This is (not) a Chapter

Okay, maybe that was not the best way to start a thing. Anyways, hello people. Glad to see you're all doing well and hope you're fine. Now, this is just a general intro note to this fic. The official story starts from the next chapter. Now, don't just hit that "Next" button yet. For those of you who read the original version, you know exactly how clusterfucky it was. It had like six-seven scene changes, horrid grammar, and a certain sentence that will never, ever, be written again.

That said, I could've just abandoned this story but I'd be essentially saying "Fuck you" to a thousand people who bothered to add this story to their favs/follows, so I searched for a way to redeem it and voila! Rewrite! Now, before you start there's something you need to know. While this story is a Naruto/DxD crossover (Yes, it doesn't have an OC born and raised in DxDverse) there will be some crossover elements, similar settings and inspired characters.

Keep in mind it is not a four-way/five way crossover with the other franchises, but has factors from it that play some part. That said the other crossover series that influenced this story include Megami Tensei, Fate, Bloodborne, and Hellsing with a little dash from many other religious and mythological sources. Another thing I'd like to essentially point out is that DxD while being a power fantasy contradicts itself so much, I have no idea what's going on at times.

Sona Sitri stated that Serafall could destroy Japan, yet characters stronger than her couldn't do such a thing. I'm not calling her weak, but I'm saying that there are a lot of things just wrong with the power escalation and balance of all things in the franchise. There's also no definite list of the Top 10 Beings in the DxD Universe so, I'll have to make up a list that seems to make a bit sense with regards to power, importance, history, and of course, overall common sense that does not derive power from jiggling breasts.

Here are the Top Ten Rankings from DxD in my opinion from what I've seen and learned. There will also be adjustments in addition to the crossover elements I integrated here. There are a few additions because DxD's list is way too far up its own ass for proper(read: actual) consistency. Keep in mind, this is the traction I'll be following and even the canon ending of DxD itself won't change this because I don't want further asspulls to disrupt the momentum that has been planned and set in stone for this particular story.

1. Trihexa

2. Great Red (Apocalypse Drive) & Ophis (Infinite Drive) [Equals]

3. Shiva

4. Brahma and Vishnu (tied as equals); Harihara (their temporary fused form)

5. Indra

6. The Two Heavenly Dragons

7. Crom Crauch (pseudo Heavenly Dragon class) and ? (secret for now)

8. The Three Super Devils: Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Rizevim, and the Three Archangels: Michael, Metatron, and Gabriel (adjusted for obvious reasons)

9. Hades & Thor (both are the strongest among their pantheons)

10. Lugh, Aten, and Typhon (equalized)

See? Did that look so bad? Also, Yahweh was strong. None of that Rossweisse asspull. He was strong as Shiva and I will explain why as the story moves along, with a few more things that will clear out a lot of confusions. It will also explain why I made adjustments to the list and the beings on it. Now that we're done with the list that will hopefully bring in less flame-y PM's that some DxD wankers will keep sending me for no reason, perhaps we can move along and focus on the actual story itself. Enjoy or hate.