Chapter 4

***Yami's POV***

I sat, unamused, on my throne as I listened to the man cower and ramble in front of me.

"Spit it out." I commanded, my baritone voice echoing around the room. He flinched, his eyes dancing along the ground.

"I-I a-a-apologize Your M-Majesty. I-I was h-h-hoping I-I could h-have s-some f-food and other s-supplies, b-because our h-house was recently r-robbed." He finally got out and I sighed.

"How much were you robbed?"

"235 p-pieces Your Majesty."

"You may speak to one of my advisors afterwards, about whom stole from you and receiving supplies until we find him. Next!" The man quickly fled, and I let out an annoyed sigh as the next person came up.

If only this meeting could go faster, then I could find that amethyst eyed beauty. I glanced around my room and couldn't stop the grin that came across my face as I surprisingly found his face amongst the crowd.

It has been a few weeks since he appeared in the world, and needless to say, he has warmed up to me quite a bit. And I learned a bit about him. I found out that in the world he came from, he used to live with his grandfather and he had gone to a strange thing called 'school'. It's where he learned, and I found it quite strange that he didn't have a personal tutor or anything to teach him. It was usually the guardian's choice to how much a child learned, depending on their future. But sadly, he wouldn't say much more than that, no matter how much I tried to coax it from him.

And I learned that I loved to see him smile. I loved to see his eyes crunch up as his kissable lips would curl up, showing off his teeth. He had such a sweet laugh, that made me feel like I didn't have to worry about anything anymore.

But I also loved his body. I let me eyes trail over his lithe form, and I licked my lips slightly. He had fully healed a week earlier, thanks to Ishizu's healing, and as soon as he was pronounced healthy, I had him go with Marik, my best melee fighter, and train. He was still clumsy with his moves and he lacked in strength, but he had speed and accuracy. And it was quite a treat to watch him. The way his body bent when he dodged one of Marik's attacks, and how his skin glistened with sweat from long hours of practice. And the way his clothes showed off his curves amazingly, thanks to the palace's tailor. At the moment, he had on a pair of black leather skinny jeans, and a violet v-neck shirt. My eyes locked with his and a soft blush appeared on his cheeks at my smirk.

"Your Majesty, are you listening?!" Mahado yelled, and I glanced at him.

"The southern part of the kingdom has been having trouble with their crops and there have been multiple raids. Yes, Mahado I am." I said in a bored tone and he scoffed before continuing with his rant. I let my eyes wonder back to where Yugi was, only to find him missing. I frowned in disappointment, scanning the room only to find him completely gone.

"You are dismissed." I said, cutting Mahado off and he looked at me with disbelief No one argued as I walked from the throne room, set on finding that gem.

I wondered the halls, until I found myself in the small garden, that was placed in the far south side of the palace. I walked through the shrubbery, my steps silent, until I came across the young boy sitting on a bench holding a flower in his hands.

"Forget me not." I said, and Yugi yelped, turning to face me. He blinked.

"What?" He asked, in an innocent tone.

"The flower. It's a forget me not." I said, motioning to the small bundle of baby blue flowers in his hand.

"Oh. I know. It… was my mother's favorite…" He whispered the last part and I was intrigued.

I sat beside him, crossing my legs. I watched as he softly caressed the petals on the small flowers, and he had a gentle smile on his face.

I felt my throat tightened as a sudden smiling face crossed my vision and I had to look away. I gulped, before taking a deep breath trying to calm my emotions.

"What's wrong?" I heard the angel beside me ask and I glanced at him.

"Nothing that is any of your concern, mortal." I snapped, my walls going back up, and he tilted his head.

"…Why?" He said a mere word, yet there was so much emotion put behind it. Sadness, confusion, and weariness.

"Why, what?"

"Why are you like this?" He asked, and I narrowed my eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked my tone becoming colder and harsher.

Why did he have to be so much like Heba? Every time I looked into those amethyst eyes all I could remember was that boy. All I could remember was the pain.

"Why do you seem you want to jump me one second, then hate me the next?" He asked, and it was clear he was growing annoyed. I growled.

"You should refrain from using that tone with me, little one. I am more powerful than you, and I could kill you at any moment." I growled, balling my fist.

"Then you should stop being so damn confusing, Yami!" He said standing, and I jumped up, not willing to let this boy seem bigger than me.

"Then you should stop seeming so much like fucking Heba!" I yelled before I could stop myself. Confusion crossed his face, and I froze for a moment before turning to leave. But a hand grabbed my wrist.

"No! Every time we come close to your past, you always run away! I'm sick and tired of it!" I spun around to face him, yanking my arm from his grasp. I looked at him, pain showing through my eyes as I felt my walls crack a little more

But the next moment, I had my lips suddenly on his. He was frozen with shock as I slowly kissed him. Finally, he let his eyes slipped shut and he kissed back. My heart twisted painfully. I brought a hand up to his cheek while my arm wrapped around his waist. He put his hands on my shoulders, not pulling me closer or pushing me away.

Finally, I pulled away as a tear slid down my face. I leaned my forehead against his, and his violet eyes looked into my crimson with confusion and sympathy.

I hated being weak like this…

I hated being reminded by the pain every time I looked at this boy

I hated how he was able to make my like this.

"Yami…" His soft voice brought me from my daze and I gulped. "What's wrong?"

I broke.

I broke down into sobs, burying my face in his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me. He softly stroked my hair, but said nothing. I gripped his shirt in my fists, as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"It's ok. It'll be ok, Yami." He whispered in my ear.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I mumbled through my sobs.

The last time I cried was… when I lost him.

When I lost my heart.

When I lost Heba.

After a few minutes, I finally calmed down, taking in ragged breathes. I loosened my hold on his shirt, yet I was still shaking.

He let me go, and I fell back on the bench, my back hunched. He sat beside me, close enough that our legs were touching.

"Heba… was my lover." I said finally said after an eternity of silence. Yugi's silence beckoned me on.

"Centuries ago, I was gifted with a slave by a neighboring kingdom, as a peace offering since it was the beginning of the war between us, the demons, and vampires. Well, I was given Heba. He was very untrusting of me at first, and let me tell ya, he was a spitfire." I gave an empty laugh as I recalled memories of him throwing things at me and trying to hide from me. "You and Heba are… alike in many ways. But your also different. He was more fierce than you, and your quieter. He was very forward but he was sweet like you. He had a laugh and smile that made it feel like everything would be ok even if the world was ending. You two have that alike." I saw Yugi blush from the corner of my eye.

"But he was also taller, and he wasn't as thin as you are. He was more head on with fighting, while you prefer to be farther and he was horrible at archery. He preferred a sword over a bow any day. He had tanned skin and his eyes were more of an indigo color, yet they still had the same shape an innocence that yours do. He showed me… how to feel. I… I grew up knowing how to hide everything. Forced to feel nothing and he made me feel something. He showed me what it was like to love." I looked over at him and let out a small sigh.

"But all of that was ruined one day. One cursed day, that I will never forget. I had to leave to go to a major battle in this war, and Heba refused to leave my side. Ra, I wish he did… We were ambushed, and I couldn't protect him. He… He was killed. But in my anger, I killed everyone. And when I held him… That was the last time I saw that smile. But I knew nothing would be ok." I didn't bother holding back my tears. "His last words were… 'Thank you for saving me from the darkness'… and… and I was never the same then. I grew colder. Angrier. My walls were back up. And then… a few months ago… on the fated day you appeared was the anniversary of his death. 517 years…" He looked at me with wide eyes, his jaw slightly opened. I sat up, looking up at the sky once more.

"And your breaking away at my walls and I'm so afraid to lose you. Like I lost Heba all those years ago. Because I know if that happens, I will never be the same. I would just… break. And I'm afraid to let you close yet I want you closer." Before I could say anymore, fingers hooked my chin and turned my head to face Yugi, before lips pressed against mine. I easily shut my eyes and turned my body to face Yugi's. I couldn't decide whether I wanted him closer or if I wanted to push him away, so I just let my hands rest on his hips.

When we pulled away, he smiled sweetly at me, and I felt my stomach twist itself into knots.

"It'll be ok, Yami. I'm sure… it'll all be ok." He whispered softly, and he pulled me into a hug. I faltered slightly, before wrapping my arms around his waist, letting my eyes slip shut.

"And…" He began, "I suppose I should tell you some of my own past…"


I'M SO SORRYYYYYY! I'M A SUCKY ASS AUTHOR IK. I JUST DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO GO WITH THIS STORY AND I JUST HAVE BEEN LAZY AND AAAHHHH! I don't know if I'm going to continue my other stories, but I shall try guys. I'm sorry again for being gone for so long. I hope you all don't hate me and I'm also sorry for any typos. I actually had inspiration, so I wanted to get this written ASAP. And I am going to try and have longer chapters, so yeah.

Also thank you GreenAppleBling, I.C.2014, Guest 1, Ganzademon, Guest 2, and The Queen of Plot Twists for the reviews! Anyways, see ya!


Mystery Out