Why the little love for Fang x Ethel on this site?! Preposterous! Time to change that!

To get you caught up, this takes place after the event of the Vile God route, and the reason Ethel is 18 and Sherman is 23 its because ADF raised everyone's age by two years for some odd reason.

The first chapter is in Karin's POV, and the remaining will mainly be in Fang's and Ethel's POV!

Italics = Karin's thoughts.


To Teach an Assassin to Love

Karin was preparing her fencer's lunch for school, it became a habit, not that she mind as she enjoys taking care of her partner. She always thought Ethel deserves the best after enduring so much and protecting her back at that facility where Ethel was taught nothing, but to kill. Numbing the sweet warm personality she had back as a child into a bitter cold one. It took time, but she was slowly getting that personality back. But, it wasn't just because of her, it was thanks to those that have also been in her life such as Sherman for example. The man who saved them from a fate in the Human Ranch or perhaps even worse; she was gaining more patience and less hot-headed when others mention her past. Herself and Eryn taught her to care for her things and even smile every now and then. There was one more man, that's been in Ethel's life and little did he know how he would often confuse her poor Ethel. His name was Fang, and he helped teach her to enjoy food and life. However that man was dense, no scratch that, both of them were dense in regards to love. Karin sighs to herself finishing the fox shaped onigiri, and still lost in thought. There was one form of love that she couldn't just give to Ethel, and that is romantic love. Before Eryn came back, she was certain her Ethel would get through that dense fencer that she had feelings for him, but now she had a rival…additionally she was confused with the way she felt about Fang. Much to the kitsune fairy's frustration, she couldn't do much to help Ethel with her troubling love life.

"Karin… I'm hungry," a quiet yet familiar voice called out to her and dragging her out of her thoughts. She turned to see her fencer, however her ruby red eyes were full of thoughts. Probably full of Fang, but Karin kept that thought to herself.

"Oh, there's a apple here. I was just making lunch for you tomorrow, look! I managed to mold the rice to look like a fox head, isn't it cute?" Karin picked up her creation and revealed it to Ethel.

"I like it," Ethel merely commented, a faint smile appearing on her facial features before a frown quickly replaced it as her eyes become clouded once more. "Karin, I want to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"When I see Fang…I feel funny… Like I want to be by his side all the time, but I get scared and run when I see Eryn by him... and then it hurts...it hurts here" Ethel pointed towards her chest where her heart resides before continuing. "It hurts...seeing him with Eryn… Harley… and even Tiara at times, and I can't make the pain go away...Do you know what's happening?"

Oh Ethel… Karin merely thought to herself, she was in love with him, but can't grasp the concept of loving someone with her current mentality. The kitsune merely smiled softly and pulled Ethel into a hug.

"Just leave it to me, okay?" Her blue eyes sparkling with excitement, she had a idea… she just hoped HE would be of assistance. After all if anyone had experience it would be...

"You want me to what?!" Sherman coughed, her request catching him off guard after sipping his cup of tea. He placed his cup down on his plate delicately before looking up at her with his full attention.

"I-I know it sounds weird, but you're the one who...um.. What's the phrase… Experience! You have experience with love don't you?" Karin asked, her eyes lit with curiosity and determination.

"... I believe I had an encounter with love yes, but you want me to teach Ethel how to… love if I'm correct?" The blond inquired, regaining his graceful composure from before.

"I know it sounds rather unorthodox but, if it's anyone that can help Ethel comprehend her new emotions, it's you Sherman" The kitsune smiles at him. He let out a sigh, before responding.

"So she's in love with another, yet because of her past and mentality she can't grasp the concept of love is that correct?" the blond pressed, the request was certainly unusual at the same time he couldn't but, be curious on whom the petite assassin had fallen for. "Additionally if I may inquire, who did Ethel develop those feelings for?"

"It's Fang," Karin replied.

"Why am I not surprised?" Sherman deadpanned, "It doesn't help that he's rather quite dense to other women's' feelings such as Ethel for example,"

"So it looks like I wasn't the only one noticing that," came a light chuckle from Karin, before pausing for a moment. "So...Sherman I want to know what was your first encounter with love like?" She then noticed that Sherman froze at her question. Was it that embarrassing or.. Was it that painful? She thought to herself

"My first encounter…" Sherman began slowly, " It merely came upon me with no chance for myself to prepare. I was overwhelmed with this raw emotion I couldn't fully comprehend, I never felt this way about anyone except for her. The sudden raw desire to protect and be by her side for eternity. The desire… to do what it takes to see her beautiful smile, to hold her when she is sadden, to get angered when harm is done to her... It was maddening and I find myself was flustered by all this overwhelming new desire.."

"Her?" Karin pressed, she will admit to herself that whoever Sherman was this madly in love with was probably dense as Fang was.

"T..That's" Sherman froze up again. Was he...afraid to speak her name or did something bad happen to make him freeze up when reminded of his first encounter with romantic feeling?

"Oh, Lord Sherman! Karin! Greetings!" a soft and familiar voice spoke up, interrupting Sherman from speaking any more. They turn their heads to see a young woman with long light blue hair walk towards them.

"Greetings Tiara, how have you been?" His silver eyes meeting her magenta ones, before making a motion to take a seat at the table they were seated at. Tiara's fairy partner Cui hopped down from her shoulder and onto Sherman's robotic fairy partner known as Ryushin who has been quiet this whole white mammal then rested on top of his head.

"Thank you, and I've been doing very well! The children at the orphanage are just the most sweetest I've ever met. Also they told me they would enjoy another performance from you and your piano if you don't mind," the Vile God shrine maiden spoke as she took a seat across from Sherman and ordered herself a cup of tea.

"I don't mind at all," a smile appeared on Sherman's facial features. "Anyway we were discussing how to get Ethel to comprehend on how to love, and Karin here requested that I would teach her, though I'm not sure how I would go about it"

"Who is she in love with?" The bluette inquired, now curious.

"Fang," both Karin and Sherman replied simultaneously.

"I'm not surprised," was Tiara's response with a similar deadpan look on her face when Sherman first learned about it, but then had a amused look on her face. "How about you take her on a date Lord Sherman, and not a over the top one, just a friendly date. Oh I got an even better idea, we can see how Fang reacts to your date with Ethel. This way we can observe his behavior,"

"...How old is Ethel exactly?" Sherman finally commented, why on earth was he worried about the age difference!? Karin initially thought.

"Well she turned eighteen about four month ago, why?" Karin replied, then panic came to her, she was EIGHTEEN, w...was Sherman going to do what she thought he could do on their 'date'!? She had heard rumors; mainly from Eryn that he was… quite the playboy as she refers him that. But, then again he never made a perverted action when he was bandaging Ethel up or checking on Tiara right after they removed her from the Vile God. After Fang's attempt of 'adult games' she couldn't but, help be wary even towards Sherman.

"Oh that's good, I was concerned by how the public would see us on the fake date. You see I am twenty-three years old and rumors easily spread. This could of cause a negative reaction towards not only me, but Ethel as well and we wouldn't want that" the blonde spoke, easing her fears away.

"How about you ask her when she and Fang are in the same room together?" Tiara suggested, as she was increasingly invested in this game of matchmaking.

"And perhaps bring a jealous reaction out of him, brilliant idea Tiara" Sherman continued where Tiara left off.

"S...So you'll do it?" Karin spoke up, interrupting the two.

"I shall do it," was the blond's response. Tiara stood up after finishing her tea and handing Sherman the gold for her beverage whenever he goes to pay for his own beverage.

"Then let's get to it shall we? Come along Cui!" she smiled, as she took off first with Cui behind. When Karin turn to Sherman, she stayed silent as his gaze was focused on her. His eyes...they full of...love. As it hits her that Tiara is most likely his first love.

"Don't want to keep her waiting" the kitsune spoke up, breaking Sherman out of his trance.

"Ah, yes. Valid point, let's go Ryushin, Karin," Sherman got up and paid for his beverage. As Karin followed him back to Inn they were staying. She almost wanted to bring up Tiara, but seeing him freeze up like that made her not wanting to learn more information about his love life. His love for her is a sore topic it seems.

"Ethel should be getting out of school soon, but what about Fang?" Karin spoke up after a moment of silence between the two.

"If my calculations are correct, he should be in the lobby. I might be able to ask her today if possible" Sherman replied, as they entered the inn. Tiara was sitting on the couch by Fang already in position. Sherman and Karin made their way to sit across from them.

"Greetings Fang, have you been here this whole time?" Sherman first spoke, as Fang turn towards him.

"Well not really, just waiting for Bahus to finish dinner," the brown haired man spoke rather casually.

"SO Sherman, I hope she says yes, since I gave you my blessings to court her," Karin finally decided to speak up.

"Who?" Fang raised an eyebrow.

"Ah yes! I am rather jealous you are asking her out and not me Lord Sherman," Tiara decided to get in on whatever Karin was trying to do.

"It was only a matter of time, she'll say yes I am certain of that" Sherman chuckled seeing Fang even more annoyed and confused. "Speaking of the snow angel, she's here"

As if right on cue, Ethel walked through the main doors of the inn, Sherman smiles and got up from his seat as he heads towards her.

"Ethel how was school today?" He inquired, as she turned to him giving him a silent thumbs up. Karin and Tiara both watching intensely seeing if the blond manages to pull this off. "That's good, by the way would you mind partaking on a date with me?" Going the blunt route it seems...

"A...a date?" Ethel replied confused, she had no idea what was a date was, but she trusts Sherman after he saved her and that's all that mattered.

"Yes, it would be nice wouldn't you think?" he gave her a soft smile, as Karin's eyes widen. What witchcraft was this!? Was Sherman just...that good with women as Eryn stated? He made this look rather easy. Too easy.

"Nice...Okay, I'll go on a date with you Sherman" She heard Ethel's response as she observed Fang's expression. Clearly he heard it, but the expression it was..more sour than his usual look. It looks like it was working for now, but now she hoped the date would bring in a bigger reaction out of him.

To Be Continued . . .

Let this be known, that I do believe Sherman still does have feelings for Tiara as love isn't that easy to get rid of. Also Sherman and Tiara aren't going to be the only ones dragged into this love mess. A certain voluptuous fairyologist and a stoic man will be dragged in as well!

Until Next Time!