In the Enemy's Body

This 'What if' takes place during season four, after the episode "Who are you?" Faith's words in Buffy's body didn't go forgotten by Spike but did quite a number on him, and he acts a little differently from on the TV show. What sweeter revenge for being seduced than to seduce the Slayer himself?

Rating: R

Warnings for Sexual Situations and Adult language

Author's note: for the benefit of the story, I changed some canon things and their chronological order.

Total length: 8 chapters, about 20.000 words.

Betaed by my Italian friend Redan, who helped me a lot with plot bunnies and such.

I'm also thankful to All4Spike for helping me with this English version.

I'm sorry I started to post 'The Demon in me' and then suspended it. Problem is I have some difficulties translating my stories into English, although I'm pretty good with the English to Italian translating thing. The Demon is already finished in my language and maybe one day I'll post it in English too.

This story is more recent and half the length of 'The Demon in me', so I'll give it a try.

I hope you'll enjoy it, since I have so much fun writing it

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1

I could squeeze you...

until you popped like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more…

Words like that should be illegal, he decided. Or, at least, it should be illegal to say them and then make off, leaving the poor guy feeling rotten in a corner, dealing with a pair of blue balls and a sad and lonely evening. Now he was left trying to calm the pain and the scorching heat that seemed to keep auto-regenerating between his legs.

How he bloody hated her. That tiny, frigid, self-righteous bitch, always ready to judge and condemn from the height of her bloody pedestal. And now here she was, mocking him with a new taunt.

I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike...

Who the hell did she think she was? All his rage did nothing but get his movements in a frenzy, especially when he imagined her mad glare, her face red and hot, as she pointed her finger and told him exactly what she thought of him. He kept stroking his shaft, wondering what she would think of him, if she knew what he was doing. Yeah, look at me, and tell me you like what you see. The Buffy of his fantasy did just that, like the cooperative little thing she was, and immediately got hot for other reasons. He saw her pupils dilating, the green in her big eyes being engulfed in two black puddles of lust, her soft mouth lowering towards his erection, her lips half-open and eager, with the clear intent of devouring him...


Only the sight of her like this let him finally reach his agonized relief, leaving him trembling and panting for breath. And she hadn't even touched him! Christ, he was so fucked.

This made him hate her even more.

One hour later, sprawled in his new favorite armchair (that was old and quite worn and had some unidentified stains, but what the hell do you expect from a landfill?), Spike tried to follow Passions. But every time, images of the Slayer intruded his mind. She appeared in various degrees of nudity, humor, excitement, confidence, and underwear color. He would imagine her with or without a whip, thigh-high boots, with or without that stupid seductive smile with which she had looked at him that day at the Bronze... Hell, he kept getting as distracted as a poor schoolboy with his first crush.

What the fuck has got into him? Okay, seeing Miss white panties ... because now he was imagining it like this ... all white panties – nice girls wear white cotton panties, yeah? – , white blouse and a cheerleader miniskirt, much like Britney Spears in that 'Baby one more time' video, complete with a lollipop and a pair of glasses with heart shaped lens, and Christ, now he was fucking digressing.

What was he saying? Ah yes, 'Baby one more time', which was actually 'hit me baby one more time', which was really not helping, because it reminded him all too well of his cravings, divided between wanting to hit her with something and wanting to hit her. Maybe flinging his dick in her face, like a kind of whip, just to ...


He'd had enough.

Almost an entire hour going on like this, he really had had enough.

How could she... No, how could he let her crawl her way into his most intimate dreams, in that slimy and silent way? Why had he let himself be seduced like an ass? Like a newbie? From that scrap of a girl with white cotton panties, on top of it.

But Spike wasn't a novice, and he knew every shade of seduction. He had often used the same tricks in his past when his fangs were efficient, to lure some victim. He used to make them squirm, he did. And he liked to watch, while they were all writhing and sweating and fanning themselves with their hands. Sometimes they even fainted on the spot, his predatory gaze too much to bear. The fact was, he was too bloody good at it, and his victims used to offer themselves of their own accord. There was no need for thrall nor forcing; women fell at his feet and begged him to have mercy and put an end to their hormones' suffering.

That was how things had to be. He had to flip the cards on the table and put her in the suffering side. He would seduce her and that would be his revenge. And if she was willing to have a one night stand in the process, he would not complain.

Maybe two.

Mmmhhh... he felt his lips stretch into a large grin, the grin of a cat that had just caught his prey. Maybe a full night of a writhing and sweaty Slayer under his hands...

NO! For Christ's sake, NO!

The vampire shook his head, disgusted by those thoughts. He wouldn't spend all the bloody day thinking about her, he would rather intoxicate himself and collapse into numbness. He took a bottle of beer from the fridge and consumed it hungrily, then tossed the empty container against the wall of his new crypt. The glass shattered into a thousand pieces and the vampire nodded to himself, pleased with the sound. He grabbed another two beers and sat on the stone sarcophagus, intent on spending the afternoon getting drunk.

After a moment's hesitation, he shrugged and replaced the beers with a few bottles of liquor.

Just when he was about to get numb for good, he heard footsteps coming from the sewer, which the crypt he had found was connected with. Spike looked up at the ceiling and cursed, putting the bottle down.

"Spike, I want you to come with me."

Great! Here was Adam, the hybrid half-human, half-demon and half-robot that everyone was looking for, standing in his crypt, with a curious bodybuilder pose with his chest out.

"Well, let's go then," the vampire bluffed friendliness, and approached the half demon, just to try to punch him in the stomach. "OW!" He waved his fist in the air in pain, while Adam had moved not even a centimeter. Shit, he had forgotten he was made of metal.

"Come. You're going to help me with my problem. "

Spike's eyes narrowed for a moment. "Why is that exactly?"

"I'm going to help you with yours."

Well, it could be interesting, Spike thought as he began to follow him.

That evening, Buffy did not feel like dancing. And the moment she saw Spike enter the Bronze, the little desire to have fun she had, completely evaporated, like a spell.

She looked at the platinum head with contempt while he advanced in the midst of the crowd, toward the bar. Idiot. They had taken everything from him... Dru, his dignity, his integrity as a vampire... And now he had no choice but being her constant pain in the ass, to have some satisfaction in his current pathetic life. On the one hand she pitied him, but on the other she just wanted to shout at him: why on earth, with all the people of this world, would you choose to annoy exactly ME? Just looking at him across the room she had goosebumps all over her skin.

She just needed him to further spoil the evening, as if she hadn't enough on her mind with Riley and Faith, and Faith, and Riley, and Angel. Angel who took Faith's side and Riley who made love with Faith. Riley who had just thought she had the urge to experiment a bit, and then was even moved by how she'd looked at him, as if they were making love for the first time. Of course, because it was really the first time for Faith, to make love instead of having some random sex. Courtesy of Buffy's generous boyfriend. And it was that very thought, that they had made love, which made Buffy so miserable. In addition to the terrible feeling that she still had with her, to be trapped in another body, while a psychopathic killer used her own as she saw fit. Faith had threatened to ruin Buffy's friendships and her reputation, to harm her mother and the people she cared about, to do things that the police could arrest Buffy for later...

'It was with you, I thought I was making love', Riley had said. And this was supposed to make her feel better, but it didn't, because the thought of Faith usurping her body continued to haunt her. Who knows what else she had done with it, without Buffy knowing? And how much more could she have done, if she had not been stopped in time?

Yet Angel had decided that Faith had to be protected, that she was entitled to a second chance, as if she were only a little girl who was lost in the rain and needed help to get home. What the hell did these men have in front of their eyes? Ham slices?

She shook her head vigorously and looked up to see that Spike was staring at her from the other side of the room, with a strange expression on his face. It was a mixture of disappointment, bitterness and ill-concealed hatred, and something else that she could not identify but which immediately gave her the chills.

Her eyes narrowed and she hardened her face, wearing her usual mask of the icy and unforgiving Slayer. If only he dared to tease her for her weakness...

Instead Spike seemed to smile to himself, as if he had anticipated her reaction and it amused him, and then simply looked down and turned around, heading slowly for the exit without saying a word or making any gesture.

The instinct to follow him was strong, the need to release all the tension she had accumulated during the whole Faith's affair, but Buffy decided it was not the right night for a round of 'kick the Spike'. She felt too down to be mean to someone.

Author's note: the dialogue between Spike and Adam was taken by 4x19 New moon Rising.