. She echoed her replies to Warrod, the wizard saint having demanded the right to officiate their ceremony was his as one of the founders of Fairy Tail. She was savoring every word that came from Gajeel's mouth as she stared up into his eyes. She no longer cared about the tears rolling down her face, or the ache in her cheeks from smiling so much for so long.

"Do you have the rings?" The spell of their ceremony was momentarily broken as Gajeel turned to take Levy's ring from the tiny box Pantherlily held out. Levy reached her hand out blindly behind her, unable to take her eyes of the man who was about to become her husband. She felt Lucy press it into her hand and wrapped her fingers around her friend's, squeezing tightly for just a moment. "You're welcome." She heard whispered. Lily retook his place behind Natsu, still technically Gajeel's Best Man, even if he wasn't the first in line. Levy saw the glint of silver of her own ring for just a moment as they both passed each other's rings to Warrod and continued with the ceremony, listening to him call the rings out as a token of their never-ending love.

Levy looked down, finally seeing her ring as Gajeel slid it onto her finger and gasped, tears falling anew. Her delicate ring held a single ruby, cut in a perfect circle, and nestled in the center of the tiny engraved book that was the centerpiece of her ring. The stone was flawless, a deep red that matched Gajeel's eyes completely. Faint runes were etched in her band, she could see them wrapping around it, although she didn't take the time to try to translate them at the moment. She couldn't get her brain to work enough to even tell what language they were in, although if she had to guess, she'd have said Draconic. She looked up at Gajeel, finally her husband, as the tree-natured man officiating their wedding called out with a loud, clear voice. "You may kiss your bride!" Gajeel's hands were on her in an instant, one on her hip pulling her close to him, the other cupping her cheek as he ducked his head down to kiss her. She threw her left hand up around his head, her right dropping next to her with her bouquet clutched tightly in it. After what felt like an eternity, but also a moment that was over too soon, they broke apart, Gajeel resting his forehead against hers as they both caught their breath. "Shrimp... I love you so much."

Levy opened her mouth to respond in kind but was cut off by her husband kissing her again, their friends laughing and catcalling. She pulled back, smiling as she turned them to face the gathered mages and friends who were in attendance. "I present to you Mr and Mrs Redfox!" The old man behind them called out, followed by the resounding cheers of their guests. The deafening sound covered up Levy's squeak as Gajeel scooped her up into his arms and took off down the aisle and out of the cathedral at a full sprint. They only had a short trip to the reception that Mira and the other women of Fairy Tail had set up at the guild hall, but Gajeel had said he wanted to get there first to snag the best food. Levy giggled and waved over his shoulder to the attendants of their ceremony as they were left behind. She saw Lucy grab Natsu to keep him from trying to make a race out of it, and Jet take a few quick steps after them before he stopped, shaking his head. He could easily overtake them, of course, but he figured he would give the newlyweds a moment alone before the impending madness of the upcoming party.

"Shrimp, I wanna show ya somethin'." Gajeel slid to a stop next to the head table, setting her down on top of it. She smiled and grabbed the lapels of his tuxedo, pulling him down for another kiss. He obliged, gently taking her left hand and pulling it up between them. He kissed her fingers gently before letting go and grabbing the band on his hand. Levy kept her hand hanging between them, watching curiously as he pulled the ring off. "Look, I might not always be able to wear this, for different reasons, so I made it like this." As he spoke, he gently slid her ring off her hand as well, and worked the two rings together. The ruby on Levy's slid perfectly into the space in Gajeel's ring, the dragon now seeming to breathe fire. His band was still much larger than her own, and Levy studied it curiously to figure out how she was supposed to wear it. Her husband laid it on his left hand, placing a single finger against it. Levy's eyes widened as the ring started to shrink, metal sliding from the ring to form a smaller, much thinner band around his finger. He took her hand and slowly slid their combined rings back onto her finger. She smiled, looking at him in wonder. "Gajeel, you're amazing." She looked back at his handiwork before taking it off again and handing it to him so he could return them to separate rings. He grinned as he did so, before slipping his band back on and sliding her ring back where it belonged. Leaning down, he stole another kiss as his tiny wife threw her arms around his neck.

They broke apart at the resounding crash behind them, Natsu having kicked the door in. "You'd better not have stolen all of the best pieces of food, Rust Face!" The Fire Dragon Slayer bellowed across the room. Gajeel growled, turning to walk at his guild mate, already balling his fists. He only got two steps before Levy grabbed him, tugging at his sleeve. He glanced back over his shoulder at her, raising an eyebrow. "Give me your jacket, Husband. You look damn sexy in it, I'd rather it not get burned." A faint pink tinted his cheeks at the title she used as he shrugged it off and draped the jacket over her arm, leaving him in a black button down shirt and a vest that matched the bridesmaid's dresses; a blue so deep it was almost black. "Gihi." He chuckled as he turned back to the mage, still standing in the doorway whining about food. Gajeel almost missed a step when he heard his wife murmur, "Give him hell, Husband."