War… war never changes.

200 years ago, the Boston Commonwealth served as a historic location for the American nation. It was a center of urban life and prosperity for the American people. Now? It was a nuclear devastated wasteland, like others in the world.

So much has gone down in the Commonwealth in the past few years. Much of it in the span of about 8 months. The Brotherhood of Steel, a knightly order descendent from remnants of the United States military, seeking to claim all technology to prevent abuse and another event like the Great War, came to the Commonwealth to eliminate a force known as the Institute and their Synths, part-man part-machine. In the middle of all this was the Railroad, a force seeking to free the Synths, the Minutemen, civilian militia forces, and the Super Mutants, Raiders, Mercs, and vicious creatures of the Commonwealth.

It was through the help of three individuals that the war eventually resulted in a Brotherhood victory. The capture of the Institute base and a working out of its technology.

First was Johnny, from the Capital Wasteland in the south. A man of around 29 years. Well 33 now, had a role here. As well as being an experienced explorer and intelligent individual, he was a member of the Brotherhood before they arrived. His tech and medicinal know-how allowed the Brotherhood to have an edge, as well as his combat capabilities being a plus. Wandering the wastes of the Capital Wasteland do that. He defeated a force called the Enclave, who were also US remnants, but more radical and seeking to eliminate anyone who was not them. He went to Point Lookout to discover new secrets. He went to the Pitt, former Pittsburgh, to free the slaves, and was abducted by aliens, literally, and broke free.

The other, Nate. Unlike Johnny, Nate was a veteran of a war before the bombs. He was an original survivor. In fact, he was a Vault Dweller before the bombs fell. He was frozen in the Vault until his son was kidnapped and his wife was murdered. He managed to leave the Vault soon after and look for his son, leaving a mark on the wasteland. Becoming the Minutemen General and a Sentinel in the Brotherhood. This left the two in an… uneasy agreement. Peace had finally descended on the wasteland when the Minuteman planned to destroy the Prydwen. Upon learning this, Nate threatened to leave the Minutemen and assist the Brotherhood in fighting them if war erupted. As for the Railroad. They went into hiding somewhere new. The Brotherhood has been unable to find them. He later went to Far Harbor to stop the Church of Atom and remove undesirable Synths.

During this time, Elder Maxon was informed of a major event in the West Coast from the Brotherhood there. They had allied with an old enemy. The New California Republic. A nation dedicated to Old World values of democracy and the rule of law. At one time they were at war, and the NCR won. But in the coming years, they united to face a different force that threatened both of their ideals and peoples. A vast army of slaves, forged from the conquest of 86 tribes.

Caesar's Legion.

The war was won, but the Legion still stood. The New Vegas strip fell under NCR rule, with Mr. House killed and the families removed. A Courier by the name of Jericho saw it all through. A cowboy individual with a fast mouth and a faster gun. After his family was killed in Nipton, he swore revenge on the Legion. After this, he went to the Sierra Madre Casino to discover riches rumored to be there. He went to Zion National Park to eventually help the inhabitants and meet the Burned Man, a former Legion leader. He encountered old world Scientists and was unwittingly experimented on. And finally took one last job on The Divide.

It wasn't until years later and it all fell into place. These three eventually met, and began a new path forward for the differing parties involved. It led to a possibly grand future for everyone as the possibility of a united country could very well be gained. Of course as this went down, the Legion began to grow once again. More dangerous than ever.

However, Jericho wasn't the third individual who helped win the war in the Commonwealth. He arrived, but not until later. And as for Nate and Johnny, our story does not focus purely on them or the events that take place after their meeting.

No. It focuses on the real third individual. An enigma, not by identity, but origin. NO ONE knows where he came from, but he claims to be from another world. Taken here when he was but a toddler. He grew up here in this devastated world, becoming a force to be reckoned with as he grew up. A force that ALL who called themselves a raider, slaver, or worse come to fear and avoid at all costs.

His name is Richard. And while a definite stranger here in these wastes, despite the time he's spent here. He's learned one essential thing that always holds up.

War… war never changes.

A figure was trudging through the rain as it fell. It was a torrential kind of storm, everyone inside. The figure was covered with a cloak, no skin showing. Though his head was rather… tall and oddly shaped at the top. As if some sort of crest was there. He was heading to a particular location, Publick Occurrences.

"Of all the times it had to pour." The figure said, a male voice emanating from it. He knocked loudly, hoping to receive an instant response. "Why did Piper have to ask me on this day?" He was here to meet with Diamond City freelance reporter, Piper Wright of Publick Occurrences. A crafty, often trouble-seeking woman with a desire to find the truth, regardless of the consequences. Recently, she spoke with the individual. Wanting an interview with him. An autobiography of this figure.

The door opened, and Piper was the answering party. "Ah. You made it! Better get inside before you catch a cold!"

"HAH! If I'm lucky, I'll avoid an extreme case of hypothermia!" He replied.

They went inside and shut the door, thunder sounding as the rain pattered on the roof. Piper went to a chair after grabbing a Nuka Cola, a notepad at the ready. "Man, I can't tell you how relieved I am to have you here now."

The figure scoffed, more out of amusement. "It's always the big story with you. Ain't it, Piper?"

"Someone has to do it." She replied.

"Yeah… I guess so. Look… I'm not too sure what exactly you want me to do. I mean, I already told you I don't know much about my past life. And you already know a good amount of it. The parts of me being here. Just when I first came into the world- well this one anyway."

"That's ok. People know that much about you. But that's just it. They know what you've done here. But they want to know more. What you've done elsewhere."

The figure laughed. Pulling off his abnormally tall hood revealed his true form. He was a green and white humanoid of sorts. A crest at the back top of his head giving him the appearance of some sort of knight or something. Pulling off the rest of the cloak showed the rest of his body. Fairly thinner than the average human. But also much buffer. Green upper body with a white pelvis and legs. Legs were round on all sides, feet included, with the pelvis being rounded horizontally. His arms were pretty strange. The forearms being nearly flat on their horizontal sides, almost giving them the appearance of blades. In fact, he literally extended blades from his elbows for a moment.

His eyes were larger than a human's, and were a brilliant red. He was Richard. He was a… he wasn't sure what he was. All he knew was that he was NOT from here. Not from this world as he likes to say. But how he got there? Well, it wasn't until later in his life he discovered what happened.

"I guess it… wouldn't hurt. So…" he said, grabbing a Cola himself, "Let's get started shall we? What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Piper said eagerly.

Another scoff. "Of course of course… well… I don't really remember much of my younger years before the incident… in fact. I believe I was still only like a few years old when I showed up here. I;m not even sure how accurate these memories are. So grab a load of notepads and food… actually, just the notepads. You seem to just run off your own energy. Because this is gonna be a LONG night."

"Just start with the earliest memory you can think of."

Richard took a deep breath. "Ok…" His eyes seemed to glimmer. A sign of sadness. Like he was remembering a very bad memory.

"It's… fuzzy… but… I think I remember the very earliest I had… I… I think it was a glimpse of… my mother."

Institute. Around 20 years ago.

"- finally finishing. Project: Extended Hand. Day 356. A whole year, and it seems the project is finally coming to a close. Doctor Yearling, signing off."

The Institute. Easily one of the most, if not the most, advanced forces in the wastelands, was at work on a project a year in the making. Synths made things so much faster and efficient when the human minds needed to rest.

A theory was made some time ago. On literally, interdimensional, or what have you, portals. It was similar to their teleportation technology, but on a different spectrum and larger scale. MUCH larger. At first it was laughed off. Until the theorist, Bernard Yearling, made a small device, sent a lab rat with a camera into it. And successfully brought back footage of a beautiful, non-irradiated land.

They began their project, and were at last, finished. And ready for a trial test.

"Finally. After a whole year… it's finished." Yearling said.

"Indeed. I find it difficult to believe that we could've done this in just a year… if it works that is." His compatriot, Benson said.

"It will. We will have access to a new world! No more emerging out into the wastes for fresh samples or materials. No more risking incidents with the Commonwealth residents. No more no more no more! A new world all for US!" Yearling exclaimed.

"Here's hoping that we don't run into anything over there though." Benson remarked.

"We will, I'm sure of it. But it should be fine. That's why we're sending a Brahmin over first."

"(Sigh) And if the Brahmin gets killed?"

"THEN we'll use the Synths."

"You're too damn eager to undergo these experiments, Yearling. Your excitement and hopes to make these strides are too big for our current capabilities without overstretching ourselves!" Benson chastised.

"And you're too damn cautious, Benson! Science requires sacrifice and risk! You can't get rewards if you don't take risks. You're unwillingness to act is one reason that you never make it any higher in our ranks!" Yearling back talked.

"ENOUGH! Both of you." A voice boomed. The current director of the Institute was there among them. "We have enough issues with the CPG still fresh in our minds, despite it being a fair amount of time! Now, Yearling. I believe this is the time we make or break the project."

"Yes sir. If successful… no, WHEN successful, we can bring back items from another world. Perhaps even MOVE there altogether. Because, let's face it. No one likes this Commonwealth."

"Just get on with it. I'm getting bored hearing your rhetoric." Benson hissed.

"Hmmph. What a downer. Ok. Everyone get to the safe-zone. Place the Brahmin on the pedestal." Yearling said. The two-headed mutant cow was moved, and the personnel dispersed.

"Brahmin in place. Returning to post." The Synth workers said.

"Ok… this is it… think of the possibilities and opportunity when we are through!" Yearling cried, excitement flowing in his voice.

"Beginning warmup cycle." Scientist 1 said.

"Powering up coils." Scientist 2 said.

"We're ready."

The device was circular in shape. A single circle with a hole in the middle. A bunch of tech to and from its ports. The middle began to spin up, a blue swirling vortex forming. "It's working! IT'S WORKING! Thank God almighty IT'S WORKING! Send in the Brahmin!"

A push and a shove from a Synth, and the creature began to move forward and into the vortex. Pretty much oblivious to the happening around it. Unaware of just how dangerous the event was that it was undertaking. However, being an average mutated creature. It only held one response to the event.


Kalos Region.

It was another day in the Kalos Region.

You had the various Pokemon of the flying kind in the air. Scatterbugs going all over the place in the woods with Sliggoos, Gourgiests, and other Pokemon in between. Over at an adjacent flower patch with rolling plains, was a fairly large collection of Pokemon of all types. You had Delphoxes with their Fennekin offspring walking about, some Croagunts just lazing around. Beautiflies fluttered about. It was a lovely sight. Among this group was a Gardevoir with her offspring of 4 Ralts. 3 of which were crowding around their mother and seeking her embrace.

"Now now, wait your turn. One at a time." She chuckled as her children began to clamber up onto her lap. She took each one at a time and giving them each a loving embrace that only a mother could deliver. As was fitting for the embrace Pokemon.

The father, a Gallade, was currently nearby and chatting with friends.

"Ok. Now where is little Richard?" She asked as she set her third child down. The Ralts in question was over at the pond. Looking around at the activity around him while occasionally looking into his reflection in the water. His mother got up and went over to him. "Oh Richard." She called out in a sing-song manner.

The Ralts perked up and turned to his mother with a look of anxiety. "You didn't get your hug, sweetie."

The Ralts laughed and ran off, leading to his mother giving chase. "Don't you dare run away from your mother!" She said in a playful angry tone. Richard ran under some rocks and around some tree trunks to escape his mother. But inevitably, he was caught. He squirmed while laughing the whole time. "GOTCHYA!" She exclaimed in a mock-monster voice. Before proceeding to lay him on his back in her arms and deliver raspberries onto his belly, causing him to laugh and squirm even more. "No one escapes Mommy!"

After the 'torture,' Richard was allowed back onto the ground, still laughing from the event. Following this, Richard's attention was drawn to a group of other little Pokemon. A Fennekin, a Froakie, a Chespin, a Gothita, a Torchic, a Gible, and another Ralts. "Oh, Richard, it's your friends. Go on and say hi."

Richard obliged with his mother's wish, and went to greet his friends. They were a group that would often get together for fun.

In the order as described, Hayley, Hattori, Pat, Courtney, Rex, and Roseanna. "Hey, Wichard." Came the Froakie's greeting.

"My name is Richard, why do you keep calling me that? You know how to pronounce your R's." Richard said.

"Because it's funny." Hattori said.

Hayley sighed. "You're so immature, you know that?" Hattori just smirked and closed his eyes in a 'whatev, I'm still cool,' fashion.

"Look who's talking." Was Pat's reply.

"What did you say?!" Hayley screeched, flaring up.

"Nothing." Pat said quickly.

"Sheesh, what a wimp." Richard whispered.

"Courtney, stop staring." Rex said.

"I'm not staring." Was the Gothita's reply.

"Yes you are, you're always staring! Why are you always staring?! Go stare at that Pawniard over there!" Rex whined.

The request was met by a now blushing Gothita looking towards a nearby Pawniard just wandering about. "Isn't that what'shisname? Uuuhhhhhhhh… Connor?" Richard asked.

"Yep. That's the boy Courtney loves."

"NO I DON'T!" Cried Courtney. Laughs erupted from the children. Richard was interrupted by a tiny hand touching his own. He turned to find the other Ralts, Roseanna, getting his attention.

"Hi Richard." She said.

"Oh… uh… Roseanna… hi. How are you?" Richard asked, initially surprised. His reply was a hug.

"How are you?" She asked back.

"I'm ok." He said hugging back. "I uh… found something for you." He retrieved something from his back and presented it to Roseanna. It was a rose.

"OOOH! Pretty!" Roseanna squealed, taking the flower.

"Mommy said you'd like it, since rose was in your name. So I wanted to give it to you. I hope you like it." Another hug as a reply.

"Thank you, Richard. I love it."

Richard just rose his shoulders and leaned back in a bashful manner with a blush evident on his face. "Richard's got a girlfriend! Richard's got a girlfriend!" Came the calls from his male friends. He just gave them a glare and put some distance between him and them. "Aw come on, Richard! We were just teasing!" Pat said.

Roseanna followed him and sat next to him as he found a rock to sit on. "Bunch of dummies." Richard said. Roseanna just got closer and snuggled to him.

"They're dummies, alright. Mommy told me one day, they'd be very jealous of us. You remember our promise, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. I promised we'd get married." Richard replied. Back a couple of years ago, the two Ralts met when their mothers had a random encounter with one another, they were best friend. Predictably, their children became friends. In recent years, they became all lovey-dovey with each other. Roseanna asked Richard to make her a promise that one day, he'd marry her. It was a cute idea at first, and everyone gushed about it since then. Richard's male friends would tease him while his female friends would get all gushy about it. Even their parents were into it. Teasing and encouraging.

Richard was about to speak up again, when Roseanna pecked him on the lips, bringing him to try to hide under his hair as his face turned red. This of course wasn't the first time they kissed. "OOOOH my little Richard is growing up so fast!"

"Aw MOOOM!" Richard whined as his mother made her presence known. She knelt down to the children and patted her son on the head.

"One day, you won't be so bashful about it. And you'll proudly say you have a girlfriend. That's what your father did."

"Oh no, not this story again!" The father cried. His mother giggled as she got up to greet father.

"Relax Lance, I am not going to bring it up again. Though it was so thoughtful and romantic how you went through all that trouble to find an emerald for me. Oh I remember how he knelt to me and presented me that custom made, BY HIMSELF, necklace made from-"

"LAURA! You just said-" Lance began.

"I lied." Laura proceeded, before she moved to her husband's front, leaning forward into his arms.

"Oh, Laura, not in front of the children!" He whined.

"Let em look." She said with those alluring eyes.

"EEEWWW!" A majority of the children cried, leading to grownups laughing.

The scene was interrupted by a sudden clap of thunder, and a sort of swirling energy in the field. The response was immediate, children hiding behind their mothers while fathers got in front of them.

A few agonizing minutes later, the energy calmed into a swirling blue vortex. Silence hung in the air, save for the calm, steady hum of the vortex. "What- what is that?" Asked a mother.

"I don't know…" Another said.

Lance decided to go forth, carefully. Slowly, he came forward to the vortex and investigated it.

"Careful Lance!" Laura cried. Lance came forward even more, and made a slow move to try and touch it.

Suddenly, as his finger was inches away, something came from the portal. Lance bounced back and extended his blades fully. But after seeing what it was, he wasn't sure how to act. The entity that came forward was what could possibly be the most disgusting and horrifying creature they've ever seen.

It looked like a… two-headed Miltank. Its skin was all brown with what looked like scars around it. Its udder sack was absolutely horrid. As if mutilated and fixed again.

"What… what in Arceus's name isTHAT?!" A male Crawdaunt cried.

Lance composed himself, and came forward, ready for a fight. "Hello." He said.

The creature didn't answer. "… hello?" It just let its heads down to graze. "Hello? Do you understand me?" More ignorance. "HEY!" The creature seemed to look up startled. "I'm talking to you!"


Back to grazing.

"… no way this is a Pokemon."


"I'll be damned… look at them." Benson said.

Benson's statement went without saying. The camera installed on the Brahmin relayed the image of creatures of all shapes, sizes, and colors in a world untouched by war of any kind.

"I hereby declare Project: Extended Hand complete. We can go to other worlds!" Yearling said.

"Prepare a synth extension team. Let's try to make contact with these creatures. They seem inherent of some sentience. The footage proves this." The Director ordered. Four synths came to the platform and prepared to enter the portal. Armed with the usual laser weapons, the team made way with other devices for their short interaction with the creatures. They entered the portal.

"Scanning environment. Radiation levels: Nonexistent." The synths had made visual contact with the sentient creatures, whose expressions were full of uncertainty and fear.

"Creatures identified: Unknown. Beginning studies." One came forward, when one of the creatures, green and white with blades attached to its elbows. Actually WERE the elbows, got in the way. "Aggression detected. Probability of conflict: 24%." Curiosity got to the crowd as a few came forward. "Probability of construction of base here: 100%"

Another synth began speaking. "Greetings sentient beings. This unit's designation is Y1-34. We have no intentions of conflict and come on orders of our creators, the Institute."

Silence fallowed. "Gar?"

"Delphox. Del del."


"Unidentified speech. Unable to communicate." The synth noticed something at its feet. It found a tiny creature bearing some resemblance to the elbow-bladed creature. It was about as big as a Human infant with a supposedly bowl-cut set of hair with to red horns or something resembling horns placed on its head parallel from front to back.

"GAR! GARDEVOIR! GAR!" One of the sentient beings called, supposedly to the creature.

"Ral. Ralts."

"Unit Y1-34, return i-i-i-immediately! The pr-pr-projector is mal-func-ctioning! Get –b-b-back here!"

Back in the Institute, things began to descend into chaos. "GET THAT THING SHUT OFF!" Benson shouted.

"I'm rerouting some power! It will soon stabilize!" Yearling cried.

"SHUT IT OFF!" Cried Benson.

The room where the portal was located was in pandemonium as sparks began to fly from all the machinery. Forcing people to go into cover.

The portal began to violently change shape, and seemed to suck what was in this world into it. "Begin withdrawal to Institute." The synths ran to the portal.

What was initially a first encounter with strange Humans… if they were that is. Their armor was completely concealing, turned into a moment of terror as the vortex began to change shapes in a violent fashion.

The Humans ran back, while the vortex began to suck the air through, and whatever was nearby. Children ran to hide behind their parents as said parents got down to try to reduce the pull.

But one child was left. Richard had strayed to close before the vortex began to change, and was now crawling with his hands digging into the ground. "MOMMY!" He called.

Laura desperately tried to reach her son. His reach was closing, but each moment led to him being more likely to getting sucked in. "RICHARD! GRAB MY HAND!" She cried. She attempted to use her psychic powers to pull Richard in, but the force of the vortex was too strong for that. She'd have to try and reach him by hand.

Then it happened. Richard lost his grip. "MOOOOOOOOOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

Laura got up despite the consequences and ran after him. He was pulled into the vortex, and his mother followed. Right as she got to the vortex, it suddenly ended with a shrink. It was gone.

Laura stood there in mid pose, reaching for her son. Processing what just happened. The vortex shut… her son flew into it… Richard was.

"Richard…" She whispered, before falling to her knees. "No." Tears threatened to break.

"Richard!" Roseanna cried, before she began to cry, seeing he was gone. Soon after, Laura began to cry too.


Richard was gone.


"I told you you were using too much power!" Benson.

"It still worked! It's still a viable route to use in the future!" Yearling cried.

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! This incident has nearly destroyed the Institute! We have fires in the Robotics department with Bioscience having no power! The Advanced Systems is set back who knows how long and- NO! The Bureau reports they have lost records of current escaped synths! Get back to your other duties while I take care of your mess, NOW!" The Director cried.

The room was a mess. The projector was destroyed, sparks flying around the air while parts hung from the ceiling. A failed experiment if he ever saw one.

"Put all records of this into the mainframe for future reference for future projects. We are officially closing Project: Extended Hand. What a disaster!" He said.

He made his way out to collect his thoughts.


"What the…?"


He looked to a slight collection of rubble. Some of it moved. He dug into it and found the source of the noise. It was a small creature about as large as an infant. A white body with what appeared to be green hair resembling a bowl-cut. It was obstructing the eyes. It seemed confused.

"And what is this little thing?"

"Director!" The heads of the other departments came rushing in, the incident having affected their fields. "We have serious failures, we need… what is that?"

"I don't know. It came from the other world this projector led to."

"You mean it actually worked?! Damn. Yearling made a breakthrough."

"And that little thing is from there?"

"Yes. Though… I'm not entirely sure what it is."

"Ral…?" The little creature looked up at him, before looking around in a sudden panic. Before putting eyes back on the Director.

"Uh… hello little one. Are… you ok?" The creature tilted its head, as if it understood him. Then it 'spoke again.


"Why do you keep saying that…? Is that your name? Or… you came from the other world… wait." He looked around too. "Are you alone?"

The creature stopped, before it seemed to take a moment to look around.

"This creature is incredible. I think some study in the Bioscience wing is due." The Bio Head said.

"Are you serious? This is the only specimen that came here. What if you screw up like that rare Mole-Rat you found?" The Robotics Head yelled.

"Oh pish posh, that was an accident!"

Suddenly, the creature began crying. Out of nowhere. "Great. You made it cry. It's gotta be a baby!"

"No… I think… if it's a baby. Where's its mother?" Asked the Director. And that spelled it out. He picked up the small creature, before holding it as if a baby. "We can't take a risk with studies. Perhaps observational is better. I'll take care of it until further notice."

"WHAT?! But Director! The scientific benefits that may exist-"

"Are off the table! I already have enough to deal with thanks to the experiment! Do NOT test my patience. The creature is to be attended by me until it grows."

"Exactly. HOW much will it grow?"

"That's something we'll have to figure out over time." The Director said. The Heads left the Director with the creature, who continued to cry. The Director looked down on the creature, pity in his eyes. The baby looked back up. Had it not been for the hair, the Director would've seen a tear-stained pair of eyes. "Don't worry little one. I have NO idea what you are or how to take care of you. But it's my fault you're here, and I intend to fix that. Perhaps I can send you back… but not now. Not after this." He said, looking around.

"Until then, I'll take care of you… I promise." The creature stifled sobs, before burying its head into the Director's lab coat. He placed a hand on the head and returned the embrace.