"Your trunks are already in your rooms. You will find that the Founder Rooms has passageways to all the Common Rooms. Lord Potter-Black, your things were placed in Slytherin's room. You will find that the room also has a passageway to the Chamber of Secrets." Lady Hogwarts smiled. "Your things were initially put in Griffyndor's room but were transferred to Slytherin's. Each room has their own separate mini office and library with a portrait of the Founder that it belongs to. Neville, you can only access the Hufflepuff rooms. However, Lord-Potter may allow you into the other rooms with him present. The main common area has a huge portrait with all four Founders." As she stopped on the 7th floor.

Harry noticed that they were walking in the opposite direction of the Room of Requirement. They reached the end of the hall when a door suddenly appeared bearing the Hogwarts crest. "There is no password. The door will not appear till you are near it. It will only open at your touch. I wish you a good night."

The boys were settled and sitting in the common room. "I see that you are my heir. So why have you not called family magic to judge the head of house?"

"I have disowned Tom Riddle Jr." Harry looked at Salazar confusedly.

"My house is for the preservation of all magical blood." He replied.

"We are taught that you left because you only wanted those of pure magical blood to attend the school. You hated muggleborn and halfbloods as well as magical creatures." Neville stated.

"That is an outrage." Rowena hollered.

"Salazar left because he wanted to rip the muggleborns from their parents, and if they did not want to leave to permanently bind their magic and wipe out all knowledge of magic." Godric stated.

"It was a sound idea. The Burning Times were just starting and got worse over the years. It would have saved many children and their families. My wife was a muggleborn. I loved magical creatures. My sister even married a werewolf. One of my children was a basilisk." Salazar huffed.

"I am sorry for killing her." Harry looked down at his hands.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I understood. It is why we allowed the sword to appear out of the hat. I knew that she needed to die. The bastard Riddle destroyed her." Salazar frowned.

"You are Lord Peverell correct?" Rowena stated.


"Then you call all Peverell family heirlooms to you. One is the Gaunt Lord ring that is using the Resurrection stone which was supposed to be passed down the Ignotious Peverell line along with the Elder Wand."

"I do not want to be the Master of Death." Harry huffed.

"Then make a deal returning all three items to death in return for him to claim all of Riddle horcruxes." Rowena stated.

"It might work." Neville shrugged.

"You will need to move fast Dumbledore is about to find the Gaunt family ring." Helga stated.

"I did not know it could be that simple. I will think about it tonight." Harry wished everyone a good night. He quickly went to his desk and began writing letters.

"Do you know why your things were moved from the Gryffindor room?" Salazar stepped into the painting.


"The Peverell's married into the Slytherin line as well as the Potter line with the last Peverell taking on the last name of Potter. Those two lines converged with you being the first born with Peverell magic since the three brothers. However, the main reason is that the basilisk you killed was my daughter. She had my blood and magic running through her veins. It made you my son when the fang and her blood mixed with yours. Which is why I do not understand why you only received the heir ring. You should have received the Lord's ring." Salazar spoke.

"I am not sure what to say. Unless you are not actually dead like Riddle making you still the Lord. I just do not know. I just know when it comes to me nothing is normal or impossible." Harry sighed.

"Why do you say that?"

"I do not say it. Everyone says it or thinks it, even the goblins." Harry huffed.

"Why do you not tell me about yourself?" Harry curled up on the couch in front of the fire and began to tell his story till he fell asleep.

He woke up with a stiff shoulder and neck from sleeping on the couch. He could not believe that he was back at Hogwarts and sharing a room with Salazar so to speak.

"Good morning, my son. I have thought about your story. You remind me of the stories about Merlin. He had a similar life to yours."

Harry sat up and looked up at the painting. "How do your portraits functions?"

"They are a part of Hogwarts. We take from her magic and knowledge."

"So, it is not the same as the other portraits that wake after their death. Was the draught of living death around in your time?"

"I was working on it when I left Hogwarts. I feel in love with a muggle who got ill with what you call cancer. I wanted to prevent her death till I could find a cure for it. After I left the castle, I recall not of what happened. I only heard when Hogwarts received the news of my death. I do know our bodies are buried within the castle."

"Hmmm. I need to think on something. I will get back to you."

Harry left the room and continued to the common room where Neville was talking to the other founders. "I think Lady Rowena is right. I think you should recall all the Peverell items and try to make a deal with Death."

"Fine. I will attempt to make a deal with Death; however, first I want to go to breakfast before I have to meet the goblins."

We walked into the Great Hall. We could tell that Lady Hogwarts was not happy. Harry proceed to walk up to the table. "Lady Hogwarts, I request your permission to allow the goblins into Hogwarts to harvest the basilisk that is in the Chamber."

"You have my permission. I know that is your to do as you see fit but what are your plans for it."

"I plan many personal things for it, but half of it will be sold and half put into a fund for Hogwarts to use and the other half will be split with all those that were petrified by the basilisk."

"It is very generous of you. I can assure you that Hogwarts can use the funds." She leaned closer and whispered. "You are correct in your assumptions. However, you must be aware that you are what you do not want to be though they are not in your possession."

Harry frowned and nodded. He walked back towards Neville and indicated that he would talk to him later. Soon, they were leaving to meet the goblins. Once they reached the Myrtle's bathroom, Harry also noted the Slytherins that were waiting.

Harry walked up to the sink and hissed, "Open." Neville noticed how several of the Slytherins shivered. Once it opened, he hissed the words, "Stairs and lights." The stairs slowly formed. Harry walked down the stairs first. He slowly moved to the collapsed wall. "Repair." He hissed. Everyone watched as the wall repaired itself. Harry explained how it collapsed. The goblins were picking up the shed skin.

Harry opened another door. He began walking into the main part of the chamber. He did not notice that no one was following him. "Um…Harry." Neville stated. Harry stopped and turned. He noticed that everyone was further back and stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"I think you underestimated the size of the snake."

"Well what do you expect? The last time I was down here, I was 12 and extremely frightened. Even then, I thought it was really huge. I even stated it as such." He turned and continued walking towards the statue. "Open the greatest of the Hogwarts four." The mouth opened and Harry began walking into it.

He continued walking till he noticed a cavern one with a large tunnel and a smaller one. He walked down the smaller. He came to a door. He placed his hand on the door. It pricked his hand. The door opened. He turned and again there was no one behind him. He sighed and walked back out to the main chamber.

He watched as everyone was studying the large basilisk. "It is dead. What is great about it now?" Harry sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It is the largest basilisk in recorded history not to mention the oldest." Blaise stated with awe.

"It petrified students and ghosts. It killed Moaning Myrtle. I see nothing special about it now." Harry shrugged.

"How about the hundreds of millions of galleons you will get once it is sold?" A goblin stated.

"It matters not to me. I do not need the funds. I need the chamber cleaned, but first it must be gone." Harry stated flatly.

"Can I have a tooth?" Draco asked.

"Drain any venom from all but one tooth. Then let each of them have one and put the one not drained in a box in my vault" Harry stated towards the goblin leader, who nodded his understanding. "Now do you want to see Slytherin's chamber, or do you just want to watch them carve up the snake?"