Author's Note: I know this update is one the short side compared to all the other chapters, but the next will be longer, and hopefully done in the next couple weeks. Thank you everyone who has stuck with this story. It will be finished very soon.

"Robin, listen to him."

Robin grunted. "Hmm?"

She felt bad for waking him, but she could hear Milo's cries. He'd been content for a few hours but started up about an hour ago. His whining had pulled on her heartstrings. Though she knew what they were doing would be better in the long run, she couldn't help but think if he were in bed with them he would feel safe and not so alone. Turning on her side, she blinked over at Robin who was sound asleep again. "Can't we bring him up just tonight?"

Or so she had thought.

"Babe, if we do he's going to think if he whines long enough we'll come down for him."

She let out a sigh. "I suppose."

"Alright, just tonight."

He was gone no more than a few minutes and when he came back he sat the puppy on the bed. Milo bounced over to her with all the energy of a little pup who knew he had gotten his way. A giggle left her as he licked her, his tail wagging in his happiness to be out of his cage and cuddled close. The bed dipped as Robin got back into bed, and she watched the pup belly crawl towards Robin, right up to his face. His eyes closed until Milo began to lick his cheek. Regina grinned into her pillow at the sound of Robin's groan. He moved his face away but tucked the pup up against his chest. Milo let out a yawn and laid his head down closing his eyes, content as a pup could be.

The sight brought another soft smile to her face. "I think someone made a friend."

Robin opened one eye long enough to glance down at the pup. Ruffling his fur, he closed his eye and hummed. "You're all right, aren't you?"

As if in answer, Milo let out a soft little growl.

Regina closed her own eyes, drifting off to the sound of Robin's deep and even breaths.

"You okay back there?"

Robin's head came up along with his hand to rub his aching neck. "Hmm? Oh, I'm fine." He yawned. "The pup kept me up last night is all."

August chuckled from the front seat. "Oh?"

Blowing out a breath, he looked out John's back window. "Yeah, Regina talked me into letting it sleep with us. Little bugger was up and wanting to play at five."

"You both didn't think you had enough coming with the kids?" John asked.

Robin grinned. "What can I say, we like to live on the edge."

"You're both insane if you ask me," John huffed as he took a turn out towards Mary Lake.

They parked off the trail. Each of them got out and made their way to the back of the truck to get the gear they'd all be working with for the day. John and August would be doing the tree samples while Robin took soil. He'd balked about them taking it easy on him, and neither denied it both agreeing they'd rather not have to explain to Regina how they let him hurt himself yet again. To which he'd called them cowards, but even he didn't blame them.

Robin reached for one of the packs, hoisting it up on his back when John asked, "What are you doing?"

He frowned at him. "What's it look like I'm doing? I'm going to carry this up."

John looked dubious. "Nah, maybe I should take this."

"John, I'm fine. My arm's healed."

John eyed him, warily. "If you say so. I'm going to walk over to the next site and get some readings before I join you both."

He and August waved him off and took off up the trail deeper into the forest around Mary's Lake. They talked as they went about life and work and eventually they split, agreeing to meet in a few hours down by the lake.

He worked mindlessly for a while, then soon his mind drifted over things at home. With his exhaustion finally gone he thought about how much their new addition, though work, was a great joy to their family. Roland loved the pup and it adored Regina. The only concern he had was after the babies were born. How much his puppy energy would fill the house. Regina had pointed out he would keep Roland busy, and he couldn't disagree with that.

They would need that extra help because he and Regina would surely have their hands full. He remembered how tired he'd been with Roland. It was hard to comprehend how difficult it would be with two. When he really thought about it though he imagined them growing and having Regina's eyes and smile and whatever fears he had melted away.

He always wanted a big family. That bigger family would just come a lot sooner than he expected it. But that was the way things went with him and Regina.

Twisting the pack up onto his shoulder, Robin grimaced, unable to bite back his curse. "Fuck. Bloody shit."

He dropped the pack back to the ground and let out another curse. Pain radiated up and down his arm and shoulder.

Regina was going to kill him.

She was just finishing up layering her lasagna when she heard the front door close. Roland's little footsteps were followed by Milo's paws and soft, excited barks then Robin's voice.

"There's my boy! Yes, little brute, I see you too."

Regina smiled to herself and crossed the kitchen putting the dish into the oven.

A moment later, Robin came in holding Roland in one arm and the pup in the other, a pained expression on his face.

"Can you put this one down for me?" he asked, with a nod at the pup.

She nodded, taking Milo. "What happened?"

He let out a heavy breath. "I picked up my pack and I must have moved wrong because I pulled something."

She let out a sigh. "Give me Roland and go sit down at the table."

In the living room, she put on Little Einsteins for Roland and gave a treat to the puppy before making her way back into the kitchen.

"Alright, shirt off. Let's see what you've done to yourself this time." He complied, albeit not without his of pain making her shake her head. "You're supposed to be taking it easy still," she told him coming up behind him.

"I know, love, but it was only a small pack. I thought I could handle…" His words trailed off, a groan spilling from him as she ran her hands over him. His head fell back and he closed his eyes.

She laughed, digging her thumbs gently into the muscles of his shoulders. "I'm beginning to think you do these things to get my attention."

"I have to admit, the pain is worth the therapy."

She kissed the top of his head. "You're so hopeless."

Once she was satisfied he hadn't reinjured his shoulder, she ordered him upstairs to take a hot shower while she finished dinner. Hours later, with their sleeping toddler asleep in bed, she sat straddling Robin's lap as they made out like teenagers on the couch.

Regina was thinking about telling him they should take their activities upstairs when the doorbell rang.

Robin groaned against her lips. "Tell them to bugger off."

She leaned back. "Why me? It's probably one of your friends. All of mine are in Boston."

The doorbell rang again, and his murderous look towards the door made her giggle. "Bastards. Whoever it is they're going to wake Roland."

With his help, they both got up from the couch, and she followed him down the hall curious to see who would come over so late at night.

Nothing could have prepared her for who it was.

"Oh my God, Zelena?"

Her sister gave her a big, bright smile. "Surprise!" she said and pushed past Robin pulling her into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as soon as Zelena released her.

Zelena made a face. "I needed away from everything and thought why not come see you?" She looked between her and Robin, uncertainty. "You don't mind, do you?"

She glanced at Robin who shrugged. "No, of course not. Come in."

"Thanks." Her shoulders dropped, in relief and she held out a bag. "Would you mind, Robin? Thanks, darling." Zelena left them both in the hall and made her way into the living room. "Wow, this place is fantastic."

Regina took a deep breath, and called out, "Thank you." With a kiss to Robin's cheek followed after her.

They settled Zelena in one of the guest bedrooms and Robin made her tea and reheated her some of their dinner while she and Regina caught up on the last few weeks. Regina asked about what happened, many times but her sister just waved her concern off, saying she "needed air." Whether that was from her mother or just life in Boston, Regina didn't know.

Probably both.

She spent a good deal of time chastising her sister for not telling anyone so they could help her which was also waved off.

She shared a look with Robin, he was about as impressed as she was.