It was a typical morning at Yagami High and Class 2-C are chilling in the classroom, waiting for Mr. Tani to walk in and start the lessons.

All the students were in their own cliques, chatting the morning away until a frantic sound of running footsteps were heard outside the classroom and the door slide open impatiently.

"Guys! Everybody! Big News!" Shouted one of the students.

Everyone in Class 2-C turned their attention to whoever it was that interrupted their conversations. That student happened to be Fuyuki.

Fuyuki walked in the classroom, panting like crazy, trying to catch his breath from who knows where he showed up from.

All the students just stood there and stared at their classmate.

"Well? What is it?" Nishimoto asked, being the first to speak.

Fuyuki tried to speak while still catching his breath. "I. *pant* Got. *pant* Big. *pant* News."

"What's going on bud?" Suga asked, walking up to Fuyuki and hanging his arm around his shoulders.

Eri crossed her arms and looked at Fuyuki impatiently. "Your big news better be good. You rudely interrupted a story I was telling."

Everyone else didn't say a word and focused their attention towards Fuyuki. As soon as he caught his breath, he finally spoke again.

"I bumped into Mr. Tani in the faculty office and he was talking to a student I've never seen before. I think we're having a new classmate!" Fuyuki shouted.

All the students of Class 2-C had a shocked look on their faces.

"Are you serious!?" Yoshidayama shouted.

"Boy or Girl!?" Nara added.

"Girl! And she's a total babe!" Fuyuki answered, screaming towards the men.

All the men gasped and interrogated Fuyuki even more.

"Hold up! What about her chest!? Please tell me she got's some nice rack over there!" Imadori shouted, praying that this new student would be another chick to hit on.

Fuyuki looked at Imadori, pushed his glasses back up, giving a glare relfection and gave him a serious expression. "My dear friend, of course I took the opportunity to check her chest. I believe she is the same and/or bigger than Mikoto's."

As soon as Fuyuki finished his sentence, Mikoto made no hesitation to step forward and throw her fists out. "I HEARD THAT YOU PERVERT!" She was going to smack Fuyuki's head but was held back by Akira.

Meanwhile, the rest of the boys of Class 2-C were left with their imaginations and drooled from Fuyuki's words.

"D...D...bigger than D...F!" Imadori imagined as he used his hands and squeezed the air.

"CUT IT OUT WILL YOU!" Mikoto yelled as she freed from Akira's grasp an knocked Imadori's head to the ground.

Mikoto glared at all the other men and they all looked away, avoiding her wrath.

Tenma gave out a bright smile and clapped her hands together. "Well this is awesome! We're going to have another girl in our class! I'm so excited to meet her!"

Eri flipped her hair and smirked. "Same here. Maybe I can ask her to hangout with us."

"That's if she wants to hangout with us." Akira added.

"Are you sure this girl is going to be in our class Fuyuki?" Aso asked.

"I'm positive!" Fuyuki shouted. "I saw her talking to Mr. Tani but I didn't get a chance to hear their conversation."

Hanai stepped forward and raised his hand in the air. "If this new student really is coming to Class 2-C, then I, Haruki Hanai, your class representative will do my best to ensure she's welcomed!"

"What does she look like?" Ichijou asked shyly.

"Yeah! Tell us! I wanna know!" Mihara shouted.

Fuyuki stood in front of this classmates, fixed his glasses and took a deep breath before speaking.

"She is average height, average body. Her chest is just as I mentioned earlier..." The girls in 2-C shake their heads, obviously not caring about this certain information about the new student. "...She has beautiful long lavender hair and her skin is a fair, perfect complexion."

Fuyuki gave out another sigh but it wasn't a normal sigh. This sigh, was one of a romantic type. Everyone observed Fuyuki and noticed the hearts in his eyes.

"Woah! I think this guy's in love!" Yoshidayama said as he scratched his head.

Imadori however scoffed and shrugged his shoulder. "Who cares! Another girl means another pair of boobs to admire!"

Mikoto placed her hand to her face and shake her head. "You're such a pervert Imadori."

"Awh. Don't be jealous Miko. You're still my girl." Imadori said as he hung his arm around her shoulder.

Once again, Mikoto responded by knocking Imadori's head to the ground. "NOT. IN. A. MILLION. YEARS." She said through angry breaths.

Another bright smile was put on Tenma's face and her little pigtails began to twirl in excitement.

"Oh boy! She sounds like a really pretty girl! Now I'm even more excited to meet her. Right Harima?" Tenma said as she looked at the seat next to her.

There, Harima was slouched on the table, obviously sleeping through the entire conversation.

"Look at that Hige [Whiskers]. Sleeping like always. Not caring about current events." Eri said, looking at the delinquent in disgust.

"You know, I believe him and Karasuma are the only two guys who aren't interested in the new girl." Mikoto said, pointing at Karasuma's direction.

Eri, Akira and Tenma followed Mikoto's finger and looked at Karasuma. He was sitting in his seat, staring out the window, oblivious to the situation as well.

"Well, at least it's a good thing he's not interested." Tenma said, sighing in relief.

"By the way Fuyuki, did you manage to catch her name?" Mai asked, walking up to the boy.

"Yeah. What's our new classmate's name?" Yuuki asked curiously.

The two girls stood in front of the hopeless romantic boy as Fuyuki snapped back to reality and froze in his spot.

A single drop of sweat rolled down his face and he cleared his throat. "That..." He started speaking. "Is one thing..." He continued. "...I didn't do..."

All the students were taken back from Fuyuki's mistake and all glared at him.

"You suck man!" Imadori shouted.

"How were you not able to get her name dude! She was right there!" Suga shouted.

"Please tell me you at least got a picture of her! You have your camera with you!" Yoshidayama added.

Fuyuki did a nervous gulp and looked at his forgotten camera. "I didn't do that either." He said quietly.

Nishimoto crossed his arms and shook his head in disappointment. "A very disappointing job Fuyuki."

"Hey! Don't blame me!" Fuyuki screamed. "I was distracted by her beauty!"

"She must be that good looking huh?" Aso asked, placing a finger to his chin.

"In my opinion, yes! She's more like equal to Ms. Osakabe to me!" Fuyuki shouted.

Once again, all the boys of 2-C drooled from their imaginations.

Sagano made a sound and shook her head in utmost disgust. "You guys are such perverts."

Eventually, Class 2-C started discussing among each other loudly. Some continued their conversations while other started talking about the mysterious new student. They eventually became rowdy until the classroom door opened.

"Alright. Settle down Class and take your seats." Mr. Tani said as he entered the classroom.

All the students shut their mouths and sat in their seats.

Mr. Tani stood in front of his desk and adjusted the glasses on his face. "I'm pretty sure Fuyuki must've spoken about a new student coming in today." He said, eyeing the photographer. "She just moved here from Okinawa and transferred to our school. She chose to be in Class 2-C so I hope you all treat her kindly and respectfully."

Before Mr. Tani continued speaking, he eyed the students and started walking towards the door. "I will leave the rest for our new student to speak. So, class, I would like you all to welcome our new student, Miss Sai Ishikawa!"

Mr. Tani opened the classroom door and there, the new student entered the room.