Jason sat at her bedside holding her hand and staring at her. She was so pale and still that he was scared she was more than just unconscious. Jason could not remember ever being as scared as when he found out she was missing and that Franco had her. Just when they got to the second location where Lulu was, Lucky was on them yelling and screaming that his sister could have died just so he could save girlfriend. Jason was trying to shield Sam as much as he could from Lucky that he didn't notice Sam had gone white in the face. Lulu had asked her if she was aright but before she could answer she screamed in pain and grabbed doubled over. Jason caught her before she went to her knees and lifted her into his arms. "Sam, baby what's wrong?" "Jason, my stomach…" was all she got out before she passed out. Jason yelled for the paramedics to bring a stretcher. They didn't waste any time and got her right to the hospital where she had been admitted an hour ago.

Jason called Alexis and she had rushed right over. She was outside talking to Sam's doctor as Jason sat beside her now. He didn't know what could possibly be wrong with her. He had seen her the day before and she was fine. She was better than fine actually. Yesterday was the day he finally told her that he loved her. He had wanted to tell her for months but he knew that Sam wasn't ready to hear it. He knew that he needed to build her trust back before he told her how he felt. But because he didn't know if Franco was going to get the best of him or not, he decided to tell her just in case Franco did. When she told him the words back, Jason felt like he could breathe easy. It didn't matter his life around him was going to hell, all that mattered was Sam loved him. He had finally got her back in his life and she loved him. But because he was allowing Franco to screw with him, he decided it would be best to distance himself from her for a while. But just like the last time he did that, it back fired on him and only made things worse.

He reached up and brushed a few strands of her hair off her face when he heard the door open. He looked over and saw Alexis walk into the room followed by Patrick and Dr. Lee. Jason stood up as they all walked into the room and closed the door. "What is going on?" he asked. He looked at Dr. Lee and said "Why are you here?" "Jason, Patrick and Dr. Lee have something to tell you." Alexis said. Alexis had been crying he could tell but he was a little thrown by the small smile she had on her lips. He looked to the two doctors and said "Is Sam going to be ok?" Patrick nodded his head and said "She is going to be just fine. She was severely dehydrated and that is why she passed out. She is not hurt badly. She has no signs of a concussion and she was not sexually assaulted." Jason closed his eyes and blew out a breath. Franco was a sadistic freak and he was terrified that since he had Sam alone he would… he didn't even want to think about it. "You're sure? She is not hurt in any serious way? He did nothing to her?" Patrick shook his head and said "Other than not allowing her the food and water she needed, no." Jason nodded his head and looked to Alexis. She again smiled at him and he could tell it was not forced. She was genuine. "Jason, there is something you need to know."

He looked over and saw that Dr. Lee had walked closer to him and was standing in front of him. "Because of Sam's symptoms, we needed to run several tests on her. We wanted to make sure we covered everything." Jason nodded his head and said "Ok but I don't…" "One of the tests that we ran was a pregnancy test." She interrupted him. Jason's heart stopped for a second. Pregnancy test? He didn't understand how they needed to do that. Because of him, Sam was never going to be able to have any kids. "What…what are you talking about?" he asked on a whisper. Dr. Lee looked over at Sam laying on the bed and then back to him. She smiled and said "Sam is pregnant, Jason." Jason sucked in a breath and stumbled back a little. He found his balance fast and steadied himself. "Jason? Are you ok?" Alexis asked. It took Jason a while to fins his voice but he nodded to her. He looked back to Dr. Lee and said "What do you mean Sam is pregnant? You said…" "I know. But miracles do happen. Sam came in last week for he checkup but I got distracted and wasn't able to review her results right away. I just did and the scar tissue seems to have healed a great deal. I have never seen anything like it. It is not healed completely but compared to where it was, it is an unbelievable difference." she said. Jason was listening to the words but he was having a hard time believing them. He was afraid to.

"What does that mean for Sam and the baby?" he asked. She smiled at him and said "It means that there is a very good chance that Sam can have a normal pregnancy and carry to term." Jason felt the tears well in his eyes at what she says. He looked down at Sam and then to her stomach. His baby was inside there. He cleared his throat and said "What is the risk?" "There is always a risk with every pregnancy." Dr. Lee said. "But Sam's will be special. She will need to be monitored closely and avoid any and all stress. There is a slight risk that she could go into labor prematurely but it is very small. I know that she is a PI but it is very important that she not do any stressful or dangerous cases. My suggestion would be she not do any field work at all. But if she can keep her blood pressure down and not put her body through anything major than I see no reason why in 7 ½ months, you won't be meeting your beautiful baby." She smiled at him. "And as soon as she is awake we can do an ultra sound and you too can see your baby." Jason closed his eyes and let the tears fall freely from them. He sat back down and grabbed Sam's hand in his again. He looked to Patrick and asked "When will she be awake?" "Well considering her body needs as much rest as it can I would think she will sleep through the night. We will monitor both her and the baby all night and make sure everything is ok. If she is well tomorrow she will be able to go home." He nodded and looked over to Alexis. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at her daughter. He stood up and walked over to the doctors. He stuck his hand out for Patrick and said "Thank you." Patrick shook his hand and smiled. "Of course. And congratulations." Jason turned to Dr. Lee and said "I don't know how to thank you. You have been amazing to Sam ever since she found out…" Jason couldn't bring himself to say it. "I am so happy that you and Sam have finally gotten this chance. Take care of her and that will be thank you enough." Jason nodded his head and said "I will." The doctors made their way out of the room and left Jason and Alexis alone with Sam.

Alexis walked over to her daughter and kissed her on the head. She sat down in the chair next to her and looked to Jason. "I know that you and I have always had our differences especially when it comes to Sam. But right now she is going to need the both of us and I need to know that the freak that has become obsessed with you will not come after…" "Franco is no longer an issue." He told her. Alexis looked at him skeptically and asked "What do you mean by that? And I want the entire truth not the vague version." Jason sighed and said "Franco was stupid enough to be at the warehouse where he was holding Sam. When I busted the door down she was locked in some glass box and he was taking pictures of her." A look of disgust came over Alexis's face. "But you said he isn't an issue? Does that mean permanent? Or Manny Ruiz permanent?" Jason looked her dead in the eye and said "You can't survive without a head." He expected a look of shock or look of fear to come across her face. But instead all he saw was a look of contentment. As if she were glad. And he got that confirmation when she said "Good." Alexis looked back to her daughter brushed her fingers over her face. She kissed her cheek and got up. "I need to get home to the girls and tell them that Sam is ok. We will be in the morning to see her. I know that you will want time to tell her everything and I am going to respect that." she said looking at him. Jason nodded his head and said "Thank you." Alexis smiled at him again and got her things together. She stopped next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "I know what this means to you as well. And I want you to know that I am very happy for the both of you." Jason smiled softly at her.

Jason watched her close the door behind her as she walked out. He looked back over to Sam and could swear that she had gotten more of her color back. He walked over to her bedside and sat back down in the chair. He looked at her sleeping and could not believe what he was just told. He laid his hand over her still flat stomach and felt the emotions well up inside of him. He softly caressed her belly and leaned over and placed a kiss to it. He and Sam were going to have a baby. They were going to be parents. Finally.