Akihisa's point of view. I stood there on the school Roof as it fell apart and a larger crack was forming. I saw Hideyoshi's Twin about to fall in to it.

In that moment I ran and jumped pushing her back so she fell forward on to the stable part of the roof while I fell into it and land right on my back! And I blacked out for a moment!

I came to and stood up my back hurt but I'm use to pain I then looked to my right hand where I kept the iron bracelet, the thing was broken and there was a burn around the area it was I held it hurt but I notice a later was put in so I started to climb and there were my class mates all sitting down sadly.

Minami then said, "Well look the idiot is finally up!"

I was confused and I was about to ask but Hideyoshi said, "We lost While the mess you made with that bell was going down Class A's avatars finished ours off! We lost! And look no more iron bracelet!"

I then blinked and said, "yeah I think I got too smart for it!"

Yuuji crossed then said, "So now you too dumb to help with score and too smart for the edge of being able to summon a field. Just great you done forced yourself into a completely useless!"

I was about to say something but Hideyoshi said, "Well he stopped my twin form falling in the whole and getting hurt so thanks I guess!"

I then blinked and said, "Wait no one cares that my back is hurting or the burn on my wrist?" I held the burn rubbing it as Himeji said, "Akihsia your use to it! You are always beaten you are always in pain no one cares anymore! Now what the hell is going on with you and Yuuko!" she screamed hissing.

I was confused and said, "I was just doing the right thing!"

Kouta just looked away and said, "Or maybe you just chose to play hero to win her heart! maybe all the pictures of Hideyoshi you buy you pretend are of Yuuko it won't be that hard!"

Hideyoshi then got in my face and I never seen Hideyoshi look so angry so in rage so dam ugly before in my life, as this venom field words left such a lovely face, "STAY AWAY FORM MY SISTER YOU DAM IDIOT!"

Yuuji then said, "Hideyoshi Akihisa isn't smart enough to plan any of this, Kouta's just joking around!"

I then teared up and ran off away form them jumping over the whole and back into the school with my hands in my pocket, So I get hurt no one cares, I save a girl I am yelled at it! And all anyone cares about is the test wars!

I then kicked something on the ground and said aloud, "so much for friends!" I whipped my eyes I know I go through a lot and I'm only able to stay optimistic because I go at least I have good friends, well so much for that load of crap!

I whipped a tear for my eyes I was just used because I have the avatar that can touch things, and then for the bracelet! I growled as I looked to a burn it wasn't bad but it would still scare! I would still have a remind of it! Of being used!

How couldn't I see it before! I really am a got dam idiot! I then heard a voice and turned!

Change to third person point of view.

Akihsia turned to see Yuuko who said, "listen I'm sorry for what I said I was a total jerk and you still saved me form falling in there. I owe you lot thanks."

Akihsia blinked confused and tear formed in one eye, as he said, "that's the first time any has ever thanked me for anything!"

Yuuko blinked in confusion, "Wait after all the things you have to do for teachers and for your class, not to mention the pain feedback no one once said thank you?"

Akihisa then said, "No!" his voice sound sad as he said, "Look your welcome I was just being a good person which I'm starting to thing is a rare thing. Now I have to go have this burn on my arm form what can only be the iron bracelet braking, and my back checked out. I'm injured and no one cares!"

Yuuko put a hand over her heart, "That's not right surely your parents or maybe your sister would care.

Akihsia then blinked as a tear formed as something hit me.

Return to Akihsia's point of view.

It came to me and I sadly said, "I can't even remember my parents' names or face it's been so long." A tear rolled down my face as I said, "And the only thing my sister cares about is trying to get into my pants."

Yuuko jumped back, in shock and yelled turned white! "SAY WHAT!?" I then teared up and turned saying, "I have to go!"

I then ran crying. I looked back to see Yuuko standing there stunned frozen as I ran away! She was the first person to be nice to me! She was the first person to thank me! In what couldn't have been more than five minutes she's been nicer to me then my so called 'friends and family'

I then cried and ran as I came to my house and tried to open the door but it won't and I saw a note tapped to the door and cried as I read it out loud.

"Akihisa, you failure! Your low grades were one thing, but after getting a report on the damage you caused we no longer wish to have your shame on her family, you were here by kicked out and disowned. Sighed your former family! Go away loser!"

I then just turn and ran crying! So to day I learned my family doesn't and probably never cared! I was just a pawn to everyone in school! And the closest thing to a friend I have is Yuuko, who by way of how the school is set up is supposed to be my enemy!

How sad is my life if my enemy's create me better than my so called loved ones?

I then just fell to my knees noticing I was in a forest, having run here in my blind panic run, and I cried I fell to my hands and knees and cried!

I was crying so hard I just fell over to the ground and rolled over not noticing a rust old spear that was stabbed into a tree stump that my hand knocked out making it fall over and then a glow came and I jumped up and backed away to a tree stump.

From the light stepped out a woman, she was about a foot and a half taller than me dressed in a red kimono no shoes or socks. She had a katana at her side, her logn blond hair flowing in the wind. On top of her head fox like ears twitched as nine blond tails wagged behind her.

I backed away to a tree shaking as she looked at me with these green eyes, that had fox like pupils, she then said, "I am Yuuki Kitsune nine tailed fox demoness and Fox queen! State your name one who has freed me!"

I was shaking as I said, "Akihisa miss Demon!"

The demon lady then walked to me I was scared a demon was before me but she calmly put a hand on my shoulder, "your shaking like a leaf what could damage a kit this badly?"

I was puzzled by her question as she said, "as she said, I asked you something please answer me!"

So I told her my story quickly out of fear of a demon's wrath.

Return to third person point of view.

Yuuki looked down sadly, "Noun of that is right!" She then put her hand to her own chin as she was thinking as she said, "Now young Akihisa as the one who set me free I owe you one wish. If you wish harm to those who have wronged, you say it and I will grant it, but I warn you revenge is double edged poisons sword it cuts and infects you just as much as those you attack."

Akihsia blinked in confusion with tears still in my eyes. "Wait why are you being nice to me you're a demon aren't you suppose to you know?"

Yuki rolled her eyes, "I have you know all the stories about us are things humans made up to justified there hate and fear of things that are different! You know why I was locked up, I came out here for some fresh air and I bend over to pick a flower then next thing I know some human mage sealed me into a stump! All I did was pick a dam flower for crying out loud!"

Akihisa then blinked and said, "that blows."

Yuuki nodded in agreement and said, "My life story isn't what were to talk about it's about you and your one wish. A wish that can change your life and improve it, you could wish for payback or for everyone who pretend to care about you to care or anything else."

Akihisa then said, 'if it takes magic to make them care then it's not worth having them in my life." He then looked down crying as he said, "all I want is someone who honestly cares about me! Can you make that happen?"

Yuuki looked saddened as she pulled him into a hug to let him cry she petted his head as he cried, "let it out! How could anyone do this to a kit. If you want someone who cares I can give it to you. But only in one way. I can adopt you and make you my son, but doing so would mean you would become a hanyou and your body would change to the point your old family would no longer have any form of a claim to you. Your DNA and very soul would be rewritten it will hurt greatly. So I ask if this is still your wish?"

Akihsia looked at her with tears in his eyes, "you've already been more of a mother then my old one! I'll take it!"

Yuuki smiled and said, "then I promise to care for you my new son!" She then kissed his head and Akihsia tell over stunned as fire covered him!

Akihsia's point of view.

It hurts and burns! The flames! I hurt worse than my back injury and the burn on my hand! I could feel my nails being replaced by claws. I felt a tail bursting form my spine which only made my back hurt more!

I felt my ears reshape and moving to the top of my head my face even hurt and my eyes burned, it was the worst pain of my life and that's saying something then it just stopped and I panted I stumbled to my feet I could see my school uniform was covered in ash but not really burnt.

I saw my clawed fingers and the pain on my wrist was no a scar, my back pain was even dying out I looked behind me to my new tail ash brown like my hair with a white tip swinging back and forth I then touched my face feeling what felt like three whisker like marks on the side of my face.

I then looked into a poodle to see my reflection, I did have whisker or at least something like it on my face, but my eyes changed the most, the whites were now black, and the color was glowing golden, with slit pupils.

I then saw my new mother holding my scared wrist sadly as she said,' Son I'm sorry for the pain and about this as this would have scarred you as a human, and the wound was there before the transformation demonic healing can't remove the scar.

I nodded stunned for a moment as she gave me a hug, a motherly hug I closed my eyes and cried first one of this I've ever had.

She then snapped her fingers making a whole open up in thin air as she said, "Now come along let's get to the demon realm it's been thousands of years sense I've been home and you have new family to meet."

She then stepped in and I followed it wasn't what I thought it would look like as the whole closed behind me I was in a forest of trees unnaturally tall ones, with purple leaves! I looked up at the sky a bright orange in color with what looked like a blue sun in the sky.

I blinked it was colorful.

I saw my new mom looking around as she said, "ok now if my sense of direction is right the village is a seven day walk to the north, which gives us all the time we need to teach you how to be a demon. Now come along son we have a long walk ahead of us.

I then followed and said, " yes mother."

To be continued.