For the next couple days, I've been making Harima boxed lunches and I couldn't have been happier. At first, it was a bit nerve-wrecking to give him his lunch but eventually, I got used to seeing his semi-smirk and his "Thanks New Girl" comment. I know that some of the guys in class were giving Harima and I weird looks but I didn't mind. As long as I continued to be friends with Harima, I don't let anything bother me. Even though I do have mixed feelings for him.

"There goes Tenma with her extra boxed lunches again." Mikoto said as the four of us watched the love struck girl chase after Karasuma with her boxes.

"Can't blame the girl. She's in love." Eri said as she connected her table with mine and we made a huge square with our desks.

I opened my bag and took out my lunch along with the extra box. Instead of sushi, I made curry for Harima today. "I'll be right back ladies."

"Sushi again for him?" Akira asked.

I shook my head. "Nope. Curry today." I flashed a bright smile, feeling excited to see his reaction.

"Hige likes curry?" Eri questioned. I nodded my head and responded to her, "Yup. He mentioned that he likes curry so I decided to make it for him instead of the usual sushi."

"Look at you Sai. I swear, only you and Yakumo are the only girls I know who would make wonderful housewives." Mikoto said with a wink.

I couldn't help but to blush from Mikoto's statement. A wonderful housewife huh? I always want someone special to appreciate my cooking.

"M-Mikoto, you're so silly." I said, looking at her. "It's early for me to start thinking about being a housewife."

"Yeah. Yeah. I just like to be a tease." She said as she waved her hand with a laugh.

Letting out a deep sigh, I got up from my seat with the extra lunch box in hand and walked over to Harima's desk. He was hunched over with his head laid on the desk. His face was facing the opposite direction. "Harima." I called out his name as I placed the lunch box on the empty space. He continued to lay there, not giving a response. "Harima?"

I placed a hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly. Just then, I heard a loud snore and quickly moved my hand away. Turns out he was sleeping through our classes as usual. Putting a hand over my mouth, I couldn't help but to giggle. How cute.

"Harima. Wake up. It's lunch time." I said, shaking him lightly again.

A little bubble formed through his nose and popped which promptly woke him up along with my shaking. "Hm? What?" He sat up from his seat, still a dazed expression on his face and yawned. "Lunch already?"

I gave him a small smile and placed my hands behind my back. "Yeah. Eat up or else you're lunch will be cold and gooey to eat."

He raised an eyebrow and stared at me with his confused expression. "Cold and gooey?"

Harima opened the Tupperware cap to see white rice and curry, which was divided by mixed steamed vegetables in the middle. "You made curry?"

"Indeed I did. I just thought it'll be nice to eat something else for once instead of the usual sushi." I said, giving him another smile. "Are you okay with eating curry today?"

"I'm okay with it." He then picked up a spoon and took the first bite. After some bit of chewing, the corner of his lips curled. "It's really good New Girl. Curry is my favorite food. I really like your cooking."

My eyes widened slightly and my face flushed with heat. He really appreciates my cooking...What does this mean? "T-Thank you Harima." I suddenly felt shy as I stood there and watched him eat another spoonful of curry.

"Thanks again New Girl." He said with his mouth full.

"You're welcome!" I responded as I headed back to my seat and noticed that the other girls were engaged in a deep conversation.

"...The Curry Shop sounds like a good idea to bring them to." Mikoto said, only being able to catch the last half of her sentence.

"Bring who to The Curry Shop?" I asked as I opened my Tupperware and started eating my share of curry.

"Akira had an awesome idea of hooking up Tenma and Karasuma." Eri said.

I looked at Akira and blinked curiously. "Oh? What made you want to do that Akira?"

"No reason. Just thought we should do something since Tenma won't make her next move." Akira answered nonchalantly.

"Yup. I'm all down for the idea." Mikoto said as she finished her sandwich.

"I say, how about we head outside and spy on the two. I'm curious to know what they do together everyday." Eri said with a mischievous look.

I looked at the blonde and raised an eyebrow at her. "Spying on them? Wouldn't that make us seem like we're being creepy or annoying to Tenma if we get caught?"

"Nah. We'll be fine. All we have to do is hide behind a good corner and watch them from there. Shouldn't be that hard since the school is big." Mikoto said as she stood from her seat.

Akira and Eri stood up as well while I finished up the rest of my curry lunch. "You coming Sai?" Akira asked. I picked up my napkin and wiped my mouth before answering. "Coming."

With that, the girls and I headed out of the classroom and made our way outside. We walked over to the back of the building where the water fountains usually are and there, we spotted Tenma and Karasuma sitting together with riceballs in hand.

"Riceballs again?" Mikoto questioned with a disappointing look. "That's like...Gah!...I don't know many times but it's always the same lunch for those two."

"Can't blame her. The poor girl admitted that she can't cook." Eri said.

"Can she really not cook anything else?" I asked.

"Tenma mentioned that she attempted at making curry for him but it ended up in a disaster." Akira said.

Mikoto, Eri and I let out a disappointing sigh. "How is Karasuma not sick of riceballs? He's been eating that every single day for lunch." Eri asked, wondering how he still has the stomach for the same meal.

"Sh! They'll hear us." Akira whispered as the four of us ran to a corner for cover.

Each one of us stuck our heads out continued to spy on the two. We noticed that all Tenma and Karasuma does is eat their riceball. Not a single word was spoken throughout the entire meal.

"This is boring." Mikoto said. "They're not even talking to each other. What kind of lunch date is that?"

"Well, let's get back to discussing Akira's plan." Eri said.

"What is it anyways?" I questioned, remembering that I only caught the last half of their conversation.

Akira fussed through her uniform pocket and took out a tiny flyer. "The Curry Shop has a half off pricing on their dishes. The plan is to ask Karasuma to hangout with us there. Then, as we all make our way, each one of us will come up with an excuse and leave those two hanging alone. We're setting them up for a date."

I clasped my hands and smiled. "That's an awesome plan. It'll be cute to see the two of them go on a curry date together."

"So it'll just be us five and Karasuma going?" Mikoto asked, counting the number of people with her fingers.

"No." Akira answered. "Fuyuki will be joining us as well."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Fuyuki? Why?" I questioned, not that I have a problem. I just found it random of Akira to mention him for this plan.

"Look behind us." She said as she pointing with her thumb.

I looked behind and I see Fuyuki laying on the ground with his camera up towards us. I'm assuming he followed us and tried to take pictures of us.

The moment all eyes were on him, Fuyuki jumped up and looked at me nervously. "Ah! Uh! H-Hi Sai." He greeted me shyly, cheeks flushed with a tint of pink.

I smiled at the photographer and snapped my fingers. "You should help us with our plan Fuyuki. It'll be great to have another guy join us."

"M-Me?" Fuyuki questioned. "Why me?"

"We just caught you trying to take perverted photos of us. You're now obligated to join us." Akira said as she glared at him.

"No point trying to get away with it." Eri added as she crossed her arms.

Fuyuki stood there, more nervous than ever and hid his camera behind his back.

"You helping us or not?" Mikoto asked, looking at the shy guy.

"I-I guess I don't have a choice..." Fuyuki spoke quietly. "What's the plan?"

Akira filled him all the information we discussed earlier as he nodded his head in agreement. "Alright. Count me in." He said.

"It's settled. We'll meet at the shoe cubicles after school. Fuyuki, you go ask Karasuma to join us while the girls and I will tell Tenma to come along." Mikoto said as she held a thumbs up.

While the girls and Fuyuki were talking, I decided to pop my head out to spy on the two. I noticed that they finished their meal and got ready to clean up and stood from their spots. "Hey guys..." I started speaking, interrupting their conversation. "I think Tenma and Karasuma are about to head back to the classroom."

Everyone else took a peek and realized the situation. "Oh crap! They're done eating! Run for it!" Mikoto shouted as each of us dashed back to the classroom.

Once we stepped through the classroom doors, we all sat back at our seats and act natural just as Tenma and Karasuma came in. "Oh! I almost forgot." I whispered to myself as I stood up and walked over towards Harima's seat. His seat was empty. Must've done one of his disappearing acts after he finished eating. I then smiled happily to myself. I'm really glad he likes the curry. I picked up the empty lunch box and went back to my seat to place the empty boxes in my bag.

"Hey Sai!" Tenma called out to me cheerfully.

"What's up Tenma?" I asked, looking at the happy girl.

"Are you coming along for some curry after school? Mikoto just told me about it and I'm excited to go." She said with a sparkle in her eye.

I nodded my head and giggled towards the love struck girl. "Yeah. I'm coming along."

With that, Ms. Osakabe came into the classroom and we spent the rest of the school day with our normal classes.

The last bell rang for the day and we were all packing our belongings, ready to meet the boys at the shoe cubicles downstairs. As I packed my books and utensils away, I looked at Harima's empty seat. He never came back to class. I wonder where he went.

"Yo. Sai. You worrying about Harima?" Mikoto asked, elbowing me in the stomach lightly.

I jumped slightly from her touch and pouted at her. "M-Mikoto! Don't scare me like that."

She couldn't help but to laugh at whatever my facial expression was. "Sorry about that. But don't worry about Harima. He probably skipped out the rest of the school day and headed home or something."

"I guess you're right." I said quietly, still staring at the vacant seat.

"Come one. It's time to meet up with the others." She said as the two of us headed out of the classroom.

Mikoto and I got to our cubby and changed our shoes just in time for the others to arrive.

"Are we ready to go?" Eri asked impatiently.

"The boys aren't here yet." Akira said.

"Eh? Karasuma is not here yet?" Tenma looked around with a pout on her face. "I wonder if he changed his mind..."

"Well, what could be taking them so long?" Mikoto questioned, looking at the time.

I heard some footsteps behind the five of us and I turned around to see Fuyuki jogging towards us while Karasuma tailing him. "Sorry to keep you ladies waiting!" Fuyuki said, standing in front of me.

"What took the two of you so long?" I asked curiously.

Karasuma wiped down his shirt with his wet hand. "Bathroom."

"Well now that we're all here. Let's get going!" Mikoto shouted in excitement as we all exit the school property.

Tenma and Karasuma were walking next to each other while the rest of us tailed behind, watching the two. I couldn't help but to smile from seeing the two walking along side one another. They do seem like a cute couple if they end up together.

"Oh man. I wish I could take pictures. I ran out of film." Fuyuki whispered to himself in disappointment.

"No pictures. It's time to put our plan into action." Mikoto whispered. "In about a minute, we'll all come up with an excuse and leave the scene. We'll regroup once the coast is clear." Fuyuki, Eri, Akira and I nodded our heads and started our plan.

"Oh no!" Eri was the first to talk. "I forgot I'm a diet! Sorry guys. Can't join you for curry!" She turned a corner and ran off.

"Eri!" Tenma yelled out to her but Eri was long gone.

"Right. I forgot." Akira was the next to speak. Tenma turned her head towards the tomboy and gave her a questionable look. "Sorry. I forgot I have a meeting with Ms. Itoko about the Tea Club." She ran off through the same corner Eri went through.

"Speaking to forgetting. I completely forgot that I'm supposed to be at the dojo with Hanai about our upcoming martial arts tournament." Mikoto said

Tenma pouted as she stared at her blue haired friend. "You too Mikoto?"

"Yeah. Sorry guys. I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mikoto shouted as she ran off into the corner as well.

Fuyuki and I looked at each other and then stared at the 'couple'. Tenma's face was fully of confusion. She then looked at Karasuma and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess it'll just be the four of us now." Tenma said as her and Karasuma continued walking.

After a few minutes of walking into the busy streets, along with our friends following behind, Fuyuki started his act by dropping his bag on the ground and crouched over with his arms over his stomach. "Ah! Ow!"

"Fuyuki! What's wrong!?" A concerned Tenma asked as we turned our attention towards him.

"My stomach." Fuyuki spoke, trying to sound pained. "It really hurts all of a sudden."

"Don't worry Fuyuki." I kneel next to him and held my hand on his shoulder. We both looked at each other and winked without Tenma or Karasuma noticing. "I'll take you back to my place since it's nearby."

Fuyuki stood up and we both looked at the couple. "Sorry guys, we have to bail also. We'll see you tomorrow." I said, giving them an apologetic look.

"Eh? W-What!?" Tenma looked at us in disbelief and started freaking out.

With that, Fuyuki and I quickly ran around a corner where our other friends were hiding and regrouped with them. Eri gave us a thumbs up and a wink, happy that the plan worked out.

"That's settled, we managed to get them to get curry together." I said with a small smile.

"Nice work everyone." Mikoto said. "Let's see what happens next."

We each popped our heads out and watches as Tenma and Karasuma exchanged a few words. I see Karasuma nodding his head and Tenma letting out a small smile. After that, the both of them started walking away. Since the plan was a success, we all moved away from the corner and stood in a circle.

"Success." Mikoto said.

"What should we do now?" Eri asked.

"How about we go to the cafe and grab some coffee together?" Fuyuki suggested with a smile on his face.

"Only if you pay for us." Akira said, looking at the photographer.

Fuyuki then looked at Akira, surprised to hear her suggest that. "W-What? I pay?"

"Yeah! That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Eri said.

"I guess we can use it to make up for you trying to take perverted pictures of us." Mikoto added, giving Fuyuki a small threat.

I couldn't help but to laugh. Then, I held my hand up and gave them an apologetic smile. "You guys go ahead without me. I'll meet you guys there."

"Eh? Why Sai?" Fuyuki asked.

"I gotta stop by the supermarket to pick up a newspaper for my Mom." I said. "See you at the cafe!"

I turned around and started running off towards the supermarket. Once I entered through the doors, I picked up the newspaper and paid for it. I flipped through the pages and looked for any house sale ads. "I wonder if we can find a nice home near Dad's restaurant."

My eyes were still glued to the newspaper as I exit the supermarket and walked down the busy city streets. Each home ad I skimmed through haven't caught my interest until I saw one particular ad. There was a two story home on sale which is located right between a good distance between Yagami High my Father's restaurant. Basically, this home would be in the middle which is easier for the both of us. "Oh man! I think this might be the one!" I shouted to myself in excitement.

I folded the newspaper to bookmark the specific page and stashed it in my backpack. With that, I started walking faster through the streets so that I can meetup with my friends at the cafe. As I turned a corner through an alleyway shortcut, I noticed that there was a man lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Oh no!" I quickly ran towards the unconscious man to check if he was okay. "A-Are you okay!?" I asked the man and took a closer look at him. My eyes widened in shock when I realized that this unconscious person is Harima. "H-Harima!?" I freaked out and reached out my hand for him to grab so that I could help him up. "C-Can you stand Harima!?"

I could hear a slight grumble from him and he raised his head from the ground. He was staring at me from there, not moving an inch or saying another word. All I could do is to continue to stand there and have my hand out. "Are you okay Harima?" I asked him again, this time speaking more gentle instead of freaking out.

Harima raised his hand and grabbed my wrist suddenly. He then pulled me in slightly and opened his mouth. "H-Hear me out!" He yelled. "I've...I've always loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you!" He then lowered his head. "There...I've finally said it. I love you."

My eyes widened even more and I could feel my entire face getting all red and hot. The tingly feeling in my stomach is going haywire. My heart is beating non-stop and it's hard to control my breathing! Did Harima just confess his love to me again? Is this even real? This is really happening? When he first confessed, I really just believed that he was being delusional like how Ms. Osakabe mentioned.'s another confession coming from Harima. This time, he has no injury. There is no way he's being delusional again. He's really telling the truth this time. It was from this moment that I finally understood the mixed feelings I had.

I'm in love with Harima Kenji.

Harima raised his head once again and took another look at me. His facial expression changed drastically and he now has a look of nervousness all over him. I continued to stand there and stare back at guy. My heart is still beating uncontrollably.

"Uh..." Was the only sound Harima could make.

I held my free hand over my chest and look away from Harima's gaze. "I...I..." Words couldn't form from my lips. What should I do? No has ever confessed their feelings that strongly to me. Yet, Harima is seriously the first guy to do this. Are the two of us really meant to be? Is that why I've been so to him?

"I..." I took a big, nervous gulp and made eye contact with Harima again. I could feel my face flushing even more. It's time to confess my feelings as well. If Harima's brave enough to tell me his love, I should do the same. "H-Harima...I...I want to say that I'm al-"


Suddenly, an older woman sneaked up behind Harima and wrapped her arms around him. This random stranger was fairly pale, blue eyes and long brownish hair that curls at the bottom.

"I've been looking all over for you Hario!~" She spoke again in a playful tone.

I noticed that Harima was sitting up right instead of laying down. He was even still holding onto my hand in which I moved away and held my hands behind my back. The two of us remained silent when this woman showed up. Who is this woman anyways?

"Thank goodness I found you Hario! For dinner tonight, we're going to have Beef and Potatoes! It's your favorite!" She spoke again and started poking his cheek.

Wait. Beef and Potatoes are his favorite? But...I thought curry was his favorite. Just what is going on? Who exactly is this woman? Is she the cousin Harima mentioned that he lives with? If so, she seems a bit too close and touchy to be his cousin.

I didn't realize that I was making an obvious frown in front of Harima and his companion. I don't know why, but I sort of feel upset now. Have I been lied to about his favorite meal the whole time? Harima really did seem like he loves curry. So why did she say that Beef and Potatoes were his favorite? I don't get it...

"Come on Hario. Let's go home!~" With that, the older woman linked her arm around Harima's and started dragging him away. Completely, ignoring my presence or unaware that I was standing there the entire time.

Still standing in the same spot, I watched the two walk away as Harima never left his gaze from me. Now I'm extremely upset. One, I didn't get my opportunity to reply to his confession. Two, that woman interrupted whatever this moment was. Three, Harima lied to me. Honestly, if Harima liked beef and potatoes, he should've just said that instead of curry. Why did he have to lie to me?

I clenched my fists and let out a heavy sigh. I'm not the type of person that gets angry or upset. Maybe it was best that I didn't confess back. I should take this as an opportunity to get my feelings and emotions together. The only thing is, I really am in love with that delinquent.

"I guess I should head to the cafe and meetup with the others..." I spoke to myself quietly and turned around. The moment I did, I was met by Fuyuki, Mikoto, Eri and Akira with shocked and surprised expressions.

They each had their jaws dropped and eyes wide, except for Akira who stayed stoic as usual but I'm sure she's surprised as well.

"Oh. Uh. Hey guys..." I tried talking to them casually, as if what they probably witnessed was nothing.

Eri and Mikoto immediately ran opposite sides of me and each linked an arm through mine. Then, they lift me up and started dragging me away from the scene along with Fuyuki and Akira running behind. "Wh-What!? What's going on guys!?" I shouted at the four.

I was dragged through many corners until we came to a stop and the girls let go of me. They were all panting, catching their breaths as I continued to give each of them a questionable look.

"Sai!" Mikoto was the first to yell. "What the heck just happened between you and Harima!?"

"Uhm..." I tried speaking.

"We decided to come get you and ended up witnessing that with Hige!" Eri yelled.


"Hm. That was very interesting to watch." Akira said.


"Oh man! I can't believe it!" Fuyuki shouted. "I can't believe Harima's in love with Sai! This is just lose ALL chances I have to get her or else Harima will pummel me!"

My face flushed once again as I fiddled my fingers and looked at each of them nervously. "Y-You guys...I don't really know what happened exactly..."

Mikoto raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "What do you mean you 'don't know'? Harima literally confessed his undying love to you!"

"What exactly happened Sai?" Eri asked, curious to know what went down with this situation.

"Uhm...Well..." I was nervous to tell them the story. "It started after I bought the newspaper. I found Harima lying on the ground, unconscious. Being the nice person I am, I decided to help him up, but then he grabbed my hand and told me that he loves me from the start." I felt a blush forming across my cheeks when I thought about his confession again.

"You seem sad though." Akira said, pointing out the slight frown I was trying to hide.

"Eh? Why are you upset Sai?" Mikoto questioned.

I tightened my fist as I looked at my friend. "I-Its nothing. Just a stupid reason."

"Does it have to do with that older lady?" Eri asked.

I shamefully nodded my head. "That, and something else..." I let out another sigh. "He told me he likes curry but according to that older woman, Harima's favorite food is actually beef and potatoes. I know it's silly, but it upsets me that he lied to me."

"What!? That idiot!" Mikoto yelled as she raised her fist in the air.

Eri flipped her hair and looked at me. "Hun, there's nothing to worry about. That Hige is always an idiot."

"Do you like him?" Akira asked bluntly.

"E-Eh!? W-What!?" I looked at the red head.

"I know we've asked you a few times already. But judging from the situation now, do you like Harima back?" She asked again.

I shifted my eyes towards each person and felt my hands shaking. "M-Maybe..."

"You're lying." Akira said.

"Okay! I do like Harima back!" I said with all I got.

"My! Our precious friend and Hige. That's a couple I never imagined." Eri said as she cupped her cheek and imagined the two of us together.

"Well, that's it I guess. Are you going to tell him you like him back?" Mikoto asked, resting her hands behind the back of her neck.

"Probably not." I said quietly.

"Why's that?" Eri asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the blonde. "I don't know. I guess I want to think about it first." I then clapped my hand and bowed in front of my friends. "Please don't tell anyone about this! Not even Tenma!"

Mikoto placed a hand on my shoulder as I looked at her. "Don't worry Sai. Your secret is safe with me. We won't tell anyone. Right Fuyuki?" She emphasized Fuyuki's name in a threatening way.

The photographer was sulking the entire time but fixed his composure when Mikoto spoke his name. "Y-Yea! Your secret is safe with me Sai!" He saluted towards me but went back to his sulking. "Awh man. To know that Sai likes Harima is going to kill me. I sort wish I took a picture of that golden moment. It would've been a really special photo too."

"Knock it off you!" Mikoto said as she slapped the poor boy.

"How are you going to see him in school now?" Akira asked.

"I-I don't know." I said quietly. "I'm gonna go home. I don't feel like going to the cafe anymore."

They all nodded their head in understanding and with that, I ran home. Once I entered the apartment, I took out the newspaper from my bag and placed it on the dining table. I had the page laid out so that my parents can see it once they get home from work. I went straight to my room and plopped on my bed.

I buried my face in my pillow as I kept replaying the hospital incident and today's event in my head. What does this all mean? Why is this happening to me? What do I say to Harima now?

Akira's right though. How am I going to face Harima in school? Is everything between the two of us going to be extremely awkward now? Should I even bother to continue making him boxed lunches? If I don't, will Harima think I'm mad at him or something?

I'm not mad. Just slightly upset. Should I just pretend like all of this never happened? Maybe I should confront him about who that older woman really is as well as the beef and potatoes.

This is all crazy. I can't believe I'm actually in love with Harima.