91. Alternative

Kyoko and Tsuna were enjoying a weekend picnic beneath a certain tree. Tsuna was lazily lying on Kyoko's lap. Her dainty fingers were combing through his hair.

"What are you thinking about?" Kyoko hummed.

Tsuna smiled softly, "Just thinking about what-ifs. If I never spoke to myself here, we wouldn't be a thing. I probably would've been pining for you until now." He knew he lacked the mental security to express his heart towards her. The very fear of a broken heart would cripple him.

Even to this day, he wondered what possessed him to speak then and there. Words that were meant to express his personal delusions yet she heard and accepted his heart.

He had never been happier.

Unseen by him, Kyoko began to smile. "It's cute that you think I would've let you go," she whispered amused.

"You say something?"

"I didn't say anything, sweetie."

92. With friends

Hayato and Yamamoto looked over a corner as they saw Tsuna being pulled by his girlfriend.

"How amazing, Tenth and his lover are the greatest! Others watch them in sheer envy!" Gokudera nearly roared.

Yamamoto laughed, "They're cute together. Hope they don't break up anytime soon."

Gokudera spun and glared at his fellow guardian and pulled out dynamite, "Shut your damn mouth. How dare you spew toxic words at the Tenth's love life?"

Tsuna sighed in exasperation.

93. Pocky game

"Want to try it?" Kyoko asked curiously.

Tsuna turned away from the television that showed a couple playing the pocky game. He shrugged, "We don't even have any-"

Of course Kyoko pulled a pack of pocky from her skirt pocket. "Come on, it'll be fun~."

She pulled out a chocolate covered one and pushed it between his lips. Kyoko twirled her tongue enticingly around the pocky stick as she pulled closer and closer to Tsuna.

Tsuna began to move forwards as well. He watched as her plumb lips moved along the path of the pocky.

When their lips met, he was overcome by the flavor of chocolate and lemons.

He rather liked the flavor.

94. Clothing Swap

When Kyoko entered his room with a uniform that wasn't from their school, he was curious. It was the green uniform the Chrome used to wear. "What are you doing?"

She smiled calmly, "I wanted to try this uniform since Chrome looked so cute in them. I even have a spare eye patch." Kyoko flashed a black eye patch from inside her pocket.

He shrugged since he didn't understand the appeal, "Alright. Is-," Tsuna sputtered as he saw Kyoko begin to pull up her shirt. Jumping to his feet, he caught Kyoko's hands, "What are you doing!?"

She shook her head at him as though he was being especially silly, "I need to change to switch out the clothing."

"Don't do that here!"

She laughed, "I don't mind. Besides, it's quicker this way, unless… you're volunteering to help."

Tsuna stumbled back and ran out of the room.

As the door closed, Kyoko folded her arms, "I should probably skip the teasing next time. Why do you have to be so cute when you're flustered?"

95. Wrestle

Kyoko drank her tea contently as Tsuna finished eating some baked goods that she had made. It was enjoyable having this time between them. She politely resisted from rolling her eyes as she noticed her boyfriend's discomfort in being in her room.

He should've been used to this after the many times she had invited him over. She would be lying if she said it wasn't a charming flaw of his, but a flaw all the same.

"Tsuna relax, spending time with me isn't that scary, is it?" She finally questioned. That was the last thing she wanted to draw from him. It was fine if he was cutely flustered at times, but if he was so anxious that he froze, well that just wouldn't do.

She didn't want to be in a relationship with one of her many faceless fans. Despite how mean spirited it sounded, Kyoko wasn't the fondest of them. They especially had a bad habit of trying to tell her who she could and could not spend her time with.

Tsuna stammered before calming himself down, "O-Of course not. Everything is good."

Kyoko frowned and stood up. She reached his side and pulled him and then proceeded to throw him onto her bed. Before he could question her, sat crouched over his body and pinned his arms down. She calmly stared him straight in the eyes as his face flushed hotly.

Painfully slow, she moved one hand on her upper thigh and another on her chest and firmly held them there, "Can you feel me now, Tsuna, my warmth, my heartbeat? What is there to be anxious about when it's just you and me?"

He swallowed thickly.

She leaned in until their foreheads touched, "You know I get embarrassed doing things like this too. But, I love you and want to know that my efforts aren't scary. It's just me, Tsuna. I don't want to hurt you like the jerks in school. They don't matter for us."

She could feel him tense and fight the urge to squirm out of her grip. "You're right, it's just about us. I love you too, Kyoko."

Kyoko rewarded him with a bright smile.

96. School work helping

Kyoko watched Tsuna put away some of the heavy boxes that her club needed put away. It was a tiring process that had Tsuna doing a lot of the heavy lifting, so it was of little surprise that he was working up a sweat. She giggled lowly as she watched him cool himself with some water.

It was all rather harmless fun until her friend Hana decided to be a spoilsport.

"This is pretty creepy, even if he's your boyfriend," her supposed best friend spouted.

"You're just saying that because you're sadly single," Kyoko said in self defense.

Hana rolled her eyes, "Whatever, don't listen to me and scare him off. It's not like I want what's best for you or anything."

That just got a bright smile from Kyoko.

"What?" Hana questioned suspiciously.

"I'm just happy you approve of Tsuna now."

Hana flushed and looked away, "I'll admit I was hasty in my original judgments. He's a good monke- I mean guy. And you seem pretty happy so it's fine."

"Thank you, Hana," Kyoko said sincerely. "By the way, did you bring my camera?"

Hana huffed, "You are such a degenerate."

"What was that?" Tsuna asked at the girls.

"Nothing sweetie," Kyoko replied with a flutter of her eyelashes.

97. Promise

Tsuna enjoyed the little comforts in life. A Mafioso had to enjoy the peace he could right? In this case, he was enjoying a good old lap pillow. Times like this made him feel like a king. "This is the best."

The pleasant sound of Kyoko's laughter reached his ears. "I do what I can, Tsuna. I'll do this a lot more in the future," she promised.

A silence passed as he understood her true meaning. Pleasant warmth passed through his heart. It was nice to imagine them staying together for years to come. "I'll hold you to that, Kyoko. I would love nothing more than to always share moments like this with you."

98. Passion

Kyoko's nerves were killing her. She couldn't work up the courage to open the letter before her. "I can't do it, Tsuna. You open it." She passed the envelope to her boyfriend.

He took it and opened it in her place. She tried to decipher the news from his expression.

He sighed dramatically, causing her heart to sink, before he broke into a large smile, "You did it! You were selected for the dancing program in Italy. Congratulations."

Kyoko nearly threw herself into Tsuna's arms, "This is amazing." She was now crying tears of joy.

"You deserve this. You're one step closer to your dream of professional dancing. I'm so proud of you. You took your passion and continually strived to perfect it."

She rubbed the tears out of eyes, "Well looks who's being a cool leader."

"What's all that noise," Mrs. Sasagawa said as she barged into her daughter's room with an excited expression, "Did you get pregnant, sweetie? I'm so happy for you."

"That's not it at all!" Tsuna screeched before realizing how he was reacting, "I mean Kyoko application to the dance program was accepted, ma'am. "

"That's splendid as well," she said with a serene smile.

Kyoko smiled wider, "Don't worry about it; I'm working hard on that front. I'm breaking him down."

Tsuna could only sputter, "What do you mean you're working on it!?"

He was thusly ignored.

99. Going for a walk

Kyoko walked beside Tsuna with a spring to her step.

Tsuna held a resigned smile. He was sincerely happy for her success, but he held his concerns. "I'm going to miss you."

She stopped in surprise and frowned at him. Marching up to him, she gently held his face and gently caressed his cheeks, "I'm going to miss you too, but the only thing changing between us is distance. I believe that we can make this work. It is worth the effort. "

"That's true," he responded with a complex expression.

Her touch became mildly tighter and her expression subtly darkened, "You aren't thinking something silly like I'm going to end our relationship, right? I don't need to tell you how silly that is. Besides, I'll keep us together with my dying will."

Tsuna flushed, "That's not funny."

"Oh, how silly of me, I'm doing this wrong. I need to strip first right?" Her hands rose to her collar.

He was quick to snatch her hands away from her clothing, "Don't undress here."

That seemed to be wrong thing to say as she smiled slyly, "I think my room is free right now."

"Control yourself," he replied with a sigh.

100. Cloud watching

Tsuna and Kyoko stood beneath the shade of a certain tree by their school. He held her by the waist. She rested her head on his shoulder. Both gazed intently at the tree, seemingly lost in memories.

"Congratulations on graduating, Mr. Sawada."

Tsuna replied with an easy smile, "Congratulations on graduating Ms. Sasagawa." His eyes rose to the sky and lingering on some fleeting clouds. The sight amused him on some level.

"What's so funny," she asked curiously.

He shook his head, "It's nothing. I just realized how much I have in common with clouds. I was living a fleeting life. When things got difficult I drifted away from them and was content to continue to do so. I was really no good. It wasn't that I failed, it was that I refused to try; I suppose."

She hummed thoughtfully before shaking her head, "Clouds have their good points too, you know. They can be soothing and protective. Their reach can go beyond the horizons and they can give nice rains. So I guess being like a cloud is just another reason to love you."

Touched by her words, Tsuna smiled, "Thank you."

"It's just the truth," she replied as she stepped towards the tree and leaned her back against the trunk, "Besides it helps you were so cute with your crush."

He merely laughed at that, "Was I that obvious?"

She almost snorted, "I loved how you would always faint when my face got too close to yours."

There was a pause before he whined, "So it was on purpose."

"You were so shy back then! I swear, a girl can see a guy run at the sight of her for so long before she gets a touch offended," she huffed in self defense. "Mom always said I was too passive."

This statement received an incredulous look from her boyfriend. The notion that Kyoko Sasagawa was passive couldn't be further from the truth. She was the type of girl that knew what she wanted and took it. It made him shiver at the implication of how Mrs. Sasagawa handled her own relationship with Mr. Sasagawa when they were younger.

She smirked, "Don't give me that look. If you hadn't confessed, I would've have used more direct methods." Her expression softened to a more demure smile, "I was really happy with your words that day. I never felt my heart pounding so fast."

"I'm ashamed I didn't say those words to you directly."

She shook her head, "Your words reached me and that's all that matters." Her expression broke into a tearful one.

"Kyoko, why are you crying?" Tsuna asked in concern. He went to her side to wipe the tears.

"I'm sorry. I know I said it wasn't a big deal, but I'm going to miss you. Talking through the phone or the computer just isn't the same. I want to continue tangling my fingers through your hair and making you flush in all sorts of funny ways. I don't want to give this up for even a moment."

Tsuna gently pulled her into a warm embrace, his hand caressing her back, "You don't have to worry about that. I was planning on saving this as a pleasant surprise, but I guess now will do. Reborn has decided that I and the guys would benefit with continuing our studies in Italy. I should be ready to leave a few days after you. So don't cry."

"Really?" She mumbled.

"Really," he whispered. "Even if Reborn hadn't brought it up, I would've. What we have now has been amazing and one of the best things to happen to me. I want what we have to bloom and become even more beautiful. For that to happen, I don't want to miss a moment of you. Every moment I spend with you is a moment to treasure. Just thinking about how lonely I would be without you is… frightening. I would wonder what you're thinking about, if your thoughts would linger on me."

Kyoko pulled out of the hug with a comforting look, "Of course they would, silly. You're wonderful and anybody would be lucky to have you. I simply snatched the opportunity. Don't ever think otherwise."

She smiled impishly as she leaned in and stole a kiss. It was a kiss the two allowed themselves to be lost in. They realized that they had no desire to share this with another and they hearts with connected in their mutual love. The world around them disappeared save for each other.

It was a moment they hoped to stretch for a lifetime.

His heart had always slept in hers,

through the days and the nights,

and in all the joys and the frights.

But when his words of love were heard

Those lines between him and her were blurred

Now his arms encircles hers

So both their beating hearts are heard.

For neither night, nor slurs could hope to condemn

And meddle with the flow between them.

Author's Notes:

This brings this drabble story to a close.

I surprisingly struggled with this one. The series didn't exactly give me a lot to work with when it came to Kyoko, but I think I like the direction I went with her. I especially liked using the dancing angle.

For readers of my other Hitman Reborn drabble story Well Enough (Tsuna x Yuni), which do you prefer? I personally felt that Tsuna had more personal growth in Well Enough, while this story had more fun.

For drabble stories, which do the readers believe is best: A chapter per drabble, 3-4 drabbles a chapter, or 10 drabbles every chapter? I feel like a single chapter per drabble encourages more input on individual drabbles, but multiple drabbles a chapter makes rereading easier.

Thanks for reading everyone.