On Vongola's private plane to Italy, Tsuna anxiously fidgeted in his seat.

He knew it would happen sooner or later. He knew that his Grandfather wouldn't live for much longer. Time stops for no man and death will always follow every living being until the earth implodes. He just wished it wasn't this soon. At least, he wanted a few years into his inheritance, just to know the elder man he couldn't connect with when he was younger a little more.

But to find out that he could possibly leave this world before he got to take on the title of Vongola Don? Tsuna clutched his clasped hand like in prayer, pressing his forehead with tightly closed eyes.

Reborn watched his student, seeing the thoughts being expressed emotionally on his face. Usually he would reprimand the young boss in training, however that would be inconsiderate, especially since Tsuna never grew up as Mafia material like he did.

The hitman wasn't a stranger to death, as he has caused quite a few, and lived like this his whole life. He knew that everything must end at some point. However, he hadn't forgotten that death is still new to his student. Tsuna had never actually killed anyone.

Byakuran did die in the future, but with him being alive in the present it negates any thoughts of having killed him. Daemon wasn't actually alive at the time, so there's no way he's part of the numbering. Also, no one close to the teen had died (other than Yuni, but she's a similar case to Byakuran) as there is no one else that the Sawada family were close to that weren't part of the mafia someway or another; those that are, are still as energetic as they were in their primes.

So the fact that Timoteo, his dear friend (how strange is that, that they were supposed to be practically the same age if Reborn wasn't cursed at the age of 36), is dying and Tsuna only just begun to reconnect with his Grandfather; there is no telling what effect it would have on Tsuna.

Which is the sole reason he decided to come pick him up himself and not that idiot Iemitsu.

Reborn considered himself the de facto father for Tsuna since he had found out that the idiot CEDEF advisor was sending ridiculous postcards ('Seriously? A postcard of him in a construction suit in Antartica?') to his family. Already, he had designated several bullets to that idiot. A good portion of it before he met the Sawada family. And once he started teaching Tsuna, every new one is added for each ridiculous story he heard from Nana and Tsuna. With the rate he's seen every presents, postcard and heard the excuses that idiot sent them, Reborn is not going to run out any bullets until the next year.

[At HQ, said idiot felt a shiver go down his spine.]

The hitman looked over to the Guardians and friends, who have been quiet thru the trip so far (surprisingly). They all had their own expressions of worry for Tsuna; Kyouya's and Mukuro's being the most elusive. Still, everyone is worried for him.

How lucky could Reborn be to have a student who could bring so many different personalities together and still work. He didn't expect it to work that well when he randomly chosen the Guardians. Then again, he never did expected that the candidates he had chosen as true decedents of the Primo Gen. Either fate decided to bring them together or lady luck really loved him when he arrived in Namimori.

When the plane landed, Reborn led the still dazed Tsuna out to the awaiting limo that drove them to Vongola Mansion with the Guardians following in silence.

It wasn't until they reached the front entryway of the mansion that Tsuna came back to life. He ran quickly through the doors, not bothering to respond to the greetings of the butlers and maids and went to the one place he needed to go to. Thru the maze-like hallways Tsuna finally reached his destination.

Not bothering to knock on the double doors, thick and detailedly carved mahogany wood depicting the Vongola insignia; he pushed it open, noting how heavier it was the last time he had opened it.

The desponded atmosphere is the first thing he registered when he saw the inside. His grandfather's guardians (or what is left of Nono's Generation) scattered about in the room with scowling (worried) Xanxus sitting cross armed beside the master bed. But his eyes zeroed to the person on the bed. Timoteo, looking more frail and paler than usual, cracked opened his eyes to him and gave a small smile.

"What have I told you about knocking before opening Tsunayoshi-kun?" the elder reprimanded lightly as Tsuna went to his side, kneeling by the edge of the bed.

"That it's useless. Only do so when it belongs to a lady," Tsuna recited with a small smile.

"I did say that didn't I," Timoteo chuckled lightly.

"Old man, you better say what you want," Xanxus gruff out.

"Ah, yes…" he looked into his surrogate grandchild's tearing eyes with his own saddened ones. The child, who he had seen as just a little boy has grown to the man he will be because of having no other heirs to take up the Vongola burden. Tsuna, who had to face the hardships, pain, and hate of the Mafia when he could have lived a normal life. If he could change it he would, but alas, he cannot change what has been already done. "I am sorry my child that I cannot be there for your inheritance. I had thought I had longer, but it seems that it is not to be. Even with Vongola Blood, it cannot predict everything. Keep that in mind when leading the Famiglia, yes?"

"I understand, Nonno. As Vongola's Decimo, I will bring back what Primo wanted for Vongola and protect our Famiglia we love. Everything I learned from you, I will not forget."

Timoteo nodded at his response, then looked over to the Decimo Guardians. "Protect Decimo, and do not falter from his side. Protect each other like you would do to a family. You are his elements which the Sky cannot exist without."

"Yes, Nono-sama," most replied but all showed their respect with a bow. Again the elder nodded before looking to his friends.

"I am sorry for leaving so soon, everyone. But I enjoyed our times together."

"As did we Timoteo. Don't worry we will take care of the young boss here," Reborn replied with a small reassuring smirk while Timoteo's Guardian's nodded in response with mourn.

He nodded back before looking to his last son. "Xanxus-"

"You don't need to say anything, old man," he cut in before he could say anything else. "I get it now. I know that you only did what you believed was to protect me. Leave the Vongola to the brat and me. We Varia will do everything to protect them."

Everyone blinked at the acknowledgment from the Varia boss. None had expected him to readily pledge to protect the Decimo despite their clash the first time around.

"Good…that is…good," Timoteo took a breath, closing his eyes. His voice coming just above a whisper now. "Then I have left nothing else to regret. Addio per ora. Fino a quando si vede di nuovo l'un l'altro. La mia Famiglia*."

That was the last words that Timoteo, Vongola Nono, said to his family before passing on.


*Goodbye for now. Until we see each other again. My family.

Sorry, I'm not good with goodbye's or death scenes. It feels a bit choppy but that's all I could come up with. Third part will come in as soon as it is made.

Please read and review!