Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto; have fun with that.

Chapter 11 :: Freedom X Stone X Leaf

Team eight rushed through the forest at the fastest speed they could manage while maintaining consistent vigilance of their surroundings. In a diamond formation Kurenai guided the trio towards Konoha's Border Patrol base of operations. Hinata on left and Naruto on right took up wing positions so as to respond accordingly to an enemy attack. Be that charging towards the front or providing defensive support for Shino who took up the rear.

The squad was eerily quiet as the trio rushed ahead. For most of the team a single surprise racked their minds.

Hinata glanced at Naruto with worry mix with disbelief. Naruto had just killed someone.

As far as she could tell Naruto wasn't even effected by it. That wasn't to say he wasn't worried. Far from it. Even without living with hundreds of Hyuuga who all forced her to read poker-like expressions daily, anyone would have been able to tell how tense and on edge Naruto was.

She watched as Naruto jittered like a squirrel hyped on a cup of coffee. His head twitched left then, right, back again, then up, and back again. Worried he might be suffering from what he had done Hinata opened her mouth to try and help calm him a bit but couldn't find the words she wished to speak. Looking down in disappointment she resigned herself to simply watching out for trouble. Maybe this time she wouldn't stand still in shock and could help Naruto.


Hinata looked up at Naruto and then to Kurenai. Kurenai looked back at Naruto her expression unchanged from earlier. A mix of concern, anxiousness, and worry clouded her eyes.

"Whats the matter?" she asked.

"Well um... are you upset with what I did? You feel really... um, on edge." Naruto stated.

A smile graced her features briefly, lighting the tense atmosphere that surrounded the. "No Naruto, in fact I'm quite proud of your quick response. The moment you identified the danger your responded without hesitation and didn't hold back to protect your team. Although it was reckless and your team wasn't ready to back you up I don't hold that against any of you. Shino and Hinata lack froze purely from lack of experience. With time that hesitation will vanish. You are all after genin and kids even if by societal definitions state your adulthood.

Nodding Naruto jokingly said, "Old enough to kill, right?"

Kurenai face twisted slightly. "I always hated that praise."

Looking at Naruto she asked with slight concern, "Naruto are you handling the situation right now alright?"

Naruto hesitated but nodded with a small smile. "Ojisan taught me that after what I did to just remind myself that I didn't take a life but saved two." A pained expression flashed briefly before Naruto continued, "He did it the first chance he got after that incident."

Kurenai nodded in understanding. Before looking quickly at the other two members. Aside from Hinata's signs of concern which seemed to have been alleviated by their conversation the two fellow members of the team showed no signs of Shell Shock. However they did seem overly whelmed by Naruto's actions. Even Shino's stoic presence seemed to emanate a aggressive and agitated buzzing.

"Naruto" she said regaining his attention. "I'll let you decide whether or not to tell them about that tragic event. Get ready you three we're coming up on the abandoned fort.

Looking and understanding what Kurenai had told him, Naruto could see the stone fortress ruins that Kurenai spoke of.

The Fort was more of a ruin then a fortified base. Naruto pondered if it was once used by samurai but seeing as it could no longer block of hold back any kind of siege without enormous effort to repair it had been abandoned by them long ago. The Moss, vines, and flora that now sprinkled and consumed it however blended the stone structure in perfectly with the fortress providing plenty of hiding spots and cover from prying eyes. No longer suited for Samurai combat the structure now served as a perfectly hidden base of operations for Ninja to do their duty.

"Somethings not right." Kurenai muttered as they approached.

Entering the fort team eight was greeted with an empty venue. Not a trace of life could be found.

"Split up," Kurenai commanded, "Shino, Naruto. You search the west side. Hinata, you come with me. We'll search the east side. If you find something don't shout or draw attention... Naruto. Have Shino call for us with his insects. Stay on guard all of you"

The two members nodded as Naruto rolled his eyes grunting while following in Shino's wake.

Hinata looked at Kurenai anxiously, her nerves trembling violently in the presence of the empty base. "Kurenai-sensei, is splitting up really a good idea?"

Kurenai wished she could say it was, but time was not on their side. Something was clearly wrong and they had no information to inform them of what it was. Iwa ninja attacking on sight, The border patrol missing with what so far looked to be without a struggle, and this strange worry festering within the pit of her stomach. No she couldn't say it was a good idea but what they needed now was a sign. Anything at all to tell them that they should withdraw and report the crisis or push forward to investigate in detail. Smiling she nodded and replacing it with an expression of focus gestured with he hand for her to follow.

She truthfully hated these kinds of choices.

Shino and Naruto made there way silently through the ruins of stone and moss, avoiding vines and other flora that might give away their presence. Naruto called upon all the lessons Kurenai had taught him about stealth as well as his experience involving being stealthy.

Shino who was just behind him suddenly stopped. Naruto noticing this turned to see what was wrong. Quietly Shino pointed to the direction of the northern exit. Nodding Naruto followed after Shino as they went to investigate.

"Shino its just an arch way. Whats the matter?" Naruto asked. Shino had pointed at the arch and was closely examining a crevice that scared the stone structure.

"Look closer. It is unnatural. The stone is decaying and breaking down faster then it should naturally."

Looking at it closer Naruto noticed it as well. That stone itself was breaking apart and withering away as if it was being grinded down by a harsh wind. Naruto looked around and spotted several other instances of the same thing everywhere. Trees which looked to be cut where showing signs as if they cut was becoming larger and wider then before, Severed vines dangling growing shorter and shorter as if something was eating them.

What in the world is going on. Naruto climbed a nearby tree while Shino was using his bugs to investigate the strange marks. From his vantage point Naruto could see what appeared to be a pattern. The "decaying marks" where all over the fort and their seemed to be leading out towards the Iwa border. As Naruto was about to head back down sudden movement off in the distance caught his eye.

On the other side of the ruins Kurenai and Hinata also took notice of the strange damage to the old ruins.

"Well Hinata?"

Hinata merely shook her head. "I can't see anything. There's no chakra at all."

Kurenai allowed her thoughts to ponder as to what was going on. Judging from all the cuts it seemed that there was a fight yet there are still no signs of a struggle.

"What does that mean?"

Kurenai shook her head at Hinata's question. "I don't know Hinata. Something turned within the pit of her stomach, something was definitely wrong yet she didn't know why.

"Hinata lets join up with Naruto and Shino. Perhaps the two of them have found something on their end."

Following after Kurenai Hinata wondered what could have happened to the shinobi stationed here.

It didn't take them long to find Shino who was still investigating the strange signs of damage. Not looking from his work he simple muttered in acknowledge of her presence.

"Sensei. Hinata."

"Find anything Shino?" Kurenai asked to which he gave no sign of response. Standing up he looked at her, "It is very strange. There is damage, unnatural damage to the fort, yet there is no sign of chakra being used to cause it, let alone continue to damage it."

Yeah we saw the same thing on our end." Hinata asked before looking around and meekly asking, Um- Where's Naruto?"

Naruto not giving Shino a chance to talk fell from the sky and landed surprisingly quietly. Though the stone cracked and caused some dust to fly up it was by no means as loud as it could have been.

"Naruto! What are you-" Kurenai started to ask.

"There are survivors!" Naruto shouted as he pointed past the gate. "By a stone ravine a mile or two that way"

Kurenai looked at him her eyes focused on Naruto. "Are you sure Naruto?"

Naruto nodded vigorously. He could clearly see three Konoha Chunin jackets as well as one of their headbands sporting Konoha's mark.

Explaining this Kurenai was left with a decision. The border patrol was clearly attacked. The ruins showed hidden signs of an attack. Iwa ninja had attacked them on the way there. This left her with the assumption that Iwa had attack. However there was no evidence pointing to Iwa. If there where survivors then their survival would be vital as they where a clear witness to the events and could inform them as to what happened.

Looking at her genin reminded her the reason behind her hesitation. She was their sensei, their superior and her responsibility. She knew what she had to do as the potential threat of Iwa attack could very well lead to another Shinobi War. The sooner they recovered evidence the sooner Konoha would know how to react and whether to protect themselves or go on the offensive. Yet...

She shook her head allowing a memory of the previous war to wash over her thoughts. As she recalled the horror and loss that the war brought her home and herself swayed her to make a choice. It was with the final memory of her father that she made her decision.

"Hinata, Naruto, Shino follow closely." She said rush off through the archway.

Following closely behind her the trio pursued after her. As the flew through the forested area it took only a few minutes to reach the area Naruto had spotted the injured Shinobi. The Shinobi in question was laying passed out. A cut the size of a Naruto's forearm was etched into his leg, bleeding profusely.

Hinata rushed forward to help close the wound, cleaning it her water pouch. As the water pored over the wound to clean it Shino stood at the read with Naruto, Unleashing his swarm of insects to form a perimeter with Naruto at the ready to intercept. Kurenai kneeling beside the injured chunin was quickly applying bandages to the would in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

As she applied the bandages the two women found a problem that was quickly escalating. The chunin's wound wasn't improving, it was worsening.

"Sensei... t-the blood is- it isn't stopping." Hinata stammered out.

"Just try to keep the would clean Hinata. Damn-" Kurenai muttered under her breath, "The wound isn't clotting. If we don't stop the bleeding we'll lose him. Shino! How are our surroundings?"

Shino still focusing on his swarm calmly replied, "Clear, there are no enemies within fifty meters, expanding perimeter search."

Naruto listened in with only half an ear. Something was making him uneasy. It was a sense of déjà vu. Naruto felt like this once before. The memory hit him like a punch from Tsunade.

Naruto standing in the forest just near the Academy walking with Ino. Otherwise enjoying the night air. Planning out what they would do once they entered the Academy grounds. The cold crisp air haunting the night as a black assailant sought out his target. Glaring eyes that seek the death of another piercing through his and Ino's backs.


Naruto broke out of his trance in a cold sweat, Kurenai gripping his shoulders. Naruto was hyperventilating his cold sweat seeping into his jumpsuit and jacket.

"Focus Naruto. Do you have any bandages on you we need to stop the bleeding." Kurenai asked sternly.

Regaining his senses Naruto nodded. Pulling a paper tag which transformed into a series of bandages with a puff of smoke. Handing them over Naruto's eyes glazed over slightly as he fought back the back breaking unease that shadowed his actions. As he handed the bandages over he saw the chunin struggling in he unconscious state to stay alive.

As Naruto stared at him the sight of a bloody and dying Ino replaced the wounded Chunin. Naruto's eyes widened and he quickly turned around squeezing them shut. "It's not real-" he told himself, "Ojisan said that it wasn't my fault, I did the best that I could. She's alive, my actions may have hurt her but she was alive. I killed but it wasn't because I wanted to. I did it so they could live. Your not at fault, Focus! It- it's not real."

As Naruto fought with his inner most thoughts a sudden chill halted all worries he had. Instantly they turned into panic as Naruto felt as sudden presence of piercing eyes that mirrored death. A gaze looking for the death of another.

Naruto jolted into his stance facing what he believed to be the source of the gaze. "Shino!" was all Naruto could manage to get out. The gaze was unpleasantly similar to the one he felt that night. While the gaze that night wanted to revel in the thralls of killing this one was cold and felt focused... bored.

Before Naruto could even respond and speak to warn Shino that something was coming. A girl came flying through the forest at blistering speed. Her body smashed into Shino knocking him out as he crashed into the giant bolder that the injured Ninja was leaning against.


Rising from her position Hinata went to check on Shino as concern consuming her thoughts. Naruto swallowing the rising panic in his mind stood ready behind Kurenai who took position in front of him.

"Shino is Hinata okay?"

Seeing as she was only dazed Shino nodded. "She is alright. Just knocked out."

Naruto let out a sigh of relief before refocusing on the still looming danger approaching them. While Naruto was fully focused on the shadows within the forest, Kurenai found her attention spit between the unknown and the girl that had come flying into Hinata.

"That's an Iwa shinobi." Kurenai realized. Glancing over her body it was clear the girl had been roughed up and attacked. "Wasn't Iwa attacking? Was the fort attacked by a third party?" As if to answer her question an arrogant voice nonchalantly called their attention.

"Damn more of you. Geez you think Iwa was a breeding farm or something for ninja. Hold on a second, aren't those leaf outfits on ya? Damn it, not again. You punks aren't gonna attack me like the last group are you?"

Waltzing forward toward the team stood a single man wielding two long weapons. A single intricate blood red weapon in his right hand, and single dark-silver weapon with a mirror like polish to it.

"What kind of weapons are those?" Naruto asked aloud practically shouting it.

"Those are spears Naruto, weapons which have a long reach and a sharp blade at the end. They're rarely used in the Elemental Nations though since they originate far toward the west. " Kurenai answered. Turning to face the apparently young man she demanded, "Who are you? Why are you attacking?"

"Name's Lancer. As for why I'm attacking, well I'm not –" He answered pointing his red spear directly at the girl that was sent flying. I'm not really attacking anyone except those who attacked me and have what I'm looking for."

"And what might I ask are you looking for?"

Snickering at Kurenai's question he answered, "Information."


"Maybe you have some." Lancer continued, ignoring Kurenai's question. "Tell me, what do you know about a person called Deidara?"

"The Terrorist Bomber?"

"That's the one, or so I'm guessing. Know anything about him?"

"Only that he is not apart of Konoha and that he's a wanted terrorist."

Lancer slouched down into a crouch as he sighted out loud. He was clearly disappointing almost looking gloomy as he stared at the ground. "Damn, and here I was hoping to get something solid. Well no matter the kid is knocked out so asking her shouldn't be too much of a problem."

Kurenai realizing his goal and subconsciously moved to position herself between the unconscious girl and Lancer. "Why are you after this child?"

Lancer held back a laugh. "Simple. She knows Deidara and I want that info. My illusive boss wants that information. Supposedly the punks joined this Akatsuki group and wants more intelligence on them."

Kurenai eye's nearly gave away her surprise and interest but luckily it appeared Lancer didn't seem to notice. Calming herself Kurenai tried to learn as much as she could about this man. Jiraiya had warned her about the group that was hunting down the tailed beasts. Seeing as they would be after Naruto at some point he believed she should be told the risks of teaching and leading Naruto on missions. To his surprise and pleasure Kurenai accepted the risks promising to keep Naruto safe no matter the cost.

"You see the boss doesn't like this group apparently and wants whatever intel he can get on them. And judging from you reaction-" Lancer grinned mockingly, "You know something about them."

Kurenai jumped in her skin, cursing her own carelessness for giving away her reaction to the knowledge of Akatsuki like a rank amateur.

Rising up, leading with his right foot lance held back his spears taking an offensive posture against Kurenai. "Pretty sure it's pointless to ask but mind telling me what you know about them?"

Kurenai hesitated for a moment raising her hand to Naruto who had slowly been inching his way closer to support her. "Naruto step back and look after those four behind you.

He looked at the two girls, Shino and the still bleeding Chunin. Every instinct in his body screamed at him to fight with her. Even as a distraction he could help her. However one look into her eyes killed this desire and he back off. Naruto had seen that look before on Jiriaya one before a long time ago though at the time Naruto himself was a mess and barely aware of anything going on. "Sensei, I can also... no I understand." Naruto started to say still wanting to help but submissively followed her orders.

Stepping back Naruto watched as Kurenai began casting a genjutsu before instantly vanishing in a spiraling gale of wind.

"That's what I thought." Lancer declared as he advanced with his silver lance, lunging forward her sought to strike where Kurenai had been standing. At the last second Kurenai evaded the strike in time to watch as the silver lance visible cut through her jutsu revealing her presence if only for a moment.

Grinning Lancer spun his silver lance in his hand to better grip the tail end before making a sweeping motion at Kurenai. The lance cut through her jutsu completely revealing her form much to her dismay.

Not taking a second to hesitate lest she be caught off guard Kurenai went through a series of hand signs which causing several vines to sprout from the ground and lunge at Lancer to bind him within their grasp. In a flurry of strikes and whirling blades Lance cut though the vines seeking to bind him before backing off enough to perform another sweeping motion with his silver lance while the red one fended off the plants. The moment he swung his silver lance, the vines vanished and a smile of enjoyment graced his lips.

"Genjutsu huh? And not that bad either. Quite impressive. The last Genjutsu fighter I went up against was a completely disappointing. Didn't even last two minutes against my Kurogin (Black Silver)." Lancer praised. "Lets see how well you do."

"That spear. It cut apart my jutsu?" Kurenai muttered aloud more to herself then anyone present.

She had never heard of such a weapon before. The weapon alone put her at a disadvantage but even worse was the fact that it's owner was clearly a close combat type who focus on speed and precise strikes. Without her genjutsu's usual effectiveness she would be at a clear disadvantage if she couldn't miss lead him.

As the two continued to dance Kurenai found herself having difficulty keeping out of his reach. Even with multiple tricks and deceptions Lance dodged, blocked, and evaded her attacks with ease. Even invisible the man seemed to be able to see exactly were she was and use his spears to deflect any incoming attack. And when his spears where occupied with her vines when that managed to catch him off guard he's simple evaded the oncoming attack with quick footwork and acrobatics.

For Kurenai the worst part of all was his ability to cut through her genjutsu. This alone made him far more troublesome opponent. Given enough breathing space the man would have no trouble beating her. As such she was left with trying to keep him off balance and pressured at all times.

Judging from his reactions the man himself impressed Kurenai as she had to admit that his combat experienced was frighteningly good, possessing a battle sense that seemed to predict her actions as she planned them. His experience reminded her of one of her sparing matches with Asuma.

Putting her hands together in the sign of the rat, Kurenai created no less then fourteen clones of herself while simultaneously creating the illusion that a smoke bomb went off.

Lancer no longer smiling seemed disappointed. "Is that all you got? I already told you-" clearly irritated that Kurenai was a one trick pony, "-Such cheap tricks won't work against my Kurogin!" Lancer declared as he swung his spear violently creating a strong breeze that seemed to blow away the illusions, all with the exception of one.

"Impossible..." Lancer muttered out as the grey smokescreen remained looming over himself and his lance. No sooner did he drop his guard Kurenai appeared beneath him with a kunai aim straight for his throat.

Naruto watched entranced as Kurenai went for his throat. "She did it!" He exclaimed prematurely.

Unfortunately Lancer seeing the threat bent almost in half, dodging with a simple back-flipped as Kurenai's blade cut harmlessly where he had stood. Reeling backward Lancer readied to counter attack only to feel the cold embrace of Kurenai's Kunai as it plunged into his back. Feeling the blade Lancer spun around swinging at the air as Kurenai dodge gracefully out of his way.

Spontaneously to the surprise of all those awake and aware Lancer started laughing. It wasn't the laughter of a mad man though given the situation it could have been interpreted as such. No, it was laughter born from the wind coming straight from ones stomach. A joyous kind of laughter. There he stood with a blade in his back laughing like someone had told him the most life altering joke imaginable.

"That's more like it! I didn't even see that coming and I should have." He bellowed out. "You used smoke bombs along with an illusionary smokescreen. And even boldly used a clone jutsu to catch me further off guard by getting in close." Lancer continued to laugh clutching his stomach as he rested his silver lance on his shoulder while placing the red one on the ground.

"You're a lot more capable then those I fought earlier. While they died because they attacked me, there is no way I'm gonna hold back against someone like you now."

He found it humorous. He had dodged right into her real attack and all because he looked down on her. After placing his crimson lance down her grabbed his silver one in his right hand. Widening his stance he held his lance by the haft behind him pointing downward while pacing his left hand on the ground in front of him. Low to the ground his stance screamed of an impending full speed jab with his lance.

Kurenai taking in her surroundings quick confirmed that her team was not behind her thus at risk of his strike, readied to counter it with several illusions.

Shino currently watching the fight glanced at Naruto who was also still watching. Naruto too enthralled with the high level battle taking place before him, to which he believed Kurenai was winning, failed to notice a physical warning that had presented itself that something was about to happen. His body for but a brief moment shivered. Not due to nerves, nor sensory input. No it was his chakra and Shino's insect picked up on this sudden spike just Lancer charged at Kurenai.

Faster then either of the two could follow, Lancer jabbed straight through Kurenai practically teleportation in front of her. As he pierced her a log replaced her corpse like body as she shimmered into existence with several kunai already in mid flight toward Lancer. With the sound of flesh sputtering the kunai landed their mark bringing Lancer to his knee.

Shino who had just gained awareness of what was happening mere seconds before managed to mutter aloud. "Kurenai-sensei won."

Shino relaxed causing the tension in his shoulders to visibly bleed out. It was painfully obvious how the situation had left him on Edge. Hinata who had just came to be conscious and who had quickly sized up the that Kurenai had been fighting off a powerful enemy was visibly happy. Naruto who to relaxed quickly seized up as the sudden realization that a his body was screaming at him. His cells screaming at him to move as every inch of his body simultaneously itched and ached at the same time.

Naruto wasn't given the opportunity to figure out why either as shier horror clouded his thoughts. He watched as Kurenai clutched her stomach as a coat of red painted her white outfit a deep crimson. Blood dripped down her body as she fell to the ground clutching her gut. Shino and Naruto stood paralyzed as Lancer stood up pulling the kunai within his reach out of his back.

"Well can't say that wasn't enjoyable but it can't be helped." he declared, turning around to watch Kurenai bleed out. "Can you feel it, your own chakra stagnating within your body. I've felt it before myself. Pretty uncomfortable right?"

As Kurenai struggled back to her feet, Lancer, holding out his silver spear boasted, "This spear is called Kurogin and as you guessed can cut down any chakra it touches." Charging towards her he shouted "Too bad you miss-interpreted what that meant!"

Kurenai, too wounded to evade complete allowed the spear to clip her shoulder. Brushing up against her ear Lancer stated calmly a clearly. "But Kurogin isn't the reason you lost. The reason you lost is because you didn't focus on Kurenai there."

As lancer jumped backward away from her, Kurenai noticed the glimmer of wire shine in the corner of her eye. Realization hit her full force as she summoned all of her strength to dodge what she knew was coming.

Lancer pulling the wire with full force summoned forth the crimson spear that he had place down on the ground. The spear now hurtling straight toward Kurenai shined menacingly in the suns rays. Using all of her strength she was able to move enough. While she wouldn't have dodged completely she would escape with not but a minor scratch.

As the spear approached Kurenai, Lancer frowned giving the wire one last tug.

To his surprise however the blade did not touch Kurenai. In fact to everyone's surprise, including Kurenai it didn't hit her. Naruto in a sudden panic had lunged forward and kicked the spear tail end causing it to diverge away from Kurenai and toward Lancer who caught it in his hands.

"Naruto! What are you doing! I told you to watch after Shino and the injured. Go back and protect them."

Naruto, standing before Kurenai was shaking from head to toe. Every cell in his body yelling at him to do as Kurenai commanded. Encouraging him to do so. But it wasn't out of fear. Naruto's body didn't shake from fear, it shook as if warning him of the threat before him. Naruto could feel it, a dark feeling emanating from the crimson spear far greater then that of the silver spear Lancer called Kurogin.

While his senses screamed at him of the danger involved in taking action, Naruto himself was ready to act upon his instincts. The very instincts which instructed him to protect his comrades. And protect them he would.

Lancer stared at his spear and then back at Naruto. "Did this kid...?" He wondered as he replayed the blonds spectacular entrance. At the speed it was moving, even Naruto could have caught the spear. But no, Naruto kicked it, and of all places he kicked it near the center away from the bladed edge. Lancer doubted it was possible but couldn't shake the thought that maybe the kid did realize Kurenai's mistake.

With spear in hand he charged Naruto, the kunai in his back and the numerous injuries from fighting Iwa ninja slowing him down, thrust the crimson spear at him. Naruto dodged it and moved out of the way. Another thrust and Naruto kicked it down and away. Lancer brought around his silver spear this time cutting Naruto.

Naruto however didn't flinch and through a punch right into his gut causing him to stagger slightly. Thrusting with his red spear again Naruto dodged again by jumping far out of its reach. Swinging Kurogin around he made ready to hit Naruto with the silver spear and watched as Naruto let the spear hit him. Ignoring the spear itself Naruto threw out his right hand seizing opportunity, he grabbed lancer.

The seal on his palm activated and paralyzed Lancer in place. Naruto who during all of this had been ignoring Kurenai's orders to withdraw stared at her with a cold and calculated glare. Turning to Hinata and Shino Naruto shouted with a cold finality to his voice. "Shino! Hinata! Take Kurenai and that chunin and run!"

"Wha!?" Kurenai gasped out as the sudden motion of shock caused her to sputter out more blood both from there mouth and her gut.

"Naruto we can't leave you!" Hinata cried out.

"Shut up and do as I say. He's out of our league and Kurenai's too wounded to fight him. I can hold him here but I don't know how long my jutsu will last." Naruto shouted. "Do as I say and go! If you stay we'll all die. His red spear is dangerous. If we let it touch us I'm certain we'll die, dattebayo! Please!

Shino calmly taking in everything made no indication of his movements as he rushed over to Kurenai. Kneeling beside her he unleashed a swarm of bug which encircled Naruto.

Applying a cloth to Kurenai's wound he lifted her up using his shoulder to support her weight. Glancing over at the chunin they had been tending to he focused his gaze back onto Hinata.

Not glance at Naruto he said calmly, "My insects will try to help you as best they can."

Carrying Kurenai with him her returned to where Hinata was and pulled her up by the arm. "Hinata we have to go."

Before Hinata could even argue he dragged the two of them into the forest and out of sight.

Naruto sighed in relief as he refocused his gaze on Lancer. Naruto watched as Lancers face greeted him with a smile, eerily similar to the one he shared with Kurenai earlier. "You're different-" Lancer stated, "I don't know how but you're different aren't you? You really think you'll fair any better then you sensei?"

Naruto looked at the spear and then at Lancer. "Don't know really." Naruto admitted but grinning madly said, "But I have you pinned her for now. Not sure what will happen until I try."

Lancer frowned at this. "Pinned?" he asked. Breaking Naruto's jutsu will easy her jerked his arm raising his spear up he pointed it at Naruto. "And here I had such hopes for you." he muttered disappointingly.

As he brought his red spear down on him, Naruto jokingly chuckled, "Oh well." as if he was as disappointed in himself as lancer was. Biting his tongue Naruto opened his mouth and spat a mandarin sized ball of paper which hit Lancer square in the face.

Before Lancer could guess what had hit him, Naruto had released him leaving him further stupefied. This single second of uncertainty was all Naruto needed as the ball of paper instantly ignited. Naruto rushing over the ravine, grabbed the Iwa ninja in his haste to shield her from the enormous explosion that was spawned behind him. Falling down into the ravine Naruto's last sight before blacking out was that of the roaring flames surging over the chasm.

Shino now supported by Hinata carried Kurenai who had passed out from blood loss. Watched as the wall of fire surged after them. Using a is insects Shino commanded them and created a wall to shield them from the flames. Successfully diverting the wave of fire Shino looked over his should for but a moment before refocusing on evacuating Kurenai.

"Shino do you think Naruto-kun is-" Hinata started to ask, unable to finish.

"His chances are poor-" Shino replied, "-but I don't think that explosion would do him in. If Naruto can't hold him at bay then that blast was his all or nothing gambit."

Hinata cringed at this truth before asking, "What about the Chunin we found, do you think he was caught in the blast?"

Although Hinata knew that was most certainly the case she felt like she had to ask anyway. Shino's response was not what she wanted to hear.

"I'm certain it did. It doesn't matter though. Why, because he was already dead before we even left."

Hinata looked down in pain. They couldn't save him. And Shino's answer confirmed that the girl that had knocked her out was most certainly caught in the blast. Despite everything they would all powerless. Even Naruto who had stopped Lancer was forced to use what Shino believed to be his "all or nothing gambit".

"There's a cave up ahead." Shino stated breaking Hinata from her thoughts. "We should hide there while we recover."

"But Naruto is.." Hinata began to argue.

"Is holding the enemy off. Kurenai is on the verge of dying if we don't treat her. You yourself are currently still reeling from your collision and most likely unable to use you byakugan at the moment. And I myself have lost over seventy percent of my colony protecting us form that blast." Shino stated in all seriousness. "We are in no condition to help Naruto right now. Even powerless against the enemy Naruto is distracting him so we can recover. If we are to help Naruto we must believe he has a plan and that we can recover fast enough and soon enough to help him. Why, because all of us are a liability to Naruto right now and going back would only lead us to our deaths."

"Shino is right..." Kurenai managed to mumble out.

"Sensei!" "Kurenai-sensei!"

Kurenai having regained a brief moment of consciousness spoke in ruff and haggard breaths. "Naruto's actions were in hindsight the right course of action. It seems Lancer struck one of my veins. The bleeding is worse then I thought. If what Lancer whispered to me is true then Naruto knew that that red spear was far more dangerous. If we want to help Naruto we have to recover. Even if he didn't survive, if we go back now his sacrifice will have been in vain."

Hinata still hesitant nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry Hinata. I doubt Naruto actually though he could hold off Lancer for long. That blast you mentioned might very well be the indication that he has escaped himself. He's not the type to go down with the enemy. I'm sure he's still alive." Kurenai said.

Hinata nodded feeling more confident that Naruto was still alive and well.

Shino on the other hand had something bugging him. Something that from what he knew about Naruto didn't quite make sense. Something that Kurenai mentioned that didn't seem to fit the situation.

"Sensei? What makes you think Naruto knew that that red spear was dangerous. How would he have known?" he asked.

"Simple," she coughed out as more blood left her lungs leaving her wonder just how many organs lancers spear hit. "Disregarding the information Lancer whispered to me. -cough cough- I think Naruto might be a sensor type."

"K... Ki...Hey..id..."

Naruto awoke to a voice shouting at him. His head was woozy and he felt light headed. He didn't know where he was of what was going on but as he slowly came to so did the clarity of the voice.

"Oy! Kid wake up!"

Naruto quickly recognized the voice. Shooting upward Naruto was surprised to see that he was at the bottom of a Ravine. His surprise ended just as quickly as Naruto's vision quickly began to swim within his eyes. Grabbing his head Naruto could feel a luke warm liquid above his eye.

"Bout time you woke up!"

"Kyu?" Naruto asked aloud. This was the first time he had communicated with the fox without entering his mindscape.

"I told you not to... ughh never mind. Hurry up and patch yourself up. If you leave those wounds alone any longer you'll end up like that stupid instructor of yours." the fox instructed.

Looking down at himself Naruto was surprised to see he was sitting in a small puddle of his own blood. Removing his jacket Naruto was shocked to see that a few of the more serious wounds he received from Kurogin were still bleeding out and while the remainder had left numerous scars.

Naruto was shocked to say the least. He had never had scars before. Even when he pushed himself too far.

"Why am I not healing normally?"

"That spear of his disrupts chakra and cuts it apart. Since you healing normal healing is caused by chakra it makes sense that your injuries aren't healing normally." The Kyuubi answered a-matter-a-factly.

"Makes sense I guess." Naruto muttered as he looked down. Beside him was the Iwa ninja that he had grabbed just as the explosion ignited Lancer. Realizing that he didn't know for how long he was out nor if Lancer was truly done for, Naruto picked up the girl and carrying her on his back started moving.

He didn't know where he was going but he knew that if he stayed put the chances of Lancer or another threat finding him would be greater. Injured and bleed out as he was, Naruto knew he wouldn't do very well in a fight.

As he walked Naruto noticed how quiet the Kyuubi had become a smirked a little. Judging from his wounds the Kyuubi had clearly helped close many of them as well as the injury to his head. Silently he thanked the fox.

For the rest of the day Naruto walked, carrying the unconscious girl on his back. While he traveled Naruto succeeded in avoiding detection which normally would have been no easy feet, even for him. There where at the least a dozen Iwa ninja flying all over the place and one misstep could have been the end for Naruto.

A leaf shinobi behind the border after said border was attacked was just asking for trouble. Especially with it being the Leaf hating Iwa shinobi. To his benefit Naruto had an advantage. By following his gut feelings he could tell when and from which direction and enemy ninja was coming from. Naruto slowly began to realize that when he felt a dark gaze press against him it meant an enemy was near. The sensation was different from time to time but in the end each sensation was While hiding with his transparency escape jutsu Naruto was left with plenty of time to think to himself.

His mind was plagued with plenty of questions. Most of these questions were centered around this strange feeling he had whenever a enemy was approaching. Was it a new ability caused by the Kyuubi within him? How did he get it and what was it exactly? Was this what it was like to be a sensor? Naruto shook his head at that thought. He had read plenty about Sensory types ever since he heard his grandmother was one from Jiraiya.

He knew sensory type ninja could gauge an enemy's strength and location simply by their chakra. It was similar to having a third eye that showed you an overview of your enemies locations within ones head, or so one expert described the skill as.

Yet Naruto knew what he was sensing wasn't chakra. Especially not the long range visual depictions that the books he had read described to him.

Pushing his curiosity aside, knowing he wasn't going to get any answers while hiding in a bush Naruto continued walking to avoid confrontation. Kurenai's lessons whispering reassuringly in the back of his mind.

He hoped Kurenai was okay as well as Shino and Hinata. Naruto knew he couldn't have bought them enough time to escape the range of his special paper bomb. All he could do was hope Shino could protect them and that Hinata could guide them to safety.

With the setting sun descending upon him faster then the ninja in his surroundings Naruto quickly located a place for himself and the girl to rest and recover. Finding a cavern in the mountain side Naruto laid the girl down and started to patch her up. Making a shadow clone he continued to care.

As the Clone made his way towards the cave entrance it observed the setting sun and quietly transformed into a wall hiding the cavern from sight.

A few miles away Shino was desperately fighting against a progressively worsening situation. A small wound on Kurenai's arm was progressively worsening and refused to stop bleeding. Hinata couldn't tell what was wrong and was clearly shaken by it. Even with her eyes all she could tell was that some foreign chakra along with her own was preventing her from healing.

"Shino, do you think Kurenai will be okay?" Hinata asked.

Shino remained silent as he racked his brain searching for a solution to their problem. He knew that if nothing was done Kurenai was sure to bleed out. Raising his arm a small swarm emerged as he tried to eat away the chakra that was hindering her healing. While it didn't stop the injury from worsening it was showing signs of slowing down.

"She'll make it for now. However if we don't do something about this infliction I don't think Kurenai-sensei will make it." Shino stated.

Hinata nodded solemnly. "What about Naruto-kun?"

"Naruto is fine."

Hinata looked up in surprise. "You found him?"

"No – and that's why I'm sure he's alright."

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked.

"What I mean is the fact that there is no sign of Naruto. If Naruto was in any trouble my insects would have spotted it. Naruto after all isn't the most subtle member of the team.

"Isn't that the truth."

Hinata and Shino nearly jumped out of their skin as Jiraiya walked up behind them.

"Lord Jiraiya. How did you-" Hinata asked before Mikon interrupted by answering her.

"Wasn't easy. We would have found you hours ago if not for the burning crater. Kinda wish I could have seen the explosion. It looked and sound like it was pretty awesome." Mikon shouted aloud with a dreamy look on her face.

Droping his fist on her head Jiraiya scowled at her. "Focus."

Looking at Kurenai, Jiraiya looked concerned as he focused on Kurenai's injury. Looking back at Shino he asked, "The situation is dire but I need to know one thing first, Did Naruto survive his fight against Lancer?"

Lancer possesses two spears, Kurogin or Black Silver is his silver colored lance and is able to cut through and dispel any jutsu or chakra it touches. Kurenai aka Deep Red is his crimson spear and is a cursed spear. Anything cut by Kurenai (the spear) will be cursed. The "wound" caused by Kurenai will become progressively worse and prevents wounds from naturally healing.

Normally I had more to write but I'm half dead so sorry but for those who wanted me to add some more details here please forgive me as I'm heavily winded and want to keep my end of the month posting.

December is gonna be heavy up until the 17th so yeah won't have a lot of free time to spell check and auto current this chapter and my last few chapters.

Currently fighting a migraine but don't let that stop your reviewing. I am having trouble with outward messages so if I don't reply know that I did and have looked at what you all have to say. Means a lot and I love the feed back.
