Hey people. I know this is unexpected but since I am having MAJOR writers block with my PPG story I thought it was only fair to write this story so you at least have some content to read in the mean time. I hope it's ok.

DISCLAIMER: This amazing series belongs to and was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and I love them for it!

Enjoy :)


"CRAIG, TWEEK!" Both boys turn around to the leader of our base "How much ammo have we got left?"

"About 4 boxes of handgun ammo and 2 boxes of shotgun ammo" The boy in blue replies.

The leader descends the stairs into the basement of their house. Ever since this stupid apocalypse broke out no one was safe. Most residences of South Park didn't make it considering we were hit first. There may be more survivors but we never came across them.

"JIMMY! Have Clyde and Token got back off the scouting mission yet?"

"N-N-N-O-T Y-Y-Y-Y-E-T!"

"IKE! What does the food situation look like?"

"Alright but we have a minimum left. We're gonna need those two to return soon or we'll all be fighting over the last packet of Smokey Bacon."

The leader walked up to the medi-centre. "Hey Pip, how we holding out for medicine?"

"We're good for now since the last injury was Gregory's broken finger last month. It will be better when Mr Donovan and Mr Black get back to the base Sir"

"Quit with the formalities Pip… this is life and death now. No need to be polite anymore." The leader pats him on the back and leaves again. He walks out and stands next to me.

"Hey Marsh!" Craig calls over.

"What do you want?"

"I don't think you'd want me to say it out loud" I sigh and walk over to him. "I see the way you look at him, the boss."

"Shut up Tucker"

"You really like him don't you. Not only are you his right hand man but you're also his super best friend"

It's true; Kyle Broflovski is the head of the base. The leader. I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate him. In fact I'd go further than that, watching Kyle like this makes my heart soar! Not that I'd ever admit that but I can't help it! He just does something to me. He became a lot more mature since he saw his parents get ripped apart limb from limb in front of him. He only had a short amount of time to get Ike and himself out of there. After we all met up at the school we numbered 6 in total. Me, Kenny, Kyle, Ike, Craig and Tweek. We set up base in Kyle's house. Most of this control room is in the basement, we reinforced it so it can double as a shelter if need be. On the way here we met up with Butters, Pip and Gregory and they tagged along.

Clyde, Token and Jimmy had all joined forces and were going door to door looking for survivors, they obviously came across the base and we let them in. Christophe is the latest recruit. He's been here a total of 2 weeks. Me and Kenny found him waltzing down the road near the old school building. If anyone will know how to survive this madness, it'll be him so hopefully he'll be a valuable asset. You notice I didn't mention the fatass… he moved to California 2 days before the attack with his mother. She had miraculously won the lottery that week and Cartman asked to move since the hassle of this town was dragging him down. Do we miss him… FUCK NO!

Let's just say Kyle's basement doesn't look like a basement anymore, it looks more like a military control room. Butters is sat at the hand crafted security console we made. There are various cameras placed around Kyle's house so we can see in all directions. We have a make shift gate so we can get cars in and out and keep the dead out. You heard correctly, the dead. We are dealing with fucking zombies!

"Hey Kyle, SUV approaching gates. Clyde and Token present but they have 2 people with them."

Kyle rushes to the screen as Butters blows it up so he can get a better view. He presses the voice intercom. "Clyde, get out of the car."

Clyde does as instructed and goes over the speaker system that was set up. "It's me and Token, we're back from our run. We have more food and pharmaceuticals but we couldn't find any ammo."

"Good work, who are the 2 people with you?"

"They're survivors, claim they've been hiding out at a house with others. They want to speak to the head of the base"

"Ok" he turns off the intercom. "Butters, let them in"

Butters opens up the gate so the SUV can pass into the garage. He closes the gate immediately in case of unknown danger.

Me, Kyle and Kenny all head up to the ground floor of Kyle's house where Clyde, Token and the 2 unknowns are waiting for us.

"I'm Kyle, the leader of this base. How can I help?"

The two unknown figures take off their cloaks to reveal their identities.

"Hey Kyle, long time no see!"

"BEBE!" Even Clyde was taken aback and he was driving in the car with her! He ran up to her and hugged her as tight as possible.

"I thought you'd died!" He was overcome with joy

"Ok, Clyde and Bebe's reunion aside, the reason we came here is business." The other figure said. Removing their hood we could see the other girl was Red.

"Very Well" Kyle said. He turned to the basement. "Clyde, you and Token take the supplies down to the base and then come to my room."

"Yes sir!" They salute and then do as instructed.

"Stan, Kenny, Bebe and Red, you'll follow me to my room. We'll discuss business there"

We all follow him up to his room which has been decked out into an office space. Kyle sits behind his desk with me and Kenny either side. The girls sat on the opposite side of the table. Token and Clyde walk in and stand to the side next to the window near Kyle's bed.

"So what's your base like? And who are the others?"

"We are from a base of 10 girls. We are stationed at Nichole's house" Bebe stated. It was at this moment Token broke down in tears of happiness, knowing that his girlfriend was ok.

"I know this is a huge ask but is it acceptable if we move into this base. Naturally we'd bring all of our supplied with us. If that isn't a good suggestion then perhaps trading between the 2 bases?"

"I think having you 10 girls join us will be helpful. Safety in numbers and all!" Kyle said as he stands up. "Kenny and Pip can take the SUV's and you girls back to the base. You can use them to stock up the supplies and yourselves and come back here permanently so make sure you don't leave anything important behind. Who is your leader so I can write them a letter explaining the situation?"

Bebe and Red look at each other and then look at me with sympathy. What is that all about? Please don't let it be who I think it is… Bebe opened her mouth to confirm my suspicions. "Wendy"

Kyle steals a quick glance my way but I try not to notice it, I'm having a mental breakdown. Wendy! Why Wendy! I mean sure I'm glad she's alive and well and all but she's still my ex! She broke up with me a week before all this tragedy.

"Ok, I'll have Token and Clyde escort you to the base so you can get reacquainted with everyone whilst I write the letter to Testaburger."

Once they were gone and the door closed behind them, Kyle let out the breath he'd been holding in. "I'm sorry about this Stan. I really am" He said as he walks over to me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye. "I know that break up affected you in more ways than one but having as many allies as possible is a good thing. I won't force you to talk to her; you don't even have to go near her!" I smile at my super best friend. "I will make sure your chore schedules don't cross at all!"

"Thanks man" I pull him into a bro hug "It means a lot"

He hugs me back with as much pressure "No worries dude. Now you and Kenny get back down there and help out with the getting ready for the new arrivals. I need to write a letter"

We salute and walk out the room. We close the door and head down the stairs into the living room. "I'm sorry man. I know Wendy was a bitch to you" Kenny said trying to ease my nerves

"Thanks dude. I'm gonna avoid her at all costs."

We go to head to the basement when we hear laughing from the kitchen, or what was left of it. We moved all the food to the base in case of an attack (This was before we had all the hi tech equipment and fence). I look at Kenny and he nods once. We head into the kitchen to see Bebe sitting on the counter making out with Clyde. We just shrug and leave them to it. They haven't seen each other in 3 months, this response is only natural.

What do you think? Good, Bad? Should I carry this on or not. I already have another 2 chapters written as this is what I do when I get bored or get free time. Let me know what you think about it.

Cya :)